30 research outputs found

    Characterizing Fishing Effort and Spatial Extent of Coastal Fisheries

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    Biodiverse coastal zones are often areas of intense fishing pressure due to the high relative density of fishing capacity in these nearshore regions. Although overcapacity is one of the central challenges to fisheries sustainability in coastal zones, accurate estimates of fishing pressure in coastal zones are limited, hampering the assessment of the direct and collateral impacts (e.g., habitat degradation, bycatch) of fishing. We compiled a comprehensive database of fishing effort metrics and the corresponding spatial limits of fisheries and used a spatial analysis program (FEET) to map fishing effort density (measured as boat-meters per km2) in the coastal zones of six ocean regions. We also considered the utility of a number of socioeconomic variables as indicators of fishing pressure at the national level; fishing density increased as a function of population size and decreased as a function of coastline length. Our mapping exercise points to intra and interregional ‘hotspots’ of coastal fishing pressure. The significant and intuitive relationships we found between fishing density and population size and coastline length may help with coarse regional characterizations of fishing pressure. However, spatially-delimited fishing effort data are needed to accurately map fishing hotspots, i.e., areas of intense fishing activity. We suggest that estimates of fishing effort, not just target catch or yield, serve as a necessary measure of fishing activity, which is a key link to evaluating sustainability and environmental impacts of coastal fisheries

