30 research outputs found
Three-dimensional tracking of mesodermal nuclei.
<p>(A) Computationally reconstructed trajectories (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064506#pone.0064506.s010" target="_blank">Movie S6</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064506#pone.0064506.s011" target="_blank">S7</a>). White mark at the end of trajectory indicates the latest point. Red, blue, and green arrows at the lower left indicate the anterior–posterior axis, right–left axis, and proximal–distal axis, respectively. (B) Histograms of one-step velocity (top row) and the ratio of actual migration path length to linear displacement over 30 min (bottom row). Nuclear positions at the first time-point were classified into two areas according to two sets of criteria, lateral (cyan) or distal (magenta) and forward (orange) or rear (green). (C) Comparison of triangles connected neighboring nuclei at first time point and after 3 hours (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064506#pone.0064506.s012" target="_blank">Movie S8</a>). Nuclear positions at the first time-point were classified into two areas, lateral (cyan) or distal (magenta). After 3 hours, the areas of the triangles become larger and some triangles overlap each other, indicating that nuclei in the mesoderm do not migrate in straight lines.</p
Three-dimensional tracking of all epiblast nuclei in a region of the epiblast.
<p>(A) Kymographs of apical and basal migrations. The positions of each nucleus were reconstructed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064506#pone.0064506.s008" target="_blank">Movies S4</a> (distal view) and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064506#pone.0064506.s009" target="_blank">S5</a> (lateral view). (B) Nuclear density compared among three sections along apical–basal axis (n = 18). (C) The correlation between velocity and the difference between the distances of a nucleus from its forward and backward neighbors. If migrations were caused by pushing forces from neighboring nuclei, the velocity should become grater when the difference in distances increases. However, velocity in neither direction was correlated with the difference in distance (apical, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.0232; basal, R<sup>2</sup> = 0.0011).</p
Mouse embryo culture system for DSLM.
<p>(A) Side and top views of the embryo holder. The embryos are placed into the holes of an acrylic rod attached to the piston of a tip-truncated 1-ml syringe. The embryo is held stably in the hole via the Reichert's membrane at the ectoplacental cone. (B) Photograph of the embryo holder. (C) The embryo transfer method. For embryo transfer from dish to the chamber of the DSLM, we use the cylinder with window (window is indicated by green arrowhead). Embryos are moved to the space of the holder filled with culture medium under wide-field microscope (middle). After setting embryo into the holder, the holder is pushed until the end of the cylinder and stayed at the position without window (bottom, the position of the holder is indicated by orange arrowhead). At this position we can move the holder without loss of the culture medium. The holder is pushed into culture medium in the chamber of DSLM. (D) Photograph of the gas adopter. (E) Photograph of the assembled system around the chamber. The gas mixture is injected at the top of the chamber though the gas adopter. To prevent evaporation of the culture medium, a lid is set at the top of the adopter.</p
Live imaging of the whole mouse embryo at E6 (A to D) and E5.5. (E to H).
<p>(A and E) Each image represents the maximum intensity projection of a 13-µm thick section. Scale bar  = 20 µm. (B and F) Annotated sections are 65 (B) and 40 (E) µm from the distal end of the embryo. Blue and green areas indicate visceral endoderm and epiblast, respectively. (C and G) INM and INM-like movement in the epiblast. The colored nucleus exhibits apical migration. (D and H) Image of sections stained with Alexa Fluor 546 phalloidin (membrane) and DRAQ5 (nucleus).</p
Live imaging of the whole mouse embryo at E6.5 using DSLM.
