22,588 research outputs found

    Induced superfluidity of imbalanced Fermi gases near unitarity

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    The induced intraspecies interactions among the majority species, mediated by the minority species, is computed for a population-imbalanced two-component Fermi gas. Although the Feshbach-resonance mediated interspecies interaction is dominant for equal populations, leading to singlet s-wave pairing, we find that in the strongly imbalanced regime the induced intraspecies interaction leads to p-wave pairing and superfluidity of the majority species. Thus, we predict that the observed spin-polaron Fermi liquid state in this regime is unstable to p-wave superfluidity, in accordance with the results of Kohn and Luttinger, below a temperature that, near unitarity, we find to be within current experimental capabilities. Possible experimental signatures of the p-wave state using radio-frequency spectroscopy as well as density-density correlations after free expansion are presented.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Single-, Dual- and Triple-band Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna

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    The paper presents a frequency reconfigurable slot dipole antenna. The antenna is capable of being switched between single-band, dual-band or triple-band operation. The antenna incorporates three pairs of pin-diodes which are located within the dipole arms. The antenna was designed to operate at 2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.2 GHz using the aid of CST Microwave Studio. The average measured gains are 1.54, 2.92 and 1.89 dBi for low, mid and high band respectively. A prototype was then constructed in order to verify the performance of the device. A good level of agreement was observed between simulation and measurement

    Vegetation and peat characteristics of restiad bogs on Chatham Island (Rekohu), New Zealand

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    Restiad bogs dominated by Sporadanthus traversii on Chatham Island, New Zealand, were sampled to correlate vegetation patterns and peat properties, and to compare with restiad systems dominated by Sporadanthus ferrugineus and Empodisma minus in the Waikato region, North Island, New Zealand. Classification and ordination resulted in five groups that reflected a disturbance gradient. The largest S. traversii group, which comprised plots from central, relatively intact bogs, had the lowest levels of total nitrogen (mean 1.20 mg cm-3), total phosphorus (mean 0.057 mg cm-3), total potassium (mean 0.083 mg cm-3), and available phosphorus (mean 18.6 μg cm-3). Modification by drainage, stock, and fires resulted in a decline of S. traversii and an increase of Gleichenia dicarpa fern cover, together with elevated peat nutrient levels and higher bulk density. Compared with peat dominated by Sporadanthus ferrugineus or Empodisma minus in relatively unmodified Waikato restiad bogs, Chatham Island peat under S. traversii has significantly higher total potassium, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, bulk density, and von Post decomposition indices, and significantly lower pH. Sporadanthus traversii and Empodisma minus have similar ecological roles in restiad bog development, occupying a relatively wide nutrient range, and regenerating readily from seed after fire. Despite differences in root morphology, S. traversii and E. minus are the major peat formers in raised restiad bogs on Chatham Island and in Waikato, respectively, and could be regarded as ecological equivalents

    Infrared catastrophe and tunneling into strongly correlated electron systems: Exact solution of the x-ray edge limit for the 1D electron gas and 2D Hall fluid

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    In previous work we have proposed that the non-Fermi-liquid spectral properties in a variety of low-dimensional and strongly correlated electron systems are caused by the infrared catastrophe, and we used an exact functional integral representation for the interacting Green's function to map the tunneling problem onto the x-ray edge problem, plus corrections. The corrections are caused by the recoil of the tunneling particle, and, in systems where the method is applicable, are not expected to change the qualitative form of the tunneling density of states (DOS). Qualitatively correct results were obtained for the DOS of the 1D electron gas and 2D Hall fluid when the corrections to the x-ray edge limit were neglected and when the corresponding Nozieres-De Dominicis integral equations were solved by resummation of a divergent perturbation series. Here we reexamine the x-ray edge limit for these two models by solving these integral equations exactly, finding the expected modifications of the DOS exponent in the 1D case but finding no changes in the DOS of the 2D Hall fluid with short-range interaction. We also provide, for the first time, an exact solution of the Nozieres-De Dominicis equation for the 2D electron gas in the lowest Landau level.Comment: 6 pages, Revte

    Precision mass measurements on neutron-rich rare-earth isotopes at JYFLTRAP - reduced neutron pairing and implications for the rr-process calculations

