853 research outputs found
Uusiomateriaalien kÀyttö tien pÀÀllysrakenteessa
TiivistelmÀ. TÀssÀ kandidaatin työssÀ tutustutaan kirjallisuuskatsauksena uusiomateriaalien kÀytön mahdollisuuksiin tien pÀÀllysrakenteessa Suomessa. Työn tavoitteena on löytÀÀ uusiomateriaalien ominaisuuksia ja etuja, jotka ovat tien pÀÀllysrakenteen toiminnan kannalta hyödyllisiÀ sekÀ koostaa kattavasti tietoa uusiomateriaaleista ja niihin liittyvistÀ haasteista. Tutkitaan useasta nÀkökulmasta miksi uusiomateriaalien kÀyttöÀ kannattaisi lisÀtÀ materiaalitehokkuuden, ympÀristön sekÀ toisaalta tierakentamisen tulevaisuuden kannalta.
TyössÀ kÀydÀÀn lÀpi tien pÀÀllysrakenteen rakennekerrokset, sekÀ mitÀ niiden toiminnalta vaaditaan liikennekuormituksen alla. Tarkastellaan yleisesti mitÀ materiaalivaatimuksia eri rakennekerroksilla on, sekÀ millaiset vaatimukset koskevat erityisesti uusiomateriaaleja. KÀydÀÀn pintapuolisesti lÀpi mitkÀ lait ja luvat koskevat ja sÀÀtelevÀt uusiomateriaalien hyödyntÀmistÀ.
Tierakentamiseen potentiaalisia uusiomateriaaleja saadaan teollisuuden sivuvirroista, rakennusjÀtteistÀ ja yhdyskuntajÀtteistÀ. Teollisuuden sivuvirroista saatavia tÀrkeimpiÀ uusiomateriaaleja ovat pohja- ja lentotuhka, masuunihiekka, masuunikuonamurske, ferrokromikuonahiekka ja -murske, kalkit, kalkkikivimurske, kalsiitin rikastushiekka ja jÀtteenpolton pohjakuona. RakennusjÀtteistÀ saatavia uusiomateriaaleja ovat betonimurske, kevytbetoni- ja kevytsorajÀte, asfalttimurske ja -rouhe sekÀ tiilimurske. YhdyskuntajÀtteistÀ potentiaalisimpia ovat rengasrouhe, lasimurske ja vaahtolasimurske. NÀiden uusiomateriaalien valmistus, ominaisuudet ja rakentamisen vaatimukset kÀydÀÀn lÀpi.
Tien pÀÀllysrakenteesta on mahdollista löytÀÀ uusiomateriaaleille kÀyttökohteita jokaisesta rakennekerroksesta. Erityisesti routaeristeen asemassa, sekÀ keventÀmÀÀn ja kuivattamaan tierakennetta. Joidenkin uusiomateriaalien sitoutumisominaisuuksien ansiosta rakenteesta saadaan lujempi kuin vastaavilla luonnonkiviainesmateriaaleilla, jolloin tierakennetta on mahdollista ohentaa.
Työn tulosten mukaan taloudellisesti uusiomateriaalien etu nousee esiin, jos työskentely tapahtuu ahtaassa tilassa esimerkiksi saneerauskohteessa. Muut uusiomateriaalien edut liittyvĂ€t niiden ominaisuuksiin, kuten hyviin kuivatus-, sitoutumis- ja routaeristysominaisuuksiin ja materiaalin keveyteen. Uusiomateriaalin kĂ€yttöön liittyviĂ€ haasteita ovat esimerkiksi ohjeistuksen ja tiedon puute, materiaalien korkea pH, laatu, iso kaivuvastus ja varastointi.Use of recovered materials in the top structure of road. Abstract. In this bachelorâs thesis we look into possibilities of the use of recovered materials in the top structure of road in Finland as a literature survey. The aim of the thesis is to find qualities and advantages of the recovered materials, which are advantageous for the top structure of the road. In addition, the thesis aims to compile comprehensive information of the recovered materials and their challenges. Thesis studies from several point of views why there should be more use of recovered materials, for example because of the material efficiency, environment and on the other hand the future of the road construction.
