17 research outputs found

    Calcium platinum aluminium, CaPtAl

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    A preliminary X-ray study of CaPtAl has been reported previously by Hulliger [J. Alloys Compd (1993), 196, 225–228] based on X-ray powder diffraction data without structure refinement. With the present single-crystal X-ray study, we confirm the assignment of the TiNiSi type for CaPtAl, in a fully ordered inverse structure. All three atoms of the asymmetric unit have .m. site symmetry. The structure features a ∞ 3[AlPt] open framework with a fourfold coordination of Pt by Al atoms and vice versa. The Ca atoms are located in the large channels of the structure

    SynthÚse, caractérisation et étude du comportement à la déshydratation par diffraction des rayon X sur monocristal et poudre, de quelques composés supramoléculaires à base de métallo-tectons ioniques

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    This work, realized under the IUCr initiative, framework involves the structural study via X-ray diffraction, of some heteromolecular architectures formed by the association through non-covalent bonds, between the tris (oxalato) chromate (III) and tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) anions {[M(C2O4)3]3-, M = Cr, Fe} and the cationic complex of the 2-picolylamine (amp) and transition metal (Co2 +, Cu2 + and Mn2 +). Co2 + ion builds two-dimensional corrugated layers made of bimetallic chiral chains where the two different complex ions ([Cr(C2O4)3]3- and [Co(amp)3]3 +) are connected by hydrogen bonds. These layers, connected by weak hydrogen interactions, host between them, water molecules which build dodecameric clusters having new characteristics. The dehydrated compound has different structure and color and is able to quickly reabsorb water molecules from surrounding to regenerate the initial compound despite that it has no pores. Several cycles of this process do not seriously affect the crystalline quality of this compound. The compound obtained with the Cu2 + ion also has a two-dimensional framework. Their layers are formed between the dimeric cation [Cu2 (amp) 4Cl]3 + and the anion {[M(C2O4)3]3-,M = Cr, Fe}. Both compounds are iso-structural; their frameworks are formed via [pi] - - - [pi] interactions and build 1D channels which contain water molecules forming hexameric clusters. The compound undergoes a phase transition between 100 K and the dehydration temperature (341K). During this dehydration, a loss of symmetry of the compound is recorded and rehydration process is more difficult than for cobalt(III)-framework. The use of Mn2+ ions does not give the expected architecture but a new coordination polymerCe travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de l’initiative africaine de l’IUCr porte sur l’étude structurale par diffraction des rayons X de quelques architectures Ă©laborĂ©es par association, via des interactions faibles, des anions {[M(C2O4)3]3-,M = Cr, Fe} et des cations complexes Ă  base de la 2-picolylamine (amp) mĂ©taux de transition (Co2+, Cu2+ et Mn2+). L’architecture Ă  base de l’ion Co2+ est bidimensionnelle et prĂ©sente des feuillets ondulĂ©s constituĂ©s de chaines bimĂ©talliques de chiralitĂ© diffĂ©rente oĂč les deux ions complexes ([Cr(C2O4)3]3- et [Co(amp)3]3+ ) sont connectĂ©s par des liaisons hydrogĂšne. Ces feuillets hĂ©bergent des molĂ©cules d’eau qui forment des clusters dodĂ©camĂšriques aux caractĂ©ristiques nouvelles. Le composĂ© dĂ©shydratĂ© se rĂ©hydrate rapidement dans l’air ambiant et les deux Ă©tats possĂšdent des couleurs diffĂ©rentes. Plusieurs cycles de dĂ©shydratation-rĂ©hydratation n’altĂšrent pas la qualitĂ© cristalline du composĂ©. L’architecture Ă  base des ions Cu2+ possĂšde Ă©galement des feuillets mais prĂ©sente une ondulation plus forte que celle de l’architecture au cobalt. Ces couches sont constituĂ©es de chaines formĂ©es de cations dimĂ©riques [Cu2(amp)4Cl]3+ et d’anions {[M(C2O4)3]3-,M = Cr, Fe}. Les deux composĂ©s sont iso-structuraux et leur architecture prĂ©sente des canaux monodimensionnels qui contiennent des molĂ©cules d’eau qui forment des clusters hexamĂšriques. Le composĂ© subit des transitions de phase entre la basse tempĂ©rature (100K) et la tempĂ©rature de dĂ©shydratation (341K) avec une perte de la symĂ©trie. Le composĂ© se rĂ©hydrate plus difficilement que celui Ă  base de l’ion cobalt(III). L’ion Mn2+ ne donne pas l’architecture escomptĂ©e mais un polymĂšre de coordination nouvea

