108 research outputs found

    An investigation on moisture and water absorption in cement paste with electrical resistance method

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    Moisture in concrete is one of main factors related to degradation and deterioration of concrete structure, and there are various moisture transport phenomena in concrete such as drying and absorbing. There are a lot of previous studies on the drying process of concrete to clarify the mechanisms of creep as well as shrinkage. However, few studies have been reported on the process of water absorption and moisture absorption although carbonation and chloride attack are strongly related to moisture and water absorbing. It is necessary to investigate moisture transfer in concrete in detail. This study investigated the moisture transfer in moisture and water absorbing processes in cement paste by using electrical resistance method to understand how moisture and water transfer into concrete. Cement paste specimens with water-to-cement ratios (W/Cs) of 0.35 and 0.55 were prepared in this study. Stainless steel rods of 0.9 mm in diameter were arranged at an interval of 4 mm in the specimen for measuring the electrical resistance. The specimens for moisture and water absorbing test were cured in water at 20 ºC for 28 days and stored at 20 ºC and a relative humidity of 0% and 70% as reference and the national average of the annual average relative humidity in Japan, respectively. The electrical resistances were measured through the stainless-steel rods and converted to electrical resistivity. The calibration test was also conducted to obtain the relationship between the electrical resistivity and the internal relative humidity (IRH), which was used to know IRH in cement paste specimen. As a result, the rate of moisture transfer in the specimen at initial internal relative humidity (IIRH) of 0% was higher than that at IIRH of 70%. Additionally, the rate of moisture transfer in the specimen at any IIRH depends on the total pore volume in the specimen

    Wavefunction Analysis of STM Image: Surface Reconstruction of Organic Charge Transfer Salts

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    In this chapter, the wavefunction analysis is demonstrated, applied to the organic charge transfer salts composed of electron donor and electron acceptor molecules. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) images of the surface donor layers in the three charge transfer salts, α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, and (EDO-TTF)2PF6, are analyzed with the atomic π electron orbitals of sulfur, oxygen, and carbon atoms. We have deduced three different kinds of surface molecular reconstructions as follows: (1) charge redistribution in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, (2) translational reconstruction up to 0.1 nm in β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3, and (3) rotational reconstruction transforming the 1D axis from the a axis to the b axis in (EDO-TTF)2PF6. Finally, it is concluded that the surface reconstruction is ascribed to the additional gain of the cohesive energy of the π electron system, provoked by the reduced steric hindrance with the anions of the missing outside double layer. The investigations of the surface states provide not only interesting behaviors of the surface cation layer, but also important insights into the electronic states of a lot of similar charge transfer crystals, as demonstrated in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3


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    本研究は,小学校教諭一種免許を副免許として取得する学生に対する理科指導法の指導方法を2015 年の実践をふまえて2016年に改善した効果を明らかにすることを目的として行った。研究の結果,2016年の改善されたプログラムは,理科の内容について講義しながら模擬授業を行う形式なので,理科好きを増やす効果はそれほど高くはないが,より高い内容まで学習したいという意欲を高めるためには有効であると言える。また,2015 年も2016 年も模擬授業を中心とした授業形式には学生は不満を持つことは無かった。しかし,2016 年の実践では,理科を教える自信を高める事はできなかった


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    本研究は副免許として小学校1 種免許取得者に対する理科指導法授業のカリキュラムを開発・試行し評価することが目的である。まず,受講者の状況を調査したところ,多くの受講者が理科を嫌いで,苦手と感じている事がわかった。また,教科理科Ⅰ,Ⅱなどの理科の内容を履修する授業を受けていない学生も多くいた。受講者の進路希望が幼稚園や保育園に就職することである事を考慮して授業内容を小学校3 年生,4 年生のおもちゃ作りや体験活動に変更した。但し,科目目的や到達目標は変更しなかった。変更されたカリキュラムで模擬授業を中心として授業を実施した。授業の終了時に受講者にアンケートをとり,評価の資料とした。その結果,この授業の結果,多くの学生が理科に興味を持ち,楽しいと感じている事がわかった。しかし,理科を指導する事については自信を持つまでには至らなかった

    Strong Spin-Motion Coupling in the Ultrafast Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms in a Mott-insulator Lattice

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    Rydberg atoms in optical lattices and tweezers is now a well established platform for simulating quantum spin systems. However, the role of the atoms' spatial wavefunction has not been examined in detail experimentally. Here, we show a strong spin-motion coupling emerging from the large variation of the interaction potential over the wavefunction spread. We observe its clear signature on the ultrafast, out-of-equilibrium, many-body dynamics of atoms excited to a Rydberg S state from an unity-filling atomic Mott-insulator. We also propose a novel approach to tune arbitrarily the strength of the spin-motion coupling relative to the motional energy scale set by trapping potentials. Our work provides a new direction for exploring the dynamics of strongly-correlated quantum systems by adding the motional degree of freedom to the Rydberg simulation toolbox