51 research outputs found

    Implicit Bias in Daily Perceptions and Legal Judgments

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    In today’s demonstration, we explored the audience’s positive and negative associations with blacks and whites. The demonstration is an adaptation of the Implicit Association Test (www.projectimplicit.net), a computer-based task designed to explore mental connections between various concepts. Participants were presented with a list of concepts (stereotypically black and white names, pleasant and unpleasant concepts) in a column down the middle of a screen along with the response categories (black/white or Pleasant/Unpleasant) along the left and right sides. When reading a word, participants were asked to categorize it by slapping the knee (left or right) that corresponds to the category displayed on the left or right side of the screen. Their task was to do this as fast as possible, correcting any mistakes before going forward, and raising their hand after completing the last word in the list. We then noted the amount of time for a critical mass of participants (approximately seventy-five percent) to complete each trial. In simple trials, either names or valenced words are displayed. In two critical trials, both names and valenced words were presented simultaneously in the middle of the screen. The trials differ based on the pairings of the response categories, and these trials tend to show a drastic difference in completion times. When participants were required to use the same hand to categorize black names and unpleasant words or white names and pleasant words, they tended to respond almost twice as quickly as when using the same hand to categorize black names and pleasant words or white names and unpleasant words. While there are individual differences among the respondents, the demonstration provided audible and visceral evidence of the trend. We then asked the audience to interrogate the methodological and cultural implications of the task, ultimately concluding that the test potentially reveals the fairly widespread implicit negative associations with blacks. With this working hypothesis, we next discussed the nature of racial bias and its implications for judgment in legal domains

    Child Abuse Evidence: New Perspectives from Law, Medicine, Psychology & Statistics: Question and Answer Session

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    A transcript of the Question and Answer session during the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform Symposium, Child Abuse Evidence: New Perspectives from Law, Medicine, Psychology & Statistics

    Child Abuse Evidence: New Perspectives from Law, Medicine, Psychology & Statistics: Question and Answer Session

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    A transcript of the Question and Answer session during the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform Symposium, Child Abuse Evidence: New Perspectives from Law, Medicine, Psychology & Statistics

    Book Reviews

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    The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: the local E+A galaxy population

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    We select a sample of low-redshift (z∌ 0.1) E+A galaxies from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). The spectra of these objects are defined by strong hydrogen Balmer absorption lines (HÎŽ, HÎł, HÎČ) combined with a lack of [O ii] 3727-Å emission, together implying a recently truncated burst of star formation. The E+A spectrum is thus a signpost to galaxies in the process of evolution. We quantify the local environments, clustering properties and luminosity function of the E+A galaxies. We find that the environments are consistent with the ensemble of 2dFGRS galaxies: low-redshift E+A systems are located predominantly in the field, existing as isolated objects or in poor groups. However, the luminosity distribution of galaxies selected using three Balmer absorption lines HÎŽÎłÎČ appears more typical of ellipticals. Indeed, morphologically these galaxies are preferentially spheroidal (E/S0) systems. In a small but significant number we find evidence for recent major mergers, such as tidal tails. We infer that major mergers are one important formation mechanism for E+A galaxies, as suggested by previous studies. At low redshift the merger probability is high in the field and low in clusters, thus these recently formed spheroidal systems do not follow the usual morphology-density relation for ellipticals. Regarding the selection of E+A galaxies: we find that basing the Balmer-line criterion solely on HÎŽ absorption leads to a significant subpopulation of disc systems with detectable Hα emission. In these objects the [O ii] emission is presumably either obscured by dust or present with a low signal-to-noise ratio, whilst the (HÎł, HÎČ) absorption features are subject to emission-fillin

    The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation with the ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey

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    The ROSAT-European Southern Observatory (ESO) flux-limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey and the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), respectively, comprise the largest, homogeneous X-ray selected cluster catalogue and completed galaxy redshift survey. In this work, we combine these two outstanding data sets in order to study the effect of the large-scale cluster environment, as traced by X-ray luminosity, on the properties of the cluster member galaxies. We measure the Lâ‚“âˆ’Ïƒá”Ł relation from the correlated data set and find it to be consistent with recent results found in the literature. Using a sample of 19 clusters with Lₓ ≄ 0.36 × 10⁎⁎ erg s⁻Âč in the 0.1–2.4 keV band, and 49 clusters with lower X-ray luminosity, we find that the fraction of early spectral type (η=−1.4), passively evolving galaxies is significantly higher in the high-Lₓ sample within R₂₀₀. We extend the investigation to include composite bⱌ cluster luminosity functions, and find that the characteristic magnitude of the Schechter-function fit to the early-type luminosity function is fainter for the high-Lₓ sample compared to the low-Lₓ sample (ΔM*= 0.58 ± 0.14). This seems to be driven by a deficit of such galaxies with Mbⱌ∌−21. In contrast, we find no significant differences between the luminosity functions of star-forming, late-type galaxies. We believe these results are consistent with a scenario in which the high-Lₓ clusters are more dynamically evolved systems than the low-Lₓ clusters

    The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation with the ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey

