280 research outputs found


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    Given current trends, the Y generation is the most potent part of the market because of its strength in the form of economic and technological knowledge. The purpose of the research is to understand and determine Generation Yā€™s behavior in the online purchasing process, i.e. how they absorb information during the purchasing process. For the purposes of this study, a survey was conducted by surveying respondents - members of Generation Y. The study aimed to examine the preferences and attitudes of members of Generation Y and determine which characteristics are essential when choosing a product or serviceā€”making a decision when buying. The research results indicate that, in order for a business entity to be as successful as possible, it is crucial to identify and determine the purchasing patterns of Generation Y. This generation is self-aware and individualistic. Marketing messages aimed towards it, therefore, require efficiency, self-realization, and innovation in advertising, as the observed generation is technologically more advanced compared to previous generations. Although the paper conducted a primary study on members of Generation Y, it is necessary to point out that this generation includes a population in the span of over 20 years. Some individuals from this population are a part of consumer society, while certain individuals are just entering their crucial consumer period. Research results indicated that the members of Generation Y want different and innovative products, i.e. products that stand out from the usual products on the market and that are partly personalized. It is necessary to state how they search for information about products via the Internet, social networks, and mobile applications, which are their primary source of information, so they differ from other segments in terms of technological competencies.Uvažavajući aktualne tržiÅ”ne trendove, možemo zaključiti kako su pripadnici Y generacije trenutno najviÅ”e potroÅ”ački izloženi zbog svojih ekonomskih i tehnoloÅ”kih znanja koje posjeduju. Cilj rada je istražiti i razumjeti ponaÅ”anje generacije Y u procesu kupovine, odnosno kako apsorbiraju informacije prilikom kupovnog procesa. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku pripadnika Y generacije. Istraživanje se usmjerilo na proučavanje preferencija i stavova ispitanika, pripadnika Y generacije s ciljem uočavanja koje su varijable ključne u korisničkom putovanju prilikom odabira i/ili kupovine proizvoda ili usluge. Rezultati istraživanja ukazali su kako poslovni subjekti moraju pratiti i analizirati obrasce ponaÅ”anja generacije Y. Pripadnici promatrane generacije su samosvjesni i individualni te marketinÅ”ke poruke prema njima trebaju biti učinkovite, ostvarive s dozom inovacije u oglaÅ”avanju, budući da je promatrana generacija tehnoloÅ”ki naprednija u odnosu na prethodne generacije. Iako je u radu provedeno primarno istraživanje nužno je istaknuti ograničenja u vidu da ova generacija uključuje populaciju u rasponu od preko 20 godina. Neki pojedinci iz ove populacije dio su potroÅ”ačkog druÅ”tva, dok pojedini tek ulaze u svoje ključno potroÅ”ačko razdoblje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da pripadnici generacije Y žele diferencirane i inovativne proizvode, tj. proizvode koji se ističu od uobičajenih proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu i koji su dijelom personalizirani. Potrebno je navesti kako informacije o proizvodima traže putem Interneta, druÅ”tvenih mreža i mobilnih aplikacija, koje su im primarni izvor informacija, pa se po tehnoloÅ”kim kompetencijama dobivanja informacija razlikuju od ostalih potroÅ”ačkih segmenata Å”to je obrađeno u radu

    Razvoj morfonotaktičkih i fonotaktičkih zatvorničkih skupina u usvajanju hrvatskoga kao materinskoga jezika

