79 research outputs found

    Oktatáspolitikai reformirányzatok az OECD-országokban

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    The bldC developmental locus of Streptomyces coelicolor encodes a member of a family of small DNA-binding proteins related to the DNA-binding domains of the MerR family.

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    The bldC locus, required for formation of aerial hyphae in Streptomyces coelicolor, was localized by map-based cloning to the overlap between cosmids D17 and D25 of a minimal ordered library. Subcloning and sequencing showed that bldC encodes a member of a previously unrecognized family of small (58- to 78-residue) DNA-binding proteins, related to the DNA-binding domains of the MerR family of transcriptional activators. BldC family members are found in a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Constructed {Delta}bldC mutants were defective in differentiation and antibiotic production. They failed to form an aerial mycelium on minimal medium and showed severe delays in aerial mycelium formation on rich medium. In addition, they failed to produce the polyketide antibiotic actinorhodin, and bldC was shown to be required for normal and sustained transcription of the pathway-specific activator gene actII-orf4. Although {Delta}bldC mutants produced the tripyrrole antibiotic undecylprodigiosin, transcripts of the pathway-specific activator gene (redD) were reduced to almost undetectable levels after 48 h in the bldC mutant, in contrast to the bldC+ parent strain in which redD transcription continued during aerial mycelium formation and sporulation. This suggests that bldC may be required for maintenance of redD transcription during differentiation. bldC is expressed from a single promoter. S1 nuclease protection assays and immunoblotting showed that bldC is constitutively expressed and that transcription of bldC does not depend on any of the other known bld genes. The bldC18 mutation that originally defined the locus causes a Y49C substitution that results in instability of the protein

    Metakognícióra alapozott fejlesztés a matematika és az olvasás területén = Metacognition-based trainings in the fields of mathematics and reading

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    A kutatás eredményeit a matekognícióra alapozott iskolai fejlesztések középpontba helyezésével négy területen mutattuk be bírálati rendszerű publikációs fórumokon: (1) Elvi-fogalomhasználati kérdések elemzésével az alsó tagozatos korosztály fejlesztési lehetőségeit tártuk föl, és vizsgálatainkat a tudatos metakognitív folyamatokra korlátoztuk. (2) Kutatásmódszertani szempontból az on-line vizsgálati módszerek közül a hangosan gondolkodtatás technikáját és az adaptív stratégia-használat értékelésére alkalmas choice – no-choice módszer felhasználását emeljük ki. (3) A metakogníció off-line mérőeszközei közül az olvasási és matematikára vonatkozó meggyőződések kérdőíves elemzését alkalmaztuk nagymintás felmérésekben: IRA, MARSI, és egy saját fejlesztésű matematikai kérdőív (4) Eredményes fejlesztő kísérleteket végeztünk az alsó tagozatos olvasás- és matematikatanítás területén, amelyek újabb bizonyítékokat hoztak az alsó tagozatos korban lehetséges, metakognícióra alapozott, iskolai tanórai keretek között megvalósítható fejlesztésre. | The results of the current OTKA project have been published in peer-review publication forums, covering four main aspects of the project, and focussing on metacognition-based classroom intervention programs: (1) Having analyzed basic theoretical-conceptual questions, the possibility of metacognition-based interventions among elementary school students have been revealed, and the focus of our current research programs have been restricted to metacognitive processes being potentially reportable (i.e., awareness). (2) From research methodological aspect, studying and using the think aloud techniques and the choice - no-choice methodology (one promising evaluation method for measuring adaptive strategy use) were of primary importance. (3) Among off-line questionnaires of metacognitive awareness, the IRA and MARSI questionnaires of reading, and a newly developed questionnaire for mathematics beliefs were used in large sample surveys. (4) In the fields of metacognition-based intervention programs in reading and mathematics, we conducted promising programs yielding further evidence about the possibility of metacognition-based classroom intervention among elementary school students

    A mycobacterial DivIVA domain-containing protein involved in cell length and septation

