114 research outputs found

    Genetic analysis of resistance to septoria tritici blotch in the French winter wheat cultivars Balance and Apache

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    The ascomycete Mycosphaerella graminicola is the causal agent of septoria tritici blotch (STB), one of the most destructive foliar diseases of bread and durum wheat globally, particularly in temperate humid areas. A screening of the French bread wheat cultivars Apache and Balance with 30 M. graminicola isolates revealed a pattern of resistant responses that suggested the presence of new genes for STB resistance. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of a doubled haploid (DH) population with five M. graminicola isolates in the seedling stage identified four QTLs on chromosomes 3AS, 1BS, 6DS and 7DS, and occasionally on 7DL. The QTL on chromosome 6DS flanked by SSR markers Xgpw5176 and Xgpw3087 is a novel QTL that now can be designated as Stb18. The QTLs on chromosomes 3AS and 1BS most likely represent Stb6 and Stb11, respectively, and the QTLs on chromosome 7DS are most probably identical with Stb4 and Stb5. However, the QTL identified on chromosome 7DL is expected to be a new Stb gene that still needs further characterization. Multiple isolates were used and show that not all isolates identify all QTLs, which clearly demonstrates the specificity in the M. graminicolaā€“wheat pathosystem. QTL analyses were performed with various disease parameters. The development of asexual fructifications (pycnidia) in the characteristic necrotic blotches of STB, designated as parameter P, identified the maximum number of QTLs. All other parameters identified fewer but not different QTLs. The segregation of multiple QTLs in the Apache/Balance DH population enabled the identification of DH lines with single QTLs and multiple QTL combinations. Analyses of the marker data of these DH lines clearly demonstrated the positive effect of pyramiding QTLs to broaden resistance spectra as well as epistatic and additive interactions between these QTLs. Phenotyping of the Apache/Balance DH population in the field confirmed the presence of the QTLs that were identified in the seedling stage, but Stb18 was inconsistently expressed and might be particularly effective in young plants. In contrast, an additional QTL for STB resistance was identified on chromosome 2DS that is exclusively and consistently expressed in mature plants over locations and time, but it was also strongly related with earliness, tallness as well as resistance to Fusarium head blight. Although to date no Stb gene has been reported on chromosome 2D, the data provide evidence that this QTL is only indirectly related to STB resistance. This study shows that detailed genetic analysis of contemporary commercial bread wheat cultivars can unveil novel Stb genes that can be readily applied in marker-assisted breeding programs

    Triazole Fungicides Can Induce Cross-Resistance to Medical Triazoles in Aspergillus fumigatus

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    Contains fulltext : 103858.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Azoles play an important role in the management of Aspergillus diseases. Azole resistance is an emerging global problem in Aspergillus fumigatus, and may develop through patient therapy. In addition, an environmental route of resistance development has been suggested through exposure to 14alpha-demethylase inhibitors (DMIs). The main resistance mechanism associated with this putative fungicide-driven route is a combination of alterations in the Cyp51A-gene (TR(34)/L98H). We investigated if TR(34)/L98H could have developed through exposure to DMIs. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Thirty-one compounds that have been authorized for use as fungicides, herbicides, herbicide safeners and plant growth regulators in The Netherlands between 1970 and 2005, were investigated for cross-resistance to medical triazoles. Furthermore, CYP51-protein homology modeling and molecule alignment studies were performed to identify similarity in molecule structure and docking modes. Five triazole DMIs, propiconazole, bromuconazole, tebuconazole, epoxiconazole and difenoconazole, showed very similar molecule structures to the medical triazoles and adopted similar poses while docking the protein. These DMIs also showed the greatest cross-resistance and, importantly, were authorized for use between 1990 and 1996, directly preceding the recovery of the first clinical TR(34)/L98H isolate in 1998. Through microsatellite genotyping of TR(34)/L98H isolates we were able to calculate that the first isolate would have arisen in 1997, confirming the results of the abovementioned experiments. Finally, we performed induction experiments to investigate if TR(34)/L98H could be induced under laboratory conditions. One isolate evolved from two copies of the tandem repeat to three, indicating that fungicide pressure can indeed result in these genomic changes. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support a fungicide-driven route of TR(34)/L98H development in A. fumigatus. Similar molecule structure characteristics of five triazole DMIs and the three medical triazoles appear the underlying mechanism of cross resistance development. Our findings have major implications for the assessment of health risks associated with the use of triazole DMIs

