31 research outputs found

    Pramipexole impairs stimulus-response learning in healthy young adults

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    Dopaminergic therapy has paradoxical effects on cognition in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) patients, with some functions worsened and others improved. The dopamine overdose hypothesis is proposed as an explanation for these opposing effects of medication taking into account the varying levels of dopamine within different brain regions in PD. The detrimental effects of medication on cognition have been attributed to exogenous dopamine overdose in brain regions with spared dopamine levels in PD. It has been demonstrated that learning is most commonly worsened by dopaminergic medication. The current study aimed to investigate whether the medication-related learning impairment exhibited in PD patients is due to a main effect of medication by evaluating the dopamine overdose hypothesis in healthy young adults. Using a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design, 40 healthy young undergraduate students completed a stimulus-response learning task. Half of the participants were treated with 0.5 mg of pramipexole, a dopamine agonist, whereas the other half were treated with a placebo. We found that stimulus-response learning was significantly impaired in participants on pramipexole relative to placebo controls. These findings are consistent with the dopamine overdose hypothesis and suggest that dopaminergic medication impairs learning independent of PD pathology. Our results have important clinical implications for conditions treated with pramipexole, particularly PD, restless leg syndrome, some forms of dystonia, and potentially depression

    Dopaminergic therapy increases Go timeouts in the Go/No-Go task in patients with parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by resting tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia. Dopaminergic medications such as L-dopa treat these motor symptoms, but can have complex effects on cognition. Impulse control is an essential cognitive function. Impulsivity is multifaceted in nature. Motor impulsivity involves the inability to withhold pre-potent, automatic, erroneous responses. In contrast, cognitive impulsivity refers to improper risk-reward assessment guiding behavior. Informed by our previous research, we anticipated that dopaminergic therapy would decrease motor impulsivity though it is well known to enhance cognitive impulsivity. We employed the Go/No-go paradigm to assess motor impulsivity in PD. Patients with PD were tested using a Go/No-go task on and off their normal dopaminergic medication. Participants completed cognitive, mood, and physiological measures. PD patients on medication had a significantly higher proportion of Go trial Timeouts (i.e., trials in which Go responses were not completed prior to a deadline of 750 ms) compared to off medication (p = 0.01). No significant ON-OFF differences were found for Go trial or No-go trial response times (RTs), or for number of No-go errors. We interpret that dopaminergic therapy induces a more conservative response set, reflected in Go trial Timeouts in PD patients. In this way, dopaminergic therapy decreased motor impulsivity in PD patients. This is in contrast to the widely recognized effects of dopaminergic therapy on cognitive impulsivity leading in some patients to impulse control disorders. Understanding the nuanced effects of dopaminergic treatment in PD on cognitive functions such as impulse control will clarify therapeutic decisions

    Dorsal striatum mediates deliberate decision making, not late-stage, stimulus–response learning