    Synthesis, Characterization and Study of Behavior with Single Crystal and Powder X-rays Diffraction Analysis during the Dehydration Process of some Supramolecular Compounds built with Ionic Metallo-tectons

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    Ce travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de l’initiative africaine de l’IUCr porte sur l’étude structurale par diffraction des rayons X de quelques architectures Ă©laborĂ©es par association, via des interactions faibles, des anions {[M(C2O4)3]3-,M = Cr, Fe} et des cations complexes Ă  base de la 2-picolylamine (amp) mĂ©taux de transition (Co2+, Cu2+ et Mn2+). L’architecture Ă  base de l’ion Co2+ est bidimensionnelle et prĂ©sente des feuillets ondulĂ©s constituĂ©s de chaines bimĂ©talliques de chiralitĂ© diffĂ©rente oĂč les deux ions complexes ([Cr(C2O4)3]3- et [Co(amp)3]3+ ) sont connectĂ©s par des liaisons hydrogĂšne. Ces feuillets hĂ©bergent des molĂ©cules d’eau qui forment des clusters dodĂ©camĂšriques aux caractĂ©ristiques nouvelles. Le composĂ© dĂ©shydratĂ© se rĂ©hydrate rapidement dans l’air ambiant et les deux Ă©tats possĂšdent des couleurs diffĂ©rentes. Plusieurs cycles de dĂ©shydratation-rĂ©hydratation n’altĂšrent pas la qualitĂ© cristalline du composĂ©. L’architecture Ă  base des ions Cu2+ possĂšde Ă©galement des feuillets mais prĂ©sente une ondulation plus forte que celle de l’architecture au cobalt. Ces couches sont constituĂ©es de chaines formĂ©es de cations dimĂ©riques [Cu2(amp)4Cl]3+ et d’anions {[M(C2O4)3]3-,M = Cr, Fe}. Les deux composĂ©s sont iso-structuraux et leur architecture prĂ©sente des canaux monodimensionnels qui contiennent des molĂ©cules d’eau qui forment des clusters hexamĂšriques. Le composĂ© subit des transitions de phase entre la basse tempĂ©rature (100K) et la tempĂ©rature de dĂ©shydratation (341K) avec une perte de la symĂ©trie. Le composĂ© se rĂ©hydrate plus difficilement que celui Ă  base de l’ion cobalt(III). L’ion Mn2+ ne donne pas l’architecture escomptĂ©e mais un polymĂšre de coordination nouveauThis work, realized under the IUCr initiative, framework involves the structural study via X-ray diffraction, of some heteromolecular architectures formed by the association through non-covalent bonds, between the tris (oxalato) chromate (III) and tris (oxalato) ferrate (III) anions {[M(C2O4)3]3-, M = Cr, Fe} and the cationic complex of the 2-picolylamine (amp) and transition metal (Co2 +, Cu2 + and Mn2 +). Co2 + ion builds two-dimensional corrugated layers made of bimetallic chiral chains where the two different complex ions ([Cr(C2O4)3]3- and [Co(amp)3]3 +) are connected by hydrogen bonds. These layers, connected by weak hydrogen interactions, host between them, water molecules which build dodecameric clusters having new characteristics. The dehydrated compound has different structure and color and is able to quickly reabsorb water molecules from surrounding to regenerate the initial compound despite that it has no pores. Several cycles of this process do not seriously affect the crystalline quality of this compound. The compound obtained with the Cu2 + ion also has a two-dimensional framework. Their layers are formed between the dimeric cation [Cu2 (amp) 4Cl]3 + and the anion {[M(C2O4)3]3-,M = Cr, Fe}. Both compounds are iso-structural; their frameworks are formed via π - - - π interactions and build 1D channels which contain water molecules forming hexameric clusters. The compound undergoes a phase transition between 100 K and the dehydration temperature (341K). During this dehydration, a loss of symmetry of the compound is recorded and rehydration process is more difficult than for cobalt(III)-framework. The use of Mn2+ ions does not give the expected architecture but a new coordination polyme

