191 research outputs found

    Analysis of genetic markers in a sample of uruguayan criollo horses

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    The aim of this work is to charaterize at least tentatively the Criollo Horses of Uruguay through blood genetic markers. This breed, whose origin goes back to horses brought to Rio de la Plata in 1538 from Spain, nowadays, after more than four centuries in its environment, owns unique zootechnical traits and well developed rusticity. We have studied 7 systems of blood groups (A, C, D, K, P, Q and U) and 6 of biochemical polymorphisms (A1B, Al, Tf, alk-Es, PGD, PGM) in a sample of 99 Criollo Horses of Uruguay. The most polymorphic loci were the D blood group system with 13 alleles, Ddelo, Dadl and Ddkl being the 3 most frequent ones, and the Tf locus, that displayed 7 alleles, D and F2 having the highest frequency. The genetic variability of the sample was estimated through the average heterozigosity that reached a value of 0.435. Concerning the origin of the breed, we have to stress the presence in our sample of TfJ and Dcfgk, breed allele markers of the Spanish Pure Breed Horse. We conclude from these results that the present days Criollo Horses of Uruguay have preserved some blood genetic traits of its ancestors that differentiate them from the other Criollo Horses, displaying at the same time an important amount of genetic variability as shown by the high value of average heterozigosity.En esta comunicación preliminar, presentamos la evaluación de las frecuencias alélicas obtenidas en 7 sistemas de grupos sanguíneos (A, C, D, K, P, Q y U) y 6 polimorfismos bioquímicos (A1B, Al, Es alcalina, Tf, PGD y PGM) en una muestra de 99 Caballos Criollos del Uruguay (CCU). Los sistemas más polimórficos fueron el sistema D, con 13 alelos siendo los más frecuentes: Ddelo, Dadl y Ddkl, y el locus Tf con 7 alelos siendo los más frecuentes: D y F2. Todos los sistemas electroforéticos se encontraron en equilibrio génico. La variabilidad genética de la muestra estudiada se estimó mediante el Índice de Heterocigosidad esperada, el cual presentó un valor de 0,435. En la muestra analizada se destaca la presencia de la variante TfJ y del alelo Dcfgk, marcadores característicos de la Pura Raza Española (PRE). Se puede concluir que estos datos proporcionan información de que los Caballos Criollos Uruguayos conservan parte del potencial genético de sus ancestros, manteniendo características propias y diferentes a la de las otros Caballos Criollos. En cuanto a la variabilidad genética, a pesar de ser una muestra pequeña, presentó un índice de heterocigosidad bastante alto

    Genetic characterization of uruguayan creole cattle. II. Study of its genetic variability

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    Animal genetic diversity is considered essential to sustain the productivity of agriculture. FAO estimates that 30 percent of livestock breeds are at risk of extinction and more than half of these breeds are found in developing countries. Previous genetic research upon American Creole Cattle (Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba) valuate these breeds, being considered of interest to maintain and enhance livestock production. In Uruguay, limited by different geographic barriers, about 600 bovines inhabit in hard environment in areas that cannot sustain conventional farming. Aspect of Uruguayan Creole cattle is similar to that observed in certain American and Iberian breeds. Analysis of breed genetic variability involved the utilization of PCR/RFLP technology in 82 DNA samples for milk proteins (casein and lactoglobulin), amplification of 20 samples for CYP21 microsatellite and the use of protein markers such as haemoglobin in 77 animals. Inbreeding index and expected Heterocigosity considering four loci were F= 0.02 and He= 0.487. Genotypic frequency distribution was in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic variation estimated, reinforced by the low inbreeding index, strengthen the need of preservation of Uruguayan Creole Cattle as a domestic animal genetic resource.Se tomaron muestras de ADN por la metodología PCR/RFLP para las proteínas de la leche caseína y lactoglobulina, 20 muestras para el microsatélite CYP21 (esteroide 21-hidroxilasa) y 77 animales para hemoglobina mediante electroforesis en gel de almidón. Los índices de endogamia y de heterocigosidad correspondieron a F= 0,02 y He= 0,487. Las frecuencias genotípicas se distribuyeron de acuerdo a los valores esperados para el equilibrio H.W. El bajo índice de endogamia obtenido en los 4 loci analizados, la relación entre el número de genotipos homocigotos y heterocigotos, el alto polimorfismo que presentó el microsatélite CYP21, así como la variabilidad observada en la coloración del pelaje, permiten sugerir que, a pesar de ser ésta una reserva aislada geográficamente, ha expresado una variabilidad genética tan importante que justifica su conservación como un recurso genético de animal doméstico. La diversidad genética animal es considerada indispensable para sostener la productividad de la agricultura. La FAO estima que el 30 p.100 de las razas de ganado, corren riesgo de extinción, encontrándose más de la mitad de ellas en países en desarrollo. Antecedentes de estudios genéticos realizados en bovinos Criollos americanos (Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba) permiten hoy, revalorizar esta raza para ser utilizada en la explotación agropecuaria. En el Uruguay, existe una reserva de alrededor de 600 animales que habita en una zona húmeda, de sierras y montes, no alterada, limitada por diferentes barreras geográficas. El aspecto morfológico de estos animales se asemeja al de ciertas poblaciones de bovinos Criollos argentinos, venezolanos, colombianos y, a ciertas razas ibéricas. Con el objetivo de estudiar la estructura genética de esta población, se analizaron 8