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    We investigated a controversy regarding the role of the dorsal striatum (DS) in deliberate decision-making versus late-stage, stimulus–response learning to the point of automatization. Participants learned to associate abstract images with right or left button presses explicitly before strengthening these associations through stimulus–response trials with (i.e., Session 1) and without (i.e., Session 2) feedback. In Session 1, trials were divided into response-selection and feedback events to separately assess decision versus learning processes. Session 3 evaluated stimulus–response automaticity using a location Stroop task. DS activity correlated with response-selection and not feedback events in Phase 1 (i.e., Blocks 1–3), Session 1. Longer response times (RTs), lower accuracy, and greater intertrial variability characterized Phase 1, suggesting deliberation. DS activity extinguished in Phase 2 (i.e., Blocks 4–12), Session 1, once RTs, response variability, and accuracy stabilized, though stimulus–response automatization continued. This was signaled by persisting improvements in RT and accuracy into Session 2. Distraction between Sessions 1 and 2 briefly reintroduced response uncertainty, and correspondingly, significant DS activity reappeared in Block 1 of Session 2 only. Once stimulus–response associations were again refamiliarized and deliberation unnecessary, DS activation disappeared for Blocks 2–8, Session 2. Interference from previously learned right or left button responses with incongruent location judgments in a location Stroop task provided evidence that automaticity of stimulus–specific button-press responses had developed by the end of Session 2. These results suggest that DS mediates decision making and not late-stage learning, reconciling two, independently evolving and well-supported literatures that implicate DS in different cognitive functions. Hum Brain Mapp 38:6133–6156, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Dopaminergic therapy affects learning and impulsivity in Parkinson\u27s disease.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to examine the effect of dopaminergic medication on stimulus-response learning versus performing decisions based on learning. METHOD: To see the effect of dopaminergic therapy on stimulus-response learning and response selection, participants with Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) were either tested on and/or off their prescribed dose of dopaminergic therapy during different testing days. Forty participants with PD and 34 healthy controls completed the experiment on consecutive days. On Day 1, participants learned to associate abstract images with spoken, right or left responses via feedback (Session 1). On Day 2, participants recalled these responses (Session 2) and indicated the location (i.e., right or left of center) of previously studied images intermixed with new images (Session 3). RESULTS: Participants with PD off medication learned stimulus-response associations equally well compared to healthy controls. Learning was impaired by dopaminergic medication. Regardless of medication status, patients recalled the stimulus-response associations from Day 1 as well as controls. In Session 3 off medication, patients demonstrated enhanced facilitation relative to controls and patients on medication, when the stimulus location was congruent with the spoken response that was learned for the stimulus in Session 1. INTERPRETATION: Learning in PD was comparable to that of healthy controls off medication. Learning was worsened by dopaminergic therapy in PD. We interpret greater facilitation in participants with PD off medication for congruent responses as evidence of greater impulsivity. This motor or reflexive impulsivity was normalized by medication in PD. These findings shed light on the cognitive profile of PD and have implications for dopaminergic treatment

    Dorsal striatum mediates cognitive control, not cognitive effort per se, in decision-making: An event-related fMRI study

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    Objective: Whether the dorsal striatum (DS) mediates cognitive control or cognitive effort per se in decision-making is unclear given that these effects are highly correlated. As the cognitive control requirements of a neuropsychological task intensify, cognitive effort increases proportionately. We implemented a task that disentangled cognitive control and cognitive effort to specify the particular function DS mediates in decision-making. Methods: Sixteen healthy young adults completed a number Stroop task with simultaneous blood-oxygenation-level-dependent response (BOLD) measurement using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Participants selected the physically larger number of a pair of single-digit integers. Discriminating smaller versus larger physical size differences between a number pair requires greater cognitive effort, but does not require greater cognitive control. We also investigated the effect of conflict between the physical and numerical dimensions of targets (e.g., 2 6). Selections in this incongruent case are more cognitively effortful and require greater cognitive control to suppress responding to the irrelevant dimension. Enhancing cognitive effort or cognitive control demands increases errors and response times. Despite similar behavioural profiles, our aim was to determine whether DS mediates cognitive control or simply indexes cognitive effort, using the same data set. Results: As expected, behavioural interference effects occurred for both enhanced cognitive control and/or cognitive effort conditions. Despite similar degrees of behavioural interference, DS BOLD signal only correlated with interference arising due to increased cognitive control demands in the incongruent case. DS was not preferentially activated for discriminations of smaller relative to larger physical size differences between number pairs, even when using liberal statistical criteria. However, our incongruent and physical size effects conjointly activated regions related to effortful processing (e.g., anterior cingulate cortex). Interpretation: We interpret these findings as support for the increasingly accepted notion that DS mediates cognitive control specifically and does not simply index cognitive effort per se

    Striatum in stimulus-response learning via feedback and in decision making.

