1,744 research outputs found

    Ultraviolet Imaging Polarimetry of the Large Magellanic Cloud. II. Models

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    Motivated by new sounding-rocket wide-field polarimetric images of the Large Magellanic Cloud, we have used a three-dimensional Monte Carlo radiation transfer code to investigate the escape of near-ultraviolet photons from young stellar associations embedded within a disk of dusty material (i.e. a galaxy). As photons propagate through the disk, they may be scattered or absorbed by dust. Scattered photons are polarized and tracked until they escape to be observed; absorbed photons heat the dust, which radiates isotropically in the far-infrared, where the galaxy is optically thin. The code produces four output images: near- UV and far-IR flux, and near-UV images in the linear Stokes parameters Q and U. From these images we construct simulated UV polarization maps of the LMC. We use these maps to place constraints on the star + dust geometry of the LMC and the optical properties of its dust grains. By tuning the model input parameters to produce maps that match the observed polarization maps, we derive information about the inclination of the LMC disk to the plane of the sky, and about the scattering phase function g. We compute a grid of models with i = 28 deg., 36 deg., and 45 deg., and g = 0.64, 0.70, 0.77, 0.83, and 0.90. The model which best reproduces the observed polarization maps has i = 36 +2/-5 degrees and g ~0.7. Because of the low signal-to-noise in the data, we cannot place firm constraints on the value of g. The highly inclined models do not match the observed centro-symmetric polarization patterns around bright OB associations, or the distribution of polarization values. Our models approximately reproduce the observed ultraviolet photopolarimetry of the western side of the LMC; however, the output images depend on many input parameters and are nonunique.Comment: Accepted to AJ. 20 pages, 7 figure

    The Northeast Water polynya as an atmospheric CO2 sink: a seasonal rectification hypothesis

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    During the multidisciplinary ‘NEW92’ cruise of the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Polar Sea to the recurrent Northeast Water (NEW) Polynya (77–81°N, 6–17°W; July–August 1992), total dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity in the water column were measured with high precision to determine the quantitative impact of biological processes on the regional air-sea flux of carbon. Biological processes depleted the total inorganic carbon of summer surface waters by up to 2 mol C m−2 or about 3%. On a regional basis this depletion correlated with depth-integrated values of chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon, and the inorganic nitrogen deficit. Replacement of this carbon through exchange with the atmosphere was stalled owing to the low wind speeds during the month of the cruise, although model calculations indicate that the depletion could be replenished by a few weeks of strong winds before ice forms in the autumn. These measurements and observations allowed formulation of a new hypothesis whereby seasonally ice-covered regions like the NEW Polynya promote a unique biologically and physically mediated “rectification” of the typical (ice free, low latitude) seasonal cycle of air-sea CO2 flux. The resulting carbon sink is consistent with other productivity estimates and represents an export of biologically cycled carbon either to local sediments or offshore. If this scenario is representative of seasonally ice-covered Arctic shelves, then the rectification process could provide a small, negative feedback to excess atmospheric CO2

    Origin of electrochemical activity in nano-Li2MnO3; Stabilization via a 'point defect scaffold'

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the charging of Li2MnO3 reveal that the reason nanocrystalline-Li2MnO3 is electrochemically active, in contrast to the parent bulk-Li2MnO3, is because in the nanomaterial the tunnels, in which the Li ions reside, are held apart by Mn ions, which act as a pseudo 'point defect scaffold'. The Li ions are then able to diffuse, via a vacancy driven mechanism, throughout the nanomaterial in all spatial dimensions while the 'Mn defect scaffold' maintains the structural integrity of the layered structure during charging. Our findings reveal that oxides, which comprise cation disorder, can be potential candidates for electrodes in rechargeable Li-ion batteries. Moreover, we propose that the concept of a 'point defect scaffold' might manifest as a more general phenomenon, which can be exploited to engineer, for example, two or three-dimensional strain within a host material and can be fine-tuned to optimize properties, such as ionic conductivity


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    ABSTRACT Modern industrial combustor liners employ various cooling schemes such as, but not limited to, impingement arrays, trip-strips, and film cooling. With an increasing demand for a higher turbine inlet temperatures and lower emissions, there is less air available to cool the combustor liner. To ensure the required liner durability without compromising engine performance more innovative cooling schemes are required. In the present work, three different cooling concepts, i.e., strip-strips, jet array impingement and dimples, operating at unusually high flow conditions were investigated. There is very little data available in the open literature for the aforementioned cooling schemes in the indicated Reynolds Number range (Re Dh >60,000). The wall flow friction characteristics as well as the local heat transfer were measured. The heat transfer coefficients were obtained using a transient liquid crystal technique. The test configurations consisted of a 90° trip-strip surface (only one side turbulated), a fixed staggered array with varying impingement hole sizes, and a fixed staggered dimple pattern. For the Reynolds numbers investigated (26,000< Re Dh <360,000), the jet-impingement cooling provided the highest average heat transfer enhancement followed by the trip-strip channel, and then by the dimpled channel. In terms of the overall thermal performance, the dimpled channel tends to stand out as the most effective cooling scheme. This is consistent with findings from other investigators at lower Reynolds numbers