    Portland State University Spring Symposium Report

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    The 2023 Spring Symposium arose in response to a request to PSU administrators in a Faculty Senate Resolution. That resolution noted the high level of interest by the Faculty Senate in both understanding and engaging in the university’s budgeting processes. The Symposium offered an opportunity for all PSU employees to come together to identify priorities and shared purpose regarding the university’s approach to long term financial planning. The recommendations created during the symposium are being shared with incoming president Ann Cudd to inform her thinking as PSU pursues a path toward financial sustainability. Table of Contents 04 Statement from President and Faculty Senate 05 2023 Faculty & Staff Spring Symposium Event Overview 08 Collaborative Governance Overview 10 Report Purpose & Intention 11 Process Recommendations 13 Next Steps 15 Acknowledgements 16 Appendix: Process Recommendation Too

    Prevention of insulin resistance in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes with depressive symptoms: 1-year follow-up of a randomized trial

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    Background: Depression is associated with poor insulin sensitivity. We evaluated the long-term effects of a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program for prevention of depression on insulin sensitivity in adolescents at risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D) with depressive symptoms. Methods: One-hundred nineteen adolescent females with overweight/obesity,T2Dfamily history, and mild-to-moderate depressive symptoms were randomized to a 6-week CBT group (n = 61) or 6-week health education (HE) control group (n = 58). At baseline, posttreatment, and 1 year, depressive symptoms were assessed, and whole body insulin sensitivity (WBISI) was estimated from oral glucose tolerance tests.Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry assessed fat mass at baseline and 1 year. Primary outcomes were 1-year changes in depression and insulin sensitivity, adjusting for adiposity and other relevant covariates. Secondary outcomeswere fasting and 2-hr insulin and glucose.We also evaluated the moderating effect of baseline depressive symptom severity. Results: Depressive symptoms decreased in both groups (P \u3c .001). Insulin sensitivity was stable inCBTandHE(ΔWBISI: .1 vs. .3) and did not differ between groups (P=.63).However, among girls with greater (moderate) baseline depressive symptoms (N = 78), those in CBT developed lower 2- hr insulin than those in HE (Δ-16 vs. 16 �IU/mL, P \u3c .05). Additional metabolic benefits of CBT were seen for this subgroup in post hoc analyses of posttreatment to 1-year change. Conclusions: Adolescent females at risk for T2D decreased depressive symptoms and stabilized insulin sensitivity 1 year following brief CBT or HE. Further studies are required to determine if adolescents with moderate depression show metabolic benefits after CBT

    American Association of Plastic Surgeons Consensus on Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma

