220 research outputs found

    How learners learn Japanese: The method for collecting data on Japanese language usage in the post-corona era

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    application/pdf国立国語研究所Considering that the purpose of Japanese language pedagogy is to help learners acquire and support their Japanese proficiency, Japanese language pedagogy requires learner corpora, which is the material for analyzing the acquisition process learners acquire Japanese language skills. However, it became impossible to collect the learner materials necessary for constructing the learner corpora. This is because the global outbreak of the new coronavirus has made it difficult to conduct field surveys of overseas learners in JFL environments and face-to-face surveys of international students in Japan who study in JSL environments. Therefore, instead of conducting field and face-to-face surveys, this paper introduces the method for collecting composition corpora, conversation corpora, and seminar discourse corpora, which are collected using the online environment. Even if the corona comes to an end, it is unlikely that online communication will decline in the future. Rather, in the post-Corona era, it will be important to accumulate data on learners' use of Japanese in online communication. In this sense, trial and error in survey methods utilizing the online environment and the sharing of information on survey methods among researchers are expected to be keys to the development of Japanese language pedagogy.日本語教育の目的が学習者による日本語運用力の獲得にあり、日本語教育学の目的がその獲得を支援する日本語習得支援研究であると考えると、日本語教育学では、学習者が日本語という言語をどのように身につけていくのか、その習得過程を記述・分析する基礎資料、すなわち学習者コーパスの構築が必要になる。ところが、新型コロナウィルス感染症の世界的流行により、JFL 環境で学ぶ海外の学習者のもとを訪れての現地調査も、JSL 環境で学ぶ国内の留学生との対面調査も困難になってしまった。そこで、本稿では、現地調査や対面調査を行うかわりに、オンライン環境を活用して収集する作文コーパス、会話コーパス、ゼミ談話コーパスの収集法を紹介した。たとえコロナが終息したとしても、パンデミックの状況下で急速に発展したオンライン・コミュニケーションが今後衰退化することは考えにくく、むしろポストコロナ時代にあっては、オンライン・コミュニケーションにおける学習者の日本語運用のデータ蓄積が重要になる。その意味でも、本稿で示したようなオンライン環境を活用した調査法の試行錯誤と研究者間での情報共有が、日本語教育学の発展のカギとなると見込まれる。journal articl