    Crystal structure of limonoid TS3, isolated from Trichilia rubescens

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    The title limonoid compound, C26H28O5·0.5H2O (TS3) [systematic name: (3aS,3bS,4aS,5aS,6S,7aR,8aR,8bS,11aR)-6-(furan-3-yl)-3a,5a,8b,11a-tetramethyl-3a,4a,5,5a,6,7,7a,8b,11,11a-decahydrooxireno[2â€Č,3â€Č:4b,5]oxireno[2â€Čâ€Č,3â€Čâ€Č:2â€Č,3â€Č]cyclopenta[1â€Č,2â€Č:7,8]phenanthro[10,1-bc]furan-3(3aH)-one hemihydrate], crystallizes with two independent molecules (1 and 2) in the asymmetric unit and one water molecule. TS3 is composed of three six-membered rings (A, C and D), three five-membered rings (B, E and F) and two epoxide rings. A group of five fused rings (A–E) is bonded to a furan ring (F) with a Csp3—Csp2 bond [1.500 (3) Å in molecule 1 and 1.499 (3) Å in molecule 2]. The absolute structures of the molecules in the crystal were determined by resonant scattering; Flack parameter = 0.05 (5). In the crystal, the individual molecules stack in columns along the b-axis direction. The water molecule bridges molecules 1 and 2 via Owater—H...O and C—H...Owater hydrogen bonds. Together with further C—H...O hydrogen bonds, linking molecules 1 and 2, the columns are linked to form slabs parallel to the ab plane. Within each column, molecules are also linked via C—H...π interactions involving the five-membered furan (F) rings

    A new heteroleptic oxalate-based compound: poly[[2-(aminomethyl)pyridine]di-Ό 6 -oxalato-chromium(III)potassium(I)]

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    International audienceThe title compound, [KCr(C2O2)2(C6H8N2)]n, was obtained from aqueous solution and analyzed with single-crystal X-ray diffraction at 100 K. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c and displays a three-dimensional polymeric architecture built up by bimetallic oxalate-bridged CrIII-K helical chains linked through centrosymmetric K2O2 units to yield a sheet-like alternating P/M arrangement which looks like that of the previously described two-dimensional [NaCr(ox)2(pyim)(H2O)]·2H2O [pyim is 2-(pyridin-2-yl)imidazole; Lei et al. (2006). Inorg. Chem. Commun. 9, 486-488]. The CrIII ions in each helix have the same chirality. The infinite neutral sheets are eclipsed with respect to each other and are held together by a hy­dro­gen-bonding network involving 2-(amino­meth­yl)pyridine H atoms and oxalate O atoms. Each sheet gives rise to channels of Cr4K4 octanuclear rings and each resultant hole is occupied by a pair of 2-(amino­meth­yl)pyridine ligands with partial overlap. The shortest Cr...Cr distance [5.593 (4) Å] is shorter than usually observed in the K-MIII-oxalate family

    Coprecipitation of nickel zinc malonate: A facile and reproducible synthesis route for Ni1-xZnxO nanoparticles and Ni1-xZnxO/ZnO nanocomposites via pyrolysis