Thesis describes the structural layers of roadâs top structure and how they are required to work under the traffic load. What material demands different structural layers have and what demands apply specially to the recovered materials. Thesis goes superficially through, what laws and permits affect and regulate the use of recovered materials.
Potentially suitable recovered materials are obtained from industriesâ byproduct streams, construction waste and community waste. Most important recovered materials from industriesâ byproduct streams are bottom and fly ash, blast furnace sand, blast furnace slag crush, ferrochrome slag sand and crush, limes, limestone crumb, calcite enrichment sand and waste incineration base slag. Materials from construction waste are concrete crush, lightweight concrete and expanded clay waste, asphalt crush and brick crush. Most usable community wastes are tyre crush, glass crush and foam glass crush. These recovered materialsâ manufacturing, attributes and demands for construction are reviewed.
In every layer in the top structure of road it is possible to find various applications for the recovered materials. Specially as frost insulation, and to lighten and drain the road structure. Due to some recovered materialsâ bond formation structure becomes stronger than with the natural aggregates, thus structure can be thinned.
According to the thesis results, financially recovered materials advantages come up, when the work takes place in limited space, for example in a renovation site. Other recovered materialsâ advantages connect to their attributes, as good draining, bonding, frost insulation and lightness. Challenges involving the use of recovered materials are for example the lack of instructions and knowledge, high pH of the materials, material quality big excavation resistance and storing
Rotational torque measurement device
A device for measuring torque applied through a rotating member. A first torsion reference member is fixedly coupled to the rotating member at a first axial position and a second torsion reference member is fixedly coupled to the rotating member at a second axial position. A first detector detects the passage of the first torsion reference member past the first detector upon each full rotation of the rotating member and to generate a first signal upon each passage of the first torsion reference member. A second detector detects the passage of the second torsion reference member past the second detector upon each full rotation of the rotating member and to generate a second signal upon each passage of the second torsion reference member. A controller calculates a phase difference between the first signal and the second signal relative during rotation of the rotating member under a torsional load.https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/patents/1003/thumbnail.jp
Erityisopettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien yhteistyö ja sen kehittĂ€mistarpeet peruskoulussa:âPienenkin huolen ilmaantuessa asiaan pitĂ€isi tarttua mahdollisimman pian.â
TiivistelmÀ. Suomessa perusopetuksen yhtenÀ tehtÀvÀnÀ on lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin tukeminen, mikÀ edellyttÀÀ yhteistyötÀ kotien ja koulun eri ammattilaisten kesken. Peruskoulussa lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia tuetaan oppilashuollon, oppimisen ja koulunkÀynnin kolmiportaisen tuen sekÀ vaativan erityisen tuen keinoin. Tukitoimista huolimatta oppilaiden tuen tarve on kuitenkin kasvanut vuosi vuodelta, eikÀ kukaan tunnu tietÀvÀn syytÀ miksi. TÀhÀn liittyen Oulun yliopistossa tutkitaan, miksi erityisopetuksen ja tuen tarpeen mÀÀrÀ nÀyttÀÀ koko ajan kasvavan ja olisiko erityisopetuksen ja terveydenhuollon yhteistyöllÀ mahdollista vÀhentÀÀ erityisopetuksen ja tuen tarpeen kasvua tukien lasta yhdessÀ, ennaltaehkÀisevÀsti.
Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on kuvailla erityisopettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien yhteistyötÀ ja sen kehittÀmistarpeita oppilaiden tukemisen keinona. Tavoitteenani on tutkimuskohdetta kuvailemalla tuottaa tietoa, millaista erityisopettajien ja terveydenhoitajien yhteistyö ja sen kehittÀmistarpeet ovat heidÀn itsensÀ kokemana, yhteistyön kehittÀmisen tueksi. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat 1) millaista on erityisopettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien yhteistyö peruskoulussa ja 2) miten erityisopettajat ja kouluterveydenhoitajat kehittÀisivÀt yhteistyötÀÀn oppilaiden tukemisen keinona. KyseessÀ on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa on fenomenologinen lÀhestymistapa. KerÀsin tutkimukseni aineiston sÀhköisellÀ kyselylomakkeella erityisopettajilta ja kouluterveydenhoitajilta Pohjois-Suomen alueelta.
