26 research outputs found
The digital revolution and the organization of work : contemporary management techniques
Viewed from a global perspective, the digital revolution affects organizations as well as individuals. For present purposes, the digital revolution refers to the transformation process of analog data into a digital format. The key driver behind this process seems to be the technological progress in particular within the information and telecommunication industry. To ensure both productive and attractive jobs during times of rapid change, an efficient allocation of work gains in importance. Nonetheless, owing to the strong trend towards digitalization, a window of opportunity for flexible solutions at company level opens. Before this backdrop, the paper addresses in particular the area of knowledge- and project-based work within the service sector. By doing so, the paper attempts to set out where the technological forces and trends are leading the organization of work and what the contemporary management can do to better adapt to this development. To do so, an interdisciplinary research approach is followed, including aspects from labor economics, occupational psychology and business administration. Finally, the investigation identifies concrete management techniques to provide proper tools to meet the demands of modern workplaces
Workforce segmentation in Germany : from the founding era to the present time
Despite a more recent debate about ever deeper segmentation, the authors argue that since industrialization, Germany has continually experienced a dual labor market. One segment contains the primary segment of better paid and more attractive jobs, while the secondary segment encompasses rather low paid, less stable and less attractive jobs. Dualization is the result of firms which are likely to hire full-time and long-term workforce for its core activities while relying on more flexible forms of employment for other activities. Based on an in-depth examination of the structure of the workforce since 1871, the article investigates the factors which account for the origin, evolution and the peculiarities of the country’s core workforce. The authors show that a non-negligible part of the working population has always been subjected to marginalization, but that the dividing line between the two segments has changed over time as has the character of the respective groups
Konstituierung eines industriellen Arbeitsmarktes in Oberschlesien
Wenngleich der Arbeitsmarkt eine herausragende Rolle innerhalb von Industriegesellschaften einnimmt, so behandelt die historische Arbeitsmarktforschung die Allokation der gesellschaftlichen Arbeit eher stiefmütterlich. An dieser Stelle setzt die vorliegende Untersuchung an, die sich mit der Herausbildung des modernen Allokationsmechanismus im oberschlesischen Industrierevier befasst. Die Analyse konzentriert sich auf den dort vorherrschenden Steinkohlenbergbau sowie die Eisenhütten- und Zinkindustrie. Hierzu dienen Forschungsergebnisse, die sich auf die Sichtung archivalischer Quellen im Geheimen Preußischen Staatsarchiv in Berlin-Dahlem, in den Staatsarchiven in Breslau und Kattowitz sowie deren Unterabteilungen in Gleiwitz und Pless stützen. Zu Beginn des Untersuchungszeitraums, der sich von 1780 bis 1840 erstreckt, gibt es nur vereinzelt Lohnarbeiter, die vollzeitbeschäftigt sind. Die Arbeitsverhältnisse sind in hohem Maße durch Fluktuation und Unstetigkeit geprägt. Häufig sind die frühen Industriearbeiter in Landwirtschaft und Industrie gleichzeitig tätig. Erst im Zuge institutioneller Veränderungen erfolgen Anpassungen im Beschäftigungssystem, die noch vor 1840 zur Konstituierung eines industriellen Arbeitsmarktes führen
Financial literacy among the youth in Switzerland
While many resources are available for people to increase their financial knowledge in Switzerland, recent studies indicate that the level of financial literacy is relatively low across nations. To gather the data, a quantitative online survey was conducted among young people in Switzerland. Overall, important demographic differences in financial literacy levels were found for the gender and education variables. Firstly, young men show a higher financial literacy score than women and invest more than women. In addition, individuals with a university degree scored better at the financial literacy questions than those without and were more likely to invest. However, no conclusion could be made about the relationship between income and financial literacy. The main reason why people did not invest constitutes a lack of knowledge. Unsurprisingly, individuals with lower financial literacy tend to make more financial mistakes, save less for retirement, and accumulate less wealth in their lives
Preventing corporate turnarounds through an early warning system
Bankruptcy proceedings of companies have been all but new phenomena in the business world. Latest cases, encompassing Toys R Us, Fred’s, and Sears in the US as well as Thomas Cook and Air Italy in Europe, demonstrate that managers often fail to run their businesses properly. As an alternative in such a case, managers could prevent potential downfalls through knowledge of a successful turnaround management. Learning about the implementation of an early warning system (EWS) might help avoid corporate turnarounds in the first place. Hence, it is crucial to offer managers a pragmatic and solution-oriented approach. That being said, the authors design a specific EWS that might contribute to bypassing corporate turnarounds at an early stage. By doing so, the article aims at disseminating information on better EWS for public corporations
How to combine the entry of young people in the labour market with the retention of older workers?
This paper provides an overview of the employment situation of young and old workers in the EU Member States, setting out the most recent development during the crisis and dealing with policies implemented to promote the employment of both groups. The evidence collected shows that there is no competition between young and older workers on the labour market. Structural or general policies to enhance the functioning of EU labour markets are crucial to improving the situation of both groups. However, the responsibility for employment policies still predominantly lies within Member States of the European Union, although initiatives taken at the EU level can provide added value, particularly through stimulating the exchange of experiences and facilitating regional and cross-border mobility throughout the EU
Arbeitslosenquote in zehn Jahren halbiert
Die hiesige Arbeitslosenquote hat sich an jene der Stadt Zürich und des Kantons angeglichen. Ob eine nationale Gesetzesrevision mitverantwortlich ist für die tiefen Zahlen, bleibt unklar. Zudem sind in Winterthur mehr Hilfskräfte und Junge arbeitslos
Arbeitslosenquote in zehn Jahren halbiert
Die hiesige Arbeitslosenquote hat sich an jene der Stadt Zürich und des Kantons angeglichen. Ob eine nationale Gesetzesrevision mitverantwortlich ist für die tiefen Zahlen, bleibt unklar. Zudem sind in Winterthur mehr Hilfskräfte und Junge arbeitslos