10 research outputs found

    Stage I–IV Colorectal Cancer Prognosis Can Be Predicted by Type and Number of Intratumoral Macrophages and CLEVER-1+ Vessel Density

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    Macrophages, which are key players in the tumor microenvironment and affect the prognosis of many cancers, interact with lymphatic vessels in tumor tissue. However, the prognostic role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and lymphatic vessels in human colorectal cancer (CRC) remains controversial. We investigated the prognostic role of CD68+ and CLEVER-1+ (common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor 1) TAMs in addition to CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessels in 498 stage I–IV CRC patients. The molecular markers were detected by immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. The results showed that, in early stage I CRC and in young patients (age below median, ≤67.4 years), a high number of CD68+ and CLEVER-1+ TAMs was associated with longer disease-specific survival (DSS). In early stage I CRC, high intratumoral CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessel density (LVD) predicted a favorable prognosis, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in stage II CRC. The highest density of CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessels was found in metastatic disease. The combination of intratumoral CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vesselhigh + CD68+ TAMlow was associated with poor DSS in stage I–IV rectal cancer. The present results indicate that the prognostic significance of intratumoral macrophages and CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessels differs according to disease stage, reflecting the dynamic changes occurring in the tumor microenvironment during disease progression

    Stage I-IV Colorectal Cancer Prognosis Can Be Predicted by Type and Number of Intratumoral Macrophages and CLEVER-1(+) Vessel Density

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    Simple Summary Tumor-associated macrophages can either promote or prevent cancer growth depending on factors such as macrophage polarization status, tumor type, and disease stage. Macrophages and vessels interact with each other, and the number of lymphatic vessels also affects cancer survival. CLEVER-1 is a protein expressed both on immunosuppressive M2 macrophages and lymphatic vessels. The aim of this study was to validate our previous results regarding the prognostic role of CLEVER-1(+) macrophages, CD68(+) macrophages, and CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessels in stage I-IV colorectal cancer. The results indicate that the prognostic role of tumor-associated macrophages and lymphatic vessels changes during disease progression. The findings resemble our earlier results, but are not completely equal, which may be due to the different types of tumor samples used in the two studies (whole section vs. tissue microarray). Macrophages, which are key players in the tumor microenvironment and affect the prognosis of many cancers, interact with lymphatic vessels in tumor tissue. However, the prognostic role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and lymphatic vessels in human colorectal cancer (CRC) remains controversial. We investigated the prognostic role of CD68(+) and CLEVER-1(+) (common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor 1) TAMs in addition to CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessels in 498 stage I-IV CRC patients. The molecular markers were detected by immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. The results showed that, in early stage I CRC and in young patients (age below median,Peer reviewe

    Stage I–IV Colorectal Cancer Prognosis Can Be Predicted by Type and Number of Intratumoral Macrophages and CLEVER-1+ Vessel Density

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    Macrophages, which are key players in the tumor microenvironment and affect the prognosis of many cancers, interact with lymphatic vessels in tumor tissue. However, the prognostic role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and lymphatic vessels in human colorectal cancer (CRC) remains controversial. We investigated the prognostic role of CD68+ and CLEVER-1+ (common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor 1) TAMs in addition to CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessels in 498 stage I–IV CRC patients. The molecular markers were detected by immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. The results showed that, in early stage I CRC and in young patients (age below median, ≤67.4 years), a high number of CD68+ and CLEVER-1+ TAMs was associated with longer disease-specific survival (DSS). In early stage I CRC, high intratumoral CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessel density (LVD) predicted a favorable prognosis, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in stage II CRC. The highest density of CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessels was found in metastatic disease. The combination of intratumoral CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vesselhigh + CD68+ TAMlow was associated with poor DSS in stage I–IV rectal cancer. The present results indicate that the prognostic significance of intratumoral macrophages and CLEVER-1+ lymphatic vessels differs according to disease stage, reflecting the dynamic changes occurring in the tumor microenvironment during disease progression

    Stage I-IV Colorectal Cancer Prognosis Can Be Predicted by Type and Number of Intratumoral Macrophages and CLEVER-1(+) Vessel Density

