8 research outputs found

    Decadal increase in vessel interactions by a scavenging pelagic seabird across the North Atlantic

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    J.H.D.’s position is funded by an Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme (EPSPG/2019/469), M.C. is funded by the H2020 X-Rotor project (101007135), and the majority of GLS devices are funded by the SEATRACK program (seatrack.seapop.no, Norwegian Research Council grant no. 192141). We would like to recognize and thank all those who assisted in the deployment and recovery of GLS devices, too many to mention individually. We are indebted to Pat and Liezl Grattan-Bellew for accommodating fieldwork on Little Saltee, Orkney Islands Council for access to Eynhallow, the landowners at Laxamyri for access to the Skjalfandi colony, and the Norwegian Armed Forces for support and accommodation on Jan Mayen. Particular thanks to Françoise Amélineau and Ewan Edwards for helpful input during discussions on this topic at an early stage, and to Vegard Bråthen for collating, curating, and delivering the data for analysis. Thanks to the two anonymous reviewers for exceptionally helpful and constructive feedback.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Workshop on the production of swept-area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiver-sity assessments (WKSAE-DATRAS)

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    The workshop on the production of swept-area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiver-sity assessments (WKSAE-DATRAS) considered three groups of surveys for which data are sub-mitted to the Database of Trawl Surveys (DATRAS): various Beam Trawl Surveys, the Northeast Atlantic International Bottom Trawl Survey (Northeast Atlantic IBTS), and the North Sea Inter-national Bottom Trawl Survey (North Sea IBTS). All countries contributing to the above-mentioned surveys were represented by at least one par-ticipant during the workshop, apart from the Netherlands and Norway. The main objectives of the workshop were to establish tow-by-tow swept-area estimates for time-series as far back in time as possible, compare different approaches for the estimates of missing observations, and harmonize the resulting dataseries for biodiversity assessments. For all of the surveys considered, problems with data quality were detected. This included the Beam Trawl Surveys but was most pronounced for the North Sea IBTS. Outliers and potential erroneous data were listed for reporting back to the respective national institutes. In particular, missing observations or algorithms affected wing spread-based swept-area, which is needed in several applications. This workshop compared the Marine Scotland Science-MSS/OSPAR approach, which includes a data quality check for the information needed for the calculation of swept-area, and the DATRAS approach, which depends solely on correctly reported data from the national institutes. Larger data gaps were identified, in particular for several years of the North Sea IBTS. For those surveys, it is proposed that the best possible way forward at this moment is to use estimates based on the MSS/OSPAR approach. However, if dubious records (i.e. extreme outliers) were identified by the MSS/OSPAR and no other information was available, values (e.g. speed over ground or the depth at which a change from short to long sweeps should have happened) were taken from the manual. However, expe-rience has shown that the survey manuals are not followed in all instances, and so persistent country-specific and survey-specific deviations may occur. The national institutes are encouraged to check, correct, and fill in missing survey data through re-submissions to DATRAS. It is recommended that DATRAS data quality control on data sub-mission is extended for the information needed for the calculation of swept-area (e.g. distance, depth, door spread, and wing spread) and that this is done in close cooperation between the ICES Data Centre and the respective ICES survey working groups, WGBEAM (Working Group on Beam Trawl Surveys) and IBTSWG (International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Working group on ecosystem assessment of Western European shelf seas (WGEAWESS)

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    The ICES Working Group on Ecosystem Assessment of Western European Shelf Seas (WGEA-WESS) aims to provide high quality science in support to holistic, adaptive, evidence-based man-agement in the Celtic seas, Bay of Biscay and Iberian coast regions. The group works towards developing integrated ecosystem assessments for both the (i) Celtic Seas and (ii) Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast which are summarized in the Ecosystem Overviews (EOs) advice products that were recently updated. Integrated Trend Analysis (ITA) were performed for multiple sub-ecoregions and used to develop an understanding of ecosystem responses to pressures at varying spatial scales. Ecosystem models (primarily Ecopath with Ecosim; EwE) were developed and identified for fisheries and spatial management advice. The updated Celtic Seas EO represents a large step forward for EOs, with the inclusion of novel sections on climate change, foodweb and productivity, the first application of the new guidelines for building the conceptual diagram, inclusion of socio-economic indicators, and progress made toward complying with the Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF). We highlight ongoing issues relevant to the development and communication of EO conceptual diagrams. A common methodology using dynamic factor analysis (DFA) was used to perform ITA in a comparable way for seven subregions. This was supported by the design and compilation of the first standardized cross-regional dataset. A comparison of the main trends evidenced among subregions over the period 1993–2020 was conducted and will be published soon. A list of available and developing EWE models for the region was also generated. Here, we re-port on the advances in temporal and spatial ecosystem modelling, such as their capacity to model the impacts of sector activities (e.g. renewables and fisheries) and quantify foodweb indi-cators. We also reflect on model quality assessment with the key run of the Irish sea EwE model. The group highlighted the hurdles and gaps in current models in support of EBM, such as the choice of a relevant functional, spatial, and temporal scales and the impacts of model structure on our capacity to draw comparisons from models of different regions. The group aims to ad-dress these issues in coming years and identify routes for ecosystem model derived information into ICES advice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Workshop on the production of abundance estimates for sensitive species (WKABSENS). ICES Scientific Reports, 3:96.

