284 research outputs found

    The Value of Early Field Experiences in Teacher Preparation

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    This study examines the relationship between a preservice teacher’s early field experiences and ratings given by their cooperating teachers during student teaching. Educator preparation programs have long been tasked with providing quality education to future teachers as they prepare them for a career in the P-12 classroom. Part of this preparation happens in P-12 classroom settings, where preservice teachers observe and interact with students and professional teachers. These early field experiences, which help prepare them for student teaching and the P-12 classroom, are required for teacher preparation program accreditation. This research investigates how changes in the educational environment related to the Covid-19 pandemic closure of schools have created opportunities to assess the effectiveness of early field experiences. This study seeks to address a need for evidence of early field experiences\u27 impact on preparation for student teaching and eventual success as a practicing teacher. Evidence of this impact is vital for teacher preparation programs as they evaluate how effective their current requirements are in the program of study for future teachers. Data collected and analyzed by multiple linear regression will provide empirical evidence addressing the relationship between a preservice teacher’s early field experiences and their professional indicator ratings given by their cooperating teacher during student teaching in order to guide teacher preparation program decisions

    The Value of Early Field Experiences in Teacher Preparation

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    This study examines the relationship between a preservice teacher’s early field experiences and ratings given by their cooperating teachers during student teaching. Educator preparation programs have long been tasked with providing quality education to future teachers as they prepare them for a career in the P-12 classroom. Part of this preparation happens in P-12 classroom settings, where preservice teachers observe and interact with students and professional teachers. These early field experiences, which help prepare them for student teaching and the P-12 classroom, are required for teacher preparation program accreditation. This research investigates how changes in the educational environment related to the Covid-19 pandemic closure of schools have created opportunities to assess the effectiveness of early field experiences. This study seeks to address a need for evidence of early field experiences\u27 impact on preparation for student teaching and eventual success as a practicing teacher. Evidence of this impact is vital for teacher preparation programs as they evaluate how effective their current requirements are in the program of study for future teachers. Data collected and analyzed by multiple linear regression will provide empirical evidence addressing the relationship between a preservice teacher’s early field experiences and their professional indicator ratings given by their cooperating teacher during student teaching in order to guide teacher preparation program decisions

    An examination of school leaders\u27 preferences for teacher applicant characteristics.

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    Teachers are important to student achievement. The selection of teachers in most schools in the United States is the responsibility of the principal. This study examined preferences of school leaders for teacher applicant characteristics. An exploratory factor analysis of the results (N = 209) of the Preferred Teacher Applicant Characteristics Survey (PTACS) determined four underlying dimension of the PTACS instrument: personal characteristics, professional characteristics, ancillary characteristics, and demographic characteristics. These became the dependent variable in a series of linear multiple regression analyses to examine the relationship between a school’s characteristics – poverty, school performance category, average teacher experience, and the school leader’s age, gender, current role and years in current role – and a school leader’ preferences for teacher applicant characteristics. Study results indicated a significant positive change in a school leader’s preference for personal teacher applicant characteristics for female school leaders as compared to male school leaders

    Mental Toughness and Associated Personality Characteristics of Marathon des Sables Athletes

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    Mental toughness (MT) is commonly referred to as an important prerequisite for sustained athletic achievement. The increased research focus on MT has led to the development of a consistent debate centered around whether the construct is a unidimensional or multidimensional trait, and whether it can be differentiated from similar constructs such as hardiness. In order to move toward more clarity of MT, the present study is exploratory in nature, using athletes who have competed in the Marathon des Sables (MdS) ultra-endurance event. The MdS is a timed 250 km race in the Sahara Desert that takes place over 6 days in temperatures exceeding 40°C. Forty two British MdS competitors were recruited via the United Kingdom organizing company. Each participant completed the NEO PI-R as a measure of the five major domains of personality, as well as the six traits or facets that define each domain. Additionally, they completed the Sport Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). The MdS sample’s NEO PI-R results were compared against general population norms, and results showed a distinct ultra-endurance athlete profile characterized by significantly higher levels of extraversion and openness to experience. Additionally, the MdS sample’s SMTQ scores were higher than the normed sample consisting of a collection of athletes representing multiple sports. Finally, linear regression analyses indicated a convergence between the two measures, supporting the argument that MT may in fact be measured by a general personality questionnaire such as the NEO PI-R

    Psychomotor depressive symptoms may differentially respond to venlafaxine

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    Depth-dependent artifacts resulting from ApRES signal clipping

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    Several autonomous phase-sensitive radio-echo sounders (ApRES) were deployed at Greenland glaciers to investigate ice deformation. Different attenuation settings were tested and it was observed that, in the presence of clipping of the deramped ApRES signal, each setting produced a different result. Specifically, higher levels of clipping associated with lower attenuation produced an apparent linear increase of diurnal vertical cumulative displacement with depth, and obscured the visibility of the basal reflector in the return amplitude. An example with a synthetic deramped signal confirmed that these types of artifacts result from the introduction of harmonics from square-wave-like features introduced by clipping. Apparent linear increase of vertical displacement with depth occurs when the vertical position of a near-surface internal reflector changes in time. Artifacts in the return amplitude may obscure returns from internal reflectors and the basal reflector, making it difficult to detect thickness evolution of the ice and to correctly estimate vertical velocities. Variations in surface melt during ApRES deployments can substantially modulate the received signal strength on short timescales, and we therefore recommend using higher attenuator settings for deployments in such locations

    Psychological factors involved in adherence to sport injury rehabilitation: A systematic review