Tutkimustulosten mukaan erityisopettajat ja kouluterveydenhoitajat tekevÀt yhteistyötÀ yleisimmin konsultatiivisesti jakaakseen yksittÀisten oppilaiden tilanteita toisilleen. Seuraavaksi yleisimpiÀ yhteistyön aiheita ovat kouluterveydenhuolto, yksilökohtainen oppilashuolto sekÀ oppimisen sekÀ koulunkÀynnin tuki. Vasta nÀiden jÀlkeen seuraavaksi yleisin yhteistyön aihe on yhteisöllinen oppilashuolto. Yhteistyö tapahtuu useammin spontaanisti etÀnÀ kuin suunnitelmallisesti lÀsnÀ. Erityisopettajat ja kouluterveydenhoitajat kokevat vaitiolo- ja salassapitosÀÀdösten haastavan aitoa monialaista yhteistyötÀ. KehittÀmisehdotuksena he esittÀvÀtkin vaitiolo- ja salassapitosÀÀdösten muuttamista tiedonkulun parantamiseksi sekÀ yhteisen ajan ja kouluterveydenhoitajan resurssien lisÀÀmistÀ.
JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ totean, ettĂ€ erityisopettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien yhteistyö nĂ€yttÀÀ edelleen painottuvan yksittĂ€isten oppilaiden korjaavaan tukeen kouluyhteisön ennaltaehkĂ€isevĂ€ tuen sijaan. Erityisopettajien ja kouluterveydenhoitajien yhteistyön kehittĂ€minen on tarpeen, jotta tuloksellisen monialaisen yhteistyön edellytykset, kuten toimiva vuorovaikutus sekĂ€ selkeĂ€t tavoitteet, roolit ja vastuut, tĂ€yttyvĂ€t lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi. Salassapito- ja vaitiolosÀÀdösten selkeyttĂ€minen erityisopettajille ja kouluterveydenhoitajille on tarpeen tiedonkulun parantamiseksi heidĂ€n vĂ€lillÀÀn.Special education teachers and school nurses in comprehensive school : cooperation and development needs in their cooperation âEven small concerns should be addressed as soon as possible.â. Abstract. In Finland, one of the tasks of basic education is to support the well-being of children and young people. In order to achieve it, cooperation between parents and different professionals at school is required. In comprehensive school, the well-being of children and young people is supported through pupil welfare services, three tiers of support and significant special support. Despite these current support measures, the need for pupil support is growing every year, and no one seems to know why. Thus, in the University of Oulu it is studied why the need of special education and support is growing. It is also studied whether cooperation between special education and health care could reduce preventively the growing need for special education and support, as well as enable cooperation in supporting the pupils.
In this context, the purpose of this research is to describe the cooperation between special education teachers and school nurses as a means to support pupils, as well as identify development needs in their cooperation. The research aim is to produce information on how special education teachers and school nurses themselves experience the cooperation and development needs in the cooperation. The research questions are 1) how is the cooperation between special education teachers and school nurses in comprehensive school and 2) how would special education teachers and school nurses develop their cooperation as a means of supporting pupils. The research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The research data is collected with an electronic questionnaire from special education teachers and school nurses from the region of Northern Finland.
The results of this study show that special education teachers and school nurses most often work together in a consultative way to share information on the situations of pupils. The second most common reasons for cooperation are school health care, individual pupil welfare services and support in learning and school attendance. Only after those, the third most common reason of cooperation is collective pupil welfare services. Collaboration often takes place remotely and spontaneously rather than systematically at present. Special education teachers and school nurses feel that confidentiality legislation challenge genuine multidisciplinary collaboration. When asked for development proposals, they propose changing the confidentiality legislation in order to improve the flow of information, as well as increasing the resources of the school nurses and increasing time for a cooperation.
