61 research outputs found

    Sea-floor tectonics and submarine hydrothermal systems

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    The discovery of metal-depositing hot springs on the sea floor, and especially their link to chemosynthetic life, was among the most compelling and significant scientific advances of the twentieth century. More than 300 sites of hydrothermal activity and sea-floor mineralization are known on the ocean floor. About 100 of these are sites of high-temperature venting and polymetallic sulfide deposits. They occur at mid-ocean ridges (65%), in back-arc basins (22%), and on submarine volcanic arcs (12%). Although high-temperature, 350°C, black smoker vents are the most recognizable features of sea-floor hydrothermal activity, a wide range of different styles of mineralization has been found. Different volcanic substrates, including mid-ocean ridge basalt, ultramafic intrusive rocks, and more evolved volcanic suites in both oceanic and continental crust, as well as temperature-dependent solubility controls, account for the main geochemical associations found in the deposits. Although end-member hydrothermal fluids mainly originate in the deep volcanic basement, the presence of sediments and other substrates can have a large effect on the compositions of the vent fluids. In arc and backarc settings, vent fluid compositions are broadly similar to those at mid-ocean ridges, but the arc magmas also supply a number of components to the hydrothermal fluids. The majority of known black smoker vents occur on fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges, but the largest massive sulfide deposits are located at intermediate- and slow-spreading centers, at ridge-axis volcanoes, in deep backarc basins, and in sedimented rifts adjacent to continental margins. The range of deposit sizes in these settings is similar to that of ancient volcanic-associated massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. Detailed mapping, and in some cases drilling, indicates that a number of deposits contain 1 to 5 million tons (Mt) of massive sulfide (e.g., TAG hydrothermal field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, deposits of the Galapagos Rift, and at 13°N on the East Pacific Rise). Two sediment-hosted deposits, at Middle Valley on the Juan de Fuca Ridge and in the Atlantis II Deep of the Red Sea, are much larger (up to 15 and 90 Mt, respectively). In the western Pacific, high-temperature hydrothermal systems occur mainly at intraoceanic back-arc spreading centers (e.g., Lau basin, North Fiji basin, Mariana trough) and in arc-related rifts at continental margins (e.g., Okinawa trough). In contrast to the mid-ocean ridges, convergent margin settings are characterized by a range of different crustal thicknesses and compositions, variable heat flow regimes, and diverse magma types. These variations result in major differences in the compositions and isotopic systematics of the hydrothermal fluids and the mineralogy and bulk compositions of the associated mineral deposits. Intraoceanic back-arc basin spreading centers host black smoker vents that, for the most part, are very similar to those on the mid-ocean ridges. However, isotopic data from both the volcanic rocks and the sulfide deposits highlight the importance of subduction recycling in the origin of the magmas and hydrothermal fluids. Back-arc rifts in continental margin settings are typically sediment-filled basins, which derive their sediment load from the adjacent continental shelf. This has an insulating effect that enhances the high heat flow associated with rifting of the continental crust and also helps to preserve the contained sulfide deposits. Large hydrothermal systems have developed where initial rifting of continental crust or locally thickened arc crust has formed large calderalike sea-floor depressions, similar to those that contained major VMS-forming systems in the geologic record. Hydrothermal vents also occur in the summit calderas of submarine volcanoes at the volcanic fronts of arcs. However, this contrasts with the interpreted settings of most ancient VMS deposits, which are considered to have formed mainly during arc rifting. Hydrothermal vents associated with arc volcanoes show clear evidence of the direct input of magmatic volatiles, similar to magmatic-hydrothermal systems in subaerial volcanic arcs. Several compelling examples of submarine epithermal-style mineralization, including gold-base metal veins, have been found on submarine arc volcanoes,and this type of mineralization may be more common than is presently recognized. Mapping and sampling of the sea floor has dramatically improved geodynamic models of different submarine volcanic and tectonic settings and has helped to establish a framework for the characterization of many similar ancient terranes. Deposits forming at convergent margins are considered to be the closest analogs of ancient VMS. However, black smokers on the mid-ocean ridges continue to provide critically important information about metal transport and deposition in sea-floor hydrothermal systems of all types. Ongoing sea-floor exploration in other settings is providing clues to the diversity of mineral deposit types that occur in different environments and the conditions that are favorable for their formation