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    The rare-earth peak in the rr-process abundance pattern depends sensitively on both the astrophysical conditions and subtle changes in nuclear structure in the region. This work takes an important step elucidating the nuclear structure and reducing the uncertainties in rr-process calculations via precise atomic mass measurements at the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap. 158^{158}Nd, 160^{160}Pm, 162^{162}Sm, and 164166^{164-166}Gd have been measured for the first time and the precisions for 156^{156}Nd, 158^{158}Pm, 162,163^{162,163}Eu, 163^{163}Gd, and 164^{164}Tb have been improved considerably. Nuclear structure has been probed via two-neutron separation energies S2nS_{2n} and neutron pairing energy metrics DnD_n. The data do not support the existence of a subshell closure at N=100N=100. Neutron pairing has been found to be weaker than predicted by theoretical mass models. The impact on the calculated rr-process abundances has been studied. Substantial changes resulting in a smoother abundance distribution and a better agreement with the solar rr-process abundances are observed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    West Midlands Oncology Association trials of adjuvant chemotherapy in operable breast cancer: results after a median follow-up of 7 years. II. Patients without involved axillary lymph nodes.

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    The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of a regimen of combination chemotherapy when given as an adjuvant treatment after mastectomy to patients with histologically negative axillary lymph nodes. A total of 574 patients with cancer of the breast and no involvement of axillary lymph nodes were randomised, after simple mastectomy with axillary sampling, to receive either no adjuvant treatment or oral fluorouracil 500 mg, methotrexate 25 mg and chlorambucil 10 mg p.o. on day 1 and fluorouracil 500 mg and chlorambucil 10 mg p.o. on day 2 (LMF) every 21 days for eight cycles. Randomisation was stratified according to menopausal status and tumour size. Treatment was started within 14 days of surgery in 97% of patients. Ninety per cent of patients received eight cycles of chemotherapy with no dose reduction. At a median follow-up of 7 years, there was no evidence that relapse-free or overall survival time were influenced by treatment

    Evolution of the discrepancy between a universe and its model

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    We study a fundamental issue in cosmology: Whether we can rely on a cosmological model to understand the real history of the Universe. This fundamental, still unresolved issue is often called the ``model-fitting problem (or averaging problem) in cosmology''. Here we analyze this issue with the help of the spectral scheme prepared in the preceding studies. Choosing two specific spatial geometries that are very close to each other, we investigate explicitly the time evolution of the spectral distance between them; as two spatial geometries, we choose a flat 3-torus and a perturbed geometry around it, mimicking the relation of a ``model universe'' and the ``real Universe''. Then we estimate the spectral distance between them and investigate its time evolution explicitly. This analysis is done efficiently by making use of the basic results of the standard linear structure-formation theory. We observe that, as far as the linear perturbation of geometry is valid, the spectral distance does not increase with time prominently,rather it shows the tendency to decrease. This result is compatible with the general belief in the reliability of describing the Universe by means of a model, and calls for more detailed studies along the same line including the investigation of wider class of spacetimes and the analysis beyond the linear regime.Comment: To be published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Spin-dependent Transparency of Ferromagnet/Superconductor Interfaces

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    Because the physical interpretation of the spin-polarization of a ferromagnet determined by point-contact Andreev reflection (PCAR) is non-trivial, we have carried out parameter-free calculations of PCAR spectra based upon a scattering-theory formulation of Andreev reflection generalized to spin-polarized systems and a tight-binding linear muffin tin orbital method for calculating the corresponding scattering matrices. PCAR is found to measure the spin-dependent interface transparency rather than the bulk polarization of the ferromagnet which is strongly overestimated by free electron model fitting.Comment: 4 pages, 1figure. submitte

    Resource Competition on Integral Polymatroids

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    We study competitive resource allocation problems in which players distribute their demands integrally on a set of resources subject to player-specific submodular capacity constraints. Each player has to pay for each unit of demand a cost that is a nondecreasing and convex function of the total allocation of that resource. This general model of resource allocation generalizes both singleton congestion games with integer-splittable demands and matroid congestion games with player-specific costs. As our main result, we show that in such general resource allocation problems a pure Nash equilibrium is guaranteed to exist by giving a pseudo-polynomial algorithm computing a pure Nash equilibrium.Comment: 17 page