11 research outputs found

    Stambena arhitektura Niša u pokretu Moderna između dva svetska rata.

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    Vremenska distanca od gotovo jednog veka od pojave prvih objekata Moderne i osamdesetak godina od izgradnje prvih objekata modernističkog pokreta u Nišu, predstavljaju dovoljno dug istorijski period da se izvrši objektivna i kvalitetna valorizacija doprinosa i uticaja koji je ovaj pravac u arhitekturi izvršio na stvaranje urbane matrice Niša. Postavši banovinski centar, grad se ubrzano izgrađuje sledeći obrasce i uticaje koji su stizali iz Evrope, ali ponajviše iz prestonice - Beograda. Moderna, kao funkcionalan arhitektonski izraz bez dekorativnih elemenata, odnosi prevagu u Nišu početkom 30-ih godina prošlog veka, pa je sve do Drugog svetskog rata ona dominantan arhitektonski obrazac koji arhitekti koriste. Na osnovu sprovedenog istraživanja u doktoratu navode se bitne karakteristike niške Moderne na planu Tipologije, Urbanog statusa, Funkcije i Oblikovanja

    The Paštrovska House of the Montenegrin Coastal Area: Example of Sustainable Building in Traditional Architecture

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    The subject of this research is the Paštrovska house type of the Montenegrin coast. It is a part of the cultural heritage as a manifestation of individual housing, whose formation was affected by historical, sociological, climatic and other factors. It represents a collection of all the artifacts of material, social and spiritual culture, created throughout the centuries, to the present day. In this paper are analyzed climatic, topological and sociological factors as well as the used materials which affected the formation of this type of coastal house. The goal of this paper is to establish which of the mentioned factors had the greatest effect on this, in many respects, special kind of traditional sustainable architecture of the Adriatic coastline


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    Abstract. In the era of progressive technological and social development, housing environment should respond to actual demands of modern society, with the idea of flexibility and adaptability as the key parameters of sustainable living. Application of the flexible elements in the interior provides a variety of spatial interpretations of the residential unit that can be determined by an architect or by users, depending on the applied design concept. The degree of achieved spatial flexibility will depend on the degree of independence of moveable elements within the unchanging structure of the apartment. Appropriate selection and analysis of the certain number of projects and realizations in the field of flexible housing, points to the diversity of motives of flexible elements application and considers the impact of applied design approach on the interpretation of residential environment. Different social, political and economic circumstances in which the individual examples emerged are also taken into consideration.Key words: housing interior, flexible elements, open plan


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    Buildings preservation by the conversion of their function has become a domain of interest in the field of industrial heritage. Due to the need to expand existing housing capacities in urban areas, a large number of industrial buildings are nowadays converted into multi-family and single-family housing. The paper deals with the analysis of the functional and aesthetic internal transformation of industrial into housing spaces. The research goal is to determine the principles of conceptualization of housing functional plan within the framework of the original physical structure of the industrial building, at the architectonic composition level and housing unit (dwelling) level. Besides, the paper aims to check the existence of common patterns of the aesthetic transformation of converted spaces, examined through three epochs of the development of industrial architecture: the second half of the XIX century, the first half of the XX century and the post-WWII period.    Očuvanje objekata kroz njihovu adaptaciju novoj funkciji postalo je domen interesovanja u oblasti industrijskog nasleđa. Zbog postojanja potrebe za proširenjem stambenih kapaciteta u urbanim područjima, sve veći broj industrijskih zgrada se danas konvertuje u objekte za višeporodično i jednoporodično stanovanje. Rad se bavi analizom funkcionalnog i estetskog preoblikovanja industrijskih u stambene prostore. Istraživanje se zasniva na cilju utvrđivanja principa konfiguracije funkcionalnog plana u okvirima izvorne fizičke strukture objekta na nivou arhitektonskog sklopa i pojedinačne stambene jedinice, kao i ispitivanju postojanja zajedničkih obrazaca estetske transformacije konvertovanih prostora, sagledanih kroz tri karakteristične epohe razvoja industrijske arhitekture: period druge polovine XIX veka, period prve polovine XX veka i posleratni period