    Genetic diversity of the banana Fusarium wilt pathogen in Cuba and across Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Fusarium wilt of bananas (FWB) is a severe plant disease that leads to substantial losses in banana production worldwide. It remains a major concern for Cuban banana cultivation. The disease is caused by members of the soil-borne Fusarium oxysporum species complex. However, the genetic diversity among Fusarium species infecting bananas in Cuba has remained largely unexplored. In our comprehensive survey, we examined symptomatic banana plants across all production zones in the country, collecting 170 Fusarium isolates. Leveraging genotyping-by-sequencing and whole-genome comparisons, we investigated the genetic diversity within these isolates and compared it with a global Fusarium panel. Notably, typical FWB symptoms were observed in Bluggoe cooking bananas and Pisang Awak subgroups across 14 provinces. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed that F. purpurascens, F. phialophorum, and F. tardichlamydosporum are responsible for FWB in Cuba, with F. tardichlamydosporum dominating the population. Furthermore, we identified between five and seven distinct genetic clusters, with F. tardichlamydosporum isolates forming at least two subgroups. This finding underscores the high genetic diversity of Fusarium spp. contributing to FWB in the Americas. Our study sheds light on the population genetic structure and diversity of the FWB pathogen in Cuba and the broader Latin American and Caribbean regions

    A chromosome-level genome assembly of Zasmidium syzygii isolated from banana leaves

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    Accurate taxonomic classification of samples from infected host material is essential for disease diagnostics and genome analyses. Despite the importance, diagnosis of fungal pathogens causing banana leaf diseases remains challenging. Foliar diseases of bananas are mainly caused by 3 Pseudocercospora species, of which the most predominant causal agent is Pseudocercospora fijiensis. Here, we sequenced and assembled four fungal isolates obtained from necrotic banana leaves in Bohol (Philippines) and obtained a high-quality genome assembly for one of these isolates. The samples were initially identified as P. fijiensis using PCR diagnostics; however, the assembly size was consistently 30 Mb smaller than expected. Based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, we identified the samples as Zasmidium syzygii (98.7% identity). The high-quality Zasmidium syzygii assembly is 42.5ā€…Mb in size, comprising 16 contigs, of which 11 are most likely complete chromosomes. The genome contains 98.6% of the expected single-copy BUSCO genes and contains 14,789 genes and 10.3% repeats. The 3 short-read assemblies are less continuous but have similar genome sizes (40.4-42.4ā€…Mb) and contain between 96.5 and 98.4% BUSCO genes. All 4 isolates have identical ITS sequences and are distinct from Zasmidium isolates that were previously sampled from banana leaves. We thus report the first continuous genome assembly of a member of the Zasmidium genus, forming an essential resource for further analysis to enhance our understanding of the diversity of pathogenic fungal isolates as well as fungal diversity

    New broad-spectrum resistance to septoria tritici blotch derived from synthetic hexaploid wheat

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    Septoria tritici blotch (STB), caused by the ascomycete Mycosphaerella graminicola, is one of the most devastating foliar diseases of wheat. We screened five synthetic hexaploid wheats (SHs), 13 wheat varieties that represent the differential set of cultivars and two susceptible checks with a global set of 20 isolates and discovered exceptionally broad STB resistance in SHs. Subsequent development and analyses of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a cross between the SH M3 and the highly susceptible bread wheat cv. Kulm revealed two novel resistance loci on chromosomes 3D and 5A. The 3D resistance was expressed in the seedling and adult plant stages, and it controlled necrosis (N) and pycnidia (P) development as well as the latency periods of these parameters. This locus, which is closely linked to the microsatellite marker Xgwm494, was tentatively designated Stb16q and explained from 41 to 71% of the phenotypic variation at seedling stage and 28ā€“31% in mature plants. The resistance locus on chromosome 5A was specifically expressed in the adult plant stage, associated with SSR marker Xhbg247, explained 12ā€“32% of the variation in disease, was designated Stb17, and is the first unambiguously identified and named QTL for adult plant resistance to M. graminicola. Our results confirm that common wheat progenitors might be a rich source of new Stb resistance genes/QTLs that can be deployed in commercial breeding programs

    Induced resistance to Fusarium wilt of banana caused by Tropical Race 4 in Cavendish cv Grand Naine bananas after challenging with avirulent Fusarium spp

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    In the last century, Fusarium wilt of banana (FWB) destroyed the banana cultivar Gros Michel. The Cavendish cultivars saved the global banana industry, and currently they dominate global production (~50%) and the export trade (~95%). However, a new strain called Tropical Race 4 (TR4) surfaced in the late 1960's, spread globally and greatly damages Cavendish plantations as well as manifold local varieties that are primarily grown by small holders. Presently, there is no commercially available replacement for Cavendish and hence control strategies must be developed and implemented to manage FWB. Here, we studied whether it is possible to induce resistance to TR4 by pre-inoculations with different Fusarium spp. Only pre-treatments with an avirulent Race 1 strain significantly reduced disease development of TR4 in a Cavendish genotype and this effect was stable at various nutritional and pH conditions. We then used transcriptome analysis to study the molecular basis of this response. Several genes involved in plant defence responses were up-regulated during the initial stages of individual infections with TR4 and Race 1, as well as in combined treatments. In addition, a number of genes in the ethylene and jasmonate response pathways as well as several gibberellin synthesis associated genes were induced. We observed upregulation of RGA2 like genes in all treatments. Hence, RGA2 could be a key factor involved in both R1 and TR4 resistance. The data support the hypothesis that activating resistance to Race 1 in Cavendish bananas affects TR4 development and provide a first insight of gene expression during the interaction between various Fusarium spp. and banana