In conclusion, cooperation between special education teachers and school nurses still seems to focus on remedial support for individual pupils rather than being preventive support from the school community. The development of the cooperation between special education teachers and school nurses is necessary in order to meet the conditions for effective multidisciplinary cooperation, such as effective interaction and clear goals, roles and responsibilities in supporting the well-being of children and young people. There is also a need to clarify the content of the confidentiality legislation for special education teachers and school nurses to improve the flow of information between them
Skeletal muscle mitochondrial DNA content and aerobic metabolism in patients with antiretroviral therapy-associated lipoatrophy
Objectives To assess whether mitochondrial dysfunction in skeletal muscle characterizes antiretroviral therapy (ART)-associated lipoatrophy (LA). Methods A cross-sectional study comparing HIV-infected, antiretroviral-treated patients with LA (nâ=â5; LA+) and without LA (nâ=â5; non-LA) was conducted. Positron emission tomography was used to measure blood flow, oxygen extraction and oxygen consumption in quadriceps femoris muscle during rest and aerobic exercise. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was quantified by PCR. Body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and magnetic resonance imaging. All data are given as meansâ±âSEM. Results Compared with the non-LA group, the LA+ group had significantly less limb fat and more intra-abdominal fat, but similar leg muscle mass. The LA+ group versus the non-LA group had reduced mtDNA content per nucleus in adipose tissue (173â±â38 versus 328â±â62; Pâ=â0.067), but not in skeletal muscle (2606â±â375 versus 2842â±â309; Pâ=â0.64). Perfusion in resting muscle (34â±â7 versus 28â±â6 mL/kg/min in the LA+ group versus the non-LA group; Pâ=â0.5), and the mean absolute (277â±â30 versus 274â±â43 mL/kg/min, respectively; Pâ=â0.95) and relative (10.6â±â2.5- versus 11.9â±â1.5-fold change, respectively; Pâ=â0.67) increases in perfusion during exercise were similar between the groups. Oxygen consumption at rest (2.2â±â0.7 versus 2.1â±â0.3 mL/kg/min in the LA+ group versus the non-LA group; Pâ=â0.9), and the mean absolute (14.6â±â1.7 versus 24.3â±â8.8 mL/kg/min, respectively; Pâ=â0.3) and relative (10.3â±â2.8- versus 11.7â±â2.4-fold change, respectively; Pâ=â0.73) exercise-induced increases in oxygen consumption were similar between the groups. The oxygen extraction fraction was comparable between the groups, both at rest and during exercise. Plasma lactate concentrations remained unchanged in both groups during exercise. Conclusions HIV-infected patients with ART-associated LA have similar mtDNA content in skeletal muscle and comparable skeletal muscle aerobic exercise metabolism to antiretroviral-treated non-lipoatrophic patient
Increasing the Inflammatory Competence of Macrophages with IL-6 or with Combination of IL-4 and LPS Restrains the Invasiveness of Pancreatic Cancer Cells
Recent studies suggest that pro-inflammatory type M1 macrophages inhibit tumor progression and that anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages enhance it. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction of type M1 and M2 macrophages with pancreatic cancer cells. We studied the migration rate of fluorescein stained pancreatic cancer cells on Matrigel cultured alone or with Granulocyte- Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) differentiated macrophages or with Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) differentiated macrophages, skewing the phenotype towards pro- and anti-inflammatory direction, respectively. Macrophage differentiation was assessed with flow cytometry and the cytokine secretion in cell cultures with cytokine array. Both GM-CSF and M-CSF differentiated macrophages increased the migration rate of primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line (MiaPaCa-2) and metastatic cell line (HPAF-II). Stimulation with IL6 or IL4+ LPS reversed the macrophages' increasing effect on the migration rate of Mi-aPaCa-2 completely and partly of HPAF-II. Co-culture with MiaPaCa-2 reduced the inflammatory cytokine secretion of GM-CSF differentiated macrophages. Co-culture of macrophages with pancreatic cancer cells seem to change the inflammatory cytokine profile of GM-CSF differentiated macrophages and this might explain why also GM-CSF differentiated macrophages promoted the invasion. Adding IL6 or IL4+ LPS to the cell culture with MiaPaCa-2 and GM-CSF or M-CSF differentiated macrophages increased the secretion of inflammatory cytokines and this could contribute to the reversion of the macrophage induced increase of cancer cell migration rate.Peer reviewe