    Moving black holes via singularity excision

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    We present a singularity excision algorithm appropriate for numerical simulations of black holes moving throughout the computational domain. The method is an extension of the excision procedure previously used to obtain stable simulations of single, non-moving black holes. The excision procedure also shares elements used in recent work to study the dynamics of a scalarfield in the background of a single, boosted black hole. The robustness of our excision method is tested with single black-hole evolutions using a coordinate system in which the coordinate location of the black hole, and thus the excision boundary, moves throughout the computational domain.Comment: 9 pages and 11 figure

    α-conotoxin GI triazole-peptidomimetics: potent and stable blockers of a human acetylcholine receptor

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    The potency and selectivity of conotoxin peptides for neuropathic receptors has made them attractive lead compounds in the development of new therapeutics. Specifically, α-conotoxin GI has been shown to be an unparalleled antagonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). However, as with other peptidic leads, poor protease resistance and the redox instability of the conotoxin scaffold limit bioactivity. To counter this, we have employed the underutilised 1,5-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole to act as a structural surrogate of the native disulfide bonds. Using an efficient, on-resin ruthenium azide-alkyne cycloaddition (RuAAC), each disulfide bond was replaced in turn and the biological activities quantified. One of the mimetic isomers exhibited a comparable activity to the native toxin, while the other showed no biological effect. The active mimetic isomer 11 was an order of magnitude more stable in plasma than the native GI. The NMR solution structure of the mimetic overlays extremely well with the structure for the native GI demonstrating that the triazole bridge is an exceptional surrogate for the disulfide bridge. Development of this potent and stable mimetic of GI leads us to believe that this strategy will yield many other new conotoxin-inspired probes and therapeutics

    Convergence towards a European strategic culture? A constructivist framework for explaining changing norms.

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    The article contributes to the debate about the emergence of a European strategic culture to underpin a European Security and Defence Policy. Noting both conceptual and empirical weaknesses in the literature, the article disaggregates the concept of strategic culture and focuses on four types of norms concerning the means and ends for the use of force. The study argues that national strategic cultures are less resistant to change than commonly thought and that they have been subject to three types of learning pressures since 1989: changing threat perceptions, institutional socialization, and mediatized crisis learning. The combined effect of these mechanisms would be a process of convergence with regard to strategic norms prevalent in current EU countries. If the outlined hypotheses can be substantiated by further research the implications for ESDP are positive, especially if the EU acts cautiously in those cases which involve norms that are not yet sufficiently shared across countries

    Insect Cell Expression and Purification of Recombinant SARS-COV-2 Spike Proteins That Demonstrate ACE2 Binding

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection has led to socio-economic shutdowns and the loss of over 5 million lives worldwide. There is a need for the identification of therapeutic targets to treat COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 spike is a target of interest for the development of therapeutic targets. We developed a robust SARS-CoV-2 S spike expression and purification protocol from insect cells and studied four recombinant SARS-CoV-2 spike protein constructs based on the original SARS-CoV-2 sequence using a baculovirus expression system: a spike protein receptor-binding domain that includes the SD1 domain (RBD) coupled to a fluorescent tag (S-RBD-eGFP), spike ectodomain coupled to a fluorescent tag (S-Ecto-eGFP), spike ectodomain with six proline mutations and a foldon domain (S-Ecto-HexaPro(+F)), and spike ectodomain with six proline mutations without the foldon domain (S-Ecto-HexaPro(-F)). We tested the yield of purified protein expressed from the insect cell lines Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) and Trichoplusia ni (Tni) and compared it to previous research using mammalian cell lines to determine changes in protein yield. We demonstrated quick and inexpensive production of functional glycosylated spike protein of high purity capable of recognizing and binding to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. To further confirm functionality, we demonstrate binding of eGFP fused construct of the spike ectodomain (S-Ecto-eGFP) to surface ACE2 receptors on lung epithelial cells by flow cytometry analysis and show that it can be decreased by means of receptor manipulation (blockade or downregulation)

    The Promise of Prediction Markets

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    Prediction markets are markets for contracts that yield payments based on the outcome of an uncertain future event, such as a presidential election. Using these markets as forecasting tools could substantially improve decision making in the private and public sectors. We argue that U.S. regulators should lower barriers to the creation and design of prediction markets by creating a safe harbor for certain types of small stakes markets. We believe our proposed change has the potential to stimulate innovation in the design and use of prediction markets throughout the economy, and in the process to provide information that will benefit the private sector and government alike.Technology and Industry

    Impact of densitized lapse slicings on evolutions of a wobbling black hole

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    We present long-term stable and second-order convergent evolutions of an excised wobbling black hole. Our results clearly demonstrate that the use of a densitized lapse function extends the lifetime of simulations dramatically. We also show the improvement in the stability of single static black holes when an algebraic densitized lapse condition is applied. In addition, we introduce a computationally inexpensive approach for tracking the location of the singularity suitable for mildly distorted black holes. The method is based on investigating the fall-off behavior and asymmetry of appropriate grid variables. This simple tracking method allows one to adjust the location of the excision region to follow the coordinate motion of the singularity.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