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    The Workshop on the production of annual estimates of abundance of sensitive species (WKABSENS) met to define sensitive species, collate ICES assessments of abundance where these are available, and estimate indices of their abundance per swept-area where not, for the OSPAR area. The analyses identified 140 potentially sensitive species or species complexes, among which 10 are diadromous and three are coastal, 20 have uncertain species ID and nine were identified as sensitive in only one of the sources examined. Among the sensitive species and species complexes, there was sufficient data to provide abundance indices for 50 species, of which 16 had existing stock assessments whereas the workshop derived abundance estimates for the remaining 34 species from survey data. Three statistical modelling approaches (binomial, General Additive Models (GAMs) and VAST) and were explored and the final abundance indices were calculated using GAMs. The species were divided into stocks before estimating abundance indices where these could be identified from the spatial distribution of the species in the survey. The group considered that a similar analysis using data from additional surveys, commercial indices or data from bycatch observers can potentially provide improved abundance estimates for species with variable or low catchability, such as deep-water and pelagic species

    Workshop on the production of swept-area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiversity assessments (WKSAE-DATRAS). ICES Scientific Reports, 3:74.

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    The workshop on the production of swept-area estimates for all hauls in DATRAS for biodiver-sity assessments (WKSAE-DATRAS) considered three groups of surveys for which data are sub-mitted to the Database of Trawl Surveys (DATRAS): various Beam Trawl Surveys, the Northeast Atlantic International Bottom Trawl Survey (Northeast Atlantic IBTS), and the North Sea Inter-national Bottom Trawl Survey (North Sea IBTS). All countries contributing to the above-mentioned surveys were represented by at least one par-ticipant during the workshop, apart from the Netherlands and Norway. The main objectives of the workshop were to establish tow-by-tow swept-area estimates for time-series as far back in time as possible, compare different approaches for the estimates of missing observations, and harmonize the resulting dataseries for biodiversity assessments. For all of the surveys considered, problems with data quality were detected. This included the Beam Trawl Surveys but was most pronounced for the North Sea IBTS. Outliers and potential erroneous data were listed for reporting back to the respective national institutes. In particular, missing observations or algorithms affected wing spread-based swept-area, which is needed in several applications. This workshop compared the Marine Scotland Science-MSS/OSPAR approach, which includes a data quality check for the information needed for the calculation of swept-area, and the DATRAS approach, which depends solely on correctly reported data from the national institutes. Larger data gaps were identified, in particular for several years of the North Sea IBTS. For those surveys, it is proposed that the best possible way forward at this moment is to use estimates based on the MSS/OSPAR approach. However, if dubious records (i.e. extreme outliers) were identified by the MSS/OSPAR and no other information was available, values (e.g. speed over ground or the depth at which a change from short to long sweeps should have happened) were taken from the manual. However, expe-rience has shown that the survey manuals are not followed in all instances, and so persistent country-specific and survey-specific deviations may occur. The national institutes are encouraged to check, correct, and fill in missing survey data through re-submissions to DATRAS. It is recommended that DATRAS data quality control on data sub-mission is extended for the information needed for the calculation of swept-area (e.g. distance, depth, door spread, and wing spread) and that this is done in close cooperation between the ICES Data Centre and the respective ICES survey working groups, WGBEAM (Working Group on Beam Trawl Surveys) and IBTSWG (International Bottom Trawl Survey Working Group)

    Workshop on the production of abundance estimates for sensitive species (WKABSENS). ICES Scientific Reports, 3:96.

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    The Workshop on the production of annual estimates of abundance of sensitive species (WKABSENS) met to define sensitive species, collate ICES assessments of abundance where these are available, and estimate indices of their abundance per swept-area where not, for the OSPAR area. The analyses identified 140 potentially sensitive species or species complexes, among which 10 are diadromous and three are coastal, 20 have uncertain species ID and nine were identified as sensitive in only one of the sources examined. Among the sensitive species and species complexes, there was sufficient data to provide abundance indices for 50 species, of which 16 had existing stock assessments whereas the workshop derived abundance estimates for the remaining 34 species from survey data. Three statistical modelling approaches (binomial, General Additive Models (GAMs) and VAST) and were explored and the final abundance indices were calculated using GAMs. The species were divided into stocks before estimating abundance indices where these could be identified from the spatial distribution of the species in the survey. The group considered that a similar analysis using data from additional surveys, commercial indices or data from bycatch observers can potentially provide improved abundance estimates for species with variable or low catchability, such as deep-water and pelagic species