38,611 research outputs found

    Tracking and data system support for the Mariner Mars 1971 mission. Volume 2: First trajectory correction maneuver through orbit insertion

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    The Deep Space Tracking and Data System activities in support of the Mariner Mars 1971 project from the first trajectory correction maneuver on 4 June 1971 through cruise and orbit insertion on 14 November 1971 are presented. Changes and updates to the TDS requirements and to the plan and configuration plus detailed information on the TDS flight support performance evaluation and the preorbital testing and training are included. With the loss of Mariner 8 at launch, a few changes to the Mariner Mars 1971 requirements, plan, and configuration were necessitated. Mariner 9 is now assuming the former mission plan of Mariner 8, including the TV mapping cycles and a 12-hr orbital period. A second trajectory correction maneuver was not required because of the accuracy of the first maneuver. All testing and training for orbital operations were completed satisfactorily and on schedule. The orbit insertion was accomplished with excellent results

    Bilingual Interference and Modes of Representation

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    Reconstruction of the 1st Space Shuttle (STS-1) entry trajectory

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    A discussion of the generation of the best estimate trajectory (BET) of the first Space Shuttle Orbiter entry flight is presented. The BET defines a time history of the state, attitude, and atmospheric relative parameters throughout the Shuttle entry from an altitude of approximately 183 km to rollout. The inertial parameters were estimated utilizing a weighted least squares batch filter algorithm. Spacecraft angular rate and acceleration data derived from the Inertial Measurement Unit were utilized to predict the state and attitude which was constrained in a weighted least squares process to fit external tracking data consisting of ground based S-band and C-band data. Refined spacecraft altitude and velocity during and post rollout were obtained by processing artificial altimeter and Doppler data. The BET generation process is discussed. Software and data interface discussions are included. The variables and coordinate systems utilized are defined. STS-1 mission peculiar inputs are summarized. A listing of the contents of the actual BET is provided

    STS-8 bet results

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    The final Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) products, i.e., the reconstructed trajectory, the Extended BET, AEROBET and MMLE input files, generated for the eighth NASA Space Shuttle flight are documented. The reconstructed trajectory (inertial BET) for this Challenger flight, the first night landing is discussed. State (position, velocity, and attitude) plus three accelerometer scale factors were determined from fitting the Guam S-band data, seven C-band passes, and pseudo Doppler and altimeter during rollout on Runway 22. The anchor epoch utilized for the batch weighted-least-squares determination was Sept. 5, 1983 7h1m50s.0 (25310 GMT seconds). The spacecraft altitude at epoch is approx. 617 kft. IMU2 data were selected for the reconstruction

    Summary of shuttle data processing and aerodynamic performance comparisons for the first 11 flights

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    NASA Space Shuttle aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic research is but one part of the most comprehensive end-to-end flight test program ever undertaken considering: the extensive pre-flight experimental data base development; the multitude of spacecraft and remote measurements taken during entry flight; the complexity of the Orbiter aerodynamic configuration; the variety of flight conditions available across the entire speed regime; and the efforts devoted to flight data reduction throughout the aerospace community. Shuttle entry flights provide a wealth of research quality data, in essence a veritable flying wind tunnel, for use by researchers to verify and improve the operational capability of the Orbiter and provide data for evaluations of experimental facilities as well as computational methods. This final report merely summarizes the major activities conducted by the AMA, Inc. under NASA Contract NAS1-16087 as part of that interesting research. Investigators desiring more detailed information can refer to the glossary of AMA publications attached herein as Appendix A. Section I provides background discussion of software and methodology development to enable Best Estimate Trajectory (BET) generation. Actual products generated are summarized in Section II as tables which completely describe the post-flight products available from the first three-year Shuttle flight history. Summary results are presented in Section III, with longitudinal performance comparisons included as Appendices for each of the flights

    A study of the immunity of FM discriminators to 2 pi frequency impulses

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    Frequency impulse response of selected FM discriminator

    STS-13 (41-C) BET products

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    Results from the STS-13 (41-C) Shuttle entry flight are presented. The entry trajectory was reconstructed from an altitude of 700 kft through rollout on Runway 17 at EAFB. The anchor epoch utilized was April 13, 1984 13(h)1(m)30.(s)0 (46890(s).0) GMT. The final reconstructed inertial trajectory for this flight is BT13M23 under user catalog 169750N. Trajectory reconstruction and Extended BET development are discussed in Section 1 and 2, respectively. The NOAA totem-pole atmosphere extracted from the JSC/TRW BET was adopted in the development of the LaRC Extended BET, namely ST13BET/UN=274885C. The Aerodynamic BET was generated on physical nine track reel NC0728 with a duplicate copy on NC0740 for back-up. Plots of the more relevant parameters from the AEROBET are presented in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the MMLE input files created for STS-13. Appendices are attached which present spacecraft and physical constants utilized (Appendix A), residuals by station and data type (Appendix B), a two second spaced listing of trajectory and air data parameters (Appendix C), and input and output source products for archival (Appendix D)