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    We study first language acquisition of Croatian morphonotactic vs. phonotactic wordā€“initial consonant clusters. Morphonotactic clusters cross a morpheme boundary, such as /sl/ in s+ložiti ā€˜ to arrangeā€™, whereas phonotactic clusters occur within a morpheme, as in slad+o+led ā€˜iceā€“creamā€™. With a new method we show that, similarly to equally morphologyā€“rich Polish and Lithuanian, the three investigated Croatian children acquire morphonotactic clusters earlier than homophonous phonotactic clusters. We also study preferences of double and triple wordā€“initial consonant clusters via the concept of Net Auditory Distance (NAD), never before used for Croatian, with partially unexpected results. When dealing for the first time in studies of (mor)phonotactic development with the rise of cluster complexity, we will show that morphonotactics creates new complexity. Since children do not learn directly the target language, as represented in grammars, dictionaries and electronic corpora of written or oral adult language, we compare the development of child speech (CS) systematically with the childrenā€™s language input, i.e. childā€“directed speech (CDS) of their caretakers. In this way, we can achieve a higher degree of ecological validity than with formal transversal tests. The three longitudinal corpora of spontaneous interaction between a child and a caretaker (Croatian Corpus of Child Language, Kovačević 2002) have been recorded, transcribed and coded according to the methodologies of the international project CHILDES and the Crosslinguistic Project on Preā€“ and Protomorphology in Language Acquisition headed by the second author. The results are compared with those of the acquisition of morphonotactic vs. phonotactic clusters by Polish children. Diverging results are due to structural differences between these two Slavic languages.Ovaj se rad bavi usvajanjem početnih morfonotaktičkih i fonotaktičkih zatvorničkih skupina u hrvatskome. Morfonotaktičke se zatvorničke skupine protežu preko granice morfema, npr. /sl/ u s+ložiti, dok se fonotaktičke zatvorničke skupine nalaze unutar morfema, npr. sladoled. Analiziran je Hrvatski korpus dječjeg jezika (Kovačević 2002), longitudinalni korpus koji je prikupljen prema smjernicama međunarodnog projekta CHILDES te međujezičnog projekta Preā€“ i Protomorfologija u jezičnom usvajanju pod vodstvom drugog autora. DosadaÅ”nja su istraživanja u području usvajanja morfonotaktike pokazala prednost u usvajanju morfonotaktičkih zatvorničkih skupina u morfoloÅ”ki bogatim jezicima, poljskom i litavskom. Ovaj rad proÅ”iruje dosadaÅ”nji pristup usmjeravajući se na proces ovladavanja proizvodnjom suglasničke skupine, a ne samo na vrijeme pojavljivanja u dječjem jeziku. Analiza Hrvatskog korpusa dječjeg jezika pokazala je da se u hrvatskome, usporedivo s podatcima dobivenim iz drugih morfoloÅ”ki bogatih jezika, morfonotaktičke zatvorničke skupine usvajaju ranije nego istozvučne fonotaktičke zatvorničke skupine. Istražena je i obilježenost dvočlanih i tročlanih početnih zatvorničkih skupina promatrajući ih u svjetlu koncepta Net Auditory Distance (NAD) koji do sada za hrvatski nije koriÅ”ten. DosadaÅ”nje su spoznaje u području usvajanja morfonotaktike proÅ”irene i istraživanjem razvoja složenosti zatvorničkih skupina te se pokazalo da morfonotaktika vodi k većoj složenosti, no složenije zatvorničke skupine nisu nužno i viÅ”e obilježene. Dječji je jezik uspoređen s ulaznim jezikom te je na taj način postignuta veća ekoloÅ”ka valjanost. Dobiveni su rezultati uspoređeni s dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima usvajanja morfonotaktičkih i fonotaktičkih zatvorničkih skupina u poljskome te su pronađene određene razlike u tijeku usvajanju koje su rezultat strukturalnih razlika između ovih dvaju slavenskih jezika

    Integration of Croatian farmers in the EU information society ā€“ issues and implications

