1,652 research outputs found

    On the chemical biology of the nitrite/sulfide interaction

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    The authors are grateful to the Susanne-Bunnenberg-Stiftung of the Düsseldorf Heart Center (to MK), the COST action BM1005 (European Network on Gasotransmitters), and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton (to MF) for financial support.Sulfide (H2S/HS−) has been demonstrated to exert an astounding breadth of biological effects, some of which resemble those of nitric oxide (NO). While the chemistry, biochemistry and potential pathophysiology of the cross-talk between sulfide and NO have received considerable attention lately, a comparable assessment of the potential biological implications of an interaction between nitrite and sulfide is lacking. This is surprising inasmuch as nitrite is not only a known bioactive oxidation product of NO, but also efficiently converted to S-nitrosothiols in vivo; the latter have been shown to rapidly react with sulfide in vitro, leading to formation of S/N-hybrid species including thionitrite (SNO−) and nitrosopersulfide (SSNO−). Moreover, nitrite is used as a potent remedy against sulfide poisoning in the clinic. The chemistry of interaction between nitrite and sulfide or related bioactive metabolites including polysulfides and elemental sulfur has been extensively studied in the past, yet much of this information appears to have been forgotten. In this review, we focus on the potential chemical biology of the interaction between nitrite and sulfide or sulfane sulfur molecules, calling attention to the fundamental chemical properties and reactivities of either species and discuss their possible contribution to the biology, pharmacology and toxicology of both nitrite and sulfide.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Untersuchung zur Hüftreifungsstörung bei Neugeborenen aus Beckenendlage

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    Die Beckenendlage erhöht das Risiko einer Hüftreifungsstörung. Dabei ist der Einfluss des Geschlechtes nicht so groß, wie bei Kindern aus Hinterhauptslage und die reine Steisslage ist nicht die einzige Beckenendlage, die mit einem erhöhten Risiko einhergeht. Bei vaginaler Entbindung erhöht sich das Risiko einer Hüftreifungsstörung nicht. Damit scheint ein Geburtstrauma keine Rolle zu spielen. Ebenso erhöht die räumliche Enge im Uterus bei Mehrlingsschwangerschaften und bei Erstgebärenden das Risiko nicht. Somit scheinen die knöchernen Strukturen, wie Beckenring und Wirbelsäule der Mutter, die Hüftreifung mehr zu beeinflussen, als die Weichteilstrukturen des Uterus

    The Spatial Clustering of Low Luminosity AGN

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    We present the first multi-parameter analysis of the narrow line AGN clustering properties. Estimates of the two-point correlation function (CF) based on SDSS DR2 data reveal that Seyferts are clearly less clustered than normal galaxies, while the clustering amplitude (r_0) of LINERs is consistent with that of the parent galaxy population. The similarities in the host properties (color and concentration index) of Seyferts and LINERs suggest that the difference in their r_0 is not driven by the morphology-density relation. We find that the luminosity of [O I] emission shows the strongest influence on AGN clustering, with low L([O I]) sources having the highest r_0. This trend is much stronger than the previously detected dependence on L([O III]), which we confirm. There is a strong correspondence between the clustering patterns of objects of given spectral type and their physical properties. LINERs, which exhibit high r_0, show the lowest luminosities and obscuration levels, and relatively low gas densities (n_e), suggesting that these objects harbor black holes that are relatively massive yet weakly active or inefficient in their accretion, probably due to the insufficiency of their fuel supply. Seyferts, which have low r_0, are luminous and show large n_e, suggesting that their black holes are less massive but accrete quickly and efficiently enough to clearly dominate the ionization. The low r_0 of the H II galaxies can be understood as a consequence of both the morphology-density and star formation rate-density relations, however, their spectral properties suggest that their centers hide amidst large amounts of obscuring material black holes of generally low mass whose activity remains relatively feeble. Our own Milky Way may be a typical such case.[abridged]Comment: 27 pages, color figures, some are severely degraded in resolution, emulateapj. See http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~constant/work/agnclustering.ps for high resolution version. Accepted to Ap

    The Seyfert Population in the Local Universe

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    The magnitude-limited catalog of the Southern Sky Redshift Survey (SSRS2), is used to characterize the properties of galaxies hosting Active Galactic Nuclei. Using emission-line ratios, we identify a total of 162 (3%) Seyfert galaxies out of the parent sample with 5399 galaxies. The sample contains 121 Seyfert 2 galaxies and 41 Seyfert 1. The SSRS2 Seyfert galaxies are predominantly in spirals of types Sb and earlier, or in galaxies with perturbed appearance as the result of strong interactions or mergers. Seyfert galaxies in this sample are twice as common in barred hosts than the non-Seyferts. By assigning galaxies to groups using a percolation algorithm we find that the Seyfert galaxies in the SSRS2 are more likely to be found in binary systems, when compared to galaxies in the SSRS2 parent sample. However, there is no statistically significant difference between the Seyfert and SSRS2 parent sample when systems with more than 2 galaxies are considered. The analysis of the present sample suggests that there is a stronger correlation between the presence of the AGN phenomenon with internal properties of galaxies (morphology, presence of bar, luminosity) than with environmental effects (local galaxy density, group velocity dispersion, nearest neighbor distance).Comment: 35 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to be publised in Astronomical Journa

    Small scale systems of galaxies I. Photometric and spectroscopic properties of members

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    This paper is the first of a series addressed to the investigation of galaxy formation/evolution in small scale systems of galaxies (SSSGs) which are located in low density cosmic environments. Our algorithm for SSSG selection includes galaxy systems of 2 or more galaxies lying within 1000 km/s and a 200 h_{100}^{-1} kpc radius volume. We present the analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic properties of 19 member galaxies belonging to a sample of 11 SSSGs. In the μere\mu_e - r_e plane, early-type members may be considered "ordinary", not "bright" galaxies in the definition given by Capaccioli et al.(1992) with a significant fraction of galaxies having a disk or disky isophotes. We do not detect fine structure and signatures of recent interaction events in the early-type galaxy population, a picture also confirmed by the spectroscopy. At odd, there are several spiral members with open arm configurations as expected in interacting systems. At the same time, emission lines in the spectra of spiral members fall in the HII regions regime defined with diagnostic diagrams (Veilleux & Osterbrock 1987). None of the objects displays unambiguous indication of nuclear activity, although fourspiral nuclei could be ascribed to the class of Seyferts. The star formation rate seems enhanced over the average expected in spiral galaxies only for poorer SSSGs in particular pairs (<50 solar masses per year) but without being in the range of starburst systems.Comment: 24 pages, including 6 figures and 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A