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    When designing children playgrounds, one should take into consideration numerous factors dictating safety of the children spending time on the playground. Accessibility of individual parts of the playground, and quality of the equipment, types of used materials in terms of durability, non-toxicity, are only some of the factors which can have impact on the safety. Also important are separation of children age-groups as well as of the conflicting activities, visible labels and supervision. Also, the spacing between the individual parts of equipment and types of used surfaces should be considered. This paper analysis materials of the playground as an element in designing, aimed at children safety. The research includes areas for children play in the city of Niš, The analysis of children playgrounds was performed on the most frequented parks in Niš – in Čair park, Sveti Sava park and Fortress park. Also, there is an analysis of the children playground in the retail park Stop Shop in Niš, which has been built most recently. The goal of the paper is finding the actual condition of the children playgrounds in Niš, from the mentioned aspect, as well as building awareness about the importance of designing of safe children playgrounds.Prilikom projektovanja dečjih igrališta u obzir treba uzeti brojne faktore koji utiču na to da vreme koje deca provedu na igralištu bude pre svega bezbedno. Pristupačnost pojedinih delova igrališta, zatim kvalitet samog mobilijara, vrste primenjenih materijala u smislu trajnosti, netoksičnosti su samo neki od faktora koji mogu uticati na bezbednost. Bitni su takođe i razdvajanje starosnih grupa dece, konfliktne aktivnosti, vidne oznake, nadzor. Treba se, takođe, voditi računa o međusobnim razmacima pojedinih delova mobilijara, kao i o vrstama primenjenih podloga. U ovom radu je vršena analiza materijalizacije igrališta kao elementa projektovanja, sa ciljem bezbednosti dece. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni prostori za igru dece u gradu Nišu. Analiza dečjih igrališta je vršena na najfrekventnijim parkovima u Nišu – u parku Čair, parku Svetog Save i parku u Tvrđavi. Takođe je urađena analiza dečjeg igrališta u okviru ritejl parka Stop Shop u Nišu, koje je najnovijeg datuma izgradnje. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje stvarnog stanja dečjih igrališta u Nišu, sa spomenutog aspekta, kao i podizanje svesti o važnosti projektovanja bezbednih dečjih igrališta


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    Cultural heritage represents a unique and irreplaceable cultural value of a nation. Preservation and protection of cultural heritage is an important moral role of the entire modern society. The paper singles out the notion of vernacular architecture and traditional houses as a significant part of the architectural heritage. The case study includes examples of traditional houses in Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria. The current condition of buildings, their purpose, the degree of preservation, as well as the applied methods of protection are considered in more detail. By analyzing examples of positive and negative practice, conclusions were drawn about the active approach to the architectural heritage of these countries. The goal of this paper is to consider the approach to the preservation of vernacular architecture and the relationship of these countries to this form of cultural heritage. The methods used in the paper are analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, modeling method and case study.Kulturna baština ili kulturno nasleđe predstavlja jedinstvenu i nezamenjivu kulturnu vrednost jednog naroda. Očuvanje i zaštita kulturne baštine predstavlja bitnu moralnu ulogu celokupnog savremenog društva. U radu je posebno izdvojen pojam narodnog graditeljstva i tradicionalne kuće kao značajan deo graditeljskog nasleđa. Kroz studiju slučaja obuhvaćeni su primeri tradicionalnih kuća u Srbiji, Rumuniji i Bugarskoj. Detaljnije je sagledano trenutno stanje objekata, njihova namena, stepen očuvanosti, kao i primenjene metode zaštite. Analizom primera pozitivne i negativne prakse izvedeni su zaključci o aktivnom pristupu graditeljskom nasleđu ovih zemalja. Cilj ovog rada jeste sagledavanje pristupa očuvanju narodnog graditeljstva i odnosa navedenih država prema ovom obliku kulturnog nasleđa. Metode korišćene u radu su analiza, sinteza, komparativna analiza, metoda modelovanja i studija slučaja. 

