5 research outputs found


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    The scarcity of good quality water in semiarid region has been the main limiting factor for in- creasing the irrigated area. However, due to greater availability of saline water, and reduced costs, when man- aged carefully, can be a viable alternative. The objective of this research was to study the effects of water use with low (S1 = 0,5 dS m-1) and high (S2 = 4,3 dS m-1) salt concentration on growth of melon plant. Melon (Cucumis melo L., cv Sancho) crop was irrigated with water of low and high salinity water under different management strategies: S1S2S2S2 – T1, S1S1S2S2 – T2, S1S1S1S2 – T3, S2S1S2S2 – T4, S2S1S1S2 – T5, S2S2S1S2 – T6 (the 1st, 2nd , 3rd and 4th term of these sequences correspond to different phases of crop – initial growth, flowering, fruit maturation and harvest, respectively), irrigation with S1 water throughout the crop cycle – T7 (control), varying the type of water every two days throughout the cycle (irrigation with S1 during 2 days fol- lowed by S2 1 day – T8 and with S2 during 2 days and followed by S1 1 day – T9) and irrigation with S2 water throughout the cycle - T10. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replica- tions. The use of low and high salinity water applied in different phases of plant growth under different man- agement strategies did not affect the characteristics of melon cultivar Sancho. The cultivar Sancho tolerates irrigation water salinity up to 4,3 dS m-1, without any loss in growth and development

    Teores de macronutrientes no tecido vegetal do meloeiro cultivado com uso de manta agrotêxtil

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    This work was to study changes in nutrient uptake curves with prolonged use of the blanket, adopting the experimental design of randomized complete blocks with four replications. The treatments were arranged in split plots, with the plots represented by two seasons removed from TNT over the ridges of the melon planting taking into account the range of days after issuance of the male flowers, at least 50% of plant floor area the plot (T1 - 8 days and T2 - 17 days), and sub-plots by plant sampling dates: 13, 20, 27, 34, 41 and 48 DAT. At each time the plants were analyzed for N, P, K, Ca and Mg. It can be concluded that the use of nonwoven mat did not affect the concentration of macronutrients cantaloupe melon, with concentrations within the proper range is decreasing for N, P and K and increasing throughout the cycle for Ca and Mg.Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar as alterações nas curvas de absorção de nutrientes com uso prolongado da manta, adotando-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados completo, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em parcelas subdivididas, sendo as parcelas representadas por duas épocas de retirada do TNT sobre os camalhões de plantio do meloeiro levando em consideração o intervalo de dias após a emissão das flores masculinas, em pelo menos 50 % das plantas da área útil da parcela (T1 – 8 dias e T2 – 17 dias), e as sub-parcelas pelas épocas de amostragens das plantas: 13, 20, 27, 34, 41 e 48 DAT. Em cada época as plantas foram analisadas quanto aos teores de N, P, K, Ca e Mg. Pode-se concluir que o uso da manta agrotextil não interferiu na concentração de macronutrientes do meloeiro cantaloupe, apresentando concentrações dentro da faixa adequada sendo decrescente para N, P e K e aumentando ao longo do ciclo para Ca e Mg

    Produção de melão Pele de Sapo híbrido 'Medellín' cultivado com diferentes salinidades da água Production of the hybrid Pele-de-Sapo melon Medellín cultivated at different water salinities

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    Dentre os problemas enfrentados pela cultura do melão no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, a salinidade da água e do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes da produção e da qualidade dos frutos. O objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar os efeitos de aplicação de águas de irrigação com diferentes níveis de salinidade na produção de melão Pele de Sapo híbrido 'Medellín'. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constaram de concentrações de sais na água de irrigação (0,54; 1,48; 2,02; 3,03 e 3,9 dS m-1). As características de produção avaliadas foram: produtividade comercial e produtividade total, número de frutos comerciais por planta, número de frutos totais, massa média de frutos comerciais, massa média dos frutos totais. O incremento da salinidade na água influenciou negativamente o rendimento da cultura, com perdas relativas por incremento unitário de salinidade acima de 0,54 dS m-1, de 7,5%; 7,8%; 8,32% e 8,70%, para produtividade comercial e total e número de frutos comerciais e totais, respectivamente.<br>Among the problems facing cultivation of the melon in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, the salinity of the water and soil is a major limiting factor of both production and fruit quality. The objective of this work was to study the effects on the production of the hybrid Pele-de-Sapo melon Medellin, of irrigation waters at different salinity levels. The experimental design was a completely randomized block with four replications, with treatments consisting of different salt-concentrations in the irrigation water (0.54; 1.48; 2.02; 3.03 and 3.9 dS m-1). The production features measured were: total yield and commercial yield; total number of marketable fruits per plant; total number of fruits; mean weight of the marketable fruits, and total mean weight of the fruits. The increase in water salinity negatively affected the crop yield, with relative losses per unit increase in salinity of above 0.54 dS m-1, 7.5%; 7.8%; 8.32% and 8.70% for commercial and total production, and the number of marketable fruits and total fruits, respectively

    Acúmulo de matéria seca e nutrientes no meloeiro irrigado sob estratégias de manejo da salinidade

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    O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar estratégias de uso de água salobra sobre o acúmulo de matéria seca e nutrientes, duas cultivares de melão (Sancho- C1 e Medellín- C2) irrigadas com água de baixa (S1 = 0,61 dS m-1) e alta (S2 = 4,78 dS m-1) salinidade por fase da cultura: S1S1S2S2- T1, S2S1S2S2- T2, S2S2S1S2- T3 (os 1, 2, 3 e 4º termos correspondem, respectivamente, às fases de crescimento, floração, crescimento dos frutos e maturação e colheita) e, ainda a irrigação alternada, durante todo o ciclo, com água S1 por 2 dias consecutivos seguido com água S2 por um dia (S12dias + S21dia- T4) e a irrigação com água S2 durante todo o ciclo- T5. Além disto foi utilizada, como testemunha, a irrigação com a mistura de 37% da água S1 e 63% da água S2- T0 (manejo adotado atualmente na fazenda em que o experimento foi conduzido). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos inteiramente casualizados em um esquema de parcelas subdivididas 6 x 2 (manejo da água salina x cultivar) com quatro repetições. O acúmulo de fitomassa seca total na parte aérea da cultivar Sancho foi superior ao de Medellín, em todas as estratégias de manejo utilizado; os nutrientes mais absorvidos pelas plantas das duas cultivares foram o cálcio, o potássio e o nitrogênio.A study was carried out aiming to investigate management strategies for use of brackish water in the accumulation of dry matter and nutrients in two cultivars of melon (C1 - Sancho and C2 - MedeL&#955;i n) irrigated with low (S1 = 0.61 dS m-1) and high (S2 = 4.78 dS m-1) salinity water in different phases of crop: S1S1S2S2 - T1, S2S1S2S2 - T2, S2S2S1S2 - T3. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th term correspond, respectively, to different phases - initial growth, flowering, fruit maturation and harvest. Alternate irrigation during the crop cycle, two days of consecutive application with S1 water followed by one day with S2 water (S1 2 days + S2 1day - T4) and irrigation with S2 water throughout the cycle - T5 was also tested. Furthermore, as control, management practice at the farm where the experiment was conducted consisting of irrigation with a mixture of 37% S1 water and 63% of S2 water -T0 was used. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in a 6 x 2 split-plots with four replications. The total dry matter accumulation in shoots of cv. Sancho was greater than Medellín in all management strategies. The nutrients required most by the two cultivars were calcium, potassium and nitrogen