394 research outputs found

    bRing: An observatory dedicated to monitoring the β\beta Pictoris b Hill sphere transit

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    Aims. We describe the design and first light observations from the β\beta Pictoris b Ring ("bRing") project. The primary goal is to detect photometric variability from the young star β\beta Pictoris due to circumplanetary material surrounding the directly imaged young extrasolar gas giant planet \bpb. Methods. Over a nine month period centred on September 2017, the Hill sphere of the planet will cross in front of the star, providing a unique opportunity to directly probe the circumplanetary environment of a directly imaged planet through photometric and spectroscopic variations. We have built and installed the first of two bRing monitoring stations (one in South Africa and the other in Australia) that will measure the flux of β\beta Pictoris, with a photometric precision of 0.5%0.5\% over 5 minutes. Each station uses two wide field cameras to cover the declination of the star at all elevations. Detection of photometric fluctuations will trigger spectroscopic observations with large aperture telescopes in order to determine the gas and dust composition in a system at the end of the planet-forming era. Results. The first three months of operation demonstrate that bRing can obtain better than 0.5\% photometry on β\beta Pictoris in five minutes and is sensitive to nightly trends enabling the detection of any transiting material within the Hill sphere of the exoplanet

    Data calibration for the MASCARA and bRing instruments

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    Aims: MASCARA and bRing are photometric surveys designed to detect variability caused by exoplanets in stars with mV<8.4m_V < 8.4. Such variability signals are typically small and require an accurate calibration algorithm, tailored to the survey, in order to be detected. This paper presents the methods developed to calibrate the raw photometry of the MASCARA and bRing stations and characterizes the performance of the methods and instruments. Methods: For the primary calibration a modified version of the coarse decorrelation algorithm is used, which corrects for the extinction due to the earth's atmosphere, the camera transmission, and intrapixel variations. Residual trends are removed from the light curves of individual stars using empirical secondary calibration methods. In order to optimize these methods, as well as characterize the performance of the instruments, transit signals were injected in the data. Results: After optimal calibration an RMS scatter of 10 mmag at mV∼7.5m_V \sim 7.5 is achieved in the light curves. By injecting transit signals with periods between one and five days in the MASCARA data obtained by the La Palma station over the course of one year, we demonstrate that MASCARA La Palma is able to recover 84.0, 60.5 and 20.7% of signals with depths of 2, 1 and 0.5% respectively, with a strong dependency on the observed declination, recovering 65.4% of all transit signals at δ>0∘\delta > 0^\circ versus 35.8% at δ<0∘\delta < 0^\circ. Using the full three years of data obtained by MASCARA La Palma to date, similar recovery rates are extended to periods up to ten days. We derive a preliminary occurrence rate for hot Jupiters around A-stars of >0.4%{>} 0.4 \%, knowing that many hot Jupiters are still overlooked. In the era of TESS, MASCARA and bRing will provide an interesting synergy for finding long-period (>13.5{>} 13.5 days) transiting gas-giant planets around the brightest stars.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    GJ 900: A new hierarchical system with low-mass components

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    Speckle interferometric observations made with the 6 m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000 revealed the triple nature of the nearby (πHip=51.80±1.74\pi_{Hip}=51.80\pm1.74 mas) low-mass young (≈200\approx200 Myr) star GJ 900. The configuration of the triple system allowed it to be dynamically unstable. Differential photometry performed from 2000 through 2004 yielded II- and KK-band absolute magnitudes and spectral types for the components to be IAI_{A}=6.66±\pm0.08, IBI_{B}=9.15±\pm0.11, ICI_{C}=10.08±\pm0.26, KAK_{A}=4.84±\pm0.08, KBK_{B}=6.76±\pm0.20, KCK_{C}=7.39±\pm0.31, SpASp_{A}≈\approxK5--K7, SpBSp_{B}≈\approxM3--M4, SpCSp_{C}≈\approxM5--M6. The ``mass--luminosity'' relation is used to estimate the individual masses of the components: MA\mathcal{M}_{A}≈0.64M⊙\approx0.64\mathcal{M}_{\odot}, MB\mathcal{M}_{B}≈0.21M⊙\approx0.21\mathcal{M}_{\odot}, MC\mathcal{M}_{C}≈0.13M⊙\approx0.13\mathcal{M}_{\odot}. From the observations of the components relative motion in the period 2000--2006, we conclude that GJ 900 is a hierarchical triple star with the possible orbital periods PA−BC_{A-BC}≈\approx80 yrs and PBC_{BC}≈\approx20 yrs. An analysis of the 2MASS images of the region around GJ 900 leads us to suggest that the system can include other very-low-mass components.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    SUPERSHARP - Segmented Unfolding Primary for Exoplanet Research via Spectroscopic High Angular Resolution Photography

