8 research outputs found

    Urinary tract infection in renal transplant recipients

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    Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the commonest bacterial infection occurring in renal transplant recipients, and it is associated with significant morbidity. This study aimed to assess the characteristics of all UTI episodes diagnosed in renal transplant patients who attended regularly for follow up in the nephrology department of National Heart Center, Tripoli, Libya. Methods: Data were collected by retrospective review of patients' medical records. UTI was defined as a urine culture containing more than 105 colonies/ml and pyuria (10 leukocytes /HPF). Results: Out of a total of 112 kidney transplant patients, UTI was diagnosed in 33 patients (29.5%). The mean age of affected patients was 43±20 years with a range of 20-63 years. Most of the episodes (72%) occurred during the first 3 months after transplantation, and 60.6% of affected patients had more than one episode of infection. A larger proportion of females were affected than males (40.8% versus 20.6% respectively, P=0.02). No significant difference was detected in the proportion of affected patients whether the donor was live-unrelated or live-related (32.3% versus 28.4% respectively, P=0.43). The commonest causative microorganism was E. coli (38.7%), followed by klebsiella (25.8%), Staphylococcus (25.8%), and others (9.7%). The commonest drug used for treatment was ciprofloxacin (51.6%), followed by amoxicillin-clavulinic acid (22.6%), meropenem (12.9%), and others (12.9%). Conclusion: The prevalence of UTI in our cohort of patients is similar to that reported by others. The commonest causative agent was E. coli, and ciprofloxacin was the most commonly used drug. Keywords: Kidney transplant recipients; Libya; Urinary tract infection

    Genèse de l'islamisme tunisien

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    Ce que nous appelons islamisme est essentiellement le fait de politiciens qui œuvrent au nom de la religion. L'islamisme tunisien a vu le jour au 19ème siècle afin de préserver sa culture arabo musulmane face à un occident chrétien de plus en plus présent. Avant les indépendances cet islamisme tenait sa force d'un large sentiment nationaliste. À partir des années 1960-1970, l'islamisme tunisien avait toujours ce besoin contestataire face à un occident toujours très présent mais cette contestation les islamistes tunisiens du mouvement Ennahdha la vécurent de l'intérieur... Ils luttaient pour leurs gouvernements les acceptent enfin politiquement et socialement pour être finalement jeter en prison et même pire. L'islamisme tunisien a toujours fait parti de l'islamisme mondialisé mais ce mouvement encore plus révolté face à un occident qu'il considère libertin et décadent est devenu le jihadisme mondialisé et assassin.What we call the Islamism is mainly caused by politicians that work behalf of the religion. The Tunisian Islamism had emerged in the 19th centuries, to preserve his Arab and Muslim culture, Christian occident facing an increasing present. Prior to independence this Islamism kept its strength from wide nationalist sentiments. Starting of the years 1960-1970, the Tunisian Islamism, still has that need at dissenting front an occident still very present . However that dispute, the Tunisians Islamist, of the Ennahdha movement lived from inside ... they fought for their governments, finally accept politically and socially, to be finally thrown in jail or worse. Tunisian Islamism has always been part of global Islamism, but these movements even more revolted face the West wich he considers a decadent libertine has become globalized and jihadist assassin.PARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    I-129 in Swedish rivers: distribution and sources

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    We analyzed the concentration of I-129 in the water of 26 rivers covering most of the runoff from Sweden, with the aim of assessing current contamination levels, distribution patterns and potential sources in freshwater systems of northern Europe. The results show relatively high values (up to 1.4 x 10(9) atoms 1(-1)), steeply decreasing levels with increasing latitude and a positive correlation with Cl concentration and other chemical parameters. The I-129 concentrations observed in south Sweden are probably the highest ever recorded in rivers without any direct discharge from a nuclear installation. The strong latitudinal dependence suggests a northward dilution and possibly depletion of the isotope and a transport from a source located to the south. The most plausible source of the I-129 in the studied rivers is atmospheric fallout of I-129 emitted either by atmospheric discharges from the nuclear reprocessing facilities at Sellafield (England) and La Hague (France) or by volatilization from seawater contaminated by the same sources. The question is now whether and at what rate the I-129 concentration in Nordic watersheds will increase further if discharges from nuclear reprocessing continue. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Speciation of 129I in sea, lake and rain waters

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    Concentrations of the very long-lived fission product 129I and stable iodine (127I) in the Baltic Sea and lake and rain waters from Finland, were measured as well as their occurrence as iodide (I−) and iodate (IO3−). The highest concentrations of both 127I and 129I occurred in sea water, on average 11.1±4.3μg/l and 3.9±4.1×10−9 at/l. In rain and lake waters the concentration of 129I was more or less identical and almost one order of magnitude lower than in sea water. Based on these observations, and data from the literature, it is assumed that the source of 129I in lakes is precipitation and the major source in the Baltic Sea is the inflow of sea water from the North Sea through the Danish Straits. The concentration of 129I in the Baltic Sea has increased by a factor of six during ten years from 1999. In all studied water types the main chemical form of both iodine isotopes was iodide; in sea and lake waters by 92–96% and in rain water by 75–88%. Compared to 127I the fraction of iodide was slightly higher in case of 129I in all waters