    日本語学習者の作文執筆修正過程 : 中国人学習者と韓国人学習者の修正の位置と種類の分析から

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    国立国語研究所 研究系 日本語教育研究領域 非常勤研究員国立国語研究所 研究系 日本語教育研究領域Adjunct Researcher, JSL Research Division, Research Department, NINJALJSL Research Division, Research Department, NINJAL本研究は,日本語学習者の大学生が作文を執筆する際に,どの部分をどのように修正しているかを明らかにすることを目的として,パソコンを用いて執筆した2,000字程度の作文の執筆過程を分析したものである。執筆中にEnterキー,Deleteキーなどを押した箇所を記録し,その記録を基に,修正の位置と種類のタグ付けを行った。分析対象とした作文は,中国人日本語学習者,韓国人日本語学習者,日本語母語話者の大学生各20名が書いた説明文,意見文,歴史文の3種,合計180本である。まず,「①修正数」は,韓国人学習者,中国人学習者,母語話者の順に多かった。次に,「②修正の種類」は,3グループともに,多い順から「変更」「挿入」「削除」「反復」「移動」であり,いったん入力した表現を消して打ち直す修正がもっとも多いことがわかった。各修正の割合は,中国人学習者と母語話者が似た傾向を示し,韓国人学習者は「挿入」と「反復」が多いという特徴が見られた。さらに,「③修正の位置」は,中国人学習者は執筆中の作文の文字列の先端部分である「先頭部」を修正する「入力」が多かったのに対して,韓国人学習者は先頭部がある段落とは別の段落を修正する「段落外」が多かった。母語話者は,他のグループよりも,先頭部を含む文の中を修正する「文内」の割合が高かった。また,「②修正の種類」「③修正の位置」とは別に,ある箇所を修正した後,先頭部に戻らずに続けて別の箇所の修正を行った部分に「推敲」というタグを付けて集計したところ,韓国人学習者の修正の半数近くが「推敲」であり,「推敲」が約30%の中国人学習者,約20%の母語話者よりも割合が高かった。以上より,母語話者は,入力中の先頭部の文節だけでなく,その文節を含む文の範囲を考慮に入れながら修正を行う一方,複数箇所の修正を連続で行うことは少ない,韓国人学習者は,作文をある程度書き進めてから,書き終わった段落を中心に修正し,複数箇所を続けて修正することが多い,中国人学習者は,入力中の文の先頭部を中心に修正しながら執筆していることが明らかになった。With the intention of understanding where and how university students who are learning Japanese revise their writings, this study analyzes the writing process of 2000-character long essays written by students using their personal computers. The parts for which the enter key and delete key were pressed during writing were recorded. Based on the record, the positions and types of revisions were tagged. A total of 180 essays were analyzed, which were categorized into three types (explanatory, opinionative, and historical) and written by 20 Chinese (CN) students learning Japanese, 20 Korean (KR) students learning Japanese, and 20 students who were native speakers of Japanese (JP). The largest “1. Number of revisions” was made by KR, followed by CN and JP in that order. Next, “2. Type of revisions” made in common by all three groups was “Alter,” “Insert,” “Delete,” “Repeat,” and “Move” in descending order. This indicates that the most frequent revision is to alter (i.e., delete an expression that was once entered and re-enter another). The proportion of each revision was similar between CN and JP students, while KR students made frequent “Insert” and “Repeat” revisions. Depending on the group, “3. Position of revisions” varied. CN students made frequent “Enter,” which means making revisions to the “Head” (the most recently entered part of the string currently being written) while writing the string. KR students made frequent revisions to “Outside paragraph,” which means making revisions to a paragraph other than the paragraph currently being written. Compared with those two groups, JP students made more frequent revisions to “Inside sentence,” which means making revisions to the sentence currently being written. Besides “2. Type of revisions” and “3. Position of revisions,” “Elaboration” tags were also calculated. Such tags were also given to a section where they revised a part and subsequently revised another part in a row without returning to the head. Then, nearly 50% of the revisions by KR students were “Elaboration,” which was higher in proportion than “Elaboration” by CN and JP students, which were approximately 30% and 20%, respectively. The study indicates the following: When making revisions, JP students consider not only the segments they are currently entering but also the scope of the sentence beyond the segment, while they do not make many consecutive revisions to multiple parts; KR students write a certain amount first and then focus on revising the paragraphs they have written; and CN students write while mainly revising the head of theirwritings

