276 research outputs found

    Are German coaches highly exhausted? A study of differences in personal and environmental factors

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    Previous research has produced equivocal findings in regard to personal and environmental parameters influencing coaches’ perceptions of stress and burnout levels. Moreover, there is a paucity of studies examining these factors in European professional sport contexts. This study investigated the influence of person-related (e.g., age, hours per week, level of recovery, coaching alternatives, experience as an assistant), sport-related (e.g., type of sport, working in youth or senior section, level of performing), and perception-related variables (e.g., feeling of meaningfulness, financial security) in relation to burnout of German full-time coaches. One-hundred and fifty eight coaches of different sports and levels completed a demographical survey, a German coaches’ version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Coaches. Two contrasting groups were formed to compare coaches with the lowest scores in Emotional Exhaustion (lowest 20%) and the highest scores in Emotional Exhaustion (highest 20%). Overall Stress (β = 3.92, p < .001) and Overall Recovery (β = -2.86, p < .001) demonstrated significant effects on Emotional Exhaustion within multiple regression analysis. Moreover, the variables sense of well-being (r = -.46, p < .001), feeling of meaningfulness (r = -.28, p < .001) showed significant relationships to the key burnout symptom of Emotional Exhaustion. The extreme group comparison indicated significant differences in person-related and perception-related parameters. Recovery as well as social support might be important in managing stress in the challenging work environments of full-time coaches. Additionally, the perception of the current coaching job might be more important than context-related variables (e.g., type of sport, level)

    Verbal Encouragement and Between-Day Reliability During High-Intensity Functional Strength and Endurance Performance Testing

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    As verbal encouragement (VE) is used in high intensity functional exercise testing, this randomized controlled crossover study aimed at investigating whether VE affects high intensity functional strength and endurance performance testing. We further examined between-day variability of high intensity functional strength and endurance performance testing with and without VE. Nineteen experienced athletes (seven females and 12 males, age: 23.7 ± 4.3 years) performed a standardized one repetition maximum (1 RM) squat test and a 12-min high-intensity functional training (HIFT) workout [as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP)] on four different days over a 2-week period. Athletes randomly performed each test twice, either with VE or without (CON), with a minimum of 72 h rest between tests. Very good to excellent relative between-day reliability with slightly better values for strength testing (ICC: 0.99; CV: 3.5–4.1%) compared to endurance testing (ICC 0.87–0.95; CV: 3.9–7.3%) were observed. Interestingly, VE led to higher reliability during endurance testing. Mean squat strength depicted higher strength values with VE (107 ± 33 kg) compared to CON (105 ± 33 kg; p = 0.009, Cohen’s d: 0.06). AMRAP in the endurance test showed negligible differences between VE (182 ± 33 AMRAP) and CON (181 ± 35 AMRAP; p = 0.71, Cohen’s d: 0.03). In conclusion, the effects of VE do not notably exceed day-to-day variability during high intensity functional strength (CV: 3.5–4.1%) and endurance (CV: 3.9–7.3%) testing. However, high intensity functional strength and endurance testing with VE seems to be slightly more reliable, particularly during endurance testing

    Overnight Immune Regulation and Subjective Measures of Sleep: A Three Night Observational Study in Adolescent Track and Field Athletes

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    To ensure health maintenance of young athletes, immunological stress due to physical exercise has to be balanced for performance development and health maintenance. Sleep is an important influencing factor for immune regulation because of its regenerating effect. In an attempt to assess overnight immune regulation, this observational study aimed to examine associations between changes in capillary immunological blood markers and measures of sleep in adolescent athletes. Over a period of three nights, 12 male ( n = 6) and female ( n = 6) adolescent track and field athletes aged 16.4 ± 1.1 years were monitored for their sleep behavior (e.g., sleep duration, sleep depth) and immune regulation by using subjective (e.g., sleep) and objective (capillary blood markers) measurement tools. Over the 4 day (three nights), athletes followed their daily routines (school, homework, free time activities, and training). Training was performed for different disciplines (sprint, hurdles, and long-jump) following their daily training routines. Training included dynamic core stability training, coordination training, speed training, resistance training, and endurance training. Capillary blood samples were taken 30–45 min after the last training session (10:00–12:00 a.m. or 5:00–6:00 p.m.) and every morning between 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. Changes in capillary blood markers from post-training to the next morning and morning-to-morning fluctuations in capillary blood markers were analyzed over a three-night period using a generalized estimating equations (GEE) statistical approach. Associations of overnight changes with measures of sleep were analyzed using GEE. We found significant decreases in white blood cell count (WBC), granulocytes (GRAN), granulocytes% (GRAN%), monocytes (MID), and granulocyte-lymphocyte-ratio. In contrast, lymphocytes% (LYM%) increased significantly and systemic inflammation index showed no difference from post-training to the next morning. Furthermore, there was a significant decrease in WBC and GRAN between morning 1 and morning 3. At morning 4, values returned to baseline (morning 1), irrespective if athletes performed a training session or rested on day 3. Furthermore, sleep duration was significantly and negatively associated with changes in WBC (β z = −0.491) and lymphocytes (β z = −0.451). Our results indicate that overnight sleep duration is an important parameter of immunological overnight regulation for adolescent athletes

