62 research outputs found

    Calibration of coherence imaging spectroscopy using spectral line sources

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    Coherence imaging spectroscopy (CIS) measures the two-dimensional profiles of both ion temperature and ion velocity in plasmas. The interferometric technique is realized by a certain relation between the phase and the wavelength of light emerging from a birefringent crystal. The calibration for the CIS system requires monochromatic and tunable light sources near the He II line (468.6 nm) or C III line (465 nm) where the CIS measures. In this research, the CIS system has been upgraded by implementing an electron multiplier CCD and a CIS cell. A monochromator validates the linearity of the phase relation on the wavelength near the He II line. As an in situ calibration at the Ring Trap 1 plasma device, two spectral lines of Ti and Zn lamps obtain the accurate dispersion function of phase. It is found that a simple method with two spectral lines is reliable and sufficient for the calibration

    Nd:YAG laser Thomson scattering diagnostics for a laboratory magnetosphere

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    A new Nd:YAG laser Thomson scattering (TS) system has been developed to explore the mechanism of high-beta plasma formation in the RT-1 device. The TS system is designed to measure electron temperatures (Te) from 10 eV to 50 keV and electron densities (ne) of more than 1.0 × 1017 m−3. To measure at the low-density limit, the receiving optics views the long scattering length (60 mm) using a bright optical system with both a large collection window (260-mm diameter) and large collection lenses (300-mm diameter, a solid angle of ∼68 × 10−3 str). The scattered light of the 1.2-J Nd:YAG laser (repetition frequency: 10 Hz) is detected with a scattering angle of 90° and is transferred via a set of lenses and an optical fiber bundle to a polychromator. After Raman scattering measurement for the optical alignment and an absolute calibration, we successfully measured Te = 72.2 eV and ne = 0.43 × 1016 m−3 for the coil-supported case and Te = 79.2 eV and ne = 1.28 × 1016 m−3 for the coil-levitated case near the inner edge in the magnetospheric plasmas

    Characteristics of electron internal transport barrier in Heliotron J

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    The formation of an electron internal transport barrier (eITB) has been observed for the first time with centrally focused electron cyclotron heating (ECH) microwaves injected into plasma in Heliotron J. When the heating power per electron density (PECH/nˉe{P}_{\mathrm{ECH}}/{\bar{n}}_{{\rm{e}}}) exceeds a threshold of 250×1019kWm3250\times {10}^{-19}\,\mathrm{kW}\,{{\rm{m}}}^{3}, transient increases of both the central Te and the core Te gradients are observed. A neoclassical (NC) calculation using the Sugama–Nishimura moment method predicts that the large positive radial electric field (Er) is formed in the core region. Heat transport analysis shows a significant reduction of the effective electron thermal diffusivity in the plasma with the eITB related to that without the eITB. The large gap between the experimentally obtained effective thermal diffusivity and the NC thermal diffusivity suggests that the suppression of anomalous transport contributes to the core improved confinement of the eITB plasma. The electron cyclotron emission measurement shows both the transient increase and the hysteresis phenomena during the eITB formation

    Experimental analysis of self-organized structure and transport on the magnetospheric plasma device RT-1

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    Dipole plasma exhibits strong heterogeneities in field strength, density, temperature and other parameters, while maintaining a holistic balance. Our study of the internal structures reveals the fundamental self-organizing mechanisms operating in their simplest realization (as commonly observed in astronomical systems). Three new findings are reported from the RT-1 experiment. The creation of a high-energy electron core (similar to the radiation belts in planetary magnetospheres) is observed for the first time in a laboratory system. High-energy electrons (3–15 keV), produced by electron cyclotron heating, accumulate in a \u27belt\u27 located in the low-density region (high-beta value ~1 is obtained by increasing the high-energy component up to 70% of the total electrons). The dynamical process of the \u27up-hill diffusion\u27 (a spontaneous mechanism of creating density gradient) has been analyzed by perturbing the density by gas injection. The spontaneous density formation in the laboratory magnetosphere elucidates the self-organized plasma transport relevant to a planetary magnetosphere. The coherence-imaging spectroscopy visualized the two-dimensional profiles of ion temperature and flow velocity in the ion cyclotron resonance frequency heating. The ion temperature and flow were enhanced globally, and particularly along the magnetic field lines near the levitation magnet. These results advance our understanding of transport and self-organization not only in dipole plasmas, but in general magnetic confinement systems relevant to fusion plasmas

    Collective Thomson scattering diagnostic with in situ calibration system for velocity space analysis in large helical device

