83 research outputs found

    Elastic free energy drives the shape of prevascular solid tumors

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    It is well established that the mechanical environment influences cell functions in health and disease. Here, we address how the mechanical environment influences tumor growth, in particular, the shape of solid tumors. In an in vitro tumor model, which isolates mechanical interactions between tumor cells and a hydrogel, we find that tumors grow as ellipsoids, resembling the same, oft-reported observation of in vivo tumors. Specifically, an oblate ellipsoidal tumor shape robustly occurs when the tumors grow in hydrogels that are stiffer than the tumors, but when they grow in more compliant hydrogels they remain closer to spherical in shape. Using large scale, nonlinear elasticity computations we show that the oblate ellipsoidal shape minimizes the elastic free energy of the tumor-hydrogel system. Having eliminated a number of other candidate explanations, we hypothesize that minimization of the elastic free energy is the reason for predominance of the experimentally observed ellipsoidal shape. This result may hold significance for explaining the shape progression of early solid tumors in vivo and is an important step in understanding the processes underlying solid tumor growth.Comment: Six figures in main text. Supporting Information with 6 additional figure

    Actin Fusion Proteins Alter the Dynamics of Mechanically Induced Cytoskeleton Rearrangement

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    Mechanical forces can regulate various functions in living cells. The cytoskeleton is a crucial element for the transduction of forces in cell-internal signals and subsequent biological responses. Accordingly, many studies in cellular biomechanics have been focused on the role of the contractile acto-myosin system in such processes. A widely used method to observe the dynamic actin network in living cells is the transgenic expression of fluorescent proteins fused to actin. However, adverse effects of GFP-actin fusion proteins on cell spreading, migration and cell adhesion strength have been reported. These shortcomings were shown to be partly overcome by fusions of actin binding peptides to fluorescent proteins. Nevertheless, it is not understood whether direct labeling by actin fusion proteins or indirect labeling via these chimaeras alters biomechanical responses of cells and the cytoskeleton to forces. We investigated the dynamic reorganization of actin stress fibers in cells under cyclic mechanical loading by transiently expressing either egfp-Lifeact or eyfp-actin in rat embryonic fibroblasts and observing them by means of live cell microscopy. Our results demonstrate that mechanically-induced actin stress fiber reorganization exhibits very different kinetics in EYFP-actin cells and EGFP-Lifeact cells, the latter showing a remarkable agreement with the reorganization kinetics of non-transfected cells under the same experimental conditions

    Cyclic stretch increases splicing noise rate in cultured human fibroblasts

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    BACKGROUND: Mechanical forces are known to alter the expression of genes, but it has so far not been reported whether they may influence the fidelity of nucleus-based processes. One experimental approach permitting to address this question is the application of cyclic stretch to cultured human fibroblasts. As a marker for the precision of nucleus-based processes, the number of errors that occur during co-transcriptional splicing can then be measured. This so-called splicing noise is found at low frequency in pre-mRNA splicing. FINDINGS: The amount of splicing noise was measured by RT-qPCR of seven exon skips from the test genes AATF, MAP3K11, NF1, PCGF2, POLR2A and RABAC1. In cells treated by altered uniaxial cyclic stretching for 18 h, a uniform and significant increase of splicing noise was found for all detectable exon skips. CONCLUSION: Our data demonstrate that application of cyclic stretch to cultured fibroblasts correlates with a reduced transcriptional fidelity caused by increasing splicing noise

    Tumorzellen on the move : mikrosystem-basierter Assay zur Untersuchung der Tumorzellen-Migration

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    Die Invasion von Tumorzellen in umliegendes Gewebe und die Bildung von Metastasen transformieren einen lokal wachsenden Tumor in eine systemische und lebensbedrohliche Krankheit mit schlechter Prognose. Dabei spielt die aktive Migration der Tumorzellen eine entscheidende Rolle. Tumorzellen gelangen durch die aktive Zellbewegung in das Lymph- oder Blutsystem und breiten sich im Körper aus. Bei der Invasion in ein neues Organ migrieren die Zellen ebenfalls wieder in komplexer Weise durch das Gewebe und können schließlich dort Metastasen bilden. Auf Grund der enormen medizinischen Relevanz der Tumorzell-Invasion, wird die Bewegung von Tumorzellen seit Jahrzehnten unter Laborbedingungen umfassend untersucht und ist ein wichtiger Marker für die Aggressivität der Tumorzellen. Zur Bewegungsanalyse gibt es mehrere experimentelle und auch kommerziell erhältliche in-vitro Untersuchungsmethoden. Ziel des interdisziplinären Projektes „MigChip“ ist die Entwicklung, Herstellung und experimentelle Validierung eines Mikrofludik-Chips zur verbesserten, detailgenauen in-vitro Untersuchung der Tumorzellen-Migration

    Image analysis of self-organized multicellular patterns : multicellular pattern formation on compliant elastomer surfaces as model system

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    Analysis of multicellular patterns is required to understand tissue organizational processes. By using a multi-scale object oriented image processing method, the spatial information of cells can be extracted automatically. Instead of manual segmentation or indirect measurements, such as general distribution of contrast or flow, the orientation and distribution of individual cells is extracted for quantitative analysis. Relevant objects are identified by feature queries and no low-level knowledge of image processing is required

    Stronger than they look

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    An experimental study of living cells suggests that single myosin molecules are capable of generating unusually large forces. The observation is supported by a theoretical model - and demonstrates the complexity of in vivo force generation

    Functionalization of PU-based materials for orthopedic applications

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    Knee osteoarthritis is a common complication and can lead to total loss of joint function in patients. Treatment by either partial or total knee replacement with appropriate UHMWPE based implantsis highly invasive, may cause complications and may show unsatisfying results. Alternatively, treatment may be done by insertion of an elastic interpositional knee spacer with optimized material characteristics. We report the development of high performance polyurethane-based polymers modified with bioactive molecules for fabrication of such knee spacers. In order to tailor mechanical and tribological properties and to improve resist to enzymatic degradation we propose a core-shell model for the spacer with specifically adapted properties

    Hydrogels with precisely nano-functionalized micro-topography for cell guidance

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    In vivo, cells encounter different physical and chemical signals in the extracellular matrix (ECM) which regulate their behavior. Examples of these signals are micro- and nanometer-sized features, the rigidity, and the chemical composition of the ECM. The study of cell responses to such cues is important to understand complex cell functions, some diseases, and is basis for the development of new biomaterials for applications in medical implants or regenerative medicine. Therefore, the development of new methods for surface modifications with controlled physical and chemical features is crucial. In this work, we report a new combination of micelle nanolithography (BCML) and soft micro-lithography, for the production of polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogels, with a micro-grooved surface and decoration with hexagonally precisely arranged gold nanoparticles (AU NPs). The Au-NPs are used for binding adhesive ligands in a well-defined density. First tests were performed by culturing human fibroblasts on the gels. Adhesion and alignment of the cells along the parallel grooves of the surface were investigated. The substrates could provide a new platform for studying cell contact guidance by micro structures, and may enable a more precise control of cell behavior by nanometrically controlled surface functionalization
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