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    Simple Summary Tumor-associated macrophages can either promote or prevent cancer growth depending on factors such as macrophage polarization status, tumor type, and disease stage. Macrophages and vessels interact with each other, and the number of lymphatic vessels also affects cancer survival. CLEVER-1 is a protein expressed both on immunosuppressive M2 macrophages and lymphatic vessels. The aim of this study was to validate our previous results regarding the prognostic role of CLEVER-1(+) macrophages, CD68(+) macrophages, and CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessels in stage I-IV colorectal cancer. The results indicate that the prognostic role of tumor-associated macrophages and lymphatic vessels changes during disease progression. The findings resemble our earlier results, but are not completely equal, which may be due to the different types of tumor samples used in the two studies (whole section vs. tissue microarray). Macrophages, which are key players in the tumor microenvironment and affect the prognosis of many cancers, interact with lymphatic vessels in tumor tissue. However, the prognostic role of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) and lymphatic vessels in human colorectal cancer (CRC) remains controversial. We investigated the prognostic role of CD68(+) and CLEVER-1(+) (common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor 1) TAMs in addition to CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessels in 498 stage I-IV CRC patients. The molecular markers were detected by immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. The results showed that, in early stage I CRC and in young patients (age below median, <= 67.4 years), a high number of CD68(+) and CLEVER-1(+) TAMs was associated with longer disease-specific survival (DSS). In early stage I CRC, high intratumoral CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessel density (LVD) predicted a favorable prognosis, whereas the opposite pattern was observed in stage II CRC. The highest density of CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessels was found in metastatic disease. The combination of intratumoral CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessel(high) + CD68(+) TAM(low) was associated with poor DSS in stage I-IV rectal cancer. The present results indicate that the prognostic significance of intratumoral macrophages and CLEVER-1(+) lymphatic vessels differs according to disease stage, reflecting the dynamic changes occurring in the tumor microenvironment during disease progression

    Gestational anemia and maternal antenatal and postpartum psychological distress in a prospective FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study

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    BackgroundGestational anemia, most commonly caused by iron deficiency, may increase the risk of maternal anxiety and depression and have a potentially far-reaching impact on mother’s and newborn’s health. Several mechanisms, such as effects of iron deficiency on cerebral neurotransmitter metabolism, have been suggested. None of the earlier studies have assessed the association between gestational anemia and depression, anxiety and pregnancy-related anxiety simultaneously.MethodsWomen, participating in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study and attending maternity welfare clinics in Turku, whose hemoglobin (Hb) values during pregnancy were available were included in this study (n = 1273). The study group consisted of 301 women with Hb levels ResultsGestational anemia was not associated with an increased risk of depression either prenatally or postpartum when the analyses were adjusted for maternal age at birth, parity, smoking during pregnancy, maternal education, and gestational age. However, a weak connection was found between gestational anemia and prenatal anxiety in the early pregnancy. Furthermore, the analysis between women with Hb ConclusionsNo evidence supporting the association between gestational anemia and antenatal or postpartum depression was found. However, a weak connection between gestational anemia and antenatal anxiety was observed. This finding needs further investigation to establish timing and investigate causality.</p

    Identification of molybdenite in diamond-hosted sulphide inclusions:Implications for Re–Os radiometric dating

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    Sulphide inclusions are common features of natural diamonds. They can provide an insight into the nature of diamond-forming reactions and are especially important for Re–Os dating of diamond formation. A discrete molybdenite (MoS2) phase has been identified for the first time by Raman spectroscopy in 73 out of 80 syngenetic sulphide inclusions in 7 eclogitic diamonds from the Mir kimberlite (Yakutia, Russia). The sulphide inclusions were chemically and texturally characterised by electron probe microanalyses (EPMA), focused ion-beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) and synchrotron-based X-ray tomographic microscopy (SXRTM). Our observations suggest the molybdenite has unmixed from an original sulphide melt or monosulphide solid solution. It occurs as sub-micron sized grains, commonly in association with the chalcopyrite rims of the inclusions and sometimes, within surrounding decompression cracks. Molybdenite has also been identified by Raman spectroscopy in at least 50% of sulphide inclusions in preliminary studies of eclogitic diamonds from Argyle (NW Australia), Orapa, Letlhakane, Damtshaa (Botswana) and Dachine (French Guiana), and peridotitic diamond-hosted inclusions from Udachnaya (Yakutia, Russia) and Murowa (Zimbabwe). We have modelled the effects that different amounts of Re loss – through its segregation into an unrecovered molybdenite phase – could have on the radiometric ages of diamonds dated using the Re–Os system. In general Re loss through this process will lead to isochron ages older than the true age, and variable degrees of Re loss will lead to increased scatter around the apparent isochron. For model age calculations, the effects would depend on the 187Re/188Os ratio of the inclusions (if their compositions evolved above or below that of the chondritic mantle evolution curve) but Re loss could generate unrealistically old or future ages, particularly in eclogitic inclusions

    Formation of fibrous structure by extrusion of whey and pea proteins and oat fibre

