8 research outputs found

    Гераклиты – карбонатные образования газовых источников и грязевых вулканов миоцена

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    Морфологические признаки, минералогия, геохимия и состав газовой фракции гераклитов подтвердили их генетическую общность с современными карбонатными образованиями метановых источников и грязевых вулканов Черного моря. Присутствие в гераклитах битумов, метана и этана может служить индикатором наличия нефти и газа на Гераклейском полуострове и прилегающему к нему шельфе.Морфологічні ознаки, мінералогія, геох!мія i склад газової фракцїї гераклитів підтвердили їх генетичну спільність із сучасними карбонатними утвореннями метанових джерел i грязьових вулканів Чорного моря. Присутність у гераклітах бітумів, метану i етану може слугувати як індикатор наявності нафти й газу на Гераклейськом niвocтpoвi i прилеглому до нього шельфі.Morphological attributes, mineralogy, geochemistry and structure of gas fraction Geraklit have confirmed their proximity to modern carbonate formations of methane sources and mud volcanoes in the Black sea. Presence of bitumen, methane and ethane in Geraklites serves as indicator of occurence of oil fields and gas on the Geraklejskij peninsula and adjoining to them a shelf

    Contribution of genes and unique environment to cross-sectional and longitudinal measures of subcortical volumes in bipolar disorder

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    The influence of genes and environment on the association between bipolar disorder (BD) and volumes of subcortical brain regions involved in emotion processing has rarely been studied. Furthermore, as far as we know, longitudinal twin studies of subcortical brain volume change in BD have not been carried out at all. In this study, we focused on the genetic and environmental contributions to cross-sectional and longitudinal measures of subcortical brain volumes in BD.A total of 99 twins from monozygotic and dizygotic pairs concordant or discordant for BD and 129 twins from monozygotic and dizygotic healthy control pairs underwent magnetic resonance imaging at baseline. Longitudinal assessment was carried out in 48 twins from monozygotic and dizygotic patient pairs and 52 twins from monozygotic and dizygotic control pairs. Subcortical volume measures were obtained with Freesurfer software and analyzed with structural equation modeling software OpenMx.At baseline, BD was phenotypically and genetically associated with smaller volumes of the thalamus, putamen and nucleus accumbens. BD was not associated with subcortical brain volume change over time in any of the examined regions. Heritability of subcortical volumes at baseline was high, whereas subcortical volume change had low heritability.Genes contributing to BD showed overlap with those associated with smaller volumes of the thalamus, putamen and nucleus accumbens at baseline. Further evaluation of genetic contributions to abnormalities in subcortical brain regions assumed to be involved in emotion processing is recommended

    Adaptation to transients disrupts spatial coherence in binocular rivalry

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    When one eye is presented with an image that is distinct from the image presented to the other eye, the eyes start to rival and suppress each other’s image. Binocular rivalry leads to perceptual alternations between the images of each eye, during which only one of the images is perceived at a time. However, when the eyes exert weak and shallow suppression, participants tend to perceive both images intermixed more often. A recent study proposed that the precedence of mixed percepts positively correlates with the degree of adaptation to conflict between the eyes. However, this study neglected the role of visual transients, which covaried with the degree of conflict in the stimulus design. Here we report that not the conflict between the eyes but prolonged and repeated observations of strong visual transients cause participants to report more mixed percepts. We conclude that visual transients, such as sudden changes in contrast, draw attention, strengthen both eyes’ image representations, and facilitate the adaptation to interocular suppression, which consequentially disrupts the spatial coherence in binocular rivalry. This finding is relevant to virtual- and augmented reality for which it is crucial to design stereoscopic environments in which binocular rivalry is limited

    Mutation screening and association analysis of six candidate genes for autism on chromosome 7q.

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    Genetic studies have provided evidence for an autism susceptibility locus (AUTS1) on chromosome 7q. Screening for mutations in six genes mapping to 7q, CUTL1, SRPK2, SYPL, LAMB1, NRCAM and PTPRZ1 in 48 unrelated individuals with autism led to the identification of several new coding variants in the genes CUTL1, LAMB1 and PTPRZ1. Analysis of genetic variants provided evidence for association with autism for one of the new missense changes identified in LAMB1; this effect was stronger in a subgroup of affected male sibling pair families, implying a possible specific sex-related effect for this variant. Association was also detected for several polymorphisms in the promoter and untranslated region of NRCAM, suggesting that alterations in expression of this gene may be linked to autism susceptibility

    Mapping autism risk loci using genetic linkage and chromosomal rearrangements

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are common, heritable neurodevelopmental conditions. The genetic architecture of ASDs is complex, requiring large samples to overcome heterogeneity. Here we broaden coverage and sample size relative to other studies of ASDs by using Affymetrix 10K SNP arrays and 1,168 families with at least two affected individuals, performing the largest linkage scan to date while also analyzing copy number variation in these families. Linkage and copy number variation analyses implicate chromosome 11p12-p13 and neurexins, respectively, among other candidate loci. Neurexins team with previously implicated neuroligins for glutamatergic synaptogenesis, highlighting glutamate-related genes as promising candidates for contributing to ASDs. © 2007 Nature Publishing Group