31 research outputs found

    Distal gastrectomy via minilaparotomy for non-overweight patients with T1N0-1 gastric cancer: Initial experience of 30 cases

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    AbstractMinilaparotomy is considered to be a useful treatment alternative to laparoscopic-assisted surgery from the viewpoint of minimal invasiveness, although it has several limitations for the resection of malignant tumors. We evaluated the usefulness of distal gastrectomy via minilaparotomy for non-overweight patients with clinically diagnosed T1N0-1 gastric cancer. Clinicopathological and surgical data on 30 patients attempted to undergo distal gastrectomy via minilaparotomy (skin incision, ≀7cm) without laparoscopic assistance were analyzed. Inclusion criteria were clinically (preoperatively) diagnosed T1N0-1 gastric cancer that was not suitable for endoscopic mucosal resection located in the middle- or lower-third of the stomach and the patient body mass index ≀ 25.0 kg/m2. The minilaparotomy approach was successful in 27 patients (90%), while laparoscopic assistance was required to accomplish the procedures in three patients (10%). The type of lymph node dissection was D1 + α in 23 patients and D1 + ÎČ in 7 patients. The duration of surgery was 105–170 min (median, 143.5 min) and blood loss was 25–520 mL (median, 152.5 mL). Pathological stage was stage IA in 26 patients, IB in two patients, and stage II in two patients. Postoperative complications were wound infection in one patient, bleeding in one patient, and anastomotic ulcer in one patient. The length of postoperative stay was 7–41 (median, 11) days. With a median follow-up of 31 months, there was no recurrence. Distal gastrectomy via minilaparotomy seems feasible and safe in the majority of non-overweight patients with clinically diagnosed T1N0 gastric cancer

    Two Cases of Keratosis Punctata Palmaris et Plantaris.

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    Functional analysis of meiosis-related factors in ES cells

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    Low-power gesture sensors offer users a simple way to interact with technology using basic everyday gestures, making the interaction between humans and technology more natural. The various technologies used in these sensors along with the different features offered by each one make it difficult for companies and researchers to compare them in order to choose a sensor for any kind of a project. This thesis offers an insight into the different technologies used in low-power gesture sensors and provides a comprehensive and comparative performance evaluation of the most common types of low-power gesture sensors available in the market. Three of the mainly used technologies in these kinds of sensors i.e. infrared distance, time-of-flight and imaging, were chosen for testing. A further investigation was also carried out on the images obtained by the imaging sensor. The time-of-flight sensor offers very high accuracy of 99.3% and performs well at large distances but offers a very limited number of recognizable gestures. The Infrared distance sensor offers a bigger set of recognizable gestures but gives high accuracy only at small distances from the sensor. The imaging sensor offers a 98.9% accuracy and performs well at larger distances. However, due to its larger set of gestures it is prone to a higher number of incorrectly detected gestures. The image mode analysis of the imaging sensor shows how brightness of the surroundings affect the gesture detection capability of the sensor. The findings of this thesis can be used by any researcher to get an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of each sensor and choose one of them according to their requirements. The image mode analysis done in this thesis can be used as a base to implement better gesture detection algorithms and decrease the number of incorrectly detected gestures.Low power gesture sensors erbjuder anvĂ€ndaren ett enkelt sĂ€tt att anvĂ€nda teknologi genom enkla rörelser, sĂ„ att samverkan mellan mĂ€nniskor och teknologi blir naturligare. De olika teknologiska teknikerna som anvĂ€nds i dessa sensorer och de olika funktioner som var och en av dem kan erbjuda gör det svĂ„rt för företag och forskare att jĂ€mföra dem för att kunna vĂ€lja en sensor för ett visst Ă€ndamĂ„l. Denna tesis erbjuder en kĂ€nnedom om de olika teknologiska tekniker som anvĂ€nds i low power gesture sensors och utgör en förstĂ„elig och en jĂ€mförelig uppskattning av effektiviteten av de vanligaste low power sensors som finns pĂ„ marknaden. Tre av de mest anvĂ€nda teknologierna i dessa sensorer till exempel infrared distance, time-offlight och imaging valdes att testas. En vidare undersökning gjordes ocksĂ„ av bilder tagna av en imaging sensor. Time-of–flight sensorerna erbjuder en mycket hög precision pĂ„ 99,3% och fungerar bra pĂ„ lĂ„nga avstĂ„nd men fungerar dock endast med ett begrĂ€nsat antal igenkĂ€nnliga rörelser. De infrared distance sensors erbjuder ett större antal igenkĂ€nnliga rörelser men fungerar med hög precision bara pĂ„ avstĂ„nd nĂ€ra sensorn. Imaging sensorerna erbjuder precision pĂ„ 98,9 % och fungerar bra pĂ„ lĂ„nga avstĂ„nd. PĂ„ grund av att de anvĂ€nds med flera olika rörelser brukar de uppfatta dessa felaktigt. Analysen av bilderna frĂąn bildsensorn visar hur ljuset i omgivningen pĂąverkar sensorns förmĂąga att uppfatta bilderna. Resultaten i denna tesis kan anvĂ€ndas av olika forskare för att fĂ„ en uppfattning om de olika sensorernas för- och nackdelar och för att lĂ€ttare kunna vĂ€lja en för ett visst behov. Image mode-analysen som gjorts i denna tesis kan anvĂ€ndas som bas för att för bĂ€ttre rörelse detekterade algoritmer och minska antalet feldetekterade rörelser

    Usefulness of sennoside as an agent for mechanical bowel preparation prior to elective colon cancer surgery

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    We retrospectively evaluated the usefulness of sennoside as an agent for mechanical bowel preparation prior to elective colon cancer surgery. A total of 86 patients were given 12 mg of sennoside on the evening prior to resective surgery for colon cancer, followed by intravenous antimicrobial prophylaxis used on the day of surgery or until postoperative day 2. The incidence of surgical site infection in the study group was 4.7%, which was comparable to that in the historical control patients (3.5%, p > 0.99), who had received polyethylene glycol for mechanical bowel preparation prior to colon surgery. On multivariate logistic regression analysis, only body mass index (p = 0.04) was an independent significant factor affecting the surgical site infection. The intraoperative spillage was not influenced by the presence of stenosis, although the amount of fecal matter was higher in the upstream colon segment (p < 0.01) and downstream segment (p = 0.07) in patients with a stenotic lesion occupying more than two-thirds of the lumen (n = 29) than in those without such severe stenosis (n = 57). Sennoside seems to be an acceptable agent for mechanical bowel preparation even in patients with stenosis