41,609 research outputs found

    Comparative effects of prolonged rotation at 10 rpm on postural equilibrium in vestibular normal and vestibular defective human subjects

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    Comparative effects of prolonged rotation on postural equilibrium in vestibular normal and defective human subject

    First-place finish : imparting fine surface finishes when micromilling

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    There are several key milling practices that help impart fine surface finishes in micromilling. They include running at ultrahigh spindle speeds, carefully monitoring chip load, employing climb milling when possible and using CAM software to develop toolpaths that enhance surface finishes. There are also promising developments that can improve surface finishes in areas as diverse as using atomized cutting fluids and milling ultrafine-grain workpieces

    Motion Sickness Symptomatology of Labyrinthine Defective and Normal Subjects During Zero Gravity Maneuvers

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    Motion sickness symptomology of labyrinthine defective and normal human subjects during zero gravity maneuver

    The Dial Test - A standardized procedure for the experimental production of canal sickness symptomatology in a rotating environment

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    Experimental reproduction of semicircular canal sickness symptomology in rotating environment - coriolis effect - aerospace medicin

    A Selected Ion Flow Tube Study of the Reactions of Several Cations with the Group 6B Hexafluorides SF6, SeF6, and TeF6

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    The first investigation of the ion chemistry of SeF6_6 and TeF6_6 is presented. Using a selected ion flow tube, the thermal rate coefficients and ion product distributions have been determined at 300 K for the reactions of fourteen atomic and molecular cations, namely H3_3O+^+, CF3+_3^+, CF+^+, CF2+_2^+, H2_2O+^+, N2_2O+^+, O+^+, CO2+_2^+, CO+^+, N+^+, N2+_2^+, Ar+^+, F+^+ and Ne+^+ (in order of increasing recombination energy), with SeF6_6 and TeF6_6. The results are compared with those from the reactions of these ions with SF6_6, for which the reactions with CF+^+, CF2+_2^+, N2_2O+^+ and F+^+ are reported for the first time. Several distinct processes are observed amongst the large number of reactions studied, including dissociative charge transfer, and F^-, F, F2_2^- and F2_2 abstraction from the neutral reactant molecule to the reagent ion. The dissociative charge transfer channels are discussed in relation to vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron and threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectra of XF6_6 (X = S, Se, and Te). For reagent ions whose recombination energies lie between the first dissociative ionisation limit, XF6_6 \rightarrow XF5+_5^+ + F + e^-, and the onset of ionisation of the XF6_6 molecule, the results suggest that if dissociative charge transfer occurs, it proceeds via an intimate encounter. For those reagent ions whose recombination energies are greater than the onset of ionisation, long-range electron transfer may occur depending on whether certain physical factors apply, for example non-zero Franck-Condon overlap. From the reaction kinetics, limits for the heats of formation of SeF4_4, SeF5_5, TeF4_4 and TeF5_5 at 298 K have been obtained; Δf\Delta_fHo^o(SeF4_4) < -369 kJ mol1^{-1}, Δf\Delta_fHo^o(SeF5_5) < -621 kJ mol1^{-1}, Δf\Delta_fHo^o(TeF4_4) > -570 kJ mol1^{-1}, and Δf\Delta_fHo^o(TeF5_5) < -822 kJ mol1^{-1}

    Motion sickness precipitated in the weightless phase of parabolic flight by Coriolis accelerations

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    Human motion sickness susceptibility when exposed to Coriolis accelerations during parabolic flight weightlessnes

    Emulation of multivariate simulators using thin-plate splines with application to atmospheric dispersion

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    It is often desirable to build a statistical emulator of a complex computer simulator in order to perform analysis which would otherwise be computationally infeasible. We propose methodology to model multivariate output from a computer simulator taking into account output structure in the responses. The utility of this approach is demonstrated by applying it to a chemical and biological hazard prediction model. Predicting the hazard area which results from an accidental or deliberate chemical or biological release is imperative in civil and military planning and also in emergency response. The hazard area resulting from such a release is highly structured in space and we therefore propose the use of a thin-plate spline to capture the spatial structure and fit a Gaussian process emulator to the coefficients of the resultant basis functions. We compare and contrast four different techniques for emulating multivariate output: dimension-reduction using (i) a fully Bayesian approach with a principal component basis, (ii) a fully Bayesian approach with a thin-plate spline basis, assuming that the basis coefficients are independent, and (iii) a “plug-in” Bayesian approach with a thin-plate spline basis and a separable covariance structure; and (iv) a functional data modeling approach using a tensor-product (separable) Gaussian process. We develop methodology for the two thin-plate spline emulators and demonstrate that these emulators significantly outperform the principal component emulator. Further, the separable thin-plate spline emulator, which accounts for the dependence between basis coefficients, provides substantially more realistic quantification of uncertainty, and is also computationally more tractable, allowing fast emulation. For high resolution output data, it also offers substantial predictive and computational ad- vantages over the tensor-product Gaussian process emulator

    N-heterocyclic germylenes: structural characterisation of some heavy analogues of the ubiquitous N-heterocyclic carbenes

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    The X-ray crystal structures of three N-heterocyclic germylenes (NHGes) have been elucidated including the previously unknown 1,3-bis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)diazagermol-2-ylidene (1). In addition, the X-ray crystal structures of the previously synthesised 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)diazagermol-2-ylidene (2) and 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)diazagermol-2-ylidene (3) are also reported. The discrete molecular structures of compounds 1 to 3 are comparable, with Ge-N bond lengths in the range 1.835-1.875 Å, while the N-Ge-N bond angles range between 83.6 and 85.2°. Compound 2 was compared to the analogous N-heterocyclic carbene species, 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene (IMes). The major geometrical difference observed, as expected, was the bond angle around the divalent group 14 atom. The N-Ge-N bond angle was 83.6° for compound 2 versus the N-C-N bond angle of 101.4° for IMes. The Sn equivalent of (1), 1,3-bis(2,6-dimethylphenyl)diazastannol-2-ylidene (4), has also been synthesised and its crystal structure is reported here. In order to test their suitability as ligands, compounds 1 to 3 were reacted with a wide range of transition metal complexes. No NHGes containing metal complexes were observed. In all cases the NHGe either degraded or gave no reaction

    Mission oriented study of advanced nuclear system parameters, phase 6. Volume 1 - Summary technical report Final report

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    Summarized study tasks, analyses, and results of advanced nuclear propulsion parameters for Mars and Venus mission