<p>(A) Optical sections of a Histone H2B-GFP mouse embryo along the axis perpendicular to the proximal–distal axis. Each image represents the maximum-intensity projection of a 13-µm thick stack. (B) Annotated slice is 78 µm from the distal end of the embryo. Blue, visceral endoderm; green, epiblast; yellow, mesoderm; red, primitive streak. Anterior (A) is to the left, posterior (P) to the right. Scale bar  = 20 µm. (C) Time series of a magnified region of the epiblast. Blue arrows indicate dividing nuclei; the colored nucleus exhibits interkinetic nuclear migration in the apical direction interkinetic nuclear migration in the apical direction (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0064506#pone.0064506.s005" target="_blank">Movie S1</a>). (D) Image of a section stained with Alexa Fluor 546 phalloidin (membrane) and DRAQ5 (nucleus). Top panel: membrane marker; bottom panel: overlay of membrane and nucleus markers.</p
Collision detection on transmission lines with optical interferometer
V diplomski nalogi skušamo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je možno zaznavati in klasificirati trke na jeklenicah daljnovodov z optičnim interferometrom. Na začetku predstavimo osnovne pojme interferometrije in opišemo uporabljen optični interferometer. V jedru diplomske naloge natančneje opišemo eksperimentalni protokol in obdelavo signalov. Nadaljujemo z implementacijo algoritmov za segmentacijo in klasifikacijo zajetih signalov ter predstavimo dobljene rezultate. Segmentacijo izvedemo v domeni števila prehodov signala skozi ničlo, za klasifikacijo pa uporabimo večplastno nevronsko mrežo z algoritmom vzvratnega učenja. Rezultati študije nakazujejo, da sta implementirani segmentacija in klasifikacija uspešni v 77 % izvedenih trkov različnih predmetov.We analyse feasibility of collision detection on transmission lines with optical interferometer. We first provide a brief introduction into interferometry, along with a description of the optical interferometer used for measurements in this study. Afterwards, we describe the conducted experimental protocol and signal processing methodology. The focus is on implementation of algorithms for signal segmentation and collision classification. We used zero-crossing algorithm to transform signals into segmentation domain. Classification of collisions is done with a multilayer neural network trained by the backpropagation algorithm. The results demonstrate an average success rate of 77% for segmentation and classification of collision with five different objects
SistematizaciĂłn de la experiencia de un ambiente de aprendizaje enriquecido por TIC durante la práctica clĂnica en fisioterapia cardiopulmonar en un hospital de nivel II de la ciudad de Cali
Esta investigaciĂłn se centra en la caracterizaciĂłn de la experiencia de 4 estudiantes de fisioterapia de IX semestre de la InstituciĂłn Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte (IUEND) durante la implementaciĂłn de un ambiente de aprendizaje enriquecido con TecnologĂas de la InformaciĂłn y la ComunicaciĂłn (TIC) en la práctica clĂnico – asistencial en Salud Cardiopulmonar; la cual se fundamenta en el hacer y pone a prueba las bases conceptuales del ciclo de fundamentaciĂłn; todo esto con el fin de identificar las experiencias significativas que facilitan el aprendizaje y desarrollo de competencias clĂnicas, además analizar si este tipo de estrategias de enseñanza -aprendizaje permite al estudiante y al docente asesor superar inconvenientes propios de la práctica clĂnica como: optimizar tiempos de atenciĂłn a pacientes, estudio independiente y trabajo colaborativo, retomar e integrar gran cantidad de conceptos y procedimientos aprendidos en IV semestre con las nuevas experiencias y la realidad del paciente; y a la vez cumplir con funciones administrativas propios del rol del fisioterapeuta asistencial (estadĂstica, indicadores, desarrollo de guĂas, etc.) que dificultan el proceso de aprendizaje; concluyendo que los ambientes mediados por TIC pueden lograr superar estas dificultades y favorecer finalmente el aprendizaje significativo (juicio clĂnico), en el que se fundamenta el ciclo de práctica profesional
assay information of the mouse tissue samples for HeliScopeCAGE
a tab delimited flat file (SDRF file) describing the experimental details for mouse tissue samples for the standard protocol of the HeliScopeCAGE protoco
List of DRA (http://trace.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/dra/index_e.html) accession numbers
of the FANTOM5 samples, sequences and genomic coordinations.
Files are in tab-delimited format, which includes
* Library ID
* BioSamples accession number
* DRA experiment accession number
* DRA run accession numbers
* DRA analysis accession number for genomic coordination (BAM file)
* DRA analysis accession number for CTSS (BED file)
* Experiment method (CAGE/RNA-Seq/sRNA-Seq
List of DRA (http://trace.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/dra/index_e.html) accession numbers
of the FANTOM5 samples, sequences and genomic coordinations.
Files are in tab-delimited format, which includes
* Library ID
* BioSamples accession number
* DRA experiment accession number
* DRA run accession numbers
* DRA analysis accession number for genomic coordination (BAM file)
* DRA analysis accession number for CTSS (BED file)
* Experiment method (CAGE/RNA-Seq/sRNA-Seq