    Mutations in CYB561 Causing a Novel Orthostatic Hypotension Syndrome

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    Rationale: Orthostatic hypotension is a common clinical problem, but the underlying mechanisms have not been fully delineated. Objective: We describe two families, with four patients in total, suffering from severe life-threatening orthostatic hypotension due to a novel cause. Methods and Results: As in dopamine Ī²-hydroxylase deficiency (DĪ²H), concentrations of norepinephrine and epinephrine in the patients were very low. Plasma DĪ²H activity, however, was normal and the DBH gene had no mutations. Molecular genetic analysis was performed to determine the underlying genetic cause. Homozygosity mapping and exome and Sanger sequencing revealed pathogenic homozygous mutations in the gene encoding cytochrome b561 (CYB561); a missense variant c.262G>A, p.Gly88Arg in exon 3 in the Dutch family and a nonsense mutation (c.131G>A, p.Trp44*) in exon 2 in the American family. Expression of CYB561 was investigated using RNA from different human adult and fetal tissues, transcription of RNA into cDNA and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The CYB561 gene was found to be expressed in many human tissues, in particular the brain. The CYB561 protein defect leads to a shortage of ascorbate inside the catecholamine secretory vesicles leading to a functional DĪ²H deficiency. The concentration of the catecholamines and downstream metabolites was measured in brain and adrenal tissue of six CYB561 knockout mice (reporter-tagged deletion allele (post-Cre), genetic background C57BL/6NTac). The concentration of norepinephrine and normetanephrine was decreased in whole brain homogenates of the CYB561(-/-) mice compared to wild type mice (p<0.01) and the concentration of normetanephrine and metanephrine was decreased in adrenal glands (p<0.01), recapitulating the clinical phenotype. The patients responded favorably to treatment with L-dihydroxyphenylserine, which can be converted directly to norepinephrine. Conclusions: This study is the first to implicate cytochrome b561 in disease by showing that pathogenic mutations in CYB561 cause an as yet unknown disease in neurotransmitter metabolism causing orthostatic hypotension. as yet unknown disease in neurotransmitter metabolism causing orthostatic hypotension

    Segmental duplications drive the evolution of accessory regions in a major crop pathogen

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    Many pathogens evolved compartmentalized genomes with conserved core and variable accessory regions (ARs) that carry effector genes mediating virulence. The fungal plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum has such ARs, often spanning entire chromosomes. The presence of specific ARs influences the host range, and horizontal transfer of ARs can modify the pathogenicity of the receiving strain. However, how these ARs evolve in strains that infect the same host remains largely unknown. We defined the pan-genome of 69 diverse F. oxysporum strains that cause Fusarium wilt of banana, a significant constraint to global banana production, and analyzed the diversity and evolution of the ARs. Accessory regions in F. oxysporum strains infecting the same banana cultivar are highly diverse, and we could not identify any shared genomic regions and in planta-induced effectors. We demonstrate that segmental duplications drive the evolution of ARs. Furthermore, we show that recent segmental duplications specifically in accessory chromosomes cause the expansion of ARs in F. oxysporum. Taken together, we conclude that extensive recent duplications drive the evolution of ARs in F. oxysporum, which contribute to the evolution of virulence

    Phenotypic and genetic analysis of the Triticum monococcum-Mycosphaerella graminicola interaction

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    Here, the aim was to understand the cellular and genetic basis of the Triticum monococcumā€“Mycosphaerella graminicola interaction. Testing for 5 yr under UK field conditions revealed that all 24 T. monococcum accessions exposed to a high level of natural inocula were fully resistant to M. graminicola. When the accessions were individually inoculated in the glasshouse using an attached leaf seeding assay and nine previously characterized M. graminicola isolates, fungal sporulation was observed in only three of the 216 interactions examined. Microscopic analyses revealed that M. graminicola infection was arrested at four different stages postā€stomatal entry. When the inoculated leaves were detached 30 d post inoculation and incubated at 100% humidity, abundant asexual sporulation occurred within 5 d in a further 61 interactions. An F2 mapping population generated from a cross between T. monococcum accession MDR002 (susceptible) and MDR043 (resistant) was inoculated with the M. graminicola isolate IPO323. Both resistance and in planta fungal growth were found to be controlled by a single genetic locus designated as TmStb1 which was linked to the microsatellite locus Xbarc174 on chromosome 7Am. Exploitation of T. monococcum may provide new sources of resistance to septoria tritici blotch disease
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