F XX LF and W XX LF Sequences Mediate the NH 2 -terminal Interaction with the Ligand Binding Domain of the Androgen Receptor
The nuclear receptor superfamily members of eukaryotic transcriptional regulators contain a highly conserved activation function 2 (AF2) in the hormone binding carboxyl-terminal domain and, for some, an additional activation function 1 in the NH(2)-terminal region which is not conserved. Recent biochemical and crystallographic studies revealed the molecular basis of AF2 is hormone-dependent recruitment of LXXLL motif-containing coactivators, including the p160 family, to a hydrophobic cleft in the ligand binding domain. Our previous studies demonstrated that AF2 in the androgen receptor (AR) binds only weakly to LXXLL motif-containing coactivators and instead mediates an androgen-dependent interaction with the AR NH(2)-terminal domain required for its physiological function. Here we demonstrate in a mammalian two-hybrid assay, glutathione S-transferase fusion protein binding studies, and functional assays that two predicted alpha-helical regions that are similar, but functionally distinct from the p160 coactivator interaction sequence, mediate the androgen-dependent, NH(2)- and carboxyl-terminal interaction. FXXLF in the AR NH(2)-terminal domain with the sequence (23)FQNLF(27) mediates interaction with AF2 and is the predominant androgen-dependent interaction site. This FXXLF sequence and a second NH(2)-terminal WXXLF sequence (433)WHTLF(437) interact with different regions of the ligand binding domain to stabilize the hormone-receptor complex and may compete with AF2 recruitment of LXXLL motif-containing coactivators. The results suggest a unique mechanism for AR-mediated transcriptional activation
Intermolecular NH 2 -/Carboxyl-terminal Interactions in Androgen Receptor Dimerization Revealed by Mutations That Cause Androgen Insensitivity
Structural alignment of the human androgen receptor dimer was investigated by introducing steroid binding domain mutations that cause partial or complete androgen insensitivity into fusion proteins containing the full-length androgen receptor or the steroid binding domain. Most of the mutants had unchanged apparent equilibrium androgen binding affinity and increased dissociation rates of [3H]methyltrienolone and required increased dihydrotestosterone concentrations for transcriptional activation. In a 2-hybrid protein interaction assay in mammalian cells, the steroid binding domain interacts with an NH2-terminal-DNA binding domain fragment and with the full-length androgen receptor at physiological androgen concentrations in a dose-dependent manner. However, mutations at Val-889 and Arg-752 disrupt the NH2-/carboxyl-terminal interaction when introduced into the steroid binding domain fragment but not when present in the full-length androgen receptor. The N-C bimolecular interaction reduces the dissociation rate of bound androgen and slows the degradation rate of the carboxyl-terminal steroid binding domain fragment. The results suggest that steroid binding domain residues Val-889 and Arg-752 are critical to the NH2-/carboxyl-terminal interaction and that an intermolecular N-C interaction occurs during receptor dimerization that results in an antiparallel arrangement of androgen receptor monomers
Production of Androgens by Microbial Transformation of Progesterone in Vitro: A Model for Androgen Production in Rivers Receiving Paper Mill Effluent
We have previously documented the presence of progesterone and androstenedione in the water column and bottom sediments of the Fenholloway River, Taylor County, Florida. This river receives paper mill effluent and contains masculinized female mosquitofish. We hypothesized that plant sterols (e.g., ÎČ-sitosterol) derived from the pulping of pine trees are transformed by bacteria into progesterone and subsequently into 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione, and other androgens. In this study, we demonstrate that these same androgens can be produced in vitro from the bacterium Mycobacterium smegmatis. In a second part to this study, we reextracted and reanalyzed the sediment from the Fenholloway River and verified the presence of androstadienedione, a Î1 steroid with androgen activity
