115 research outputs found

    Environmental Attitudes And Behaviors: The Issue And Its Dimensions

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a variety of factors on environmental attitudes and behaviors. Studies have addressed a number of issues that are related to environmental matters. This examination extends the research in this area by incorporating educational attainment, political ideology, gender, marriage and family formation, religiosity and subjective spirituality, race and ethnicity, as well as several sociodemographic influences. The 2010 General Social Survey is selected for the analysis because it is the most recent data available and contains items pertaining to environmental concern and behavior, and the independent and control variables. Directions for future research in the area will be discussed

    Quasi‐Experimental Study of Middle School Tokens, Behaviors, Goals, Preferences, and Academic Achievement

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    There is a high demand for standardized instructional strategies that align with decision-making frameworks found in public schools. Teachers who use tokens in the classroom can create more avenues for standardization, provided that their methods address the contradictory nature of past research. A lack of knowledge about reinforcement options and their possible effects has been found within a variety of research studies that attempted to bridge gaps between research and practice. This study aimed to create an incentive system that demonstrated how teachers could use tokens as academic and behavioral supports for students in southwest Georgia. The purpose of this convergent parallel study was to assess the degree to which token use, type, and timing affected performance on nine weeks achievement tests for students in grades 6-8. Additionally, there was an investigation about the extent to which achievement scores were influenced by environmental factors such as the amount of behavioral referrals received, the goals students met to pass tests, and the preferences that students had concerning motivation. Students’ and teachers’ perspectives on tokens were explored throughout this process in order to accurately gather information on their experiences. Overall results for this study showed that those without tokens outperformed students who received tokens during the study. Within the token groups, the highest performers were those who received points in the first half and coins in the second half. Students who received no referrals had better performance and behavior than students who did receive referrals. Students accurately assessed how well they would do on tests, and those who met goals for math performed significantly better than those who did not meet math goals. Motivational preferences alone did not guarantee good performance.Chapter I: INTRODUCTION 1 | Background 1 | Statement of the Problem.4 | Conceptual Framework 7 | Operant Conditioning 7 | Goal Theory.9 | Purpose of the Study.11 | Research Questions.12 | Significance of the Study 14 | Role of the Researcher 14 | Limitations, Assumptions, and Design Controls 15 | Limitations.15 | Assumptions.16 | Delimitations 17 | Definition of Key Terms.17 | Summary.19 | Chapter II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE20 | Introduction.20 | Tokens and Academic Achievement.20 | Application of Tokens to Operant Conditioning.22 | Behaviorist Principles 22 | Classical Conditioning and the Behaviorist Movement.22 | Operant Conditioning and Consequences for Tokens.25 | Considerations for Token Design.28 | Token Systems and Behavior Types.28 | Token Use and Behavior Modification.30 | Models for Academic and Behavioral Support.32 | Basic Principles for Schedules of Reinforcement.33 | Scheduling of Tokens in Education 36 | Feedback Combinations 41 | Application of Tokens to Goal Theory 