1,692 research outputs found

    Updating soil information with digital soil mapping

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    De Bodemkaart van Nederland, schaal 1:50.000, is de belangrijkste bron van bodeminformatie in Nederland. Deze kaart raakt echter in gebieden met veengronden verouderd. Door intensief gebruik van deze gronden verdwijnt het veen. Actualisatie van de bodemkaart is daarom noodzakelijk. Bas Kempen promoveerde op zijn onderzoek hiernaar

    The time course of conceptualizing and formulating processes during the production of simple sentences

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    The psychological process of producing sentences includes conceptualization (selecting to-beexpressed conceptual content) and formulation (translating conceptual content into syntactic structures of a language). There is ample evidence, both intuitive and experimental, that the conceptualizing and formulating processes often proceed concurrently, not strictly serially. James Lindsley (Cognitive Psych.,1975, 7, 1-19; J.Psycholinguistic Res., 1976, 5, 331-354) has developed a concurrent model which proved succesful in an experimental situation where simple English Subject-Verb (SV) sentences such as “The boy is greeting”,”The girl is kicking” were produced as descriptions of pictures which showed actor and action. The measurements were reaction times defined as the interval between the moment a picture appeared on a screen and the onset of the vocal utterance by the speaker. Lindsley could show, among other things, that the formulation process for an SV sentence doesn’t start immediately after the actor of a picture (that is, the conceptual content underlying the surface Subject phrase) has been identified, but is somewhat delayed. The delay was needed, according to Lindsley, in order to prevent dysfluencies (hesitations) between surface Subject and verb. We replicated Lindsley’s data for Dutch. However, his model proved inadequate when we added Dutch Verb-Subject (VS) constructions which are obligatory in certain syntactic contexts but synonymous with their SV counterparts. A sentence production theory which is being developed by the first author is able to provide an accurate account of the data. The abovementioned delay is attributed to certain precautions the sentence generator has to take in case of SV but not of VS sentences. These precautions are related to the goal of attaining syntactic coherence of the utterance as a whole, not to the prevention of dysfluencies

    Feshbach resonances with large background scattering length: interplay with open-channel resonances

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    Feshbach resonances are commonly described by a single-resonance Feshbach model, and open-channel resonances are not taken into account explicitly. However, an open-channel resonance near threshold limits the range of validity of this model. Such a situation exists when the background scattering length is much larger than the range of the interatomic potential. The open-channel resonance introduces strong threshold effects not included in the single-resonance description. We derive an easy-to-use analytical model that takes into account both the Feshbach resonance and the open-channel resonance. We apply our model to 85^{85}Rb, which has a large background scattering length, and show that the agreement with coupled-channels calculations is excellent. The model can be readily applied to other atomic systems with a large background scattering length, such as 6^6Li and 133^{133}Cs. Our approach provides full insight into the underlying physics of the interplay between open-channel (or potential) resonances and Feshbach resonances.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A; v2: added reference

    Predicting scattering properties of ultracold atoms: adiabatic accumulated phase method and mass scaling

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    Ultracold atoms are increasingly used for high precision experiments that can be utilized to extract accurate scattering properties. This calls for a stronger need to improve on the accuracy of interatomic potentials, and in particular the usually rather inaccurate inner-range potentials. A boundary condition for this inner range can be conveniently given via the accumulated phase method. However, in this approach one should satisfy two conditions, which are in principle conflicting, and the validity of these approximations comes under stress when higher precision is required. We show that a better compromise between the two is possible by allowing for an adiabatic change of the hyperfine mixing of singlet and triplet states for interatomic distances smaller than the separation radius. A mass scaling approach to relate accumulated phase parameters in a combined analysis of isotopically related atom pairs is described in detail and its accuracy is estimated, taking into account both Born-Oppenheimer and WKB breakdown. We demonstrate how numbers of singlet and triplet bound states follow from the mass scaling.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    SoilGrids: using big data solutions and machine learning algorithms for global soil mapping

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    The SoilGrids system (www.soilgrids.org) uses machine learning algorithms to predict soil type and basic soil properties at seven depths on global extent. These algorithms (i.e., random forests, gradient boosting) are trained with soil observations assembled from 150 000 locations across the globe as stored in WoSIS ..

    Advancing interoperable soil data exchange for global soil data information systems

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    In order to be able to address local, regional and global issues such as sustainable land management, food security, climate change mitigation and soil-related indicators of the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development the need for reliable, relevant and accurate soil information and data is increasing. Currently, ..

    The hot core towards the intermediate mass protostar NGC7129 FIRS 2: Chemical similarities with Orion KL

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    NGC 7129 FIRS 2 (hereafter FIRS 2) is an intermediate-mass (2 to 8 Msun) protostar located at a distance of 1250 pc. High spatial resolution observations are required to resolve the hot core at its center. We present a molecular survey from 218200 MHz to 221800 MHz carried out with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. These observations were complemented with a long integration single-dish spectrum taken with the IRAM 30m telescope. We used a Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) single temperature code to model the whole dataset. The interferometric spectrum is crowded with a total of ~300 lines from which a few dozens remain unidentified yet. The spectrum has been modeled with a total of 20 species and their isomers, isotopologues and deuterated compounds. Complex molecules like methyl formate (CH3OCHO), ethanol (CH3CH2OH), glycolaldehyde (CH2OHCHO), acetone (CH3COCH3), dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3), ethyl cyanide (CH3CH2CN) and the aGg' conformer of ethylene glycol (aGg'-(CH2OH)_2) are among the detected species. The detection of vibrationally excited lines of CH3CN, CH3OCHO, CH3OH, OCS, HC3N and CH3CHO proves the existence of gas and dust at high temperatures. In fact, the gas kinetic temperature estimated from the vibrational lines of CH3CN, ~405 K, is similar to that measured in massive hot cores. Our data allow an extensive comparison of the chemistry in FIRS~2 and the Orion hot core. We find a quite similar chemistry in FIRS 2 and Orion. Most of the studied fractional molecular abundances agree within a factor of 5. Larger differences are only found for the deuterated compounds D2CO and CH2DOH and a few molecules (CH3CH2CN, SO2, HNCO and CH3CHO). Since the physical conditions are similar in both hot cores, only different initial conditions (warmer pre-collapse phase in the case of Orion) and/or different crossing time of the gas in the hot core can explain this behavior.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy of Ultracold Fermions

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    Radio-frequency techniques were used to study ultracold fermions. We observed the absence of mean-field "clock" shifts, the dominant source of systematic error in current atomic clocks based on bosonic atoms. This is a direct consequence of fermionic antisymmetry. Resonance shifts proportional to interaction strengths were observed in a three-level system. However, in the strongly interacting regime, these shifts became very small, reflecting the quantum unitarity limit and many-body effects. This insight into an interacting Fermi gas is relevant for the quest to observe superfluidity in this system.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