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    Further development of family farms in Croatia largely depends on their adaptation to the contemporary demands of the open market, in particular by keeping up with new technologies and acquiring new knowledge. Through such adaptation, farmers would gain better access to information and new markets and a better position in negotiations. Overall, they would become better managers of their businesses. The Internet, coupled with other information and communication technologies (ICT), represents a tool for linking up different interest groups within the vertical agricultural chain. The role and significance of ICT and information literacy within agricultural activities is presented through a review of European development initiatives and theoretical insights regarding this topic. To reveal obstacles (objective and subjective), the current level of skills and the readiness to adopt new knowledge and technologies, a survey was conducted on a representative sample of inhabitants from rural areas, i.e. farmers, since they are a determining factor of such changes. The present paper is part of the research exploring a wider context of ICT implementation aimed at enhancing farmersā€™ competencies, and consequently, enhancing overall agricultural performance. The analysis seeks to confirm the basic hypothesis that there are objective and subjective obstacles, but also the interest and willingness to increase the level of knowledge in the observed social unit.Keywords: Information society, ICT, Croatian farmers, social marketing</p

    Fragmentation of spherical radioactive heavy nuclei as a novel probe of transient effects in fission

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    Peripheral collisions with radioactive heavy-ion beams at relativistic energies are discussed as an innovative approach for probing the transient regime experienced by fissile systems evolving towards quasi-equilibrium. A dedicated experiment using the advanced technical installations of GSI, Darmstadt, permitted to realize ideal conditions for the investigation of relaxation effects in the meta-stable well. Combined with a highly sensitive experimental signature, it provides a measure of the transient effects with respect to the flux over the fission barrier. Within a two-step reaction process, 45 proton-rich unstable spherical isotopes produced by projectile-fragmentation of a stable 238U beam have been used as secondary projectiles. The fragmentation of the radioactive projectiles on lead results in nearly spherical compound nuclei which span a wide range in excitation energy and fissility. The decay of these excited systems by fission is studied with a dedicated set-up which permits the detection of both fission products in coincidence and the determination of their atomic numbers with high resolution. The width of the fission-fragment nuclear charge distribution is shown to be specifically sensitive to pre-saddle transient effects and is used to establish a clock for the passage of the saddle point. The comparison of the experimental results with model calculations points to a fission delay of (3.3+/-0.7).10-21s for initially spherical compound nuclei, independent of excitation energy and fissility. This value suggests a nuclear dissipation strength at small deformation of (4.5+/-0.5).1021s-1. The very specific combination of the physics and technical equipment exploited in this work sheds light on previous controversial conclusions.Comment: 38 pages, 15 figure


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    In recent years, in the advent of global internet availability and almost equally omnipresent mobile device usage, online user behavior together with the resulting experience has been changing and evolving at a significant pace. Users do not only spend more time online, they consult online resources and seek information for various goals and are motivated by a variety of needs: those intent-driven actions are dispersed throughout the day (or night) and integrated within their daily activities. The user behavior is determined by specific micro-moments which are truly the moments of consumer needs and therefore the moments the marketers need to be a part of. Furthermore, mobile devices and smartphones in particular, possess the ability to promptly meet the immediate needs of their users thus shaping new opportunities for marketers to capture and utilize. In order to have a better understanding of online user intention and behavioral patterns, the paper provides an insight of recent studies of user micro-moments within the digital environment. The main goal of this paper is to provide an overview of recent academic and professional papers on the changes in online user experience and behavior and suggest the theoretical background for further research. Mobile devices can directly influence user behavior and emotional states by addressing a wide variety of information needs. The implications of these findings are important as they empower the possibilities of direct marketing in the digital era