42 | Goal Orientation, Behavior, and Achievement 42 | Token Use and Goal Creation 44 | Token Use and Motivational Preferences 44 | Application of Tokens to Phenomenology 47 | Foundations of Phenomenology.47 | Phenomenology and Tokens 50 | Summary 51 | Chapter III: METHODOLOGY52 | Introduction 52 | Research Design.53 | Design Structure and Worldview.53 | Overview of Mixed Methods Design.53 | Worldview Description 54 | Structure Description.54 | Population and Sample.55 | Participants 55 | Sampling Techniques 56 | Initial Contact.56 | Quantitative Strand.56 | Qualitative Strand.57 | Data Collection.59 | Quantitative Strand 59 | Teacher Training,.59 | Intervention Design and Procedures 60 | Qualitative Strand.65 | Variables and Instrumentation.66 | Variables and Factors.66 | Quantitative Instrument 67 | Qualitative Instrument 68 | Data Analysis and Interpretation.69 | Quantitative Data Analysis.69 | Screening Process 69 | First Round 70 | Second Round.70 | Third Round 71 | Qualitative Data Analysis 72 | Data Mixing.73 | Research Permission and Ethical Considerations 74 | Limitations.75 | Summary 79 | Chapter IV: RESULTS80 | Introduction.80 | Organization of Chapter 80 | Demographics 81 | Ethnicity.82 | Disability Status.84 | ECD Status.85 | Results for Screening.88 | Round 1 Screening 88 | Round 2 Screening 90 | Round 3 Screening 90 | Research Questions 91 | Research Question 1a92 | Finding 1.1.93 | Result 1.194 | Result 1.296 | Result 1.398 | Result 1.4100 | Result 1.5102 | Result 1.6104 | Interpretation of Finding 1.1.106 | Data Mixing for Finding 1.1.107 | Research Question 1b110 | Finding 1.2111 | Result 1.7.112 | Result 1.8.113 | Result 1.9.115 | Interpretation of Finding 1.2.119 | Data Mixing for Finding 1.2.120 | Research Question 2a.122 | Finding 2.1123 | Result 2.1.124 | Result 2.2.126 | Interpretation of Finding 2.1.128 | Data Mixing for Finding 2.1.129 | Research Question 2b132 | Finding 2.2134 | Result 2.3134 | Result 2.4135 | Result 2.5137 | Result 2.6139 | Result 2.7140 | Interpretation of Finding 2.2.143 | Data Mixing for Finding 2.2144 | Research Question 2c.147 | Finding 2.3148 | Result 2.8149 | Interpretation of Finding 2.3.150 | Data Mixing for Finding 2.3.151 | Research Question 3a154 | Finding 3.1156 | Result 3.1156 | Themes for Result 3.1.158 | Interpretation for Result 3.1165 | Result 3.2167 | Themes for Result 3.2168 | Interpretation for Result 3.2.171 | Result 3.3.173 | Themes for Result 3.3.174 | Interpretation of Result 3.3.178 | Research Question 3b.179 | Finding 3.2180 | Result 3.4.181 | Themes for Result 3.4.181 | Interpretation for Result 3.4187 | Result 3.5189 | Themes for Result 3.5.190 | Interpretation for Result 3.5.193 | Result 3.6.195 | Themes for Result 3.6.197 | Interpretation for Result 3.6200 | Result 3.7201 | Themes for Result 3.7203 | Interpretation for Result 3.7.206 | Summary 207 | Research Question 1207 | Research Question 2209 | Research Question 3210 | Chapter V: SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS212 | Summary.212 | Conceptual Framework.214 | Summary of Findings for Research Question 1215 | Summary of Findings for Research Question 2216 | Summary of Findings for Research Question 3219 | Conclusions.220 | Recommendations.225 | Recommendations for Teachers and Students 225 | Recommendations for Researchers.226 | REFERENCES229 | APPENDIX A: Data Collection Timetable.246 | APPENDIX B: Goal Orientation Questionnaire.248 | APPENDIX C: Reinforcement Observation Log 250 | APPENDIX D: Motivational Preferences Check Sheet 252 | APPENDIX E: Teacher Consent Form.254 | APPENDIX F: Parental Consent Form.258 | APPENDIX G: Child Assent Script 262 | APPENDIX H: Interview Guides 265 | APPENDIX I: Prize List Form 271 | APPENDIX J: Institutional Review Board Approval Form 273 |Downey, Steven E.Branscome, Jennifer M.Kelley, Heather M.Truby, William F.Ed.D.Curriculum and Instructio