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    A collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostic with a ±3 GHz band around a 77 GHz gyrotron probe beam was developed to measure the velocity distribution of bulk and fast ions in high-temperature plasmas. We propose a new in situ calibration method for a CTS diagnostic system combined with a raytracing code. The method is applied in two situations for electron cyclotron emission in plasmas and in a CTS diagnostic with a modulated probe beam. Experimental results highlight the importance of refraction correction in probe and receive beams. The CTS spectrum is measured with the in situ calibrated CTS receiver and responds to fast ions originating from a tangential neutral beam with an energy of 170 keV and from a perpendicular beam with an energy of 60 keV, both in the large helical device. From a velocity space analysis model, the results elucidate the measured anisotropic CTS spectrum caused by fast ions. The calibration methods and analyses demonstrated here are essential for CTS, millimeter-wave diagnostics, and electron cyclotron heating required under fusion reactor conditions

    Calibrations of the LHD Thomson scattering system

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    The Thomson scattering diagnostic systems are widely used for the measurements of absolute local electron temperatures and densities of fusion plasmas. In order to obtain accurate and reliable temperature and density data, careful calibrations of the system are required. We have tried several calibration methods since the second LHD experiment campaign in 1998. We summarize the current status of the calibration methods for the electron temperature and density measurements by the LHD Thomson scattering diagnostic system. Future plans are briefly discussed

    Ion cyclotron resonance heating system in the RT-1 magnetospheric plasma

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    We have developed an ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating system for the Ring Trap 1 (RT-1) magnetospheric device. We excite slow waves from the polar region of the dipole magnetic field. The target helium plasma is produced by electron cyclotron heating. The electrons comprise high-temperature (>10 keV) and low-temperature (<100 eV) components with both typically exhibiting densities of the same order of magnitude. The ICRF heating causes an increase in the ion temperatures and toroidal flow velocities in the core plasma region. We observe appreciable temperature differences between the different ion species (main He+ and impurity C2+), suggesting a strong influence of the charge-exchange loss, which caused the bulk ions to remain relatively cold (~20 eV) compared to the impurity ions (~40 eV). By developing an electro-optical measurement system, we have measured the local wave electric field in the plasma

    Response of a core coherent density oscillation on electron cyclotron resonance heating in Heliotron J plasma

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    We report properties of a coherent density oscillation observed in the core region and its response to electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECH) in Heliotron J plasma. The measurement was performed using a multi-channel beam emission spectroscopy system. The density oscillation is observed in a radial region between the core and the half radius. The poloidal mode number is found to be 1 (or 2). By modulating the ECH power with 100 Hz, repetition of formation and deformation of a strong electron temperature gradient, which is likely ascribed to be an electron internal transport barrier, is realized. Amplitude and rotation frequency of the coherent density oscillation sitting at the strong electron temperature gradient location are modulated by the ECH, while the poloidal mode structure remains almost unchanged. The change in the rotation velocity in the laboratory frame is derived. Assuming that the change of the rotation velocity is given by the background E × B velocity, a possible time evolution of the radial electric field was deduced

    Collective Thomson scattering with 77, 154, and 300 GHz sources in LHD

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    Collective Thomson scattering (CTS) is one of attractive diagnostics for measuring locally and directly the fuel temperature and the velocity distribution of fast ions in fusion plasmas. A mega-watt class source of millimeter or sub-millimeter waves is required to detect a weak scattered radiation superimposed on background radiation owing to electron cyclotron emissions (ECEs) from plasmas. Based on electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system with the frequencies of 77 GHz and 154 GHz in the Large Helical Device (LHD), the CTS diagnostic system has been developed to measure bulk ion temperatures from a few keV to ∼10 keV and fast ions originated from 180 keV-neutral beam injection in the LHD. The measured CTS spectra and their time evolutions are analyzed with the electrostatic scattering theory. The bulk ion temperatures obtained from CTS spectra increase with the neutral beam injections and decrease with the heating terminated. The velocity map of simulated fast ions explains that the bumps on tail of measured CTS spectra are caused by the co- and counter- fast ions. A new prescription for anisotropic velocity distribution function is proposed. As for 154 GHz bands, the CTS spectrum broadenings for D and H plasmas are distinguished reasonably at the same temperature, and its ion temperatures are comparable to those of the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy. As reactor-relevant diagnostics, a 300 GHz gyrotron and a corresponding receiver system have been implemented in LHD to access high density plasmas with low background ECEs. The recent progress for CTS diagnostics and their spectrum analysis with the probe frequencies of 77 GHz, 154 GHz, and 300 GHz in the LHD experiments is described