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    BACKGROUND: In the absence of high-quality evidence, there is a need for guidelines and multidisciplinary consensus recommendations on breast implant-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). The purpose of this expert consensus conference was to evaluate the existing evidence regarding the diagnosis and management of BIA-ALCL caused by textured implants. This article aims to provide evidence-based recommendations regarding the management and prevention of BIA-ALCL. METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted in the MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Embase databases, and supplemented by manual searches of relevant English-language articles and related articles sections. Studies focusing on breast surgery and lymphoma associated with breast implants were included for analysis. Meta-analyses were performed and reviewed by experts selected by the American Association of Plastic Surgeons using a Delphi consensus method. RESULTS: A total of 840 articles published between January of 2011 and January of 2023 were initially identified and screened. The full text of 188 articles was assessed. An additional 43 articles were excluded for focus, and 145 articles were included in the synthesis of results, with 105 of them being case reports or case series. The analysis encompassed a comprehensive examination of the selected articles to determine the incidence, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnostic approaches, and treatment modalities related to BIA-ALCL. CONCLUSIONS: Plastic surgeons should be aware of the elevated risks by implant surface type, implement appropriate patient surveillance, and follow the recommendations outlined in this statement to ensure patient safety and optimize outcomes. Ongoing research on the pathogenesis, genetic drivers, and preventative and prophylactic measures for BIA-ALCL is crucial for improving patient care

    A randomized, comparative pilot trial of family-based interpersonal psychotherapy for reducing psychosocial symptoms, disordered-eating, and excess weight gain in at-risk preadolescents with loss-of-control-eating: SHOMAKER et al.

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    Preadolescent loss-of-control-eating (LOC-eating) is a risk factor for excess weight gain and binge-eating-disorder. We evaluated feasibility and acceptability of a preventive family-based interpersonal psychotherapy (FB-IPT) program. FB-IPT was compared to family-based health education (FB-HE) to evaluate changes in children’s psychosocial functioning, LOC-eating, and body mass

    Structural Competency: Curriculum for Medical Students, Residents, and Interprofessional Teams on the Structural Factors That Produce Health Disparities

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    Introduction: Research on disparities in health and health care has demonstrated that social, economic, and political factors are key drivers of poor health outcomes. Yet the role of such structural forces on health and health care has been incorporated unevenly into medical training. The framework of structural competency offers a paradigm for training health professionals to recognize and respond to the impact of upstream, structural factors on patient health and health care. Methods: We report on a brief, interprofessional structural competency curriculum implemented in 32 distinct instances between 2015 and 2017 throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. In consultation with medical and interprofessional education experts, we developed open-ended, written-response surveys to qualitatively evaluate this curriculum\u27s impact on participants. Qualitative data from 15 iterations were analyzed via directed thematic analysis, coding language, and concepts to identify key themes. Results: Three core themes emerged from analysis of participants\u27 comments. First, participants valued the curriculum\u27s focus on the application of the structural competency framework in real-world clinical, community, and policy contexts. Second, participants with clinical experience (residents, fellows, and faculty) reported that the curriculum helped them reframe how they thought about patients. Third, participants reported feeling reconnected to their original motivations for entering the health professions. Discussion: This structural competency curriculum fills a gap in health professional education by equipping learners to understand and respond to the role that social, economic, and political structural factors play in patient and community health

    Efficacy and Safety of Autologous Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Recurrent or Refractory Ovarian Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy has shown efficacy in metastatic melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, and other solid tumors. Our preclinical work demonstrated more robust CD8 predominant TIL production when agonistic anti-4-1BB and CD3 antibodies were used in early ex vivo TIL culture. METHODS: Patients with treatment-refractory metastatic colorectal (CRC), pancreatic (PDAC) and ovarian (OVCA) cancers were eligible. Lymphodepleting chemotherapy was followed by infusion of ex vivo expanded TIL, manufactured at MD Anderson Cancer Center with IL-2 and agonistic stimulation of CD3 and 4-1BB (urelumab). Patients received up to six doses of high-dose IL-2 after TIL infusion. Primary endpoint was evaluation of objective response rate at 12 weeks using Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors version 1.1 with secondary endpoints including disease control rate (DCR), duration of response, progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), and safety. RESULTS: 17 patients underwent TIL harvest and 16 were treated on protocol (NCT03610490), including 8 CRC, 5 PDAC, and 3 OVCA patients. Median age was 57.5 (range 33-70) and 50% were females. Median number of lines of prior therapy was 2 (range 1-8). No responses were observed at 12 weeks. Ten subjects achieved at least one stable disease (SD) assessment for a DCR of 62.5% (95% CI 35.4% to 84.8%). Best response included prolonged SD in a patient with PDAC lasting 17 months. Median PFS and OS across cohorts were 2.53 months (95% CI 1.54 to 4.11) and 18.86 months (95% CI 4.86 to NR), respectively. Grade 3 or higher toxicities attributable to therapy were seen in 14 subjects (87.5%; 95% CI 61.7% to 98.4%). Infusion product analysis showed the presence of effector memory cells with high expression of CD39 irrespective of tumor type and low expression of checkpoint markers. CONCLUSIONS: TIL manufactured with assistance of 4-1BB and CD3 agonism is feasible and treatment is associated with no new safety signals. While no responses were observed, a significant portion of patients achieved SD suggesting early/partial immunological effect. Further research is required to identify factors associated with resistance and functionally enhance T cells for a more effective therapy

