104 research outputs found


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    Ant fauna of Tottori Prefecture,Honshu,Japan

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    野外採集と文献記録にもとづき、鳥取県のアリ類(膜翅目アリ科)の全種リストを作成した。その結果、鳥取県から今回初めて記録される31種を含む76種の生息が確認された。この種類は中国地方5県と兵庫県を合わせた6県中、広島県の94種に次いで多い。分布上、あるいは分類学的に注目される数種について、若干のコメントを加えた。鳥取市久松山では本リストの3分の2にあたる47種の生息が確認された。この中には全国的に採集記録の少ないカドネポソアリも含まれる。良好な照葉樹林と開けた城址公園の存在が当地点での種類の豊富さに関わっていると考えられる。Ant fauna of Tottori Prefecture, western Honshu in Japan, was investigated by field and literature surveys. As a result, a total of 76 species of ants, including 31 unrecorded species, were enumerated excluding several unidentified species collected from field surveys.Some comments are made to several species that are interesting from the points of ditridution and taxonomy. A total of 47 species, which represent two thirds of the total number of species recorded,were collected from Mt.Kyusho, Tottori City. They include a relatively rare species Temnothrax koreanus Teranishi that well-conserved evergreen broad leaved forests and a catsle ruin now utilized as a park reside may contribute to the the abundance of species

    Estruturas de comunidades de animais de solo e sobrevivência dos caracóis terrestres numa ilha do Arquipélago Ogasawara

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    On Chichijima, one of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands located in the Western Pacific Ocean, land snails have declined, the suggested cause being predation pressure by an invasive flatworm (Platydemus manokwari). Soil fauna were investigated in areas where the snail survives, and where it has become extinct. Much of the fauna, dominated by introduced earthworms and ants, was undiminished, however, one undescribed but endemic carabid (Badister sp.), which selectively feeds on land snails, was absent in snail-extinct areas. The invasive flatworm P. manokwari has been reported to feed also on the carcasses of earthworms, as well as on live snails, and is therefore expected to occur in most parts of Chichijima Island. Among other groups, the density of isopods (also dominated by exotic species) was very low, in comparison with the reported ones 30 years ago. Community structure is currently reflected by dominance of earthworms and ants, decline of endemic isopods, and a high frequency of introduced or alien species.Em Chichijima, uma das ilhas do Arquipélago Ogasawara (Bonin), localizado no Oceano Pacífico Ocidental, o número de caracóis terrestres diminuiu, e a causa provável é a predação por uma planária invasora (Platydemus manokwari). A fauna edáfica foi avaliada nas áreas onde o caracol sobreviveu e onde se extinguiu. Grande parte da fauna, dominada inicialmente por minhocas e formigas, não diminuiu; contudo, um carabídeo endêmico e não descrito (Badister sp.), que se alimenta de caracóis terrestres, não estava presente nas áreas em que o caracol foi extinto. Sabe-se que a planária invasiva P. manokwari se alimenta não só das carcaças das minhocas, mas também de caracóis vivos, e por isso habita a maior parte da Ilha Chichijima. Entre outros grupos, a densidade de isópodos (também dominados por espécies exóticas) foi muita baixa, em comparação aos relatos feitos 30 anos antes. A estrutura da comunidade é refletida atualmente pela dominância de minhocas e formigas, declínio de isópodos endêmicos, e uma alta frequência de espécies introduzidas ou exóticas


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    本研究は、看護基礎教育におけるプレパレーションに関する文献を検討し、現状と課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。医学中央雑誌で「プレパレーション」「教育」をキーワードに過去10 年間の論文を検索し14 文献を対象とした。分析の結果、プレパレーション教育は講義、演習、実習、またそれらを組み合せ教授されていた。学生は、講義でプレパレーションの意義と方法、演習では設定された事例に身を置くことで子どもの特性やプレパレーションの工夫等を学んでいた。実習では、患児との関わりで心を突き動かされ、看護の価値を実感していた。学生は、身体を通した学びを得ていたと考えられ、学生が自身で問い、感じ、考えることができる授業が重要であることが示唆された。また、教員は学生の内側で起こっている体験を不断に知ろうとする努力が必要である。さらに、プレパレーション教育は小児看護の重要な要素を学ぶ教育として位置づけられると考える

    スマートフォン ト インターネット オ モチイタ トクシマ ケンリツ カイフ ビョウイン エンカク イリョウ シエン システム k-support ノ ドウニュウ

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    Because a specialist in general medical treatment lacked the Kaifu area of South Tokushima absolutely, we forced a limited doctor to many burdens and performed medical treatment while I always carried risks on my back for the disease except the specialty domain. A stroke specialist in particular is an absent medical depopulated area, and it is difficult to perform the rt-PA IV therapy that is a standard therapy for a stroke for the immediate nature period. Using remote video diagnosis treatment supporting system SYNAPSE ERm that was the smartphone application that FUJIFILM developed for the purpose of canceling these, we introduced smartphone and Tokushima Prefectural Kaifu Hospital remoteness medical treatment support system (k-support) by the Internet as area medical treatment support in February, 2013. This system can provide image information and patient information such as CT or the MRI to a tablet phone and the smartphone of Tokushima Prefectural Kaifu Hospital full-time employment doctors and the doctors who support it, and work in a House in real time. In other words, we can obtain necessary information without asking the when and where and can send appropriate instructions, advice to the Tokushima Prefectural Kaifu Hospital medical attendant from a specialist for it. After introduction, the treatment with this system in 58 emergency patients was carried out in seven months until August 31. The example letting the wide area present the smartphone such as this system and a remote medical treatment support system using the Internet in the medical depopulated area is the first trial in this country