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    The objective of this article is to review the extant literature on the psychological factors related to adherence to sport injury rehabilitation among athletes. Published English language articles were identified using electronic databases. The quality of the identified articles was assessed using a hybrid quality assessment tool based on the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool and the Health Technology Assessment Programme for evaluating non-randomised intervention studies. Seventeen papers – one using a treatment intervention, two qualitative articles and 14 descriptive studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were systematically reviewed. The results suggested that there were two categories of factors that determine adherence to rehabilitation in this population: person and situational. Person-specific factors included the impact of the injury, justification for adherence, motivation, confidence/self-efficacy, coping, social support, locus of control, cognitive appraisal, coping and psychological skills. Situational factors included the characteristics, strategies and effectiveness of the physical therapist and treatment efficacy. Due to the scant nature and quality of the studies included in this review, we conclude that research of strong design is required to provide a greater evidence-base and to help inform the role that sport psychologists could play in designing interventions to improve adherence to rehabilitatio

    AVGS, AR and D for Satellites, ISS, the Moon, Mars and Beyond

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    With the continuous need to rotate crew and re-supply the International Space Station (ISS) and the desire to return humans to the Moon and for the first time, place humans on Mars, NASA must develop a more robust and highly reliable capability to perform Autonomous Rendezvous and Capture (AR&C) because, unlike the Apollo missions, NASA plans to send the entire crew to the Lunar or Martian surface and must be able to dock with the Orion spacecraft upon return. In 1997, NASA developed the Video Guidance Sensor (VGS) which was flown and tested on STS-87 and STS-95. In 2001, NASA designed and built a more enhanced version of the VGS, called the Advanced Video Guidance Sensor (AVGS). The AVGS offered significant technology improvements to the precursor VGS design. This paper will describe the AVGS as it was in the DART mission of 2005 and the Orbital Express mission of 2007. The paper will describe the capabilities and design concepts of the AVGS as it was flown on the DART 2005 Mission and the DARPA Orbital Express Mission slated to fly in 2007. The paper will cover the Flight Software, problems encountered, testing for Orbital Express and where NASA is going in the future

    An Intensive Observation of Calving at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland

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    Calving of glacial ice into the ocean from the Greenland Ice Sheet is an important component of global sea level rise. The calving process itself is relatively poorly observed, understood, and modeled; as such, it represents a bottleneck in improving future global sea level estimates in climate models. We organized a pilot project to observe the calving process at Helheim Glacier in East Greenland in an effort to better understand it. During an intensive one-week survey, we deployed a suite of instrumentation including a terrestrial radar interferometer, GPS receivers, seismometers, tsunameters, and an automated weather station. This effort captured a calving process and measured various glaciological, oceanographic, and atmospheric parameters before, during, and after the event. One outcome of our observations is evidence that the calving process actually consists of a number of discrete events, spread out over time, in this instance over at least two days. This time span has implications for models of the process. Realistic projections of future global sea level will depend on accurate parametrization of calving, which will require more sustained observations

    Outcomes associated with social distancing policies in St Louis, Missouri, during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Importance: In the absence of a national strategy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many public health decisions fell to local elected officials and agencies. Outcomes of such policies depend on a complex combination of local epidemic conditions and demographic features as well as the intensity and timing of such policies and are therefore unclear. Objective: To use a decision analytical model of the COVID-19 epidemic to investigate potential outcomes if actual policies enacted in March 2020 (during the first wave of the epidemic) in the St Louis region of Missouri had been delayed. Design, Setting, and Participants: A previously developed, publicly available, open-source modeling platform (Local Epidemic Modeling for Management & Action, version 2.1) designed to enable localized COVID-19 epidemic projections was used. The compartmental epidemic model is programmed in R and Stan, uses bayesian inference, and accepts user-supplied demographic, epidemiologic, and policy inputs. Hospital census data for 1.3 million people from St Louis City and County from March 14, 2020, through July 15, 2020, were used to calibrate the model. Exposures: Hypothetical delays in actual social distancing policies (which began on March 13, 2020) by 1, 2, or 4 weeks. Sensitivity analyses were conducted that explored plausible spontaneous behavior change in the absence of social distancing policies. Main Outcomes and Measures: Hospitalizations and deaths. Results: A model of 1.3 million residents of the greater St Louis, Missouri, area found an initial reproductive number (indicating transmissibility of an infectious agent) of 3.9 (95% credible interval [CrI], 3.1-4.5) in the St Louis region before March 15, 2020, which fell to 0.93 (95% CrI, 0.88-0.98) after social distancing policies were implemented between March 15 and March 21, 2020. By June 15, a 1-week delay in policies would have increased cumulative hospitalizations from an observed actual number of 2246 hospitalizations to 8005 hospitalizations (75% CrI: 3973-15 236 hospitalizations) and increased deaths from an observed actual number of 482 deaths to a projected 1304 deaths (75% CrI, 656-2428 deaths). By June 15, a 2-week delay would have yielded 3292 deaths (75% CrI, 2104-4905 deaths)-an additional 2810 deaths or a 583% increase beyond what was actually observed. Sensitivity analyses incorporating a range of spontaneous behavior changes did not avert severe epidemic projections. Conclusions and Relevance: The results of this decision analytical model study suggest that, in the St Louis region, timely social distancing policies were associated with improved population health outcomes, and small delays may likely have led to a COVID-19 epidemic similar to the most heavily affected areas in the US. These findings indicate that an open-source modeling platform designed to accept user-supplied local and regional data may provide projections tailored to, and more relevant for, local settings
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