21 research outputs found

    Object-based attention without awareness

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    Attention and awareness are often considered to be related. Some forms of attention can, however, facilitate the processing of stimuli that remain unseen. It is unclear whether this dissociation extends beyond selection on the basis of primitive properties, such as spatial location, to situations in which there are more complex bases for attentional selection. The experiment described here shows that attentional selection at the level of objects can take place without giving rise to awareness of those objects. Pairs of objects were continually masked, which rendered them invisible to participants performing a cued-target-discrimination task. When the cue and target appeared within the same object, discrimination was faster than when they appeared in different objects at the same spatial separation. Participants reported no awareness of the objects and were unable to detect them in a signal-detection task. Object-based attention, therefore, is not sufficient for object awareness

    Does unconscious perception really exist? Continuing the ASSC20 debate

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    In our ASSC20 symposium, “Does unconscious perception really exist?”, the four of us asked some difficult questions about the purported phenomenon of unconscious perception, disagreeing on a number of points. This disagreement reflected the objective of the symposium: not only to come together to discuss a single topic of keen interest to the ASSC community, but to do so in a way that would fairly and comprehensively represent the heterogeneity of ideas, opinions, and evidence that exists concerning this contentious topic. The crux of this controversy rests in no small part on disagreement about what is meant by the terms of the debate and how to determine empirically whether a state is unconscious or not. These are issues that directly concern all of us who study consciousness, so it seems it would be in our best interest to strive for consensus. Given the conversation at ASSC20, we are pleased to have the opportunity to address some of the nuanced topics that arose more formally, and share some of the thinking we have done since the meeting. To reflect the heterogeneity of ideas and opinions surrounding this topic, we have organized this discussion into four distinct contributions

    Alice in Wonderland: The effects of body size and movement on children’s size perception and body representation in virtual reality

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    Previous work shows that in adults, illusory embodiment of a virtual avatar can be induced using congruent visuomotor cues. Furthermore, embodying different-sized avatars influences adults’ perception of their environment’s size. This study (N = 92) investigated whether children are also susceptible to such embodiment and size illusions. Adults and 5-year-old children viewed a first-person perspective of different-sized avatars moving either congruently or incongruently with their own body. Participants rated their feelings of embodiment over the avatar and also estimated the sizes of their body and objects in the environment. Unlike adults, children embodied the avatar regardless of visuomotor congruency. Both adults and children freely embodied different-sized avatars, and this affected their size perception in the surrounding virtual environment; they felt that objects were larger in a small body and vice versa in a large body. In addition, children felt that their body had grown in the large body condition. These findings have important implications for both our theoretical understanding of own-body representation, and our knowledge of perception in virtual environments

    My body until proven otherwise: Exploring the time course of the full body illusion

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    Evidence from the Full Body Illusion (FBI) has shown that adults can embody full bodies which are not their own when they move synchronously with their own body or are viewed from a first-person perspective. However, there is currently no consensus regarding the time course of the illusion. Here, for the first time, we examined the effect of visuomotor synchrony (synchronous/asynchronous/no movement) on the FBI over time. Surprisingly, we found evidence of embodiment over a virtual body after five seconds in all conditions. Embodiment decreased with increased exposure to asynchronous movement, but remained high in synchronous and no movement conditions. We suggest that embodiment of a body seen from a first-person perspective is felt by default, and that embodiment can then be lost in the face of contradictory cues. These results have significant implications for our understanding of how multisensory cues contribute to embodiment

    Standing on the shoulders of a giant

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    Standing on the shoulders of a giant

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    Contrasting the processes of texture segmentation and discrimination with static and phase-reversing stimuli.

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    AbstractRegions of visual texture can be automatically segregated from one another when they abut but also discriminated from one another if they are separated in space or time. A difference in mean orientation between two textures serves to facilitate their segmentation, whereas a difference in orientation variance does not. The present study further supports this notion, by replicating the findings of Wolfson and Landy (1998) in showing that judgments (odd-one-out) made for textures that differ in mean orientation were more accurate (and more rapid) when the textures were abutting than when separated, whereas judgments of variance were made no more accurately for abutting relative to separated textures. Interestingly, however, responses were overall faster for textures differing in variance when they were separated compared to when they were abutting. This is perhaps due to the clear separation boundary, which serves to delineate the regions on which to perform some regional estimation of orientation variance. A second experiment highlights the phase-insensitivity of texture segmentation, in that locating a texture edge (defined by a difference in mean orientation) in high frequency orientation-reversing stimuli can be performed at much higher frequencies than the discrimination of the same regions but with the texture contour masked. Textures that differed in variance did not exhibit this effect. A final experiment demonstrates that the phase-insensitive perception of texture borders improves with eccentric viewing relative to the fovea, whereas perception of the texture regions does not. Together, these experiments show dissociations between edge- and region-based texture analysis mechanisms and suggest a fast, sign-invariant contour extraction system mediating texture segmentation, which may be closely linked to the magnocellular subdivision of visual processing