10,876 research outputs found

    Limited evaluation of an F-14A airplane utilizing an aileron-rudder interconnect control system in the landing configuration

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    A flight test was conducted for preliminary evaluation of an aileron-rudder interconnect (ARI) control system for the F-14A airplane in the landing configuration. Two ARI configurations were tested in addition to the standard F-14 flight control system. Results of the flight test showed marked improvement in handling qualities when the ARI systems were used. Sideslip due to adverse yaw was considerably reduced, and airplane turn rate was more responsive to pilot lateral control inputs. Pilot comments substantiated the flight data and indicated that the ARI systems were superior to the standard control system in terms of pilot capability to make lateral offset corrections and heading changes on final approach

    NASTRAN used in a production environment

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    A finite element analysis procedure built around the NASTRAN system is assessed. A number of support programs that were either written or modified to interface with NASTRAN and some improvements that were made to NASTRAN itself are noted. Some typical models are analyzed and an actual schedule is followed for constructing and analyzing the models to support a large design program

    Development of an orthotropic hole element

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    A finite element was developed which adequately represents the state of stress in the region around a circular hole in orthotropic material experiencing reasonably general loading. This was achieved with a complementary virtual work formulation of the stiffness and stress matrices for a square element with center circular hole. The assumed stress state provides zero shearing stress on the hole boundary, so the element is suitable for problems involving load transfer without friction. The element has been implemented in the NASTRAN computer program, and sample problem results are presented

    Simple device facilitates inert-gas welding of tubes

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    Metal Y-tube simultaneously directs argon streams over weld areas on both sides of tubes being joined along a line on their outer periphery. The device is advanced along the junction in step with the welding operation

    Detection of quantum light in the presence of noise

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    Detection of quantum light in the presence of dark counts and background radiation noise is considered. The corresponding positive operator-valued measure is obtained and photocounts statistics of quantum light in the presence of noise is studied.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; misprints correcte

    Density of bulk trap states in organic semiconductor crystals: discrete levels induced by oxygen in rubrene

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    The density of trap states in the bandgap of semiconducting organic single crystals has been measured quantitatively and with high energy resolution by means of the experimental method of temperature-dependent space-charge-limited-current spectroscopy (TD-SCLC). This spectroscopy has been applied to study bulk rubrene single crystals, which are shown by this technique to be of high chemical and structural quality. A density of deep trap states as low as ~ 10^{15} cm^{-3} is measured in the purest crystals, and the exponentially varying shallow trap density near the band edge could be identified (1 decade in the density of states per ~25 meV). Furthermore, we have induced and spectroscopically identified an oxygen related sharp hole bulk trap state at 0.27 eV above the valence band.Comment: published in Phys. Rev. B, high quality figures: http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/~krellner

    Milli-second Oscillations in the Persistent and Bursting Flux of Aql X-1 During an Outburst

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    The Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer observed the soft X-Ray transient Aql X-1 during its outburst in February and March 1997. We report the discovery of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in its persistent flux with frequencies in the range of 740 to 830 Hz, Q-value of over 100, and a fractional RMS amplitude of (6.8 +- 0.6)%, and nearly coherent oscillations (NCOs) during a Type-I burst with a frequency of 549 Hz. The frequency of the QPOs in the persistent flux is correlated with the mass accretion rate on time scale of hours, but not on time scale of days. This is most likely the manifestation in a single source of the kHz QPO puzzle observed among many sources, i.e., on the one hand, individual sources show a correlation between the QPO frequency and the inferred mass accretion rate, on the other hand, the dozen or so sources with luminosities spanning two decades have essentially the same QPO frequencies. We propose that this multi-valued QPO frequency and mass accretion rate correlation indicates the existence of many similar regimes of the accretion disk. These regimes, with a very similar energy spectrum and QPO frequency, are distinguished from each other by the mass accretion rate or the total X-ray flux. The NCOs during the burst can be made almost perfectly coherent by taking into account a large frequency derivative. This strongly suggests that this frequency is related to the neutron star spin frequency. The large frequency derivative is attributable to the expansion or contraction of the neutron star photosphere during the burst.Comment: 6 pages, LaTex (aas2pp4), Accepted for publication in ApJ Let


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    Low self-control promotes the willingness to sacrifice in close relationships

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    Although previous theories and research have suggested that human behavior is automatically driven by selfish impulses (e.g., vengeance rather than forgiveness), the present research tested the hypothesis that in close relationships, people's impulsive inclination is to be prosocial and to sacrifice for their partner-to pursue the interests of the partner or of the relationship at some costs for the self. Results from four studies demonstrated that people with low self-control, relative to those with high self-control, reported greater willingness to sacrifice for their close others. Furthermore, Study 4 demonstrated that communal orientation was more strongly associated with sacrifice among participants with low self-control than participants with high self-control. This moderational pattern supports the hypothesis that communal orientation functions as a default approach to sacrifice in the context of close relationships. Taken together, these findings suggest that under certain crucial conditions in close relationships, gut-level impulses are more likely than deliberative considerations to promote prorelationship behavior. © The Author(s) 2013