    Kontrolirani eksperiment stope otvaranja u marketinŔkim kampanjama putem e-poŔte

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    Purpose ā€“ The main purpose of this paper is to test the controlled experiment (A/B split) methodology in B2C oriented e-mail marketing campaigns. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ E-mail marketing techniques have been a substantial part of e-marketing methodology since the early Internet days of the mid-1990s. From the very beginning of Internet utilization for business purposes, e-mail was one of the most widely used communication techniques in B2B and B2C markets alike. Due to high volumes of spamming and progression of online communication clutter, some practitioners began to question the usability of e-mail as a marketing communication channel, while others embarked on working on improving the message itself. Efforts were invested into improving message quality, as well as into better understanding user expectations. One of the most commonly used techniques to test specific e-mail message elements is the controlled experiment. Findings and implications ā€“ This paper explores several types of controlled experiments in a specific Croatian B2C market. Tests were run to determine subscriber behavior towards several newsletter components, including sending time, sending day, senderā€™s name, and subject line. Open and click rates for tested campaigns, and several other metrics were investigated using MailChimp software. An N āˆ’ 1 two-proportion test using an adjusted Wald confidence interval around the difference in the proportions was used for comparing the open-rate measure in the controlled experiments between subjects. Limitation ā€“ Controlled experiments (A/B split tests) showed a lot of potential as a way of measuring behavior and preferences of subscribers, although several apparent limitations (the data-set scope, comparability issues) indicated a clear need for standardization on a managerial and scientific level. Originality ā€“ This paper provides an up-to-date e-mail marketing effectiveness literature review, describes and tests the methodology and metrics for e-mail campaigns measurement, and suggests several important guidelines for further research.Svrha ā€“ Glavna svrha ovoga rada jest testiranje metodologije kontroliranoga eksperimenta (A/B split) na marketinÅ”kim kampanjama putem e-poÅ”te na B2C tržiÅ”tu. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ MarketinÅ”ke tehnike putem e-poÅ”te činile su značajnu cjelinu metodologije e-marketinga od ranih internetskih dana sredine devedesetih godina proÅ”loga stoljeća. Od samih početaka primjene interneta u poslovne svrhe e-poÅ”ta bila je jedna od najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih komunikacijskih tehnika na B2B, ali i na B2C tržiÅ”tima. Uslijed značajne količine neželjene poÅ”te i jačanja internetskog komunikacijskog zaguÅ”enja, neki su počeli sumnjati u njezinu uporabnu vrijednost kao marketinÅ”kog komunikacijskog kanala, dok su drugi počeli raditi na usavrÅ”avanju same komunikacijske poruke. Uložen je napor da bi se usavrÅ”ila kvaliteta poruke i bolje razumijevanje onoga Å”to očekuju korisnici. Jedna od najčeŔće koriÅ”tenih tehnika testiranja pojedinačnih elemenata poruke e-poÅ”te jest kontrolirani eksperiment. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Ovaj rad proučava nekoliko kontroliranih eksperimenata na specifičnom B2C tržiÅ”tu u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu je istraženo korisničko ponaÅ”anje na bazi nekoliko elemenata newslettera poput vremena slanja, dana slanja, imena poÅ”iljatelja i teme poruke. Uz pomoć specijaliziranog softvera MailChimp testirana je razina otvaranja poruke, razina klikova na poveznice unutar poruke i nekoliko dodatnih pokazatelja. KoriÅ”ten je N ā€“ 1 dvostruki proporcijski test koristeći prilagođeni Waldov interval pouzdanosti oko razlike u proporcijama za usporedbu stope otvaranja u kontroliranom eksperimentu između grupa. Ograničenja ā€“ Kontrolirani eksperimenti (A/B split testovi) pokazali su značajan potencijal za mjerenje ponaÅ”anja i preferencija pretplatnika, iako nekoliko evidentnih ograničenja (opseg seta podataka, poteÅ”koće kod usporedbe) označavaju jasnu potrebu za standardizacijom na upravljačkoj i znanstvenoj razini. Doprinos ā€“ Rad pruža ažuran pregled literature efektivnosti marketinga putem e-poÅ”te, opisuje i testira metodologiju i metriku mjerenja kampanja putem e-poÅ”te i upućuje na nekoliko značajnih smjernica za daljnja istraživanja


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    The development of information and communication technology has created a solid technological framework for the application of new technologies in different environments. The implementation of cyberspace tools has changed social interactions in general as well as the technologies and advertising methods. Today, information and communication technology allows users to access information via telecommunications. The means whereby messages are conveyed include, among others, the Internet, wireless networks, advanced mobile devices, and other communication media. Numerous studies have shown that an appropriate use of electronic marketing activities can be useful in achieving various tourist promotion goals. However, todayā€™s level of technological development allows modern consumers, i.e. users, to search for information on a tourist destination in real time, and also before they arrive at the destination through mobile technology. The paper starts from the assumption that in the near future tourist destinations that provide information to consumers through information and communication technology will benefit the most. The aim of the paper is to define key factors conducive to increased online presence and use of online services. The research conducted will give a clear picture of the current situation in terms of the use of information and communication infrastructure in the promotion of tourism which can be used to develop and propose an appropriate strategy for the management of electronic marketing activities aimed at promoting Croatian tourism