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    A proposal in response to the ESA New Science Ideas call. Sept 2016. 25 pagesWe propose to search for biosignatures in the spectra of reflected light from about 100 Earth-sized planets that are already known to be orbiting in their habitable zones (HZ). For a sample of G and K type hosts, most of these planets will be between 25 and 50 milli-arcsec (mas) from their host star and 1 billion to 10 billion times fainter. To separate the planet's image from that of its host star at the wavelength (763nm) of the oxygen biosignature we need a telescope with an aperture of 16 metres. Furthermore, the intensity of the light from the host star at the position in the image of the exoplanet must be suppressed otherwise the exoplanet will be lost in the glare. This presents huge technical challenges. The Earth's atmosphere is turbulent which makes it impossible to achieve the required contrast from the ground at 763nm. The telescope therefore needs to be in space and to fit the telescope in the rocket fairing it must be a factor of 4 or more times smaller when folded than when operational. To obtain spectroscopy of the planet's biosignature at 763nm we need to use an integral field spectrometer (IFS) with a field of view (FOV) of 1000 x 1000 milli-arcsec (mas) and a spectral resolution of 100. This is a device that simultaneously takes many pictures of the exoplanet each at a slightly different wavelength which are then recorded as a data cube with two spatial dimensions and one wavelength dimension. In every data cube wavelength slice, the background light from the host star at the location of the planet image must be minimised. This is achieved via a coronagraph which blocks the light from the host star and active/adaptive optics techniques which continuously maintain very high accuracy optical alignment to make the images as sharp as possible. These are the technical challenges to be addressed in a design study

    Modern optical astronomy: technology and impact of interferometry

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    The present `state of the art' and the path to future progress in high spatial resolution imaging interferometry is reviewed. The review begins with a treatment of the fundamentals of stellar optical interferometry, the origin, properties, optical effects of turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere, the passive methods that are applied on a single telescope to overcome atmospheric image degradation such as speckle interferometry, and various other techniques. These topics include differential speckle interferometry, speckle spectroscopy and polarimetry, phase diversity, wavefront shearing interferometry, phase-closure methods, dark speckle imaging, as well as the limitations imposed by the detectors on the performance of speckle imaging. A brief account is given of the technological innovation of adaptive-optics (AO) to compensate such atmospheric effects on the image in real time. A major advancement involves the transition from single-aperture to the dilute-aperture interferometry using multiple telescopes. Therefore, the review deals with recent developments involving ground-based, and space-based optical arrays. Emphasis is placed on the problems specific to delay-lines, beam recombination, polarization, dispersion, fringe-tracking, bootstrapping, coherencing and cophasing, and recovery of the visibility functions. The role of AO in enhancing visibilities is also discussed. The applications of interferometry, such as imaging, astrometry, and nulling are described. The mathematical intricacies of the various `post-detection' image-processing techniques are examined critically. The review concludes with a discussion of the astrophysical importance and the perspectives of interferometry.Comment: 65 pages LaTeX file including 23 figures. Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002, to appear in April issu

    Mechanisms Underlying the Confined Diffusion of Cholera Toxin B-Subunit in Intact Cell Membranes