    Mission Moho Workshop: Drilling Through the Oceanic Crust to the Mantle

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    IODP Expeditions 304 and 305 - Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif

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    IODP Expeditions 304 and 305: Oceanic Core Complex Formation, Atlantis Massif

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    Organic geochemical biosignatures in alkaline Hydrothermal ecosystems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references.The 13C content of microbial products are controlled by many factors, including the 13C content of the growth substrate, growth rate, the flux of carbon through various parts of the biochemical network, and the isotopic fractionation imposed by the enzymes of that network. We analyzed the 13C content of products of the methanogen Methanosarcina barkeri and found that fractionation varied strongly with substrate availability.These results inform our analysis of methanogen lipids from carbonates of the Lost City Hydrothermal Field. This ultramafic ecosystem produces methane highly enriched in 13C relative to most biotic methane. We find that the 13C enrichment in methanogen lipids is even stronger -- demonstrating that the Methanosarcinales in active vents are methane producers, and that they are likely carbon-limited. Archaea in other parts of the vent field at Lost City are methanotrophs. The application of lipid biomarkers helps unravel the multiple biological and abiotic sources of methane at Lost City.Closer examination of lipids from Lost City shows that most are ether-type glycolipids. The dominance of glycolipids over phospholipids may be a phosphorus-conservation strategy in waters that are likely phosphorus-poor. Ether core lipids are similar to those produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria in environments where methane is oxidized anaerobically. Insoluble residues in Lost City carbonates contain proteinaceous organic material and have end-member d15N values near 0 0/00, suggesting active nitrogen fixation is occurring.Biomass and lipids from Yellowstone hot springs also showed surprising enrichments in 13C. The common factor is high pH; unusual 13C enrichment may be common in alkaline hydrothermal systems.Organisms in terrestrial and marine alkaline hydrothermal systems produced organic carbon with d13C outside of the usual biological range.(cont) This informs our application of carbon isotopes as biosignatures, and suggests that biological and abiotic organic carbon may sometimes have 13C contents that are indistinguishable.by Alexander Smith Bradley.Ph.D

    IODP Preliminary Report

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    Oceanic lithosphere magnetization : marine magnetic investigations of crustal accretion and tectonic processes in mid-ocean ridge environments

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2007The origin of symmetric alternating magnetic polarity stripes on the seafloor is investigated in two marine environments; along the ridge axis of the fast spreading East Pacific Rise (EPR) (9º 25’-9º 55’N) and at Kane Megamullion (KMM) (23º 40’N), near the intersection of the slow-spreading Mid Atlantic Ridge with Kane Transform Fault. Marine magnetic anomalies and magnetic properties of seafloor samples are combined to characterize the magnetic source layer in both locations. The EPR study suggests that along-axis variations in the observed axial magnetic anomaly result from changing source layer thickness alone, consistent with observed changes in seismic Layer 2a. The extrusive basalts of the upper crust therefore constitute the magnetic source layer along the ridge axis and long term crustal accretion patterns are reflected in the appearance of the axial anomaly. At KMM the C2r.2r/C2An.1n (~ 2.581 Ma) polarity reversal boundary cuts through lower crust (gabbro) and upper mantle (serpentinized peridotites) rocks exposed by a detachment fault on the seafloor, indicating that these lithologies can systematically record a magnetic signal. Both lithologies have stable remanent magnetization, capable of contributing to the magnetic source layer. The geometry of the polarity boundary changes from the northern to the central regions of KMM and is believed to be related to changing lithology. In the northern region, interpreted to be a gabbro pluton, the boundary dips away from the ridge axis and is consistent with a rotated conductively cooled isotherm. In the central region the gabbros have been removed and the polarity boundary, which resides in serpentinized peridotite, dips towards the ridge axis and is thought to represent an alteration front. The linear appearance of the polarity boundary across both regions indicates that the two lithologies acquired their magnetic remanence during approximately the same time interval. Seismic events caused by detachment faulting at Kane and Atlantis Transform Faults are investigated using hydroacoustic waves (T-phases) recorded by a hydrophone array. Observations and ray trace models of event propagation show bathymetric blockage along propagation paths, but suggest current models of T-phase excitation and propagation need to be improved to explain observed characteristics of T-phase data.My thesis was funded by several different sources: National Science Foundation grants OCE-9819261, OCE-0221832 and OCE-0118445, a Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant and the Academic Programs Office at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    The Cotoncello Shear Zone (Elba Island, Italy): The deep root of a fossil oceanic detachment fault in the Ligurian ophiolites