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    Märkäekstruusio on suosittu liha-analogien valmistusmenetelmä, jonka avulla teksturoitu kasviproteiini voi muistuttaa rakenteeltaan erityisesti kananlihaa. Rakenteesta pyritään tällöin saamaan kuitumainen/anisotrooppinen. Kasviproteiinipohjaisten tuotteiden valikoimaa voisi kuitenkin laajentaa erilaisilla hybridituotteilla, esimerkiksi yhdistämällä ekstrudoimalla kasviproteiineja maitoproteiineihin. Tällainen maito- ja kasviproteiineja sisältävä hybridituote voisi helpottaa kuluttajia siirtymään kasvipainotteisempaan ruokavalioon. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia, miten heraproteiini-isolaatin (WPI) osuus, ekstrudoitavan massan vesipitoisuus (VP) ja pitkän jäähdyttävän suuttimen lämpötila (T) vaikuttivat hera- ja herneproteiini-isolaatista (PPI) sekä kaurakuitukonsentraatista (OFC) valmistettujen ekstrudaattien rakenteeseen ja ominaisuuksiin sekä ekstruusioprosessin muuttujiin. Tavoitteena oli lisäksi selvittää, miten nämä vaikutukset mahdollisesti korreloivat kuitumaisen rakenteen muodostumisen kanssa. Ekstrudaatit muodostettiin kaksiruuvisella ekstruuderilla ja raaka-aineseoksen muodostivat WPI-PPI-seos (50 % kuiva-aineesta) ja OFC (50 % kuiva-aineesta). Ekstrudaatit valmistettiin split-plot-Box-Behnken-koeasetelman mukaan, jossa WPI:n osuus (50–75–100 % proteiiniosasta), VP (57,2–59,7–62,2 %) ja T (40–60–80 °C) vaihtelivat. Ekstrudaateista tehtiin tämän jälkeen rakenneprofiilianalyysi (TPA) (kovuus, kimmoisuus, kumimaisuus, pureskeltavuus), leikkauslujuuden ja anisotrooppisen indeksin määritys, veden absorption määritys (WAC) ja värianalyysi (L*, a*, b*). Ekstrudaateista otettiin myös valokuvat, joista pystyi toteamaan, muodostuiko ekstrudaatteihin kuitumainen rakenne. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että WPI, VP ja T vaikuttivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi useisiin tutkimuksen vastemuuttujiin ja olivat yhtä tärkeitä PLSR-mallin muodostamisessa. Kuitumaisen rakenteen muodostumisen kanssa ainakin osittain korreloivat vastemuuttujat olivat anisotrooppisen indeksin, kumimaisuuden ja pureskeltavuuden suuret arvot sekä veden absorptiokyvyn pieneneminen. Kaikilla WPI:n osuuksilla muodostui kuitumaisia rakenteita, ja VP:n pieneneminen sekä T:n arvot 20–40 °C vaikuttivat yhdistävän näytteitä, joihin muodostui selkeä kuitumainen rakenne. WPI vaikuttaa tämän tutkimuksen perusteella olevan lupaava raaka-aine kuitumaisten rakenteiden muodostamisessa yhdessä PPI:n ja OFC:n kanssa. WPI, VP ja T vaikuttivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi moniin vastemuuttujiin, minkä perusteella voidaan sanoa, että WPI-PPI-OFC-ekstrudaateista voidaan muokata monipuolisesti erityyppisiä tuotteita vaihtamalla prosessiparametreja tai raaka-aineiden osuuksia.High moisture extrusion is a popular method for producing meat analogues with fibrous/anisotropic structure. Textured vegetable protein can resemble chicken meat in particular. However, the selection of plant protein based products could be expanded with various hybrid products, such as extruded mixture of plant and milk proteins. These hybrid products could enable the consumers to shift to a more plant-based diet. The main objective of this study was to investigate how the proportion of whey protein isolate (WPI), water content of the feed (VP) and temperature of the long cooling die (T) affected the structure and properties of the extrudates made of whey and pea protein isolate (PPI) and oat fiber concentrate (OFC) as well as the extrusion process variables. Another objective was to find out how these effects possibly correlated with the formation of a fibrous structure. Extrudates were prepared with a twin-screw laboratory extruder coupled with a long cooling die, and the mixture of ingredients consisted of WPI-PPI-mix (50% of dry ingredients) and OFC (50% of dry ingredients). For the preparation of extrudates, a split-plot Box-Behnken experimental design was chosen with varying values of independent variables: WPI (50–75–100% of protein ingredients), VP (57.2–59.7–62.2%) ja T (40–60–80 °C). The following analyses of the samples were conducted: texture profile analysis (hardness, springiness, gumminess, chewiness), cutting force and anisotropic index measurement, water absorption capacity (WAC) and color analysis (L*, a*, b*). In addition, the extrudates were photographed in order to determine whether a fibrous structure had formed. In the present study, WPI, VP and T contributed statistically significantly to several response variables and they were all equally important in the formation of PLSR model. The following response variables correlated at least partially with the formation of a fibrous structure: high values of anisotropic index, high values of gumminess and chewiness, and low values of WAC. Fibrous structures were formed with all proportions of WPI, and smaller VP and T values of 20–40 °C seemed to combine samples with a distinct fibrous structure. Based on this study, WPI (with PPI and OFC) seems to be a promising raw material for producing fibrous structures. Because WPI, VP, and T contributed statistically significantly to several response variables, the WPI-PPI-OFC extrudates could be modified into versatile products with different properties only by changing process parameters or proportions of raw materials