    Bycatch and foraging ecology of sea turtles in the Eastern Pacific

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    <p>Sea turtles are long lived marine species that are currently endangered because their life history and population dynamics hinder them from withstanding modern anthropogenic threats. Worldwide, fisheries bycatch in on the major threats to the survival of sea turtles and that is also the case in the Eastern Pacific. To establish regional conservation priorities for the mitigation of bycatch, it is essential to first obtain a comprehensive picture of the regional sea turtle bycatch situation. This comprehensive analysis was lacking for the Eastern Pacific; therefore one component of this dissertation (the first chapter) is focused on delivering a regional bycatch analysis for the Eastern Pacific. A literature review was conducted to obtain numbers of turtles captured, frequencies, bycatch and mortality rates per species and country in trawl, longline, and gillnet fisheries, and to compile results of mitigation measures. Moreover, estimates for current annual capture rates in trawl fisheries were obtained and compared with population numbers. </p><p>This regional bycatch used all the information compiled and synthesized to give conservation priorities at the regional level. The review underlines the high bycatch rates in trawls for Costa Rica, Guatemala, and El Salvador and the detrimental impact that these captures could have specially for hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata due to its reduced population numbers and for green turtle Chelonia mydas due to its highest mortality rate. It also emphasizes the continuous lack of use of TEDs as a bycatch mitigation measure. In longline fisheries, the review identifies the high bycatch rates in pelagic longline fisheries of Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Nicaragua in a global context but given that olive ridley Lepidochelys olivacea is the most common species captured in these countries, it highlights the capture of loggerhead Caretta caretta and leatherback Dermochelys coriacea off Peru and Chile due to their small population numbers. Bottom longlines have high mortality rates compared with pelagic longlines in the region and the review identifies a need for further research in this area due to the scarce information but high mortality rates. The review also noted that some mitigation measures for pelagic longlines like circle hooks and hooks with appendages could bring improvements in the mitigation of bycatch in longline fisheries in the region, there is still considerable work to be done in technology transfer, sea turtle handling, and estimates of post-release mortality rates. </p><p>For gillnet fisheries, the most important highlight is how little information exists for the region given the high rates of bycatch for sea turtles in this gear. However, the difficulties of studying bycatch in highly dynamic and artisanal fisheries are recognized as the major impediment for this situation. Nevertheless, the high bycatch rates in areas where sea turtles congregate in high numbers like in foraging grounds for loggerhead in Baja California, Mexico and for greens in Paracas and Sechura, Peru, calls for either gear modifications (which has not been that successful), change of gear, or areas closed for gillnets. </p><p>The second half of the dissertation is focused on foraging ecology of oceanic sea turtles in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. Sea turtles in the oceanic stage are the least known stage due to the difficulty of accessing these individuals. However, it is a very important stage in the life cycle and can be critical for the population dynamics of sea turtles as some population models have shown. Therefore, this dissertation is filling a gap in the life cycle of sea turtle populations in the Eastern Pacific. </p><p>To study foraging ecology, we used Stable Isotope Analysis (SIA) of turtle tissues as well as potential prey items from the oceanic realm. SIA is a great tool because it gives an integrated view, from days to weeks, of prey from a consumer tissue. SIA also can be used to link consumers to habitats when elements that have spatial trends are used. In chapter two, we investigate the foraging ecology of three species of sea turtles to compare trophic status and to observe if spatial patterns were shown in the SIA signatures of sea turtles. To our knowledge this is the first study employing SIA to research the ecology of three species of sea turtles from the same time and space. Our results show that spatial patterns in delta15N and delta13C were observed in sea turtle's tissues as correlations with latitude. We also found that loggerhead's signatures differed significantly from green and olive ridleys, especially in terms of delta15N. Loggerheads had higher values of delta15N and also a wider nitrogen trophic niche. Greens and olive ridleys were similar in isotopic nitrogen values but they were significantly different in carbon. When analyzing a smaller group of animals captured in a more restricted area, nitrogen differences were not found which suggests that latitudinal spatial patterns play an important role in the nitrogen signature. On the contrary, carbon signatures still differed among turtles in the restricted area which suggest that the inshore-offshore trend is strong and made us conclude that loggerheads are restricted to oceanic areas but that greens and olive ridleys could be using both coastal and oceanic areas.</p><p>In chapter three, we conduct a mixing model analysis using the Bayesian program SIAR to identify the most important prey items for green, olive ridley, and loggerhead off Peru. Also, we wanted to identify the contribution of longline baits in the diet of oceanic turtles. The analysis was restricted to the central zone of our study area to avoid spatial trends in nitrogen. To use as sources in the model, we collected potential prey items offshore Peru during trips on longline fishing vessels and obtained their stable isotope signatures. Results from our mixing models show that for greens and olive ridleys, crustaceans, mollusks, and coastal Ulva (indicator of coastal prey) were the only important food items. In the case of greens, crustaceans had a very high proportional contribution and due to the fact that nitrogen values of crustaceans were the lowest ones among the sources it seems that greens would be eating in a lower trophic level. The importance of coastal Ulva for greens and olive ridleys is a confirmation of our findings from chapter two where we suggest that these two species could be using oceanic as well as coastal areas. </p><p>Results for loggerheads showed cnidarians, mollusks, mackerel and squid bait as foraging items and highlights the differences among this species and the other two. The lack of importance of coastal Ulva again suggests that loggerheads remain only in oceanic areas off Peru. Moreover, the importance of mackerel and squid, the most common longline baits, suggests this species is the one interacting the most with longline fisheries and that cumulative effect of multiple interactions could have a detrimental effect in this population.</p>Dissertatio

    First record of hybridization between green Chelonia mydas and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata sea turtles in the Southeast Pacific

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    Hybridization among sea turtle species has been widely reported in the Atlantic Ocean, but their detection in the Pacific Ocean is limited to just two individual hybrid turtles, in the northern hemisphere. Herein, we report, for the first time in the southeast Pacific, the presence of a sea turtle hybrid between the green turtle Chelonia mydas and the hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata. This juvenile sea turtle was captured in northern Peru (4°13′S; 81°10′W) on the 5th of January, 2014. The individual exhibited morphological characteristics of C. mydas such as dark green coloration, single pair of pre-frontal scales, four post-orbital scales, and mandibular median ridge, while the presence of two claws in each frontal flipper, and elongated snout resembled the features of E. imbricata. In addition to morphological evidence, we confirmed the hybrid status of this animal using genetic analysis of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I, which revealed that the hybrid individual resulted from the cross between a female E. imbricata and a male C. mydas. Our report extends the geographical range of occurrence of hybrid sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean, and is a significant observation of interspecific breeding between one of the world’s most critically endangered populations of sea turtles, the east Pacific E. imbricata, and a relatively healthy population, the east Pacific C. mydas

    Factors affecting vigilance within wild mixed-species troops of saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and moustached tamarins (S-mystax)