    Maternal Awareness and Involvement in Early Childhood Home Education about Life and Death

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    本研究の目的は、幼児の母親を対象に、家庭でのいのちの教育に対する母親の意識と子どもへの関わりについて明らかにすることである。研究方法は、関東圏在住の母親8人に、60分程度の半構成的面接を行った。その結果、【混在する死のイメージと捉え方の変化】【幼少期からの死に関する体験】【妊娠・出産で深まったいのちや生に対する意識】【妊娠・出産を通して児から感じるいのちの存在】【妊娠・出産を通したいのちの教育】【子どもの成長や保育園に合わせた関わり】【生き物を通した夫婦での補完的な関わり】の7のカテゴリー、22のサブカテゴリーを抽出した。母親自身が、いのちの教育への意識が乏しく機会がないと感じながらも、妊娠・出産でいのちや生に対する意識が深まり、いのちの大切さを伝えたいと考えていた。また、妊娠・出産時から子どもに意図的に関わり、保育園でのいのちの教育を活かし、夫婦で子どもに関わっていた。departmental bulletin pape

    Phosphorylation of estrogen receptor α serine 167 is predictive of response to endocrine therapy and increases postrelapse survival in metastatic breast cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: Endocrine therapy is the most important treatment option for women with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. The potential mechanisms for endocrine resistance involve estrogen receptor (ER)-coregulatory proteins and crosstalk between ER and other growth factor signaling networks. However, the factors and pathways responsible for endocrine resistance are still poorly identified. METHODS: Using immunohistochemical techniques, we focused on the expression and phosphorylation of hormone receptors themselves and examined the phosphorylation of ER-α Ser118 and ER-α Ser167 and the expression of ER-α, ER-β1, ER-βcx/β2, progesterone receptor (PR), PRA, and PRB in the primary breast carcinomas of 75 patients with metastatic breast cancer who received first-line treatment with endocrine therapy after relapse. RESULTS: Phosphorylation of ER-α Ser118, but not Ser167, was positively associated with overexpression of HER2, and HER2-positive tumors showed resistance to endocrine therapy. The present study has shown for the first time that phosphorylation of ER-α Ser167, but not Ser118, and expression of PRA and PRB, as well as ER-α and PR in primary breast tumors are predictive of response to endocrine therapy, whereas expression of ER-β1 and ER-βcx/β2 did not affect response to the therapy. In addition, patients with either high phosphorylation of ER-α Ser167, or high expression of ER-α, PR, PRA, or PRB had a significantly longer survival after relapse. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that phosphorylation of ER-α Ser167 is helpful in selecting patients who may benefit from endocrine therapy and is a prognostic marker in metastatic breast cancer

    COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against severe COVID-19 requiring oxygen therapy, invasive mechanical ventilation, and death in Japan: A multicenter case-control study (MOTIVATE study).

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    INTRODUCTION: Since the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant became dominant, assessing COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against severe disease using hospitalization as an outcome became more challenging due to incidental infections via admission screening and variable admission criteria, resulting in a wide range of estimates. To address this, the World Health Organization (WHO) guidance recommends the use of outcomes that are more specific to severe pneumonia such as oxygen use and mechanical ventilation. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in 24 hospitals in Japan for the Delta-dominant period (August-November 2021; "Delta") and early Omicron (BA.1/BA.2)-dominant period (January-June 2022; "Omicron"). Detailed chart review/interviews were conducted in January-May 2023. VE was measured using various outcomes including disease requiring oxygen therapy, disease requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), death, outcome restricting to "true" severe COVID-19 (where oxygen requirement is due to COVID-19 rather than another condition(s)), and progression from oxygen use to IMV or death among COVID-19 patients. RESULTS: The analysis included 2125 individuals with respiratory failure (1608 cases [75.7%]; 99.2% of vaccinees received mRNA vaccines). During Delta, 2 doses provided high protection for up to 6 months (oxygen requirement: 95.2% [95% CI:88.7-98.0%] [restricted to "true" severe COVID-19: 95.5% {89.3-98.1%}]; IMV: 99.6% [97.3-99.9%]; fatal: 98.6% [92.3-99.7%]). During Omicron, 3 doses provided high protection for up to 6 months (oxygen requirement: 85.5% [68.8-93.3%] ["true" severe COVID-19: 88.1% {73.6-94.7%}]; IMV: 97.9% [85.9-99.7%]; fatal: 99.6% [95.2-99.97]). There was a trend towards higher VE for more severe and specific outcomes. CONCLUSION: Multiple outcomes pointed towards high protection of 2 doses during Delta and 3 doses during Omicron. These results demonstrate the importance of using severe and specific outcomes to accurately measure VE against severe COVID-19, as recommended in WHO guidance in settings of intense transmission as seen during Omicron