33 research outputs found

    The role of chromosomal rearrangements in the evolution of Silene latifolia sex chromosomes

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    Silene latifolia is a model plant for studies of the early steps of sex chromosome evolution. In comparison to mammalian sex chromosomes that evolved 300mya, sex chromosomes of S. latifolia appeared approximately 20mya. Here, we combine results from physical mapping of sex-linked genes using polymerase chain reaction on microdissected arms of the S. latifolia X chromosome, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of a new cytogenetic marker, Silene tandem repeat accumulated on the Y chromosome. The data are interpreted in the light of current genetic linkage maps of the X chromosome and a physical map of the Y chromosome. Our results identify the position of the centromere relative to the mapped genes on the X chromosome. We suggest that the evolution of the S. latifolia Y chromosome has been accompanied by at least one paracentric and one pericentric inversion. These results indicate that large chromosomal rearrangements have played an important role in Y chromosome evolution in S. latifolia and that chromosomal rearrangements are an integral part of sex chromosome evolutio

    Genomic Diversity in Two Related Plant Species with and without Sex Chromosomes - Silene latifolia and S. vulgaris

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    Genome size evolution is a complex process influenced by polyploidization, satellite DNA accumulation, and expansion of retroelements. How this process could be affected by different reproductive strategies is still poorly understood.We analyzed differences in the number and distribution of major repetitive DNA elements in two closely related species, Silene latifolia and S. vulgaris. Both species are diploid and possess the same chromosome number (2n = 24), but differ in their genome size and mode of reproduction. The dioecious S. latifolia (1C = 2.70 pg DNA) possesses sex chromosomes and its genome is 2.5× larger than that of the gynodioecious S. vulgaris (1C = 1.13 pg DNA), which does not possess sex chromosomes. We discovered that the genome of S. latifolia is larger mainly due to the expansion of Ogre retrotransposons. Surprisingly, the centromeric STAR-C and TR1 tandem repeats were found to be more abundant in S. vulgaris, the species with the smaller genome. We further examined the distribution of major repetitive sequences in related species in the Caryophyllaceae family. The results of FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) on mitotic chromosomes with the Retand element indicate that large rearrangements occurred during the evolution of the Caryophyllaceae family.Our data demonstrate that the evolution of genome size in the genus Silene is accompanied by the expansion of different repetitive elements with specific patterns in the dioecious species possessing the sex chromosomes

    From Mendel’s discovery on pea to today’s plant genetics and breeding

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    In 2015, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of the presentation of the seminal work of Gregor Johann Mendel. While Darwin’s theory of evolution was based on differential survival and differential reproductive success, Mendel’s theory of heredity relies on equality and stability throughout all stages of the life cycle. Darwin’s concepts were continuous variation and “soft” heredity; Mendel espoused discontinuous variation and “hard” heredity. Thus, the combination of Mendelian genetics with Darwin’s theory of natural selection was the process that resulted in the modern synthesis of evolutionary biology. Although biology, genetics, and genomics have been revolutionized in recent years, modern genetics will forever rely on simple principles founded on pea breeding using seven single gene characters. Purposeful use of mutants to study gene function is one of the essential tools of modern genetics. Today, over 100 plant species genomes have been sequenced. Mapping populations and their use in segregation of molecular markers and marker–trait association to map and isolate genes, were developed on the basis of Mendel's work. Genome-wide or genomic selection is a recent approach for the development of improved breeding lines. The analysis of complex traits has been enhanced by high-throughput phenotyping and developments in statistical and modeling methods for the analysis of phenotypic data. Introgression of novel alleles from landraces and wild relatives widens genetic diversity and improves traits; transgenic methodologies allow for the introduction of novel genes from diverse sources, and gene editing approaches offer possibilities to manipulate gene in a precise manner

    Horizontal transfer - imperative mission of acellular life forms,Acytota

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    component, Indo-Islamic Garden Conservation 2001-

    Impact of Repetitive Elements on the Y Chromosome Formation in Plants

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    In contrast to animals, separate sexes and sex chromosomes in plants are very rare. Although the evolution of sex chromosomes has been the subject of numerous studies, the impact of repetitive sequences on sex chromosome architecture is not fully understood. New genomic approaches shed light on the role of satellites and transposable elements in the process of Y chromosome evolution. We discuss the impact of repetitive sequences on the structure and dynamics of sex chromosomes with specific focus on Rumex acetosa and Silene latifolia. Recent papers showed that both the expansion and shrinkage of the Y chromosome is influenced by sex-specific regulation of repetitive DNA spread. We present a view that the dynamics of Y chromosome formation is an interplay of genetic and epigenetic processes

    Additional file 4: of Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast

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    Overview of families, PQS and average lengths. Table S1. Families possessing PQS score > 64. Table S2. Number of PQS score > 64 in superfamilies. Table S3. Average lengths of LTRs, non-LTR regios and whole elements. (XLSX 13 kb

    Additional file 5: of Quadruplex DNA in long terminal repeats in maize LTR retrotransposons inhibits the expression of a reporter gene in yeast

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    CD spectra of oligonucleotides without G4-forming ability. CD spectra of oligonucleotides representing wild-type PQS from various LTR retrotransposons obtained at different concentrations of potassium ions (orange: 0 mM K+; blue: 150 mM K+ and red: 150 mM K+ after annealing). Debeh, Nobe, Hooni, Wuwe and Prem1 are oligonucleotides with long middle loop. Flip has short middle loop. (TIFF 883 kb