    Comparison of bungee-aided and free-bouncing accelerations on trampoline

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    Trampolines remain the single best apparatus for the training of aerial acrobatics skills. Trampoline use has led to catastrophic injuries from poor landings. Passive injury prevention countermeasures such as specialized matting have been largely ineffective. Active injury countermeasures such as hand spotting, “throw-in” mats, and overhead spotting rigs provide the most effective methods. The recent addition of several bungee cords between the ropes and the gymnast’s spotting harness has resulted in altered teaching and coaching of trampoline-related acrobatics. Bungee cords have eliminated the need for a coach/spotter to manage the ropes during skill learning. The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of the addition of bungee cords with a traditional rope-based overhead spotting rig. There is a paucity of any research involving trampoline injury countermeasures. Ten experienced trampoline acrobatic athletes (5 males, 5 females) from the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association Aerials National Team performed 10 bounces as high as they could control. A triaxial accelerometer (200 Hz) characterized 10 bungee cord aided bounces and 10 freebounces on a trampoline from each athlete. Bed contact times, peak accelerations, and average accelerations were obtained. The results supported our hypotheses that the bungeeaided bounces achieved only 40% (average) to 70% (peak) of the free-bouncing accelerations (all ρ 0.092). The bed contact time was approximately 65% longer during the bungee-aided bounces (ρ < 0.001). Bungee cords may reduce the harshness of landings on trampoline

    Challenger STS-17 (41-G) post-flight best estimate trajectory products: Development and summary results

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    Results from the STS-17 (41-G) post-flight products are presented. Operational Instrumentation recorder gaps, coupled with the limited tracking coverage available for this high inclination entry profile, necessitated selection of an anchor epoch for reconstruction corresponding to an unusually low altitude of h approx. 297 kft. The final inertial trajectory obtained, BT17N26/UN=169750N, is discussed in Section I, i.e., relative to the problems encountered with the OI and ACIP recorded data on this Challenger flight. Atmospheric selection, again in view of the ground track displacement from the remote meteorological sites, constituted a major problem area as discussed in Section II. The LAIRS file provided by Langley was adopted, with NOAA data utilized over the lowermost approx. 7 kft. As discussed in Section II, the Extended BET, ST17BET/UN=274885C, suggests a limited upper altitude (H approx. 230 kft) for which meaningful flight extraction can be expected. This is further demonstrated, though not considered a limitation, in Section III wherein summary results from the AEROBET (NJ0333 with NJ0346 as duplicate) are presented. GTFILEs were generated only for the selected IMU (IMU2) and the Rate Gyro Assembly/Accelerometer Assembly data due to the loss of ACIP data. Appendices attached present inputs for the generation of the post-flight products (Appendix A), final residual plots (Appendix B), a two second spaced listing of the relevant parameters from the Extended BET (Appendix C), and an archival section (Appendix D) devoting input (source) and output files and/or physical reels

    Post-flight BET products for the 2nd discovery entry, STS-19 (51-A)

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    The post-flight products for the second Discovery flight, STS-19 (51-A), are summarized. The inertial best estimate trajectory (BET), BT19D19/UN=169750N, was developed using spacecraft dynamic measurements from Inertial Measurement Unit 2 (IMU2) in conjunction with the best tracking coverage available for any of the earlier Shuttle entries. As a consequence of the latter, an anchor epoch was selected which conforms to an initial altitude of greater than a million feet. The Extended BET, ST19BET/UN=274885C, incorporated the previously mentioned inertial reconstructed state information and the Langley Atmospheric Information Retrieval System (LAIRS) atmosphere, ST19MET/UN=712662N, with some minor exceptions. Primary and back-up AEROBET reels are NK0165 and NK0201, respectively. This product was only developed over the lowermost 360 kft altitude range due to atmosphere problems but this relates to altitudes well above meaningful signal in the IMUs. Summary results generated from the AEROBET for this flight are presented with meaningful configuration and statistical comparisons from the previous thirteen flights. Modified maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE) files were generated based on IMU2 and the Rate Gyro Assembly/Accelerometer Assembly (RGA/AA), respectively. Appendices attached define spacecraft and physical constants utilized, show plots of the final tracking data residuals from the post-flight fit, list relevant parameters from the BET at a two second spacing, and retain for archival purpose all relevant input and output tapes and files generated