22 research outputs found

    The Influence of Macroeconomic Factors on Credit Risk of Banks in Indonesia using ARDL Model

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    One of the efforts to maintain economic stability during the Covid-19 pandemic is to reduce the risk of in the banking sector. One of the risks in the banking sector that must be anticipated is credit risk. Non-Performing Loan (NPL) is one of the indicators used to detect credit risk. There are various factors that can affect credit risk, both from internal and external banking. One of the external factors that can affect NPL is macroeconomic conditions. This study aims to identify macroeconomic factors that affect banking NPLs in Indonesia using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. The data used is time series data from January 2015 – August 2020, which period describes the condition of the Indonesian economy before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data consists of six variables, namely the NPL ratio of commercial banks and macroeconomic factors in Indonesia such as gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, USD-IDR exchange rate, benchmark interest rates [BI 7-Day (Reverse) Repo Rate], and credit growth. The results of the data analysis show that the NPL ratio and macroeconomic variables are experiencing shocks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the ARDL model analysis show that these macroeconomic variables are able to explain the NPL of 66.61

    Strategi Peningkatan Kapasitas Pembentukan Modal Pada Kelompok Tani Di Desa Waimital Provinsi Maluku

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan strategi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kapasitas kelompok tani di Desa Waimital khususnya untuk membentuk modal kelompok.  Kapasitas pembentukan modal kelompok merupakan salah satu hal penting bagi kelompok tani di Desa Waimital karena berbagai kegiatan kelompok yang terkait dengan usaha tani tidak dapat dilakukan akibat ketiadaan modal kelompok.  Konsekuensinya kelompok tani bersifat stagnan, hanya melakukan rutinitas saja padahal anggota kelompok tani di Desa Waimital adalah petani yang suka mencoba hal-hal baru.  Sebagai populasi adalah seluruh kelompok tani di Desa Waimital, yaitu 12 kelompok tani.  Sebagai responden ditentukan lima orang mewakili setiap kelompok yang terdiri dari ketua, sekretaris, dan tiga anggota kelompok.  Data primer berasal dari responden yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara berstruktur menggunakan kuesioner. Data primer diantaranya tentang berbagai kegiatan kelompok terkait pembentukan modal kelompok. Data sekunder diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, diantaranya dari Kantor Desa Waimital, Badan Pusat Statistik, dan sumber-sumber lain.  Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang sesuai untuk peningkatan kapasitas pembentukan modal kelompok bagi kelompok tani di Desa Waimital adalah dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan tentang pembentukan modal kelompok. Ini dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan tentang pembentukan modal kelompok, manajemen pengelolaan modal kelompok dan diikuti dengan dukungan regulasi (kebijakan) yang sesuai, dukungan sarana produksi dan alat serta mesin pertanian.  Strategi yang akan dilakukan membutuhkan kerjasama dan sinergitas dari berbagai pihak terkait, yaitu pihak perguruan tinggi; perbankan; pemerintah desa, kecamatan, dan kabupaten terkait dengan dinas-dinas yang relevan, diantaranya dinas pertanian.     &nbsp

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Mesin Rice Transplanter terhadap Efisiensi Waktu dan Biaya pada Petani Sawah di Desa Debowae Kabupaten Buru

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    The needs of the Indonesian people for rice make rice as one of the staple ingredients that must always be met every day, food needs cannot be separated from population growth so that an increase in productivity at each rice harvest season is needed in order to meet the rice needs of the Indonesian people which continue to increase from time to time. . This study aims to determine the response of farmers in Debowae Village to the rice transplanter machine. The research was conducted in Debowae Village, Waelata District, Buru Regency. The location selection was carried out intentionally (purposive sampling) with the consideration that Debowae Village is one of the centers of rice production in Waelata District and one of the villages that received rice transplanter machine assistance by the Agriculture Service of Buru Regency. The sample size was determined using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10 percent, so that from a population of 764 farmers, a sample size of 88 farmers was obtained. The data collected includes primary data and secondary data. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results showed that the response of farmers to the level of knowledge was quite good. The response of farmers at the attitude level shows that farmers are open to an innovation in their farming activities. Farmers' skills about rice transplanter machines are very decisive in making decisions. Rice Transplanter is a machine for transplanting rice seeds that provides benefits for farmers. Besides being able to save time and energy for farmers in planting rice, this machine can also increase production efficiency due to low planting costs

    Agricultural Sector Investment Impact of Economy Province Maluku

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    Development of the agricultural sector is part of the economic development undertaken over the years. The agricultural sector used as a leading sector in improving society and government revenue. One response indicated by the central government is a change of policy more autonomy to the regions, namely the granting of authority to local governments to determine the direction of regional development policies that are expected to affect national development targets, such as economic growth, job creation and distribution of income will be affected by the investment. To see the impact of agricultural investment on the economy of Maluku used two approaches that approaches based on data input and output are formed using process simulation approach to the agricultural sector investment activities. Impact Investment agricultural sector is capable of forming revenues of 455.00 billion dollars and form as much as 333 314 people jobs. The role of the agricultural sector is still quite dominant in the Moluccas economy, while the downstream industry sector has not evolved significantly. This condition is a challenge and an opportunity for economic development of the Moluccas. Development opportunities are open to industrial processing and preserving of fish and other food processing. This condition will be achieved if accompanied by investment, improving the quality of human resources, entrepreneurship, and the development of appropriate technology. Keywords: Output, Income, and Labo

    Sugar Price Policy and Indonesia's Trade Balance

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    Multiplier Income Impact of Economy on Maluku Province – Analisys Input Outpout

