771 research outputs found

    The Prisoners\u27 Property Dilemma: The Proper Approach to Determine Prisoners\u27 Protected Property Interests After Sandin and Castle Rock

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    The Proper approach to determine when prisoners haveproperty interests protected by the Due Process Clause iscurrently uncertain. The Supreme Court addressedprisoners\u27 liberty interests in Sandin v. Conner, but lowercourts have split over whether to apply the Sandin test toprisoners\u27 property interests. Further complicatingmatters, the Supreme Court recently addressed propertyinterests generally in Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales.There, the Court seemed to add additional hurdles to thefinding of protected property interests: A statute mustclearly indicate that it gives rise to an entitlement; theentitlement must have an ascertainable monetary value;and, the entitlement must not arise incidentally from a routine government function. As with Sandin, whetherCastle Rock applies to prisoners\u27 property interests isunsettled.This Note examines the current uncertainty in the lawand argues that courts should apply the Castle Rockapproach to determinations of prisoners\u27 propertyinterests. Doing so would recognize the fundamentaldifference between liberty and property interests andappropriately align the test for prisoners\u27 propertyinterests with the test for property interests generally.Additionally, applying the Castle Rock approach wouldsufficiently address prison-specific concerns the SupremeCourt articled in Sandin

    Evaluation of New Zoysiagrass Experimental Lines for Winter Hardiness and Turf Quality in the Transition Zone

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    A total of 881 zoysiagrass progeny originating from parental crosses at Texas A&M AgriLife Research – Dallas were planted in 2012, and an additional 104 progeny were planted by Kansas State University researchers in 2013. Starting in 2013, grasses were rated visually on 10 occasions through 2014. These ratings occurred throughout the year to evaluate winter survival and six turf quality characteristics to identify those progeny best adapted to the Kansas site. In September 2014, the top 20 of the original 985 progeny were selected and returned to Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Dallas, Texas, for propagation

    Multidimensional analogs of geometric s<-->t duality

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    The usual propetry of st duality for scattering amplitudes, e.g. for Veneziano amplitude, is deeply connected with the 2-dimensional geometry. In particular, a simple geometric construction of such amplitudes was proposed in a joint work by this author and S.Saito (solv-int/9812016). Here we propose analogs of one of those amplitudes associated with multidimensional euclidean spaces, paying most attention to the 3-dimensional case. Our results can be regarded as a variant of "Regge calculus" intimately connected with ideas of the theory of integrable models.Comment: LaTeX2e, pictures using emlines. In this re-submission, an English version of the paper is added (9 pages, file english.tex) to the originally submitted file in Russian (10 pages, russian.tex

    Oscillograms and their tests

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    Loop Current Eddy Formation and Baroclinic Instability

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    The formation of three Loop Current Eddies, Ekman, Franklin, and Hadal, during the period April 2009 through November 2011 was observed by an array of moored current meters and bottom mounted pressure equipped inverted echo sounders. The array design, areal extent nominally 89° W to 85° W, 25° N to 27° N with 30–50 km mesoscale resolution, permits quantitative mapping of the regional circulation at all depths. During Loop Current Eddy detachment and formation events, a marked increase in deep eddy kinetic energy occurs coincident with the growth of a large-scale meander along the northern and eastern parts of the Loop Current. Deep eddies develop in a pattern where the deep fields were offset and leading upper meanders consistent with developing baroclinic instability. The interaction between the upper and deep fields is quantified by evaluating the mean eddy potential energy budget. Largest down-gradient heat fluxes are found along the eastern side of the Loop Current. Where strong, the horizontal down-gradient eddy heat flux (baroclinic conversion rate) nearly balances the vertical down-gradient eddy heat flux indicating that eddies extract available potential energy from the mean field and convert eddy potential energy to eddy kinetic energy

    Evaluation of Colorants on ‘Sharpshooter’ and ‘Cody’ Buffalograss

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    Turf colorants effectively enhanced green color of dormant buffalograss. Using a higher application rate or adding a midwinter application helped longevity of color. Colorants increased canopy temperatures more consistently than soil temperatures, which may encourage earlier spring greenup

    Evaluation of Overseeding and Colorants on ‘Chisholm’ Zoysiagrass during Winter Dormancy

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    Annual ryegrass overseeding into lawn-height zoysiagrass provided acceptable turf color for only four weeks. The colorant Green Lawnger provided a darker green and considerably longer duration of acceptable color as compared to the colorant Match Play (bermudagrass), which was lighter green on zoysiagrass. A single colorant application resulted in acceptable turf color for 7 to 24 weeks; a sequential midwinter application provided acceptable color until spring greenup

    Generation of high-frequency topographic Rossby waves in the Gulf of Mexico

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    The Loop Current Eddy (LCE) separation cycle energizes deep circulation in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, transferring energy from the surface intensified Loop Current (LC) to the typically quiescent lower layers. To document the generation and radiation of deep energy during this cycle, an array of 24 current and pressure recording inverted echo sounders (CPIES) is deployed in the region 89°W to 86°W, 25°N to 27.5°N with the intent to capture circulation near bathymetric features thought to be important for current-topographic interactions: Campeche Bank, Mississippi Fan, and West Florida Shelf. During the nearly two-year deployment, June 2019 to May 2021, three LCE separation events are observed, during which energy injected into the deep Gulf organizes into two distinct frequency bands (1/100 – 1/20 days–1 and 1/20 – 1/10 days–1). High-frequency variability dominates the array’s northwest corner in the vicinity of the Mississippi Fan. Wave properties are consistent with topographic Rossby Waves (TRWs) with wavelengths of 150 – 300 km. Their generation coincides with each LCE separation and is attributed to an upper-lower layer resonant coupling between surface meanders and the sloping topography of the Mississippi Fan. TRWs captured by the CPIES array will likely intensify as wavelengths shorten in steeper topography along propagation pathways towards the Sigsbee Escarpment, generating hazardous currents with the potential to disrupt oil and gas operations in the region
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