    Contemporary moment of residential architecture at the global level: HOUSING 15

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    'That architectonic exhibitions are an indispensable and significant part of the history of architecture has been proven by numerous exhibitions dating back from the first decades of the 20th century, the Paris exhibitions (Salon d'Automne), where three manifest exhibition designs by Le Corbusier were presented, promoting a new system of values of the forthcoming modernist movement, then the Berlin exhibitions in the second half of the 20th century (Interbau 1957, IBA 1987) where the Postmodern was promoted, up to the second decade of the 21st century and the Biennial in Venice (La Biennale di Venezia, 2014), whose uniting topic was One Hundred Years of ,Modernity' (prof arch Darko Marušić, quote from the catalogue of the HOUSING 15). HOUSING 15 is an exhibition that was created on the initiative of the Department of Residential Building, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, in order to present the modern housing architecture at the global level. The exhibition was shown at the BINA 2016 and was followed by a round table discussion upon the topic Contemporary moment of residential architecture at the global level. The idea of the round table was to compare domestic and international experience in this field and draw attention toward the attitude on the present, electronic time considering the development of the residential architecture. The specificity of this exhibition, compared to the other events of a similar nature, is that in addition to architectural design the scientific expert reviews for the selected works are also presented, given by the international scientific and artistic committee of the exhibition. The paper is the summary of the discussion held at the round table, and it presents the potential problems, answers and conclusions relating to residential architecture today from the professional perspective

    Significance of adequate postural control in the appearance of habitual upright bipedal locomotion

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    Analysis of qualitative indicators of stability of the body during different types of locomotion in primates suggests that bipedal locomotion is not variation of some other type of locomotion. Transition from quadrupedal to bipedal locomotion is accompanied by a qualitative difference in body stability. Because of assuming an upright bipedal posture, the center of mass is lifted, the surface of the base of support is reduced, and the body structure does not provide passive stability in relation to inertial moments of the body around Y-axis. Additional head movements, trunk rotations, forelimb manipulations with objects and surveying the surroundings are necessary for survival, but they increase the degree of freedom of movement and further complicate the task of maintaining balance in the case of a postural change from erect quadrupedal to erect bipedal. This article presents a hypothesis that the transition from quadrupedal to habitual upright bipedal locomotion was caused by qualitative changes in the nervous system that allowed controlling the more demanding type of locomotion. The ability to control a more demanding posture increases possibilities of interactions between the organism and the complex environment and consequently increases the survival rate, breeding possibilities, and chances for occupying a new environmental niche. Existing data show that ability to execute the more demanding type of locomotion was made possible because of changes in the frontal lobe and pyramidal system. Only after the more demanding posture was enabled by changes in the nervous system, could advantages of bipedal over quadrupedal locomotion be utilized, including better scanning of the environment, carrying food and infants, simultaneous upper extremity movements and observation of the environment, limitless manipulation of objects with upper extremities above the individual, and less space for rotating around the Z-axis. The aforementioned advantages of habitual bipedal over quadrupedal locomotion are present in physically complex environments, such as the forest, which is associated with the appearance of habitual bipedal locomotion. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Serbian Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection [175006/2011

    Changes in the Anterior Presentation in Sheep Fetuses Due to Their Ventro-Sacral Position in the Second Half of Gestation

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    The hypothesis tested was that fetal postural development causes anterior presentation of the sheep fetus during a period of exclusive increase in anterior presentation. Exposing fetuses to a ventro-sacral position during a period of equal incidence of anterior and posterior presentations [50th-90th gestation day (GD)] should not cause changes in fetal presentation. During a period of an exclusive increase in anterior presentation (90th-140th GD) a ventro-sacral position should cause a 1800 turn of the fetus. Singleton gestations with fetus in anterior presentation were included. Ultrasound examinations consisted of three consecutive two minute scans to determine fetal presentation, and were conducted with the ewe in the following three positions: the upright quadrupedal position, sitting position in which the ewe's trunk is vertical to the ground; and again the upright quadrupedal position. The Mann-Whitney nonparametric U-test was used. On the 83rd GD (14 fetuses), there were no changes in fetal presentation, whereas on the 86th GD (10 fetuses) (p=0.035 p<0.05) and on the 116th GD (12 fetuses) (p=0.000 p<0.05) fetuses frequently assumed a transverse presentation at the second examination position. Further experiments would require the fetuses to be artificially maintained in a ventro-sacral position for a prolonged period.Serbian Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection [175006/2011