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    Political parties use market information to influence shaping of a product they are offering. Political marketing is defined as a relationship between the political subject and the market. It refers to those political actors who have realized the importance, effect and techniques of business marketing. It studies relationships between products of political organizations and demands of the market. Political marketing uses techniques of marketing in order to reach its goals. Todayā€™s 21st century is marked by the use of electronic media. The Internet is a basis of everyday life. Political marketing has recognized trends and has directed a large percentage of action on digital environment. The greatest advantage of political e-marketing is efficient communication with a large number of potential consumers, in this case, of political subjects with their potential voters. Long-term goal of political subjects is political power. There is no difference between the application of traditional and political marketing in digital environment. This paper presents results of a research whose aim was determining whether political marketing in digital environment has a bigger influence on voters in rural or in urban electoral units. Research sample consisted of voters in the IV and the VIII electoral units during electoral campaign for Croatian Parliament in 2016. Research was conducted using a questionnaire among potential voters. The aforementioned electoral units were chosen due to their differences, the IV being a predominantly rural electoral unit, and the VIII as a predominantly urban electoral unit. The results show that there is no difference between voters in the IV and the VIII electoral units; in other words, that influence of political marketing in digital environment is almost the same regardless of the votersā€™ area of residence. It is necessary to emphasize that the Republic of Croatia is a specific area in which political marketing has a weak influence on voters. This research can aid better understanding of political marketing in digital environment and can become a foundation of marketing strategy of political subjects in the next elections for Parliament.Političke stranke koriste tržiÅ”ne informacije kako bi utjecale na oblikovanje proizvoda kojeg nude. Politički marketing se definira kao odnos između političkog subjekta i tržiÅ”ta. Odnosi se na one aktere politike koji su shvatili važnost, učinak i tehnike poslovnog marketinga. Proučava odnose između proizvoda političke organizacije i zahtjeva tržiÅ”ta. Politički marketing koristi tehnike marketinga kako bi ostvario svoje ciljeve. DanaÅ”nje 21. stoljeće obilježava koriÅ”tenje elektroničkih medija. Temelj svakodnevnog života je Internet. Politički marketing je prepoznao trendove, te je usmjerio visoki postotak djelovanje na digitalno okruženje. Najveća prednost političkog e-marketinga je efikasna komunikacija s velikim brojem potencijalnih potroÅ”ača, u slučaju političkih subjekta potencijalnih glasača. Dugoročni cilj političkih subjekta je politička vlast. Nema razlike između primjene tradicionalnog i političkog marketinga u digitalnom okruženju. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja čiji je cilj bio utvrditi utječe li politički marketing u digitalnom okruženju viÅ”e na glasače u ruralnim ili urbanim izbornim jedinicama. Ispitni uzorak su bili birači u IV. i VIII. izbornoj jedinici prilikom izborne kampanje za Hrvatski sabor 2016. godine. Istraživanje se provelo kroz anketni upitnik među potencijalnim biračima. Navedene izborne jedinice su izabrane zbog svojih različitosti, IV. kao pretežito ruralna izborna jedinica i VIII. kao pretežito urbana izborna jedinica. Rezultati istraživanja su prikazali kako nema razlika između birača IV. i VIII. izborne jedinice, odnosno kako je utjecaj političkog marketinga u digitalnom okruženju gotovo jednak bez obzira na područje u kojem birači žive. Potrebno je istaknuti kako je Republika Hrvatska specifično područje u kojem politički marketing ima nizak utjecaj na glasače. Ovo istraživanje može doprinijeti bolje razumijevanju političkog marketinga u digitalnom okruženje, te može postati temelj marketinÅ”ke strategije političkih subjekata za iduće parlamentarne izbore