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    Nanoparticles of Ni1-xZnxO and Ni1-xZnxO/ZnO, which can be good candidates for selective gas sensors, were successfully obtained via a two-step synthetic route, in which the nickel zinc malonate precursor was first synthesized by co-precipitation from an aqueous solution, followed by pyrolysis in air at a relatively low temperature (~500 °C). The precursor was characterized by ICP-AES, FTIR and TG and the results indicate the molecular structure of the precursor to be compatible with Ni1-xZnx(OOCCH2COO).2H2O. The decomposition product, characterized using various techniques (FTIR, XRD, ToF-SIMS, SEM, TEM and XPS), was established to be a doped nickel oxide (Ni1-xZnxO for 0.01≀ x ≀0.1) and a composite material (Ni1-xZnxO/ZnO for 0.2≀ x≀0.5). To elucidate the form in which the Zn is present in the NiO structure, three analytical techniques were employed: ToF-SIMS, XRD and XPS. While ToF SIMS provided a direct evidence of the presence of Zn in the NiO crystal structure, XRD showed that Zn actually substitutes Ni in the structure and XPS is a bit more specific by indicating that the Zn is present in the form of Zn2+ ions

    Two-dimensionally stacked heterometallic layers hosting a discrete chair dodecameric ring of water clusters: synthesis and structural study

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    International audienceThe stacked two-dimensional supramolecular compound catena-{Co(amp)3Cr(ox)3·6H2O} (amp = 2-picolylamine, ox = oxalate) has been synthesized from the bimolecular approach using hydrogen bonds. It is built from layers in which both Co(amp)(3+) (D) and Cr(ox)(3-) (A) ions are bonded in a repeating DADADA
 pattern along the a and c axes by multiple hydrogen bonds. These layers host a well resolved R12 dodecameric discrete ring of water clusters built by six independent molecules located around the 2c centrosymmetric Wyckoff positions of the P21/n space group in which the compound crystallizes. These clusters are ranged along the [001] direction, occupy 733.5 Å(3) (22.0%) of the unit cell and have a chair conformation via 12 hydrogen bonds. The water molecules of the cluster are linked with stronger hydrogen bonds than those between the cluster and its host, which explains the single continuous step of the dehydration process of the compound

    Synthesis, molecular and crystal structure of 1-(1,2-dihydrophthalazin-1-ylidene)-2-[1-(thiophen-2-yl)ethylidene]hydrazine

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    The title compound, C14H12N4S, was synthesized by the condensation reaction of hydralazine and 2-acetylthiophene and during the reaction, a proton transfer from the imino nitrogen atom to one of the endocylic nitrogen atoms occurred. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system with two independent molecules (molecules 1 and 2) in the asymmetric unit. In each molecule, there is a slight difference in the orientation of the thiophene ring with respect to phthalazine ring system, molecule 1 showing a dihedral angle of 42.51 (1)° compared to 8.48 (1)° in molecule 2. This implies an r.m.s deviation of 0.428 (1) Å between the two molecules for the 19 non-H atoms. The two independent molecules are connected via two N—H...N hydrogen bonds, forming dimers which interact by two bifurcated π–π stacking interactions to build tetrameric motifs. The latter are packed in the ac plane via weak C—H...π interactions and along the b axis via C—H ...N and C—H...π interactions. This results a three-dimensional architecture with a tilted herringbone packing mode

    Effective reduction in the nanoparticle sizes of NiO obtained via the pyrolysis of nickel malonate precursor modified using oleylamine surfactant

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    Nickel oxide nanoparticles were synthesized via thermal decomposition of two precursors, the first, a simple nickel malonate and the second, a nickel malonate modified by oleylamine, a surfactant, both having been synthesized by precipitation. While FTIR, TGA and ToF-SIMS were used to characterize the two precursors and to show the presence of oleylamine in the modified precursor, XRD, SEM, TEM and BET were employed to investigate the structure, the morphology and the specific surface area of the decomposition products obtained after pyrolysis. The results showed that the modification of nickel malonate by oleylamine was effective. The XRD results, which showed a cubic structure for the NiO obtained, suggest with SEM an important particle size reduction (at least 54%) when oleylamine was used to modify the nickel malonate precursor. The SEM images also showed a well-defined spherical nanoparticle morphology in both cases, not affected by the presence of oleylamine. The TEM also confirmed the reduction of particle size and their spherical nature but at the same time showed that, in the presence of oleylamine, there was no agglomeration resulting in a more uniform particle size distribution. The specific surface area of the NiO obtained by the oleylamine-modified precursor was 4.7 times larger than that obtained with the regular precursor. This again confirms the particle size reduction