1,710 research outputs found

    Topic supervised non-negative matrix factorization

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    Topic models have been extensively used to organize and interpret the contents of large, unstructured corpora of text documents. Although topic models often perform well on traditional training vs. test set evaluations, it is often the case that the results of a topic model do not align with human interpretation. This interpretability fallacy is largely due to the unsupervised nature of topic models, which prohibits any user guidance on the results of a model. In this paper, we introduce a semi-supervised method called topic supervised non-negative matrix factorization (TS-NMF) that enables the user to provide labeled example documents to promote the discovery of more meaningful semantic structure of a corpus. In this way, the results of TS-NMF better match the intuition and desired labeling of the user. The core of TS-NMF relies on solving a non-convex optimization problem for which we derive an iterative algorithm that is shown to be monotonic and convergent to a local optimum. We demonstrate the practical utility of TS-NMF on the Reuters and PubMed corpora, and find that TS-NMF is especially useful for conceptual or broad topics, where topic key terms are not well understood. Although identifying an optimal latent structure for the data is not a primary objective of the proposed approach, we find that TS-NMF achieves higher weighted Jaccard similarity scores than the contemporary methods, (unsupervised) NMF and latent Dirichlet allocation, at supervision rates as low as 10% to 20%

    Jefferson Digital Commons quarterly report: October-December 2018

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    This quarterly report includes: Articles Dissertations From the Archives Grand Rounds and Lectures Industrial Design Capstones Journals and Newsletters LabArchives Launch Masters of Public Health Capstones Posters Reports Videos What People are Saying About the Jefferson Digital Common

    Jefferson Digital Commons quarterly report: April-June 2019

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    This quarterly report includes: Articles CREATE Day Presentations Dissertations From the Archives Grand Rounds and Lectures House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Posters JCIPE Student Hotspotting Posters Journals and Newsletters MPH Capstone Presentations Posters Sigma Xi Research Day What People are Saying About the Jefferson Digital Common

    Jefferson Digital Commons quarterly report: July-September 2018

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    This quarterly report includes: New Collection Alert Articles Code Red: Battling the Plague of Gun Violence Dissertations From the Archives Grand Rounds and Lectures House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Posters Journals and Newsletters Nexus Maximus Posters Third Annual Sepsis Symposium What People are Sayin

    Life History Characteristics of the Starry Skate, Raja stellulata, from California waters

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    The order Rajiformes, or skates, is a morphologically conservative group that exhibits a wide range of life history characteristics. This inter-species variability warrants species-specific research. This study investigates the age, growth, reproduction, and habitat of the Starry Skate, Raja stellulata, which is endemic to the U.S. West Coast. Age and growth parameters were determined using two preparation techniques: gross sectioning and histological sectioning. The assumption that gross sections deposit one band pair a year was indirectly validated with centrum edge analysis and marginal increment ratio. It was not indirectly validated with histological sections. Age estimates from gross sections ranged from 0 to 11 years, and growth was best described by the two parameter von Bertalanffy growth function in which L∞ = 865 mm TL and k = 0.15. Age estimates from histological sections ranged from 0 to 15 years, and growth was best described by the Gompertz function in which L∞ = 845 mm TL, g = 0.15, and k = 1.53. Histological section results are recommended for describing growth of R. stellulata because the longevity is more conservative. Raja stellulata exhibits year-round reproduction and attains 50% maturity at 632 mm TL, and 11.2 years old for females and 603 mm TL, and 11.5 years for males. Raja stellulata was collected most often on hard substrate between 70 and 150 m depth. An age/depth trend within the central California skate assemblage was found where increased habitat depth correlated with increased longevity

    Barriers to Treatment and the Connection to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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    Individuals who are engaging in mental health counseling services are demonstrating a lack of engagement in treatment. The purpose of this research study is to demonstrate a relationship between client’s perceived barriers to mental health treatment and to human needs as identified through Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1943). This study was conducted through administration of a 27-item survey that consisted of a list of barriers to treatment and basic needs. The development and administration of this survey will be detailed through describing the location of the research site, recruitment process, and collection of data. A total of 22 participants completed the survey. Data analysis showed that 72.27% of participants reported at least one of their barriers to treatment being a basic need as identified by Maslow. The findings are discussed and implications for professional counseling and future research

    Jefferson Digital Commons quarterly report: October-December 2017

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    This quarterly report includes: Assorted assets added to the JDC in the last quarter Grand Rounds Recordings College Within a College (CWIC) Posters Program of Industrial Design Capstones What people are saying about the JD

    Jefferson Digital Commons quarterly report: July-September 2017

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    This quarterly report includes: Assorted articles Confronting Racism, Bias, and Social Injustice in Healthcare Lecture CREATE DAY OT Capstone presentations Grand Rounds Assorted Newsletters Nexus Maximus Posters University Wide Posters House Staff Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Posters CSHLA Scholar Day posters Student publications and presentations What People are Saying about the Jefferson Digital Common
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