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    Economic development has been undertaken to improve the community and government revenue. One response indicated by the central government is a change of policy more autonomy to the regions, namely the granting of authority to local governments to determine the direction of regional development policies that are expected to affect national development targets, such as economic growth, job creation and distribution of income will be affected by the investment. To see the impact on the economy of Maluku revenue based on data input and output. Economic sectors Maluku province that has the largest income multiplier value indicates that if there is an increase in revenue of the unit in these sectors will have an impact on improving people's income multiplier of income in the sector. Maluku Province as an archipelago in various capacities or local potential (local specific), would have the ultimate goal of the development process does. For that if the local government wants to achieve a goal or a target goal to be achieved is to increase the income of the people of Maluku province and local governments should encourage each sector in accordance with the income multiplier value. As the field actors (stakeholders) society can allocate each unit earned income that can be spent to output the sectors that have the greatest income multiplier value. Thus if the income multiplier becoming a target or targets local governments must optimize the increase in revenue to the economy in the province of Maluku. Keywords: Output, Income, Economic and Maluku

    Analisis Rantai Pasok Komoditas Cengkih Hutan di Maluku

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    The Maluku Islands are renowned as the world's clove origin. Maluku is home to one of the indigenous clove germplasms known as Forest cloves. Forest Cloves are wild-type cloves found on Ambon Island, Maluku. The study's objective was to conduct an analysis of the supply chain for forest clove commodities. The investigation was conducted in the villages of Hitulama, Hitumesing, and Pulau Seram in Maluku Province, as well as in the villages of Latu and Hualoi. Primary data were collected from a sample of 25 forest clove farmers. The data analysis reveals that several parties are involved in the supply chain of Maluku's forest clove commodities, including farmers/suppliers, village-level middlemen, large collectors in the Regency City and provincial capital, Ambon City, as well as large companies in Surabaya that use forest cloves as raw material. Efforts to conserve forest cloves must be made in order to expand local potential and farmers' revenue. As a result, the wealth of Forest clove germplasm in Maluku province can be increased


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    Pengembangan sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu strategi kunci dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi pada masa yang akan datang. Agroindustri sebagai subsistem agribisnis mempunyai potensi sebagai pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, karena memiliki peluang pasar dan nilai tambah yang besar. Pembangunan agroindustri dapat menjadi pintu masuk proses transformasi struktur ekonomi dari pertanian ke industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan I-O. Tujuan penelitian ini menetapkan subsektor unggulan yang potensial untuk dikembangkan Provinsi Maluku, menganalisa sektor-sektor yang bisa memberikan efek multiplier yang besar, dan mengukur tingkat kontribusi sektor pertanian dan sektor-sektor unggulan dalam pembangunan daerah dan yang bisa dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah untuk mengembangkan daerahnya. Penentuan arah dan strategi kebijakan pembangunan wilayah yang berbasis pada kapasitas atau potensi lokal (local spesific) wilayah harus mampu mengidentifikasi dan mengembangkan sektor-sektor unggulan selain memiliki nilai tambah dan mampu memberikan efek pengganda (multiplier effect) yang memiliki keterkaitan ke depan maupun ke belakang (linkages) terhadap sektornya sendiri dan sektor-sektor lainnya. Percepatan dan pengembangan sektor-sektor unggulan menjadi dasar untuk meningkatkan PDRB. ABSTRACTThe development of agricultural sector is one of the key strategies to spur economic growth in the future. Agro-industry as a subsystem of agribusiness has potential as a driver of economic growth, because it has a market opportunity and a great added value. Agro-industry development can be the entrance to the structural transformation of the economy from agriculture to industry. This study uses the I-O approach. The objective of this study set seed sub-sector with the potential to be developed Maluku province, analyze the sectors that can provide a large multiplier effect, and measure the level of contribution of the agricultural sector and leading sectors in regional development and that can be done by local governments to develop the region. Determining the direction and strategy of regional development policies based on the capacity or potential local (the specific local) area should be able to identify and develop leading sectors in addition has added value and is able to give a multiplier effect (multiplier effect) which is connected to the front and to the rear (linkages) against its own sector and other sectors. Acceleration and development of leading sectors form the basis for increasing the GDP


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    Pemerintah menerbitkan Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesia (Inpres) Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Optimalisasi Penyelenggaraan Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas. Inpres yang dapat diakses pada laman JDIH Sekretariat Kabinet ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan memberdayakan serta memperkuat institusi keluarga melalui optimalisasi penyelenggaraan kampung keluarga berkualitas di setiap desa/kelurahan. Perkembangan kampung KB di propinsi Maluku cukup baik karena telah terbentuk kampung KB hampir di seluruh kabupaten/kota. Hal ini menjadi penting karena untuk meningkatkan keakuratan data kependudukan maka melalui kampung KB maka ketersediaan data penduduk akan semakin baik. Jumlah kampung KB di Propinsi Maluku sebanyak 400 dengan klasifikasi dasar sebanyak 83,29%, berkembang sebanyak 12,66%, mandiri sebanyak 0,75% dan berkelanjutan sebanyak 3,29%. Terlihat bahwa klasifikasi kampung KB pada kabupaten/kota penyebarannya belum seimbang. Perlu pendampingan kader kampung KB  supaya terus mengarah ke fase berikutnya. Program Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting (Dashat) diharapkan mampu mengubah pola perilaku masyarakat, dalam penyiapan gizi seimbang yang dimulai keluarga. Dashat sebagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam upaya pemenuhan gizi seimbang