Clinical Value of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Response Evaluation after Primary Treatment of Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
Aims: To prospectively evaluate the use of F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (F-18-FDG-PET/CT) in the definition of the treatment response after primary treatment of advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Materials and methods: Forty-nine patients with advanced EOC had an F-18-FDG PET/CT scan before and after primary treatment. The treatment response was defined with the currently used radiological and serological Response Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST1.1/GCIC) criteria and the modified PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors (PERCIST). The concordance of the two methods was analysed. If the patient had a complete response to primary treatment by conventional criteria, the end of treatment F-18-FDG PET/CT scan (etPET/CT) was not opened until retrospectively at the time of disease progression. The ability of etPET/CT to predict the time to disease recurrence was analysed. The recurrence patterns were observed with an F-18-FDG PET/CT at the first relapse. Results: The agreement of the RECIST1.1/GCIC and modified PERCIST criteria in defining the primary treatment response in the whole patient cohort was good (weighted kappa coefficient = 0.78 ). Of the complete responders (n = 28), 34% had metabolically active lesions present in the etPET/CT, most typically in the lymph nodes. The same anatomical sites tended to activate at disease relapse, but were seldom the only site of relapse. In patients with widespread intra-abdominal carsinosis at diagnosis, the definition of metabolic response was challenging due to problems in distinguishing the physiological FDG accumulation in the bowel loops from the residual tumour in the same area. The presence of metabolically active lesions in the etPET/CT did not predict earlier disease relapse in the complete responders. Conclusions: In the present study, etPET/CT revealed metabolically active lesions in complete responders after EOC primary therapy, but they were insignificant for the patient's prognosis. The current study does not favour routine use of F-18-FDG PET/CT after EOC primary treatment for complete responders. (C) 2018 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Upregulated but insufficient generation of activated protein C is associated with development of multiorgan failure in severe acute pancreatitis
INTRODUCTION: Disturbed protein C (PC) pathway homeostasis might contribute to the development of multiple organ failure (MOF) in acute pancreatitis (AP). We therefore evaluated circulating levels of PC and activated protein C (APC), evaluated monocyte deactivation in AP patients, and determined the relationship of these parameters to MOF. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-one patients in the intensive care unit were categorized as cases (n = 13, severe AP with MOF) or controls (n = 18, severe AP without MOF). Blood samples were drawn every second day to determine the platelet count, the levels of APC, PC, and D-dimer, and the monocyte HLA-DR expression using flow cytometry. The APC/PC ratio was used to evaluate turnover of PC to APC. RESULTS: During the initial two weeks of hospitalization, low PC levels (<70% of the adult mean) occurred in 92% of cases and 44% of controls (P = 0.008). The minimum APC level was lower in cases than in controls (median 85% versus 97%, P = 0.009). Using 87% as the cut-off value, 8/13 (62%) cases and 3/18 (17%) controls showed reduced APC levels (P = 0.021). A total of 92% of cases and 50% of controls had APC/PC ratios exceeding the upper normal limit (P = 0.013). Plasma samples drawn before MOF showed low PC levels and high APC/PC ratios. HLA-DR-positive monocytes correlated with PC levels (r = 0.38, P < 0.001) and APC levels (r = 0.27, P < 0.001), indicating that the PC pathway was associated with systemic inflammation-triggered immune suppression. CONCLUSION: PC deficiency and decreased APC generation in severe AP probably contributed to a compromised anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory defence. The PC pathway defects were associated with the development of MOF. The data support feasibility of testing the use of APC or PC to improve the clinical outcome in AP
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