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    Multivalent glycolipid binding toxins such as cholera toxin have the capacity to cluster glycolipids, a process thought to be important for their functional uptake into cells. In contrast to the highly dynamic properties of lipid probes and many lipid-anchored proteins, the B-subunit of cholera toxin (CTxB) diffuses extremely slowly when bound to its glycolipid receptor GM1 in the plasma membrane of living cells. In the current study, we used confocal FRAP to examine the origins of this slow diffusion of the CTxB/GM1 complex at the cell surface, relative to the behavior of a representative GPI-anchored protein, transmembrane protein, and fluorescent lipid analog. We show that the diffusion of CTxB is impeded by actin- and ATP-dependent processes, but is unaffected by caveolae. At physiological temperature, the diffusion of several cell surface markers is unchanged in the presence of CTxB, suggesting that binding of CTxB to membranes does not alter the organization of the plasma membrane in a way that influences the diffusion of other molecules. Furthermore, diffusion of the B-subunit of another glycolipid-binding toxin, Shiga toxin, is significantly faster than that of CTxB, indicating that the confined diffusion of CTxB is not a simple function of its ability to cluster glycolipids. By identifying underlying mechanisms that control CTxB dynamics at the cell surface, these findings help to delineate the fundamental properties of toxin-receptor complexes in intact cell membranes

    Discovery of δ Scuti Pulsations in the Young Hybrid Debris Disk Star HD 156623

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    The bRing robotic observatory network was built to search for circumplanetary material within the transiting Hill sphere of the exoplanet β Pic b across its bright host star β Pic. During the bRing survey of β Pic, it simultaneously monitored the brightnesses of thousands of bright stars in the southern sky (V ; 4–8, δ −30°). In this work, we announce the discovery of δ Scuti pulsations in the A-type star HD 156623 using bRing data. HD 156623 is notable as it is a well-studied young star with a dusty and gas-rich debris disk, previously detected using ALMA. We present the observational results on the pulsation periods and amplitudes for HD 156623, discuss its evolutionary status, and provide further constraints on its nature and age. We find strong evidence of frequency regularity and grouping. We do not find evidence of frequency, amplitude, or phase modulation for any of the frequencies over the course of the observations. We show that HD 156623 is consistent with other hot and highfrequency pre-main sequence and early zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) δ Scutis as predicted by theoretical models and corresponding evolutionary tracks, although we observe that HD 156623 lies hotter than the theoretical blue edge of the classical instability strip. This, coupled with our characterization and Sco–Cen membership analyses, suggests that the star is most likely an outlying ZAMS member of the ∼16 Myr Upper Centaurus-Lupus subgroup of the Sco–Cen associatio

    Electrically addressable vesicles: Tools for dielectrophoresis metrology

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    Dielectrophoresis (DEP) has emerged as an important tool for the manipulation of bioparticles ranging from the submicron to the tens of microns in size. Here we show the use of phospholipid vesicle electroformation techniques to develop a new class of test particles with specifically engineered electrical propserties to enable identifiable dielectrophoretic responses in microfabricated systems. These electrically addressable vesicles (EAVs) enable the creation of electrically distinct populations of test particles for DEP. EAVs offer control of both their inner aqueous core and outer membrane properties; by encapsulating solutions of different electrolyte strength inside the vesicle and by incorporating functionalized phospholipids containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) brushes attached to their hydrophilic headgroup in the vesicle membrane, we demonstrate control of the vesicles’ electrical polarizabilities. This combined with the ability to encode information about the properties of the vesicle in its fluorescence signature forms the first steps toward the development of EAV populations as metrology tools for any DEP-based microsystem.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RR199652)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB005753)Merck/CSBi (Fellowship)Solomon Buchsbaum AT&T Research Fun

    Cytogenetic monoclonality in multifocal uroepithelial carcinomas: evidence of intraluminal tumour seeding

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    Twenty-one multifocal urinary tract transitional cell carcinomas, mostly bladder tumours, from a total of six patients were processed for cytogenetic analysis after short-term culturing of the tumour cells. Karyotypically related, often identical, cytogenetically complex clones were found in all informative tumours from each case, including the recurrent tumours. Rearrangement of chromosome 9, leading to loss of material from the short and/or the long arm, was seen in all cases, indicating that this is an early, pathogenetically important event in transitional cell carcinogenesis. The presence of related clones with great karyotypic similarity in anatomically distinct tumours from the same bladder indicates that multifocal uroepithelial tumours have a monoclonal origin and arise via intraluminal seeding of viable cancer cells shed from the original tumour. Later lesions may develop also from cells shed from the so called second primary tumours. The relatively complex karyotypes seen in all lesions from most cases argue that the seeding of tumour cells is a late event that succeeds the acquisition by them of multiple secondary genetic abnormalities. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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