    Dispersion of longitudinal momentum distributions induced in fragmentation reactions

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    On the basis of systematic measurements of fragmentation reactions, which provide a detailed overview on the velocity distributions of residual nuclei, an improved description of the kinematical properties of the fragmentation residues is established. This work is dedicated to the fluctuations of their momentum distributions. In contrast to previous investigations, limited to close-to-projectile fragments, we extended our study to the entire production range, down to the lightest observed fragments. In this context, beside the contribution of abrasion and evaporation processes, we considered the effect of the thermal break-up on the width of the momentum distributions. Using approximated theoretical descriptions of the different reaction stages, a new analytical formula for the variance of the momentum distribution is derived, which is well adapted to technical applications.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, background info. at http://www-wnt.gsi.de/charms


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    Razvojem i napretkom tehnologije te sveopćim prihvaćanjem tehnologije u svim entitetima suvremenog poslovanja potroÅ”ači imaju priliku koristiti tehnoloÅ”ke napretke za različiti niz aktivnosti koje svakodnevno obavljaju. Navedena tehnoloÅ”ka dostignuća vidljiva su razvoju softvera i uređaja koji podižu razinu koriÅ”tenja multimedije: slikovnog, grafičkog, zvučnog, video i tekstualnog sadržaja. Svrha rada je analizirati razvoj i implementaciju virtualnih glasovnih asistenata i obrade glasovnih podataka u marketinÅ”kim aktivnostima. Softveri za glasovne naredbe poput Siri, Google glasovnog asistenta (Voice Assistant) i Alexe omogućuju omogućuju brže obavljanje određenih aktivnosti i dohvat informacija. Međutim, prikupljanje i obrada informacija joÅ” ne dopuÅ”ta upotrebu ovih alata u marketinÅ”kim aktivnostima. Cilj rada je istražiti i razumjeti stavove ispitanika prema promatranoj tehnologiji kao i istražiti jesu li upoznati s obradom podataka prikupljenih glasovnim pretraživanjem i prihvaćaju li ovakav način komunikacije i implementacije tehnologije u marketinÅ”kim aktivnostima. Za potrebe rada provedeno je pilot istraživanje za uzorku pripadnika Z generacije i nadolazeće generacije (Emerging) generacije, budući da pripadnici navedenih generacijska grupa ulaze u svoje ključno potroÅ”ačko razdoblje, u najvećoj mjeri konzumiraju sadržaj online te prihvaćaju tehnologiju kao blagodat. Ograničenje u radu predstavlja činjenica kako do sada ne postoje jasno definirane smjernice koriÅ”tenja obrade glasovnih podataka u marketinÅ”kim kampanjama te kako se prikupljeni podaci ne daju trećim stranama, odnosno poslovnim subjektima. Unutar rada otvorit će se nova istraživačka pitanja etičkih normi i standarda o prikupljanju glasovnih podataka korisnika.With the rapid development of technology and universal acceptance of technology in all aspects of business, consumers have the opportunity to use technology in performing numerous activities. These technological advances are evident in the development of software and devices that make the most of the elements of multimedia: images, sound, video, text, and graphics. The purpose of this paper is to analyze developments in the use of automated voice search techniques in marketing activities. Software voice search platforms on devices such as Siri, Google Voice Assistant, and Alexa allow us to perform activities faster and retrieve information. However, gathering and processing information does not yet allow the use of these tools in marketing activities. The paper aims to understand the attitudes of consumers towards voice assistants, the extent to which measure users have accepted, and recognized the importance of such technologies. The paper will conduct primary research on the Z generation sample, as the generation most accepting technological innovations. The limitations of the paper are that there is no clearly defined methodology for how to collect and utilize data obtained through voice search. The paper will open up some new research questions, such as the ethical standard of listening to our devices
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