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    Mycobacterial cells elongate via polar deposition of cell wall material, similar to the filamentous Streptomyces species, which contain a tip-organizing centre. Coiled-coiled proteins such as DivIVA play an important role in this process. The genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, encodes many coiled-coil proteins that are homologous to DivIVA with a potential role in mycobacterial cell elongation. Here we describe studies on Mycobacterium smegmatis MSMEG_2416, a homologue of M. tuberculosis Rv2927c. Two previous independent studies showed that MSMEG_2416 was involved in septation (subsequently referred to as sepIVA). Contrary to these previous reports, we found sepIVA to be dispensable for growth in laboratory media by generating a viable null mutant. The mutant strain did, however, show a number of differences, including a change in colony morphology and biofilm formation that could be reversed on complementation with sepIVA as well as Rv2927c, the sepIVA homologue from M. tuberculosis. However, analysis of cell wall lipids did not reveal any alterations in lipid profiles of the mutant strain. Microscopic examination of the mutant revealed longer cells with more septa, which occurred at irregular intervals, often generating mini-compartments, a profile similar to that observed in the previous studies following conditional depletion, highlighting a role for sepIVA in mycobacterial growth

    Automated preprocessing of 64 channel electroenchephalograms recorded by biosemi instruments

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    Preprocessing is a mandatory step in electroencephalogram (EEG) signal analysis. Overcoming challenges posed by high noise levels and substantial amplitude artifacts, such as blink-induced electrooculogram (EOG) and muscle-related electromyogram (EMG) interference, is imperative. The signal-to-noise ratio significantly influences the reliability and statistical significance of subsequent analyses. Existing referencing approaches employed in multi-card systems, like using a single electrode or averaging across multiple electrodes, fall short in this respect. In this article, we introduce an innovative referencing method tailored to multi-card instruments, enhancing signal fidelity and analysis outcomes. Our proposed signal processing loop not only mitigates blink-related artifacts but also accurately identifies muscle activity. This work contributes to advancing EEG analysis by providing a robust solution for artifact removal and enhancing data integrity

    Monitoring the degradation of partly decomposable plastic foils

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    Abstract We have monitored the behaviour of different polyethylene foils including virgin medium density polyethylene (MDPE), MDPE containing pro-oxydative additives (238, 242) and MDPE with pro-oxydative additives and thermoplastic starch (297) in the soil for a period of one year. A foil based on a blend of polyester and polylactic acid (BASF Ecovio) served as degradable control. The experiment was carried out by weekly measurements of conductivity and capacity of the soil, since the setup was analogous to a condenser, of which the insulating layer was the foil itself. The twelve replications allowed monthly sampling; the specimen taken out from the soil each month were tested visually for thickness, mechanical properties, morphological and structural changes, and molecular mass. Based on the obtained capacity values, we found that among the polyethylene foils, the one that contained thermoplastic starch extenuated the most. This foil had the greatest decrease in tensile strength and elongation at break due to the presence of thermoplastic starch. The starch can completely degrade in the soil; thus, the foil had cracks and pores. The polyethylene foils that contained pro-oxydant additives showed smaller external change compared to the virgin foil, since there was no available UV radiation and oxygen for their degradation. The smallest change occurred in the virgin polyethylene foil. Among the five examined samples, the commercially available BASF foil showed the largest extenuation and external change, and it deteriorated the most in the soil.</jats:p

    Visual consequent stimulus complexity affects performance in audiovisual associative learning

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    In associative learning (AL), cues and/or outcome events are coupled together. AL is typically tested in visual learning paradigms. Recently, our group developed various AL tests based on the Rutgers Acquired Equivalence Test (RAET), both visual and audiovisual, keeping the structure and logic of RAET but with different stimuli. In this study, 55 volunteers were tested in two of our audiovisual tests, SoundFace (SF) and SoundPolygon (SP). The antecedent stimuli in both tests are sounds, and the consequent stimuli are images. The consequents in SF are cartoon faces, while in SP, they are simple geometric shapes. The aim was to test how the complexity of the applied consequent stimuli influences performance regarding the various aspects of learning the tests assess (stimulus pair learning, retrieval, and generalization of the previously learned associations to new but predictable stimulus pairs). In SP, behavioral performance was significantly poorer than in SF, and the reaction times were significantly longer, for all phases of the test. The results suggest that audiovisual associative learning is significantly influenced by the complexity of the consequent stimuli

