654 research outputs found

    Om Gud først og sidst

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    About God first and lastBy Erik Kelstru

    Denmark's Developing Position on Brexit

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    Skibelund. Træk af Skibelundforeningens historie gennem 100 år

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    To Grundtvig-biografier

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    Two Grundtvig-biographies By Erik Kelstru

    Eurokrisen og EU: Fra utilstrækkelige strategier til problematisk føderalisering?

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    The so-called ‘Eurocrisis’ consists of a complicated pattern of di erent economic and political crises. e article identi es some of the most important of these and attempts to characterize EU’s answers to them. It concludes that EU’s present priority to a legal-administrative strategy of budget control which economically implies a policy of austerity also as answer to depression, is clearly insu cient, and that EU’s present plans for a federalization of the Eurozone which can be seen as a continuation of the legal-administrative strategy of budget control, is going to create new problems if it is implemented.

    Grundtvigs anvendelse af modsigelsen grundsætning i »Kirkens Gienmæle« - filosofisk belyst

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    The principle of contradiction in Kirkens Gienmæle« - in a philosophical lightBy Erik KelstrupThe article has two purposes. The first one is to show some characteristic ways, in which the principle of contradiction has been understood in the history of philosophy. This philosophical overview should serve as a basis for analysing Grundtvig’s use of the principle of contradiction.The second purpose, is in connection to this, to analyse Grundtvig’s use of the principle in the important pamphlet »Kirkens Gienmæle« (1825). The view presented here is that H. Høirup’s claim that the principle is a theological axiom for »Kirkens Gienmæle«, is if not entirely wrong, then at least exaggerated.The first part of the article begins with a presentation and discussion of Aristotle’s understanding of the principle of contradiction. It is shown that Aristotle understands the principle as a primary ontological principle, but that in his argumentation for the principle he actually argues in linguistic ways. Consequently there is a tension between an ontological and a linguistic way of understanding the principle of contradiction in Aristotle. The ontological claim of the principle continues in the philosophy of Christian von Wolff, from whom Grundtvig received his way of understanding the principle through his teacher in propadeutic philosophy, Børge Riisbrigh. Against Wolff Immanuel Kant argues that the principle of contradiction can only be used as an entirely formal and negative principle of truth. It has no connection to reality. The rejection of the ontological relevance of the principle continues in the analytical philosophy nowadays. So E. Tugendhat and P. F. Strawson argue that the principle of contradiction expresses only a necessary condition, if speech is to be meaningful. To speak in contradictions, is to say nothing. Such a speech does not have to be pointless, but if it is not explained, there will be given no information. In a critical reflection on the Aristotelian understanding of the principle of contradiction Tugendhat also emphasizes (in agreement with Strawson), that the predicative expression, which is contradicted in a contradiction, can only be understood on the basis of the situation in which it is used. This leads him to a corrected formulation of the Aristotelian principle of contradiction. Tugendhat’s formulation implies, however, that the principle is only an interior linguistic matter. It does not say anything about how the connection between language and reality should be. Therefore contradictions are not to be understood as false statements (against Kant). As Strawson puts it: there is a difference between declaring that a man’s remarks are untrue, and declaring that they are inconsistent. In the first case the relation to reality is the central issue, in the second it is not.In the second part of the article »Kirkens Gienmæle« is closely analysed with regard to the principle of contradiction. Here it is argued that although Grundtvig seems to find it useful to criticize H. N. Clausen for contradicting himself, and although he declares that Clausen’s contradictions are indications that Clausen is lying, the real argumentation takes place in a comparison between Grundtvig’s and Clausen’s understandings of church and Christianity. This means that the theological axiom is first and foremost Grundtvig’s view of the church, the socalled »kirkelige anskuelse«. Grundtvig’s opinion (in agreement with Kant) that contradiction and falseness are closely related, is rejected on the basis of Strawsons argumentation. But this opinion plays a minor role in »Kirkens Gienmæle«. It is also argued that Grundtvig’s examples of inconsistent thoughts in Clausen’s theology are purely linguistic (as Strawson and Tugendhat would accept it). The principle of contradiction is not used ontologically (as it is in Aristotle and Wolff). Therefore Grundtvig’s attack on Clausen is not epistemological (in opposition to Høirup). Grundtvig is not defending Wolff against Kant. Furthermore it is argued, that Grundtvig’s use of the principle of contradiction is totally superfluous. The actual argumentation is grounded in the demonstration, that Clausen’s understanding of the church is untrue, because it stands in opposition to (what Grundtvig thinks is) the true understanding of the church. And this demonstration and argumentation does not depend on the principle of contradiction. Finally the principle is not at all used (positive or negative) in defining the ground on which the whole pamphlet depends: the true view of the church

    Policyprofessionelle i danske tænketanke:Uddannelse, erhvervserfaring og synlighed i Folketinget og landsdækkende aviser

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    Hvilken uddannelsesbaggrund og erhvervserfaring har policyprofessionelle i danske tænketanke, og hvordan bidrager de til tænketankenes synlighed i Folketinget og i landsdækkende aviser? Analysen af 126 policyprofessionelle fra ti privatfinansierede tænketanke viser, at tænketankene hovedsageligt ansætter policyprofessionelle med samfundsvidenskabelige universitetsgrader og erhvervserfaring fra stat, interesseorganisationer og den private sektor. Flere advocacytænketanke prioriterer at ansætte økonomer, og andelen af ansatte med en kandidatgrad i økonomi er positivt korreleret med omtale i Folketinget og aviser. Dette fund lægger op til fremadrettet at undersøge, hvilke særlige forudsætninger økonomer har for at agere som policyprofessionelle, og hvordan de bidrager til at få tænketankes idéer og analyser på mediernes og politikernes dagsorden

    Policyprofessionelle i danske tænketanke: uddannelse, erhvervserfaring og synlighed i Folketinget og landsdækkende aviser

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    Hvilken uddannelsesbaggrund og erhvervserfaring har policyprofessionelle i danske tænketanke, og hvordan bidrager de til tænketankenes synlighed i Folketinget og i landsdækkende aviser? Analysen af 126 policyprofessionelle fra ti privatfinansierede tænketanke viser, at tænketankene hovedsageligt ansætter policyprofessionelle med samfundsvidenskabelige universitetsgrader og erhvervserfaring fra stat, interesseorganisationer og den private sektor. Flere advocacytænketanke prioriterer at ansætte økonomer, og andelen af ansatte med en kandidatgrad i økonomi er positivt korreleret med omtale i Folketinget og aviser. Dette fund lægger op til fremadrettet at undersøge, hvilke særlige forudsætninger økonomer har for at agere som policyprofessionelle, og hvordan de bidrager til at få tænketankes idéer og analyser på mediernes og politikernes dagsorden

    Tænketankes brug af dagbladene som et marked for politiske idéer i Danmark

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    How has the visibility of think tanks in Danish newspapers developed in the recent decade, and how might this development be accounted for? The article shows that the ten most mentioned think tanks have become more visible in Danish newspapers in the period 2006-2015 compared to the most mentioned interest organisations. It is argued that think tanks are using the media as a means of supplying independent ideas which are in demand among decision-makers and other target audiences. In addition, the article suggests that think tanks with idea political stances are more visible in Danish newspapers than think tanks which focus on certain issues or policies