7,306 research outputs found

    Framing the Fight: Media Savvy Bolsters Corporate Campaigns

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    [Excerpt] Marc Rich was a marked man. His face smirked from thousands of wanted posters plastered across the country, hung up in union halls from Scranton, Pa. to Sacramento, Ca. The poster even found its way to Switzerland where Rich resided. Rich was a man marked by the United Steelworkers of America in its battle with the Ravenswood Aluminum Company of West Virginia. The Steelworkers\u27 corporate campaign to save the workers at Fort RAC included a media strategy with all the right moves

    Reflections on R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Internship

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    This thesis provides a personal reflection on an internship with the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Organization through S.T.A.R. Central at the University of Arkansas. An evaluation of the experience was conducted by providing strengths and weaknesses as an intern, positive and negative aspects of the internship, an objective analysis, connection to nursing, and impact on future career. The focus of this honors project was providing education to peers on sexual assault topics, including consent, rape culture, and bystander intervention. Overall, the internship proved to be a positive learning opportunity that allowed for the development of improved communication skills, gaining of knowledge and passion for sexual assault topics, and positively impacting the University of Arkansas campus community

    Quantitative analysis of ice films by near-infrared spectroscopy

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    One of the outstanding problems in the Space Transportation System is the possibility of the ice buildup on the external fuel tank surface while it is mounted on the launch pad. During the T-2 hours (and holding) period, the frost/ice thickness on the external tank is monitored/measured. However, after the resumption of the countdown time, the tank surface can only be monitored remotely. Currently, remote sensing is done with a TV camera coupled to a thermal imaging device. This device is capable of identifying the presence of ice, especially if it is covered with a layer of frost. However, it has difficulty identifying transparent ice, and, it is not capable of determining the thickness of ice in any case. Thus, there is a need for developing a technique for measuring the thickness of frost/ice on the tank surface during this two hour period before launch. The external tank surface is flooded with sunlight (natural or simulated) before launch. It may be possible, therefore, to analyze the diffuse reflection of sunlight from the external tank to determine the presence and thickness of ice. The purpose was to investigate the feasibility of this approach. A near-infrared spectrophotometer was used to record spectra of ice. It was determined that the optimum frequencies for monitoring the ice films were 1.03 and 1.255 microns

    Characterization of the surfaces of platinum/tin oxide based catalysts by Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR)

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    The Laser Atmospheric Wind Sounder (LAWS) Program has as one of its goals the development of a satellite based carbon dioxide laser for making wind velocity measurements. The specifications for this laser include the requirement that the laser operate at a repetition rate of 10 Hertz continuously for three years. Earth-based carbon dioxide lasers can operate for only a short time on a single charge of gas because the lasing action causes the CO2 to break down into CO and O2. Therefore, earth-based CO2 lasers are generally operated in a flow through mode in which the spent gas is continually exhausted and fresh gas is continually added. For a satellite based system, however, a recirculation system is desired because it is not practical to send up extra tanks of CO2. A catalyst which could enable a recirculating CO2 laser to function continuously for three years needs to be developed. In the development of a catalyst system there are many variables. Obviously, not all possible formulations can be tested for three years, therefore, an accurate model which is based on the reaction mechanism is needed. The construction of a multistep reaction mechanism is similar to the construction of a jigsaw puzzle. Different techniques each supply a piece of the puzzle and the researcher must put the pieces together. Transmission infrared spectroscopy was shown to be very useful in supplying some of the information needed to elucidate reaction mechanisms. The purpose was to see what kind of information might be obtained about the NASA catalyst using infrared absorption spectroscopy. Approximately 200 infrared spectra of the prototype Pt/tin oxide catalyst and its precursor components are observed under a variety of different conditions. The most significant observations are summarized

    Development of an in vitro drug sensitivity assay for Trichuris muris first-stage larvae

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    Trichuriasis represents a major public health problem in the developing world and is regarded as a neglected disease. Albendazole and mebendazole, the two drugs of choice against trichuriasis display only moderate cure rates, hence alternative drugs are needed. To identify candidate compounds, in vitro drug sensitivity testing currently relies on the adult Trichuris muris motility assay. The objective of the present study was to develop a simple and cost-effective drug sensitivity assay using Trichuris muris first-stage larvae (L1).; Several potential triggers that induce hatching of T. muris were studied, including gastrointestinal enzymes, acidic environment and intestinal microflora. Next, optimal culture conditions for T. muris L1 were determined assessing a wide range of culture media. T. muris L1 were incubated in the presence of mebendazole, ivermectin, nitazoxanide, levamisole or oxantel pamoate at 37°C. The viability of the parasites was evaluated microscopically after 24 hours. The usefulness of fluorescent markers (resazurin, calcein AM, ethidium homodimer-1 or fluorescein-conjugated albumin) in drug sensitivity testing was also assessed.; The established L1 motility assay provided accurate and reproducible drug effect data in vitro. IC50 values for oxantel pamoate, levamisole and nitazoxanide were 0.05, 1.75 and 4.43 μg/mL, respectively. Mebendazole and ivermectin failed to show any trichuricidal effect on L1. No correlation was found between data from the four fluorescent markers and the comparative motility assay.; The motility assay based on L1 was found suitable for drug sensitivity screening. It is rather simple, cost-effective, time-saving and sustains medium-throughput testing. Furthermore, it greatly reduces the need for the animal host and is therefore more ethical. None of the viability markers assessed in this study were found to be satisfactory

    Viral Load Monitoring of Antiretroviral Therapy, cohort viral load and HIV transmission in Southern Africa: A Mathematical Modelling Analysis

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    In low-income settings, treatment failure is often identified using CD4 cell count monitoring. Consequently, patients remain on a failing regimen, resulting in a higher risk of transmission. We investigated the benefit of routine viral load monitoring for reducing HIV transmission
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