    Effects of oral contraceptives on spatial cognition depend on pharmacological properties and phase of the contraceptive cycle

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    The central nervous system effects of oral contraceptives (OCs) are not well-documented. In a set of 3 studies, we investigated a specific cognitive function, mental rotation, in healthy women currently using OCs for contraceptive purposes (n = 201) and in medication-free controls not using OCs (n = 44). Mental rotation was measured using a well-standardized and extensively validated psychometric test, the Vandenberg Mental Rotations Test (MRT). In an initial study (Study 1), current OC users (n = 63) were tested during the active or inactive phases of the contraceptive cycle in a parallel-groups design. Studies 2 and 3 were based on an archival dataset (n = 201 current OC users) that consisted of data on the MRT collected in real-time over a 30-year period and compiled for purposes of the present work. The OCs were combined formulations containing ethinyl estradiol (10-35 ug/day) plus a synthetic progestin. All 4 families of synthetic progestins historically used in OCs were represented in the dataset. Cognitive performance was evaluated during either active OC use (‘active phase’) or during the washout week of the contraceptive cycle (‘inactive phase’) when OC steroids are not used. The results showed a significant phase-of-cycle (POC) effect. Accuracy on the MRT was mildly diminished during the active phase of OC use, while scores on verbal fluency and speeded motor tasks were modestly improved. The POC effect was most evident in women using OCs that contained first- or second-generation progestins (the estrane family of progestins or OCs containing levonorgestrel), but not in women using OCs containing recently developed progestins and lower doses of ethinyl estradiol. Using independently established ratings of the estrogenic, androgenic, and progestogenic intensities of the different OC formulations, each brand of OC was classified according to its distinct endocrine profile. Multiple regression revealed that the effects of OC use on the MRT could be predicted based on the estrogenic strength of the contraceptives used. Estrogenic potency, not androgenic or anti-androgenic effects of the OC pill, may underlie the effects of OC usage on spatial cognition

    Estándares de Diseño de Proyectos de Clima, Comunidad y Biodiversidad (Primera Edición)

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    Estos estándares de Clima, Comunidad y Biodiversidad para el diseño de proyectos (" estándares CCB " por sus siglas en inglés) identifican proyectos basados en uso de tierra que pueden ofrecer beneficios convincentes de clima, biodiversidad y comunidad. Los estándares CCB han sido diseñados principalmente para proyectos de mitigación de cambio climático. Los estándares fueron diseñados por la Alianza de Clima, Comunidad y Biodiversidad (CCBA por sus siglas en inglés). La CCBA es una asociación global de instituciones de investigación, corporaciones y grupos ambientales, con la misión de desarrollar y promover estándares voluntarios para proyectos de uso de tierra con múltiples beneficios. Para más información acerca de CCBA, visite www.climate-standards.org o comuníquese con [email protected]. Esta primera edición de los estándares CCB representa la culminación de dos años de investigación y un proceso internacional amplio con múltiples actores relacionados. Grupos comunitarios, ONG's, empresas, académicos, diseñadores de proyectos y otros presentaron comentarios, críticas y sugerencias durante los dos años. Adicionalmente, pruebas de campo en Asia, Africa, Europa y América dieron considerable forma a los estándares. Un equipo de revisores consideró todos los comentarios y pruebas de campo para crear esa primera edición. El equipo de revisión incluye los autores y tres instituciones consejeras: Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), el World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) y el Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

    Challenges, solutions and research priorities for sustainable rangelands

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    Australia’s rangeland communities, industries, and environment are under increasing pressures from anthropogenic activities and global changes more broadly. We conducted a horizon scan to identify and prioritise key challenges facing Australian rangelands and their communities, and outline possible avenues to address these challenges, with a particular focus on research priorities. We surveyed participants of the Australian Rangeland Society 20th Biennial Conference, held in Canberra in September 2019, before the conference and in interactive workshops during the conference, in order to identify key challenges, potential solutions, and research priorities. The feedback was broadly grouped into six themes associated with supporting local communities, managing natural capital, climate variability and change, traditional knowledge, governance, and research and development. Each theme had several sub-themes and potential solutions to ensure positive, long-term outcomes for the rangelands. The survey responses made it clear that supporting ‘resilient and sustainable rangelands that provide cultural, societal, environmental and economic outcomes simultaneously’ is of great value to stakeholders. The synthesis of survey responses combined with expert knowledge highlighted that sustaining local communities in the long term will require that the inherent social, cultural and natural capital of rangelands are managed sustainably, particularly in light of current and projected variability in climate. Establishment of guidelines and approaches to address these challenges will benefit from: (i) an increased recognition of the value and contributions of traditional knowledge and practices; (ii) development of better governance that is guided by and benefits local stakeholders; and (iii) more funding to conduct and implement strong research and development activities, with research focused on addressing critical knowledge gaps as identified by the local stakeholders. This requires strong governance with legislation and policies that work for the rangelands. We provide a framework that indicates the key knowledge gaps and how innovations may be implemented and scaled out, up and deep to achieve the resilience of Australia’s rangelands. The same principles could be adapted to address challenges in rangelands on other continents, with similar beneficial outcomes

