82 research outputs found

    La prueba de oficio frente al sistema acusatorio en el nuevo código procesal Penal

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    Desde la implementación del código adjetivo punitivo peruano, se instituyó como figura jurídica, la prueba de oficio como mecanismo de búsqueda de verdad por el juzgador, es por ello, que nuestro propósito fue determinar si dicho mecanismo vulnera el sistema acusatorio, por ende, analizar, identificar y establecer si ésta vulnera, al juez imparcial, derecho defensa e igualdad de armas. La metodología de la presente investigación, es de carácter cualitativo, tipo básica con la finalidad de poder determinar los problemas que surgen de decretar prueba de oficio por parte del órgano jurisdiccional, con un diseño jurídico propositivo, que busca encontrar las contrariedades, entre el sistema procesal que se encuentra recogido en el nuevo código procesal penal y la norma específica, proponiendo soluciones a las fallas señaladas en la norma. La información se ha recolectado mediante la técnica de la entrevista, análisis documental y el cuestionario, resultando tanto de la prueba de oficio frente al sistema acusatorio, es que dicho mecanismo vulnera este sistema y por ende es rezago del sistema inquisidor, con lo cual se concluye que se debe derogar el inciso 2 del artículo 385°, y por ende el inciso 3 del artículo 155° del NCP

    Interferonβ-1b Induces the Expression of RGS1 a Negative Regulator of G-Protein Signaling

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    We present evidence of a link between interferonβ-1b (IFN-β) and G-protein signaling by demonstrating that IFN-β can induce the expression of the negative regulator of G-protein signaling 1 (RGS1). RGS1 reduces G-protein activation and immune cell migration by interacting with heterotrimeric G-proteins and enhancing their intrinsic GTPase activity. In this study, IFN-β treatment resulted in the induction of RGS1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), monocytes, T cells, and B cells. Induction of RGS1 by IFN-β was concentration dependent and observed at both the RNA and protein level. Other members of the RGS family were not induced by IFN-β, and induction of RGS1 required the activation of the IFN receptor. In addition, RGS1 induction was observed in PBMCs obtained from IFN-β-treated multiple sclerosis patients suggesting a possible, as yet unexplored, involvement of G-protein regulation in disease treatment. The upregulation of RGS1 by IFN-β has not been previously reported

    Negative correlation of single-cell PAX3:FOXO1 expression with tumorigenicity in rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Rhabdomyosarcomas (RMS) are phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous. Both primary human RMS cultures and low-passage Myf6Cre,Pax3:Foxo1,p53 mouse RMS cell lines, which express the fusion oncoprotein Pax3:Foxo1 and lack the tumor suppressor Tp53 (Myf6Cre,Pax3:Foxo1,p53), exhibit marked heterogeneity in PAX3:FOXO1 (P3F) expression at the single cell level. In mouse RMS cells, P3F expression is directed by the Pax3 promoter and coupled to eYFP. YFPlow/P3Flow mouse RMS cells included 87% G0/G1 cells and reorganized their actin cytoskeleton to produce a cellular phenotype characterized by more efficient adhesion and migration. This translated into higher tumor-propagating cell frequencies of YFPlow/P3Flow compared with YFPhigh/P3Fhigh cells. Both YFPlow/P3Flow and YFPhigh/P3Fhigh cells gave rise to mixed clones in vitro, consistent with fluctuations in P3F expression over time. Exposure to the anti-tropomyosin compound TR100 disrupted the cytoskeleton and reversed enhanced migration and adhesion of YFPlow/P3Flow RMS cells. Heterogeneous expression of PAX3:FOXO1 at the single cell level may provide a critical advantage during tumor progression

    The Use of Haplotypes in the Identification of Interaction between SNPs

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    Although haplotypes can provide great insight into the complex relationships between functional polymorphisms at a locus, their use in modern association studies has been limited. This is due to our inability to directly observe haplotypes in studies of unrelated individuals, but also to the extra complexity involved in their analysis and the difficulty in identifying which is the truly informative haplotype. Using a series of simulations, we tested a number of different models of a haplotype carrying two functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to assess the ability of haplotypic analysis to identify functional interactions between SNPs at the same locus. We found that, when phase is known, analysis of the haplotype is more powerful than analysis of the individual SNPs. The difference between the two approaches becomes less either as an increasing number of non-informative SNPs are included, or when the haplotypic phase is unknown, while in both cases the SNP association becomes progressively better at identifying the association. Our results suggest that when novel genotyping and bioinformatics methods are available to reconstruct haplotypic phase, this will permit the emergence of a new wave of haplotypic analysis able to consider interactions between SNPs with increased statistical power.</p