    Pszichoszociális változás és az átalakulás retorikája a tizenkét lépéses mozgalmakban = Psychosocial change and the rhetoric of transformation in Twelve Steps movements

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    Kutatásunkban felépülő szenvedélybetegek interjúszövegeit vizsgáltuk, komplex tartalomelemző eljárásokkal. Két eltérő felépülési modellt vázoltunk fel: az egyik a domináns kultúrával több izomorfiát mutató Alkoholizmus Ellenes Klubok, a másik pedig a 12-lépéses közösségek alternatív, komplementer jellegű gyakorlata. A 12-lépéses közösségeknél hangsúlyosabb a tanulási folyamat, a személyesen megélt igazság keresése, a kontroll rendszerszintű értelmezése. A markáns dialogikus jelleg és a szelf-reflektivitás arra utal, hogy a tagok az autobiografikus hozzáállás kialakításával, a mentalizációs képesség fejlesztésével segítik a felépülést. Az Alkoholizmus Ellenes Klubok tagjainál gyakoribb a versengés, az „abszolút” típusú kognitív szűrők, az általánosítások, a konverzációs sablonok. Fontosak a kauzális magyarázatok, mint a koherencia megteremtésének legfőbb eszközei, jellemző a spiritualitás konform értelmezése, gyakoribbak a felépülő családjára tett utalások. A felépülés közös tényezői: a sorstársi közösség (közös tapasztalatok, egymás szolgálata); a tág értelemben vett spiritualitás; a törekvés, hogy értelmezzék saját tapasztalataikat, és újrarendezzék saját történeteiket. Újabban a forrás-szűkítések hatására a deficit modellek helyett az erőforrás-alapú felépülési modellek előtérbe kerülnek. Kutatásunk - az egészségtanulás jegyében – előkészítése a generativitás, az intergenerációs transzmisszió megváltoztatása és a poszt-traumás növekedés további kutatási programjainak. | In the current study interviews with recovering addicts were analyzed with complex methods. Two different recovery models were identified: one reflecting the conventions of Anti- Alcoholism Club members, isomorphic with the dominant culture; and the alternative, complementary culture of 12-step fellowships. 12-step communities highlight the learning process during recovery, search for some personal truth, and systemic forms of control. The dialogic nature of the texts, together with self-reflectivity, indicates that members facilitate their recovery by establishing an autobiographic stance and developing mentalization capacity. With AAC members, a competitive approach could be identified. Cognitive filters, generalizations and conventional phrases were characteristic of the texts. Linear causal explanations served as means to establish coherence. Spirituality was understood in a more conservative manner. References to the recovering addict’s family were significantly more frequent. Common factors of recovery: fellows’ community (similar experiences, serving one another); spirituality (in any sense); striving for making meaning of own experiences, and restructure personal stories accordingly. Recently, strength-based recovery models as cost-effective therapeutic solutions have been emphasized. Our research may serve as a basis for further studies in health learning concerning generativity, changing intergenerational transmission models and post-traumatic growth

    Behavior of Polyethylene Films in Soil

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    A true-to life experiment on the behaviour of polyethylene films in soil was carried out. Commercial middle density polyethylene (MDPE) film, MDPE films containing pro-oxidative additives and thermoplastic starch and a commercially available biodegradable film (Ecovio, BASF) have been buried in soil and monitored monthly for one year. Bags made out of the films were filled with and surrounded with brown forest soil and electrodes were put into the soil inside the bag and into the soil surrounding the bag. The soil served as capacitor. Degradation could be monitored weekly by measuring the capacity and conductivity of the soil without removing the bags from it. Visual, mechanical (Instron), structural (FTIR, ESR) and morphological (POM, SEM) changes in the films and the change in molecular mass were tested monthly. The polyethylene films suffered only some physical degradation and not biodegradation. Our life-like experiments suggest that biopacking will be the future of plastics waste disposal