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    The ROSAT-European Southern Observatory (ESO) flux-limited X-ray (REFLEX) galaxy cluster survey and the Two-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), respectively, comprise the largest, homogeneous X-ray selected cluster catalogue and completed galaxy redshift survey. In this work, we combine these two outstanding data sets in order to study the effect of the large-scale cluster environment, as traced by X-ray luminosity, on the properties of the cluster member galaxies. We measure the LX−σr relation from the correlated data set and find it to be consistent with recent results found in the literature. Using a sample of 19 clusters with LX≄ 0.36 × 1044 erg s−1 in the 0.1-2.4 keV band, and 49 clusters with lower X-ray luminosity, we find that the fraction of early spectral type (η=−1.4), passively evolving galaxies is significantly higher in the high-LX sample within R200. We extend the investigation to include composite bJ cluster luminosity functions, and find that the characteristic magnitude of the Schechter-function fit to the early-type luminosity function is fainter for the high-LX sample compared to the low-LX sample (ΔM*= 0.58 ± 0.14). This seems to be driven by a deficit of such galaxies with MbJ∌−21. In contrast, we find no significant differences between the luminosity functions of star-forming, late-type galaxies. We believe these results are consistent with a scenario in which the high-LX clusters are more dynamically evolved systems than the low-LX cluster

    Epigenetic regulation of centromeric chromatin: old dogs, new tricks?

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    The assembly of just a single kinetochore at the centromere of each sister chromatid is essential for accurate chromosome segregation during cell division. Surprisingly, despite their vital function, centromeres show considerable plasticity with respect to their chromosomal locations and activity. The establishment and maintenance of centromeric chromatin, and therefore the location of kinetochores, is epigenetically regulated. The histone H3 variant CENP-A is the key determinant of centromere identity and kinetochore assembly. Recent studies have identified many factors that affect CENP-A localization, but their precise roles in this process are unknown. We build on these advances and on new information about the timing of CENP-A assembly during the cell cycle to propose new models for how centromeric chromatin is established and propagated

    Die rechtliche Regelung des Instituts der kostenlosen Rechtshilfe in der Republik Kroatien mit besonderer BerĂŒcksichtigung der gesetzlichen Regelungen in den postjugoslawischen Staaten

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    “Pravo i pravdu nećemo nikome prodati, uskratiti ili odgoditi.” 40. paragraf Velike povelje sloboda Pravo na pristup pravosuđu (access to justice) jedno je od temeljnih ljudskih prava. Ostvarivanje toga prava uvelike ovisi o dostupnosti pravne pomoći svim građanima bez obzira na njihov socioekonomski status. Stoga je postojanje učinkovitog sustava besplatne pravne pomoći u svakoj zemlji jedan od temeljnih jamaca ostvarivanja ljudskih prava u svakodnevnom ĆŸivotu. U radu se razmatra razvoj i uređenje instituta besplatne pravne pomoći u Republici Hrvatskoj te u ostalim postjugoslavenskim drĆŸavama s ciljem regionalnog prikaza njegova uređenja.«To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice» 40th paragraph of the Magna Charta The paper considers the development and regulation of the institute of legal aid in the Republic of Croatia and in the other post-Yugoslav states with the aim of providing a regional outline of their regulation. In recent years legislators in the post-Yugoslav states have been increasingly involved in the regulation of legal aid and, in order to develop modern legal systems, they adopted laws aimed at ensuring and protecting the right to legal aid. The normative activities for regulating legal aid began with the constitutional guarantee for such aid, and were made effective by the provisions of the criminal codes and the civil procedure acts. Later, under the influence of the acquis communautaire of the modern European states they were to be included in the provisions of separate laws of the post-Yugoslav states. This shows that there was an evolution in the development of the right to legal aid, not only as the right to such aid in the form of good will and charity of the state, but also as one of the fundamental human rights guaranteed by constitutional and legal norms.“Niemandem werden wir Recht oder Gerechtigkeit verkaufen, verweigern oder verzögern.“ Magna Carta, § 40 In dieser Arbeit werden die Entwicklung und Regelung des Instituts der kostenlosen Rechtshilfe in der Republik Kroatien und in den anderen postjugoslawischen Staaten erörtert, wodurch seine Regelung in der Region dargestellt werden soll. In den letzten Jahren ist die Regelung des Anspruchs auf kostenlose Rechtshilfe zu einer wichtigen Aufgabe fĂŒr die Gesetzgeber in den postjugoslawischen Staaten geworden, die zwecks Aufbau moderner Rechtsordnungen Gesetze verabschiedeten, deren Gegenstand die Wahrnehmung und der Schutz des Rechts auf kostenlose Rechtshilfe ist. Die normative AktivitĂ€t zur Einrichtung der kostenlosen Rechtshilfe begann mit der Verfassungsgarantie des Rechtsanspruches auf kostenlose Rechtshilfe, die in den Bestimmungen der Straf- und der Zivilprozessordnung ihren konkreten Niederschlag fanden, um sich unter dem Einfluss der Trends in der Gesetzgebung der modernen europĂ€ischen Staaten zu Bestimmungen in Sondergesetzen der postjugoslawischen Staaten zu verwandeln. Dies belegt eine Evolution in der Entwicklung des Rechtsanspruchs auf kostenlose Rechtshilfe als nicht allein des Anspruchs auf Hilfe in Form einer wohltĂ€terischen Geste von staatlichem guten Willen, sondern als eines Grundrechts, das durch Verfassungs- und Gesetzesnormen garantiert wird