    The Identification of Zebrafish Mutants Showing Alterations in Senescence-Associated Biomarkers

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    There is an interesting overlap of function in a wide range of organisms between genes that modulate the stress responses and those that regulate aging phenotypes and, in some cases, lifespan. We have therefore screened mutagenized zebrafish embryos for the altered expression of a stress biomarker, senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) in our current study. We validated the use of embryonic SA-β-gal production as a screening tool by analyzing a collection of retrovirus-insertional mutants. From a pool of 306 such mutants, we identified 11 candidates that showed higher embryonic SA-β-gal activity, two of which were selected for further study. One of these mutants is null for a homologue of Drosophila spinster, a gene known to regulate lifespan in flies, whereas the other harbors a mutation in a homologue of the human telomeric repeat binding factor 2 (terf2) gene, which plays roles in telomere protection and telomere-length regulation. Although the homozygous spinster and terf2 mutants are embryonic lethal, heterozygous adult fish are viable and show an accelerated appearance of aging symptoms including lipofuscin accumulation, which is another biomarker, and shorter lifespan. We next used the same SA-β-gal assay to screen chemically mutagenized zebrafish, each of which was heterozygous for lesions in multiple genes, under the sensitizing conditions of oxidative stress. We obtained eight additional mutants from this screen that, when bred to homozygosity, showed enhanced SA-β-gal activity even in the absence of stress, and further displayed embryonic neural and muscular degenerative phenotypes. Adult fish that are heterozygous for these mutations also showed the premature expression of aging biomarkers and the accelerated onset of aging phenotypes. Our current strategy of mutant screening for a senescence-associated biomarker in zebrafish embryos may thus prove to be a useful new tool for the genetic dissection of vertebrate stress response and senescence mechanisms

    Simulated Evolution of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks with Realistic Topology

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    We model the evolution of eukaryotic protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. In our model, PPI networks evolve by two known biological mechanisms: (1) Gene duplication, which is followed by rapid diversification of duplicate interactions. (2) Neofunctionalization, in which a mutation leads to a new interaction with some other protein. Since many interactions are due to simple surface compatibility, we hypothesize there is an increased likelihood of interacting with other proteins in the target protein’s neighborhood. We find good agreement of the model on 10 different network properties compared to high-confidence experimental PPI networks in yeast, fruit flies, and humans. Key findings are: (1) PPI networks evolve modular structures, with no need to invoke particular selection pressures. (2) Proteins in cells have on average about 6 degrees of separation, similar to some social networks, such as human-communication and actor networks. (3) Unlike social networks, which have a shrinking diameter (degree of maximum separation) over time, PPI networks are predicted to grow in diameter. (4) The model indicates that evolutionarily old proteins should have higher connectivities and be more centrally embedded in their networks. This suggests a way in which present-day proteomics data could provide insights into biological evolution

    Identification, Replication, and Functional Fine-Mapping of Expression Quantitative Trait Loci in Primary Human Liver Tissue

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    The discovery of expression quantitative trait loci (“eQTLs”) can help to unravel genetic contributions to complex traits. We identified genetic determinants of human liver gene expression variation using two independent collections of primary tissue profiled with Agilent (n = 206) and Illumina (n = 60) expression arrays and Illumina SNP genotyping (550K), and we also incorporated data from a published study (n = 266). We found that ∼30% of SNP-expression correlations in one study failed to replicate in either of the others, even at thresholds yielding high reproducibility in simulations, and we quantified numerous factors affecting reproducibility. Our data suggest that drug exposure, clinical descriptors, and unknown factors associated with tissue ascertainment and analysis have substantial effects on gene expression and that controlling for hidden confounding variables significantly increases replication rate. Furthermore, we found that reproducible eQTL SNPs were heavily enriched near gene starts and ends, and subsequently resequenced the promoters and 3′UTRs for 14 genes and tested the identified haplotypes using luciferase assays. For three genes, significant haplotype-specific in vitro functional differences correlated directly with expression levels, suggesting that many bona fide eQTLs result from functional variants that can be mechanistically isolated in a high-throughput fashion. Finally, given our study design, we were able to discover and validate hundreds of liver eQTLs. Many of these relate directly to complex traits for which liver-specific analyses are likely to be relevant, and we identified dozens of potential connections with disease-associated loci. These included previously characterized eQTL contributors to diabetes, drug response, and lipid levels, and they suggest novel candidates such as a role for NOD2 expression in leprosy risk and C2orf43 in prostate cancer. In general, the work presented here will be valuable for future efforts to precisely identify and functionally characterize genetic contributions to a variety of complex traits

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals &lt;1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Central pathways causing fatigue in neuro-inflammatory and autoimmune illnesses

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