2 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Kompetensi dan Area Kerja Perawat Rawat Jalan

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    This study aims to identify the implementation of the clinical authority of nurses in outpatient units based on the level of competence of nurses. The research method used is a case study (identification of problems, problem analysis and problem priority setting, preparation of Plan of Action (POA), implementation and evaluation). The results showed that the performance of clinical authority by nurses according to the level of the career path they had, namely nurses with PK I level of clinical authority were sometimes carried out (66.7%), PK II Medical Surgery (50%) and PK III Medical (57.1%) levels of authority. Clinically, it is rarely performed, at the level of PK III, the clinical authority is often performed (60%), at the PK III level, the clinical authority is emergency (100%), the PK III level is Neuroscience. Clinicians often do it (50%) and the PK III, Nephrology level of clinical authority, is always done (75%). In conclusion, there are still many particular actions according to the level of competence that is rare and cannot even be carried out because there are no such actions in outpatient installations. Keywords: Work Area, Clinical Authority, Competenc

    Perbandingan Keefektifan Kompres Tepid Sponge Dan Kompres Air Hangat Terhadap Penurunan Suhu Tubuh Pada Anak Demam Tifoid Dengan Hipertermi Di Rsud Sukoharjo

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    Typhoid fever is one of the diseases of the digestive that is caused by the salmonella typhi and characterized by a rise in body temperature or fever. Compress is one of the measures to decrease the production of heat and heat increase spending. The purpose of this research is viewed comparison of effectiveness between tepid sponge compress and warm water compress against a decrease in body temperature. Types of quantitative research, research design used was a quasi experimental design with pretest-posttest two group treatment. Sample research amounted to 38 respondents, then divided in two groups of treatment tepid sponge compress and warm water compress so that each group of 19 respondents, treatment was given for 15 minutes. Statistical analysis using the T-Test test : Paired Sample T-Test to analyze the pre-test and post-test both treatment groups and Independent Sample T-Test to analyze the effectiveness of the comparison between the two treatment groups. Results Paired Sample T-Test, the significant value or p-value of tepid sponge compress for 0.000, the mean pre-test 38.6110c and post-test 36.8890c or decreased body temperature 1.720c and the significant value or p-value of warm water compress for 0.000, the mean pre-test 38.5000c and post-test 37.3790c or decreased body temperature 1.120c. Concluded both techniques are effective compress against a decrease in body temperature, but tepid sponge compress is more effective to decrease body temperature. The result of Independent Sample T-Test, the significant value or p-value of 0.001. Statistical analysis has shown no significant effectiveness comparison between tepid sponge compress and warm water compress against the drop in body temperature the children with hyperthermia typhoid fever at RSUD Sukoharjo. Key Word : Tepid Sponge Compress And Warm Water Compress, Body Temperature, Typhoid Fever