    日本語学習者の作文執筆過程における自己修正理由 : 上級中国人学習者,上級韓国人学習者,日本語母語話者の作文の比較から

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    国立国語研究所 研究系 日本語教育研究領域 非常勤研究員国立国語研究所 研究系 日本語教育研究領域Adjunct Researcher, JSL Research Division, Research Department, NINJALJSL Research Division, Research Department, NINJAL本研究は,日本語学習者が作文を執筆する際に,なぜ修正するのかという自己修正の理由を明らかにすることを目的に,中国語,韓国語を母語とする上級日本語学習者,および日本語母語話者の大学生各20名がパソコンを用いて執筆した説明文,意見文,歴史文の3種,2,000字程度の作文,計180本の執筆過程を分析した。分析の結果,まず,「修正の理由」の全体的な傾向として,日本語母語話者は,適切な表現の選定に重きを置き,文章全体の展開も見据えた修正を行っていた。一方,韓国人学習者は,既出の表現を豊かにすることを重視し,同時に文章の全体構成に意識を向けて修正していた。そして,中国人学習者は,入力操作や文法の間違いを直すために局部的な表現に着目して修正する傾向にあった。また,ジャンル別に「修正の理由」の特徴を見たところ,日本語母語話者は説明文,意見文,歴史文といったジャンルの影響を受けないのに対し,日本語学習者はいずれも書きにくいジャンルの影響を強く受けることがわかった。さらに,母語別に「修正の理由」の特徴を見たところ,日本語母語話者は,①節レベルでの表現の選択,②文の先の展開を考えた文入力途中での文法の修正,③先行文脈との対応を考えた前後の表現調整,④文章全体から後続の流れを考えた展開の変更といった特徴が見られ,韓国人学習者は,①読点の入力や削除による試行錯誤,②表現の豊饒化による意図の明確化,③文よりも大きい段落単位での修正といった特徴が見られた。そして,中国人学習者は,①句点に注目した調整,②語句単位の短い表現に対する修正,③既出の文内の述語にあわせた係り受けの修正,④文単位での修飾や移動の修正といった特徴が見られた。To understand why university students learning Japanese self-revise their writing, this study analyzed their writing process in 2000-character-long essays by recording presses of the enter key and the delete key. The revisions were graded according to intention based on this record. A total of 180 essays were analyzed. The essays were categorized according to style (explanatory, opinionative, or historical) and the nationality of the students (20 Chinese, 20 Korean, and 20 native Japanese speakers). The native speakers tended to focus on selecting appropriate expressions and expanding at the sentence level, the Korean students tended to emphasize enriching existing expressions and corrected themselves with regard to the overall composition of sentences, and the Chinese students tended to focus on local expressions in order to correct mistakes in input and grammar. The native speakers\u27 revisions consisted of (1) selecting expressions at the clause level, (2) correcting grammar in the middle of a sentence while expanding the preceding sentence, (3) adjusting expressions in light of the preceding context, and (4) revising wording based on the flow of the entire sentence. The Korean students\u27 revisions comprised (1) trial and error due to input and deletion, (2) clarification of intent by expanding expressions, and (3) correction by paragraph units. Finally, the Chinese students’ revisions were characterized by (1) adjustment of phrases, (2) revision of short expressions, (3) revision according to predicate dependency, and (4) revision and movement of sentences

    Utility of a Computed Tomography-Based Navigation System (O-Arm) for Partial Vertebrectomy for Lung Cancer Adjacent to the Thoracic Spine: Technical Case Report

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    We describe successful vertebrectomy from a posterior approach using a computed tomography (CT)-based navigation system (O-arm) in a 53-year-old man with adenocarcinoma of the posterior apex of the right lung with invasion of the adjacent rib, thoracic wall, and T2 and T3 vertebral bodies. En bloc partial vertebrectomy for lung cancer adjacent to the thoracic spine was planned using O-arm. First, laminectomy was performed from right T2 to T3, and pedicles and transverse processes of T2 to T3 were resected. O-arm was used to confirm the location of the cutting edge in the T2 to 3 right vertebral internal body, and osteotomy to the anterior cortex was performed with a chisel. Next, the patient was placed in a left decubitus position. The surgical specimen was extracted en bloc. This case shows that O-arm can be used reliably and easily in vertebrectomy from a posterior approach and can facilitate en bloc resection

    The Development of the ‘Simple Japanese Test’ for the use in Japanese Language Education and Research : With a focus on the development process and item analysis results

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    application/pdf東京都立大学城西大学国立国語研究所Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityJosai UniversityNational Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsIn this study, we developed the ‘Simple Japanese Test’ for the use in Japanese language education and research, which can be used stably in various environments, is easy to operate, and can be administered without placing too much burden on learners. It is a computer-based web test and has two types: ‘Vocabulary’ and ‘Grammar’. Each test is in a four-way multiple-choice format, with a total of 60 questions, divided into four levels. The time limit was 30 minutes for each. In developing these tests, a trial study was conducted with 80 and 72 questions in each test. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, an indicator of internal consistency, was 0.945 for vocabulary and 0.951 for grammar, both of which were found to be highly reliable. Item analysis was also conducted, and the questions were refined based on item difficulty, item discrimination power index, choice rate and G-P analysis chart to prepare the test for practical use.journal articl

    Oxygen-diffusion-driven oxidation behavior and tracking areas visualized by X-ray spectro-ptychography with unsupervised learning

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    Cerium–zirconium solids are key materials in heterogeneous catalysis but understanding oxygen storage and diffusion in bulk samples is a challenge. Here the authors use three-dimensional hard X-ray spectro-ptychography and unsupervised learning to achieve nanoscale chemical imaging of reaction events