617 research outputs found

    Generation of Mid-IR Wavelengths

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    Generation of mid-IR wavelengths Deborah Robinson, Robert Hartsock, and Kelly Gaffney Abstract Research to determine basic molecular properties utilizing pump/probe experiments is an on going effort at SLAC. Here we have been given the task to generate mid-IR laser pulses and commission a mid-IR detector for said experiments and research. The mid-IR pulses will be used to probe the changes in molecular properties induced by exciting the electrons in molecules with visible pump pulses. In order to accomplish this, an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) has been set-up and aligned. The pump beam for the OPA is a 40 femtosecond 800nm beam from a Ti:Sapphire chirped pulse amplified laser system with an output of approximately 1mJ/pulse. In the OPA, one photon of higher energy is frequency mixed or split into two photons of lower energy using nonlinear processes in a nonlinear crystal. Here we have generated 1400nm and 1900nm wavelengths in the near-IR spectrum out of the OPA from the 800nm pump. These signal and idler output wavelengths from the OPA will then be frequency difference mixed in a second nonlinear crystal to yield mid-IR wavelengths to test the mid-IR detector

    Beyond Content, Deeper than Delivery: What Critique Feedback Reveals about Communication Expectations in Design Education

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    In design education, the critique is a communication event in which students present their design and critics provide feedback. Presumably, the feedback gives the students information about their progress on the design. Yet critic feedback also serves a socializing function—providing students information about what it means to communicate well in the design education context. Using a qualitative research methodology, this study explores what critic feedback reflects about expected communication competencies in design studios. Results suggest that communication competence in this setting involves interaction management, demonstration of design evolution, transparent advocacy of intent, explanation of visuals, and the staging of the performance—all of which imply a communicative identity for students that is tethered to the content and delivery of the presentation, but has implications beyond the content and delivery to the broader disciplinary culture. Implications of this study provide insight for faculty and students involved in pedagogical spaces in which feedback plays an important role in the instructional process—suggesting its potential for shaping disciplinary identities, relationships, and social contexts

    Multi-sensor classification of tennis strokes

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    In this work, we investigate tennis stroke recognition using a single inertial measuring unit attached to a player’s forearm during a competitive match. This paper evaluates the best approach for stroke detection using either accelerometers, gyroscopes or magnetometers, which are embedded into the inertial measuring unit. This work concludes what is the optimal training data set for stroke classification and proves that classifiers can perform well when tested on players who were not used to train the classifier. This work provides a significant step forward for our overall goal, which is to develop next generation sports coaching tools using both inertial and visual sensors in an instrumented indoor sporting environment

    Glucose-lactate metabolic cooperation in cancer: insights from a spatial mathematical model and implications for targeted therapy

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    A recent study has hypothesised a glucose–lactate metabolic symbiosis between adjacent hypoxic and oxygenated regions of a developing tumour, and proposed a treatment strategy to target this symbiosis. However, in vivo experimental support remains inconclusive. Here we develop a minimal spatial mathematical model of glucose–lactate metabolism to examine, in principle, whether metabolic symbiosis is plausible in human tumours, and to assess the potential impact of inhibiting it. We find that symbiosis is a robust feature of our model system—although on the length scale at which oxygen supply is diffusion-limited, its occurrence requires very high cellular metabolic activity—and that necrosis in the tumour core is reduced in the presence of symbiosis. Upon simulating therapeutic inhibition of lactate uptake, we predict that targeted treatment increases the extent of tissue oxygenation without increasing core necrosis. The oxygenation effect is correlated strongly with the extent of wild-type hypoxia and only weakly with wild-type symbiotic behaviour, and therefore may be promising for radiosensitisation of hypoxic, lactate-consuming tumours even if they do not exhibit a spatially well-defined symbiosis. Finally, we conduct in vitro experiments on the U87 glioblastoma cell line to facilitate preliminary speculation as to where highly malignant tumours might fall in our parameter space, and find that these experiments suggest a weakly symbiotic regime for U87 cells, thus raising the new question of what relationship might exist between symbiosis and tumour malignancy

    Likely Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Newborn Hearing Screening and Follow-up Services in the United States in 2020

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    This perspective aims to highlight aspects of the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) newborn hearing screening and follow-up processes that were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and considers factors that likely impacted follow-up after newborn hearing screening among infants born in the United States during 2020. Efforts to minimize the potential impact of missed or delayed identification of hearing loss in infants and young children will also be discussed to help guide future program improvement activities
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