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    We examine vigilance within a mixed-species troop of saddleback (Saguinus fuscicollis) and moustached (S. mystax) tamarins over a complete year. Saddleback tamarins were consistently more vigilant than moustached tamarins. This may be linked to their preference for lower strata. In accordance with previous studies of other primates, vigilant tamarins of both species were significantly further away from their nearest neighbours, and were also at lower heights in the forest than non-vigilant individuals. There was no observed sex difference in the amount of time spent vigilant. In terms of modes of scanning, the saddleback tamarins looked up significantly more frequently than the moustached tamarins, whereas there was no difference between the species in the frequency of side sweeps. There were no differences between the sexes in the frequencies of either type of vigilant behaviour. The proportion of time spent vigilant was higher than average immediately prior to entering a sleeping site for saddleback tamarins, but not for moustached tamarins. Both species were more vigilant immediately after exiting a sleeping site than at other times of the day. There was significant variation in the amount of time devoted to vigilance over the course of the year. These findings are discussed with respect to the social structure, ecology and main predator threats facing these species

    The Largetooth Sawfish, Pristis pristis (Linnaeus, 1758), is not&amp;nbsp;extirpated from Peru: new records from Tumbes

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    The Largetooth Sawfish, Pristis pristis, was for a long time considered extirpated from Peru. However, here we report&amp;nbsp;the capture of 2 individuals from the north coast of Peru, indicating that this species is still extant in Peruvian waters. Both individuals were adult-sized and their encounters occurred during the austral summer, which could indicate a&amp;nbsp;seasonal presence in those waters. Gillnets are still a major threat for the species as both specimens were incidentally captured with this gear. Our finding highlights the need for continuous research, awareness, and legal protection of&amp;nbsp;this species

    Distribution of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) off northern Peru based on habitat suitability

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    In the south-eastern Pacific Ocean, few studies of whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) exist. In Peru, the northern coast has been identified as the area with the highest presence of whale sharks, yet their ecology in this area is poorly defined. This study predicts the spatial distribution of whale sharks off coastal northern Peru (03°00′S–04°30′S) during La Niña and El Niño seasonal conditions, utilizing maximum entropy modelling. Between 2009 and 2018 (except for 2011), 347 whale sharks were geo-referenced in northern Peru with greatest data recordings in the austral summer and spring during La Niña events. Depth was the most important predictive variable for spatial distribution of whale sharks, followed by chlorophyll-a. Sharks were predicted in shallower coastal waters in which chlorophyll-a values are higher. Habitat suitability was higher in the northern coastal part of the study area. Spring presents the most suitable environmental conditions for whale sharks, both during La Niña and El Niño conditions. The probability of whale shark presence in the north of Peru increases at higher chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature values. Therefore, whale sharks appear to aggregate seasonally in northern Peru, potentially exploiting rich foraging grounds. In these areas of high suitability, whale sharks are susceptible to fisheries, bycatch, ship collisions, unmanaged tourism, and pollution; thus, management actions should focus in these areas. This study represents a first step to understand the distribution and habitat suitability of whale shark in Peruvian waters. Further studies should identify suitable habitat for whale sharks in offshore areas. Also, these should focus on the connectivity of these aggregations with other localities in the south-eastern Pacific in order to contribute to regional strategies for the conservation of this iconic species in this particular region

    First reports of Megamouth Shark, Megachasma pelagios Taylor, Compagno & Struhsaker, 1983 (Lamniformes, Megachasmidae), in Peru

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    Megamouth Shark, Megachasma pelagios Taylor, Compagno & Struhsaker, 1983, is one of the least-known shark species worldwide. We report the encounters of four megamouth sharks: one caught in a driftnet off Piura (November 2016; sex indeterminate), one landed in Los Organos (July 2018; female), one stranded in El Ñuro (July 2018; sex indeterminate, ca 300 m total length), and one caught in a purse seine off Lambayeque (June 2019; female, total length ca 300 cm). These are the first records from Peru and expand the species’ known southern limit by 415 km. With the addition of M. pelagios, there are 67 species of sharks in Peru