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    Cognitive deficits are recognized in Parkinson\u27s disease. Understanding cognitive functions mediated by the striatum can clarify some of these impairments and inform treatment strategies. The dorsal striatum, a region impaired in Parkinson\u27s disease, has been implicated in stimulus-response learning. However, most investigations combine acquisition of associations between stimuli, responses, or outcomes (i.e., learning) and expression of learning through response selection and decision enactment, confounding these separate processes. Using neuroimaging, we provide evidence that dorsal striatum does not mediate stimulus-response learning from feedback but rather underlies decision making once associations between stimuli and responses are learned. In the experiment, 11 males and 5 females (mean age 22) learned to associate abstract images to specific button-press responses through feedback in Session 1. In Session 2, they were asked to provide responses learned in Session 1. Feedback was omitted, precluding further feedback-based learning in this session. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, dorsal striatum activation in healthy young participants was observed at the time of response selection and not during feedback, when greatest learning presumably occurs. Moreover, dorsal striatum activity increased across the duration of Session 1, peaking after most associations were well learned, and was significant during Session 2 where no feedback was provided, and therefore no feedback-based learning occurred. Preferential ventral striatum activity occurred during feedback and was maximal early in Session 1. Taken together, the results suggest that the ventral striatum underlies learning associations between stimuli and responses via feedback whereas the dorsal striatum mediates enacting decisions

    Pramipexole increases go timeouts but not No-go errors in healthy volunteers

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by motor symptoms, such as resting tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity, but also features non-motor complications. PD patients taking dopaminergic therapy, such as levodopa but especially dopamine agonists (DAs), evidence an increase in impulse control disorders (ICDs), suggesting a link between dopaminergic therapy and impulsive pursuit of pleasurable activities. However, impulsivity is a multifaceted construct. Motor impulsivity refers to the inability to overcome automatic responses or cancel pre-potent responses. Previous research has suggested that PD patients, on dopaminergic medications, have decreased motor impulsivity. Whether effects on impulsivity are main effects of dopaminergic therapies or are specific to PD is unclear. Using a Go No-go task, we investigated the effect of a single dose of the DA pramipexole on motor impulsivity in healthy participants. The Go No-go task consisted of Go trials, for which keystroke responses were made as quickly as possible, and lesser frequency No-go trials, on which motor responses were to be inhibited. We hypothesized that pramipexole would decrease motor impulsivity. This would manifest as: (a) fewer No-go errors (i.e., fewer responses on trials in which a response ought to have been inhibited); and (b) more timed-out Go trials (i.e., more trials on which the deadline elapsed before a decision to make a keystroke occurred). Healthy volunteers were treated with either 0.5 mg of pramipexole or a standard placebo (randomly determined). During the 2-h wait period, they completed demographic, cognitive, physiological and affective measures. The pramipexole group had significantly more Go timeouts (p \u3c 0.05) compared to the placebo group though they did not differ in percent of No-go errors. In contrast to its effect on pursuit of pleasurable activities, pramipexole did not increase motor impulsivity. In fact, in line with findings in PD and addiction, dopaminergic therapy might increase motor impulse control. In these patient groups, by enhancing function of the dorsal striatum (DS) of the basal ganglia in contrast to its effect on impulsive pursuit of pleasurable activities. These findings have implications for use and effects of pramipexole in PD as well as in other conditions (e.g., restless leg, dystonia, depression, addiction-related problems)

    Dopaminergic medication impairs feedback-based stimulus-response learning but not response selection in Parkinson\u27s disease.

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    Cognitive dysfunction is a feature of Parkinson\u27s Disease (PD). Some cognitive functions are impaired by dopaminergic medications prescribed to address the movement symptoms that typify PD. Learning appears to be the cognitive function most frequently worsened by dopaminergic therapy. However, this result could reflect either impairments in learning (i.e., acquisition of associations among stimuli, responses, and outcomes) or deficits in performance based on learning (e.g., selecting responses). We sought to clarify the specific effects of dopaminergic medication on (a) stimulus-response association learning from outcome feedback and (b) response selection based on learning, in PD. We tested 28 PD patients on and/or off dopaminergic medication along with 32 healthy, age- and education-matched controls. In Session 1, participants learned to associate abstract images with specific key-press responses through trial and error via outcome feedback. In Session 2, participants provided specific responses to abstract images learned in Session 1, without feedback, precluding new feedback-based learning. By separating Sessions 1 and 2 by 24 h, we could distinguish the effect of dopaminergic medication on (a) feedback-based learning and response selection processes in Session 1 as well as on (b) response selection processes when feedback-based learning could not occur in Session 2. Accuracy achieved at the end of Session 1 were comparable across groups. PD patients on medication learned stimulus-response associations more poorly than PD patients off medication and controls. Medication did not influence decision performance in Session 2. We confirm that dopaminergic therapy impairs feedback-based learning in PD, discounting an alternative explanation that warranted consideration