    Pulse Shape Analysis and Discrimination for Silicon-Photomultipliers in Helium-4 Gas Scintillation Neutron Detector

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    Using natural helium (helium-4), the Arktis 180-bar pressurized gas scintillator is capable of detecting and distinguishing fast neutrons and gammas. The detector has a unique design of three optically separated segments in which 12 silicon-photomultiplier (SiPM) pairs are positioned equilaterally across the detector to allow for them to be fully immersed in the helium-4 gas volume; consequently, no additional optical interfaces are necessary. The SiPM signals were amplified, shaped, and readout by an analog board; a 250 MHz, 14-bit digitizer was used to examine the output pulses from each SiPMpair channel. The SiPM over-voltage had to be adjusted in order to reduce pulse clipping and negative overshoot, which was observed for events with high scintillation production. Pulse shaped discrimination (PSD) was conducted by evaluating three different parameters: time over threshold (TOT), pulse amplitude, and pulse integral. In order to differentiate high and low energy events, a 30ns gate window was implemented to group pulses from two SiPM channels or more for the calculation of TOT. It was demonstrated that pulses from a single SiPM channel within the 30ns window corresponded to low-energy gamma events while groups of pulses from two-channels or more were most likely neutron events. Due to gamma pulses having lower pulse amplitude, the percentage of measured gamma also depends on the threshold value in TOT calculations. Similarly, the threshold values were varied for the optimal PSD methods of using pulse amplitude and pulse area parameters. Helium-4 detectors equipped with SiPMs are excellent for in-the-field radiation measurement of nuclear spent fuel casks. With optimized PSD methods, the goal of developing a fuel cask content monitoring and inspection system based on these helium-4 detectors will be achieved

    Low-cost, versatile, and highly reproducible microfabrication pipeline to generate 3D-printed customised cell culture devices with complex designs

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    Cell culture devices, such as microwells and microfluidic chips, are designed to increase the complexity of cell-based models while retaining control over culture conditions and have become indispensable platforms for biological systems modelling. From microtopography, microwells, plating devices, and microfluidic systems to larger constructs such as live imaging chamber slides, a wide variety of culture devices with different geometries have become indispensable in biology laboratories. However, while their application in biological projects is increasing exponentially, due to a combination of the techniques, equipment and tools required for their manufacture, and the expertise necessary, biological and biomedical labs tend more often to rely on already made devices. Indeed, commercially developed devices are available for a variety of applications but are often costly and, importantly, lack the potential for customisation by each individual lab. The last point is quite crucial, as often experiments in wet labs are adapted to whichever design is already available rather than designing and fabricating custom systems that perfectly fit the biological question. This combination of factors still restricts widespread application of microfabricated custom devices in most biological wet labs. Capitalising on recent advances in bioengineering and microfabrication aimed at solving these issues, and taking advantage of low-cost, high-resolution desktop resin 3D printers combined with PDMS soft lithography, we have developed an optimised a low-cost and highly reproducible microfabrication pipeline. This is thought specifically for biomedical and biological wet labs with not prior experience in the field, which will enable them to generate a wide variety of customisable devices for cell culture and tissue engineering in an easy, fast reproducible way for a fraction of the cost of conventional microfabrication or commercial alternatives. This protocol is designed specifically to be a resource for biological labs with limited expertise in those techniques and enables the manufacture of complex devices across the μm to cm scale. We provide a ready-to-go pipeline for the efficient treatment of resin-based 3D-printed constructs for PDMS curing, using a combination of polymerisation steps, washes, and surface treatments. Together with the extensive characterisation of the fabrication pipeline, we show the utilisation of this system to a variety of applications and use cases relevant to biological experiments, ranging from micro topographies for cell alignments to complex multipart hydrogel culturing systems. This methodology can be easily adopted by any wet lab, irrespective of prior expertise or resource availability and will enable the wide adoption of tailored microfabricated devices across many fields of biology