634 research outputs found

    Akadeemiliste kliiniliste ravimiuuringute korraldamine Eestis on takistatud

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    Eesti Arst 2012; 91(9):460–46

    Inimuuringud arstiteaduses – isikuandmete töötlemise põhimõtted

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    Eesti Arst 2022; 101(9):472–47

    Meditsiinilisest veast teatamine patsiendile

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    Eesti Arst 2016; 95(8):553–55

    Bread, milk and a Tattslotto ticket: the interpretive repertoires of young adult gambling in Australia

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    The discourse of Australian young adults who gamble regularly was analysed to explore key dilemmas and challenges of a generation who grew up with the positive and negative impacts of gambling advertisements. Qualitative interviews of seven young recreational gamblers who regularly frequent gaming machine venues were conducted. The discourse that they used to describe their gambling involvement, motivation, development and subjective views were analysed and three central repertoires: ‘Culture not self,’ ‘If it makes you happy,’ and ‘No problem here!’ were identified. The current findings demonstrate the participants’ attempts to understand and legitimise their gambling. Further, it was suggested that young adults face a series of dilemmas when deciding whether to gamble and to what extent they gamble. Their discourse highlights the tension between individual agency, societal expectations and familial influence. The respondents primarily gambled for social reasons in a manner which they perceived as culturally acceptable. The importance of harm minimization and public awareness campaigns directed at young adults was also discussed

    Senior gambling in Hong Kong: Through the lenses of Chinese senior gamblers - an exploratory study

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    The meanings of gambling among senior gamblers in Hong Kong were investigated using semi-structured interviews based on an ethnographic approach. 18 senior gamblers (10 men; 8 women) over the age of 55 years were asked to describe their childhood, adolescent and early adult experience and developmental history of gambling and gambling trajectories. They also completed the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) of the Canadian Problem Gambling Index. Most senior gamblers (n = 15) were non-problem gamblers, except 3 participants who were classified as pathological gamblers. The majority of the senior gamblers began their lifelong gambling career when they were young. Their family members often introduced the participants to gambling. Some participants reported that an early big win was a focal memorable experience in their early gambling history. Women played mahjong most frequently, whereas men gambled on horse races and sports betting such as football lotteries. The main motivation of gambling for older adult women was socialisation with friends, whereas older adult men were motivated to gamble because of potential financial gain. To senior women, games of mahjong with friends have provided an oasis and a comfort zone, within which they can find peace and comfort away from hustles of daily life. Cultural conditions in Hong Kong and their link to senior gambling have been also discussed

    Journey to Success: A co-curricular pathway aimed toward the development of the whole person for emerging leaders in the Franciscan tradition (Mission Award Winner)

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    Siena College recently embarked on a new strategic plan: Tradition. Transformed. 2017 - 2022. One of the five goals is Distinctive Value; Enhance our value and brand and broadcast to all stakeholders while maximizing our Franciscan, liberal arts advantage. During this time, the college also developed five core values, one of which is compassionate leadership: We lead by putting others first, through our commitment to social justice, service with others, and concern for the poor and vulnerable. A college-wide tactic under Distinctive Value is to implement delivery of programs through student activities to advance the development of the whole person. Our division enthusiastically responded with the following key action: Create an integrated programming model for the development of the whole person based upon six pillars. This session will review our process and journey to success

    Worker Wellbeing in Malaysia: Prediction of Wellbeing from Psychosocial Work Environment, Organizational Justice and Work Family Conflict

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    The current study investigates if psychosocial work environment, organizational justice and work family conflict predict Malaysian workers’ wellbeing. The current study expands previous research by assessing wellbeing using composite measures of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, positive affect and negative affect as well as job affective wellbeing, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. One thousand one hundred and sixty five Malaysian workers in the manufacturing sector (551 men, 614 women, age range: 18-59 years) answered questionnaires. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that psychosocial work environment, organizational justice and work family conflict predicted wellbeing. With regard to ethnic and cultural differences in wellbeing, Indian-Malaysians reported significantly higher levels of wellbeing compared to Malays. However, Chinese-Malaysians were not different from Indian-Malaysians or Malays. There was no significant gender difference on wellbeing. The interpretation of this cultural difference requires caution due to the small number of Indian-Malaysians in the sample

    Real time data acquisition of commercial microwave link networks for hydrometeorological applications

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    The usage of data from commercial microwave link (CML) networks for scientific purposes is becoming increasingly popular, in particular for rain rate estimation. However, data acquisition and availability is still a crucial problem and limits research possibilities. To overcome this issue, we have developed an open source data acquisition system based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). It is able to record transmitted- and received signal levels of a large number of CMLs simultaneously with a temporal resolution of up to one second. We operate this system at Ericsson Germany, acquiring data from 450 CMLs with minutely real time transfer to our data base. Our data acquisition system is not limited to a particular CML hardware model or manufacturer, though. We demonstrate this by running the same system for CMLs of a different manufacturer, operated by an alpine skiing resort in Germany. There, the data acquisition is running simultaneously for four CMLs with a temporal resolution of one second. We present an overview of our system, describe the details of the necessary SNMP requests and show results from its operational application
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