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    The ophiolite sequences in the western Elba Island are classically interpreted as a well-exposed ocean-floor section emplaced during the Apennines orogeny at the top of the tectonic nappe-stack. Stratigraphic, petrological and geochemical features indicate that these ophiolite sequences are remnants of slow-ultraslow spreading oceanic lithosphere analogous to the present-day Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Southwest Indian Ridge. Within the oceanward section of Tethyan lithosphere exposed in the Elba Island,we investigated for the first time a 10s of meters-thick structure, the Cotoncello Shear Zone (CSZ), that records high-temperature ductile deformation. We used a multidisciplinary approach to document the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the shear zone and its role during spreading of the western Tethys. In addition, we used zircon U–Pb ages to date formation of the gabbroic lower crust in this sector of the Apennines. Our results indicate that the CSZ rooted below the brittle–ductile transition at temperature above 800 °C. A high-temperature ductile fabric was overprinted by fabrics recorded during progressive exhumation up to shallower levers under temperature b500 °C.Wesuggest that the CSZ may represent the deep root of a detachment fault that accomplished exhumation of an ancient oceanic core complex (OCC) in between two stages of magmatic accretion.We suggest that the CSZ represents an excellent on-land example enabling to assess relationships between magmatism and deformation when extensional oceanic detachments are at work

    Microcrystalline Dolomite in a Middle Permian Volcanic Lake: Insights on Primary Dolomite Formation in a Non-Evaporitic Environment

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    Lacustrine dolomite nucleation commonly occurs in modern and Neogene evaporitic alkaline lakes. As a result, ancient lacustrine microcrystalline dolomite has been conventionally interpreted to be formed in evaporitic environments. This study, however, suggests a non-evaporitic origin of dolomite precipitated in a volcanic–hydrothermal lake, where hydrothermal and volcanic processes interacted. The dolomite occurs in lacustrine fine-grained sedimentary rocks in the middle Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Santanghu intracontinental rift basin, north-west China. Dolostones are composed mainly of nano-sized to micron-sized dolomite with a euhedral to subhedral shape and a low degree of cation ordering, and are interlaminated and intercalated with tuffaceous shale. Non-dolomite minerals, including quartz, alkaline feldspars, smectite and magnesite mix with the dolomite in various proportions. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.704528 to 0.705372, average = 0.705004) and δ26Mg values (−0.89 to −0.24‰, average = −0.55‰) of dolostones are similar to those of mantle rocks, indicating that the precipitates mainly originated from fluids that migrated upward from the mantle and were subject to water–rock reactions at a great depth. The δ18O values (−3.1 to −22.7‰, average = −14.0‰) of the dolostones indicate hydrothermal influence. The trace and rare earth element concentrations suggest a saline, anoxic and volcanic–hydrothermally-influenced subaqueous environment. In this subaqueous environment of Lucaogou lake, locally high temperatures and a supply of abundant Mg2+ from a deep source induced by volcanic–hydrothermal activity formed favourable chemical conditions for direct precipitation of primary dolomite. This study\u27s findings deepen the understanding of the origin and processes of lacustrine primary dolomite formation and provide an alternative possibility for environmental interpretations of ancient dolostones
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