    Asthma-associated genetic variants induce IL33 differential expression through an enhancer-blocking regulatory region

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have implicated the IL33 locus in asthma, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we identify a 5 kb region within the GWAS-defined segment that acts as an enhancer-blocking element in vivo and in vitro. Chromatin conformation capture showed that this 5 kb region loops to the IL33 promoter, potentially regulating its expression. We show that the asthma-associated single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1888909, located within the 5 kb region, is associated with IL33 gene expression in human airway epithelial cells and IL-33 protein expression in human plasma, potentially through differential binding of OCT-1 (POU2F1) to the asthma-risk allele. Our data demonstrate that asthma-associated variants at the IL33 locus mediate allele-specific regulatory activity and IL33 expression, providing a mechanism through which a regulatory SNP contributes to genetic risk of asthma.This work was supported by NIH grants R01 HL118758, R01 HL128075, R01 HL119577, R01 HL085197, U19 AI095230, UG3 OD023282 and UM1 AI114271

    Green Space and Internalizing or Externalizing Symptoms Among Children

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    Importance: Evidence suggests that living near green space supports mental health, but studies examining the association of green space with early mental health symptoms among children are rare. Objective: To evaluate the association between residential green space and early internalizing (eg, anxiety and depression) and externalizing (eg, aggression and rule-breaking) symptoms. Design, Setting, and Participants: Data for this cohort study were drawn from the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes cohort; analysis was conducted from July to October 2023. Children born between 2007 and 2013 with outcome data in early (aged 2-5 years) and/or middle (aged 6-11 years) childhood who resided in 41 states across the US, drawing from clinic, hospital, and community-based cohorts, were included. Cohort sites were eligible if they recruited general population participants and if at least 30 children had outcome and residential address data to measure green space exposure. Nine cohorts with 13 sites met these criteria. Children diagnosed with autism or developmental delay were excluded, and 1 child per family was included. Exposures: Green space exposure was measured using a biannual (ie, summer and winter) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, a satellite image-based indicator of vegetation density assigned to monthly residential history from birth to outcome assessment. Main Outcome and Measures: Child internalizing and externalizing symptoms were assessed using the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1½ to 5 or 6 to 18. The association between green space and internalizing and externalizing symptoms was modeled with multivariable linear regression using generalized estimating equations, adjusting for birthing parent educational level, age at delivery, child sex, prematurity, and neighborhood socioeconomic vulnerability. Models were estimated separately for early and middle childhood samples. Results: Among 2103 children included, 1061 (50.5%) were male; 606 (29.1%) identified as Black, 1094 (52.5%) as White, 248 (11.9%) as multiple races, and 137 (6.6%) as other races. Outcomes were assessed at mean (SD) ages of 4.2 (0.6) years in 1469 children aged 2 to 5 years and 7.8 (1.6) years in 1173 children aged 6 to 11 years. Greater green space exposure was associated with fewer early childhood internalizing symptoms in fully adjusted models (b = -1.29; 95% CI, -1.62 to -0.97). No associations were observed between residential green space and internalizing or externalizing symptoms in middle childhood. Conclusions and Relevance: In this study of residential green space and children's mental health, the association of green space with fewer internalizing symptoms was observed only in early childhood, suggesting a sensitive period for nature exposure. Policies protecting and promoting access to green space may help alleviate early mental health risk