    The effect of dopamine therapy on ventral and dorsal striatum-mediated cognition in Parkinson\u27s disease: support from functional MRI.

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    The central aim of our study was to elucidate functions mediated by the ventral and dorsal striatum, respectively, to better understand the cognitive effects of dopamine replacement in Parkinson\u27s disease. We proposed that the ventral striatum underlies general learning of stimulus associations, whereas the dorsal striatum promotes integration of various influences on selecting. In Parkinson\u27s disease, dopamine depletion is substantially less notable in the ventral relative to the dorsal striatum, and therefore greater improvements are expected for dorsal striatum-mediated functions with dopamine replacement. Using a simple selection task, we found that dopamine replacement impaired encoding and facilitation of consistent stimulus-stimulus relations across trials. This finding was in line with our contention that ventral striatum mediates learning stimulus associations, even when explicit feedback or reward is not provided. In contrast, dopamine replacement enhanced interference related to assimilating conflicting influences on selection across trials, consistent with our hypothesis that the dorsal striatum supports deciding in ambiguous contexts. We further confirmed these separable roles for the ventral and dorsal striatum in our selection task with healthy young volunteers using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In summary, we present a within-subject, double dissociation of the effects of dopamine replacement in patients with Parkinson\u27s disease for ventral striatum-mediated facilitation and dorsal striatum-mediated interference, confirmed in a separate functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment. Defining the distinct functions of the ventral and dorsal striatum will have direct clinical implications. Titration of therapy in Parkinson\u27s disease is generally geared towards optimizing dorsal striatum-mediated motor symptoms, possibly at the expense of ventral striatum operations, a consequence that is only beginning to be recognized. Enhanced awareness of these different processes will translate into medication strategies that take into account those symptoms that dopamine replacement might hinder, as well as improve. Here, we show impairments in learning new stimulus associations compared with improvements in integrating varied influences related to selection. Ultimately, this knowledge will lead clinicians to survey a broader range of symptoms in determining optimal therapy based on individual patient priorities

    Automatic online motor control is intact in Parkinson’s disease with and without perceptual awareness

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    In the double-step paradigm, healthy human participants automatically correct reaching movements when targets are displaced. Motor deficits are prominent in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. In the lone investigation of online motor correction in PD using the double-step task, a recent study found that PD patients performed unconscious adjustments appropriately but seemed impaired for consciously-perceived modifications. Conscious perception of target movement was achieved by linking displacement to movement onset. PD-related bradykinesia disproportionately prolonged preparatory phases for movements to original target locations for patients, potentially accounting for deficits. Eliminating this confound in a double-step task, we evaluated the effect of conscious awareness of trajectory change on online motor corrections in PD. On and off dopaminergic therapy, PD patients (n = 14) and healthy controls (n = 14) reached to peripheral visual targets that remained stationary or unexpectedly moved during an initial saccade. Saccade latencies in PD are comparable to controls’. Hence, target displacements occurred at equal times across groups. Target jump size affected conscious awareness, confirmed in an independent target displacement judgment task. Small jumps were subliminal, but large target displacements were consciously perceived. Contrary to the previous result, PD patients performed online motor corrections normally and automatically, irrespective of conscious perception. Patients evidenced equivalent movement durations for jump and stay trials, and trajectories for patients and controls were identical, irrespective of conscious perception. Dopaminergic therapy had no effect on performance. In summary, online motor control is intact in PD, unaffected by conscious perceptual awareness. The basal ganglia are not implicated in online corrective responses