    Convergent Validity of the Short Recovery and Stress Scale in Collegiate Weightlifters

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(6): 1457-1471, 2022. The purpose of this study was to determine whether changes in collegiate weightlifters’ external training load, biochemical markers, and jumping performance correlate to changes in items of the Short Recovery and Stress Scale (SRSS) throughout four microcycles. Twelve well-trained weightlifters (8 males, 4 females; age 24.30 ± 4.36 yr; height 170.28 ± 7.09 cm; body mass 81.73 ± 17.00 kg) with at least one year of competition experience participated in the study. Measurements included hydration, SRSS, biochemical analysis of blood (cortisol [C], creatine kinase [CK]), and unloaded and loaded squat jumps (SJ), and volume-load displacement. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated between the changes in SRSS items and all other variables. The alpha criterion for all analyses was set at p ≤ 0.05. Negative relationships were observed between changes in SRSS recovery items and C (r = -0.608 to -0.723), and unloaded and loaded SJ height and peak power (r = -0.587 to -0.636). Positive relationships were observed between changes in several SRSS stress items and C (r = 0.609 to 0.723), CK (r = 0.922), and unloaded and loaded SJ height and peak power (r = 0.583 to 0.839). Relationships between changes in some SRSS items and cortisol agree with previous findings highlighting C as an indicator of training stress. Nonetheless, the non-significant relationships between changes in SRSS items, training volume and biochemical markers disagree with previous findings. This may partly be explained by the smaller undulations in training volume in the current study, which were characteristic of typical training. Further, relationships between changes in some SRSS items and jumping performance were opposite of what was expected indicating athletes’ perception of their stress and recovery state does not always correspond with their ability to perform

    Early Risk Detection of Burnout: Development of the Burnout Prevention Questionnaire for Coaches

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    Introduction: Previous research has shown that burnout develops as the result of a continuous imbalance between chronic stress and appropriate coping resources. Hence, the essential factors to measure burnout encompassed the factors stress and recovery within our studies. However, the Burnout Prevention Questionnaire for Coaches (BPQ-C) does not represent a new questionnaire from scratch, but rather a re-evaluated, condensed, and subsequently combined instrument with scales derived from validated psychometric instruments.Methods: The objective of study 1 (N = 233) was to create and evaluate the psychometric structure of the BPQ-C. The aim of study 2 (N = 473) consisted in the validation of the BPQ-C via a Confirmatory Factor Analysis.Results: The Exploratory Factor Analysis resulted in a model with three dimensions (Pre-Burnout, Resources, and Burnout). Via the subsequent Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the model could be confirmed with good fit indices (χ2 = 96.898, df = 19, p &lt; 0.001, CFI = 0.973, SRMR = 0.044, RMSEA = 0.093, LO90 = 0.075, HI90 = 0.112).Conclusion: The BPQ-C includes a number of previously established risk and protective factors within a single psychometric instrument. The systematic application of the BPQ-C can help to detect critical conditions at an early stage in order to derive individualized and beneficial interventions for the respective coaches

    Parameters of low back pain chronicity among athletes: associations with physical and mental stress

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    Objective: In the general population, physical and mental stress factors are linked to chronic low back pain (LBP). The aim of the present study was to examine this association among athletes

    Validity of the acute recovery and stress scale: training monitoring of the German junior national field hockey team

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the sensitivity of the Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS). This new psychometric questionnaire was developed to assess the physical, mental, emotional, and overall recovery and stress states of athletes. During a five-day field hockey training camp of the German Junior National Field Hockey Team (n = 25) the ARSS was administered every morning and evening. The study indicated swift reactions of the scores of the physical and general factors as well as stability of scores for the emotional factors in accordance with the training schedule. The straining effect of the camp was best reflected by the adaptations of the scales Physical Performance Capability (F (2.9, 60.3) = 10.0, p < 0.001) and Muscular Stress (F (4, 84) = 16.7, p < 0.001). The results support the ability of the ARSS to monitor recovery-stress (im-) balances in this sample. Thus, the questionnaire has shown to be a sensitive and practical tool that might be suitable for elite sport settings
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