5,046 research outputs found

    Bankruptcy and Collateral in Debt Constrained Markets

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    Typical models of bankruptcy and collateral rely on incomplete asset markets. In fact, bankruptcy and collateral add contingencies to asset markets. In some models, these contingencies can be used by consumers to achieve the same equilibrium allocations as in models with complete markets. In particular, the equilibrium allocation in the debt constrained model of Kehoe and Levine (2001) can be implemented in a model with bankruptcy and collateral. The equilibrium allocation is constrained efficient. Bankruptcy occurs when consumers receive low income shocks. The implementation of the debt constrained allocation in a model with bankruptcy and collateral is fragile in the sense of Leijonhufvud's "corridor of stability," however: If the environment changes, the equilibrium allocation is no longer constrained efficient.

    Bankruptcy and collateral in debt constrained markets

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    Typical models of bankruptcy and collateral rely on incomplete asset markets. In fact, bankruptcy and collateral add contingencies to asset markets. In some models, these contingencies can be used by consumers to achieve the same equilibrium allocations as in models with complete markets. In particular, the equilibrium allocation in the debt constrained model of Kehoe and Levine (2001) can be implemented in a model with bankruptcy and collateral. The equilibrium allocation is constrained efficient. Bankruptcy occurs when consumers receive low income shocks. The implementation of the debt constrained allocation in a model with bankruptcy and collateral is fragile in the sense of Leijonhufvud's "corridor of stability," however: If the environment changes, the equilibrium allocation is no longer constrained efficient.Bankruptcy ; Debt

    Dynamics of the trade balance and the terms of trade: the S-curve

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    We provide a theoretical interpretation of two features of international data: the countercyclical movements in net exports and the tendency for the trade balance to be negatively correlated with current and future movements in the terms of trade, but positively correlated with past movements. We document these same properties in a two-country stochastic growth model in which trade fluctuations reflect, in large part, the dynamics of capital formation. We find that the general equilibrium perspective is essential: The relation between the trade balance and the terms of trade depends critically on the source of fluctuations.Balance of trade

    Relative price movements in dynamic general equilibrium models of international trade

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    We examine the behavior of international relative prices from the perspective of dynamic general equilibrium theory, with particular emphasis on the variability of the terms of trade and the relation between the terms of trade and net exports. We highlight aspects of the theory that are critical in determining these properties, contrast our perspective with those associated with the Marshall-Lerner condition and the Harberger-Laursen-Metzler effect, and point out features of the data that have proved difficult to explain within existing dynamic general equilibrium models.International trade

    Predicting Medical Subject Headings Based on Abstract Similarity and Citations to MEDLINE Records

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    We describe a classifier-enhanced nearest neighbor approach to assigning Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to unlabeled documents using a combination of abstract similarities and direct citations to labeled MEDLINE records. The approach frames the classification problem by decomposing it into sets of siblings in the MeSH hierarchy (e.g., training a classifier for predicting "Heterocyclic Compounds, 2-Ring" vs. other "Heterocyclic Compounds"). Preliminary experiments using a small but diverse set of MeSH terms shows the highest performance when using both abstracts and citations compared to each alone, and coupled with a non-naive classifier: 90+% precision and recall with 10-fold cross-validation. NLM's Medical Text Indexer (MTI) tool achieves similar overall performance but varies more across the terms tested. For example, MTI performs better on "Heterocyclic Compounds, 2-Ring", while our approach performs better on Alzheimer Disease and Neuroimaging. Our approach can be applied broadly to documents with abstracts that are similar to (or cite) MEDLINE abstracts, which would help linking and searching across bibliographic databases beyond MEDLINE.Ope

    International evidence on the historical properties of business cycles

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    We document properties of business cycles in ten countries over the last hundred years, contrasting the behavior of real quantities with that of the price level and the stock of money. Although the magnitude of output fluctuations has varied across countries and periods, relations among variables have been remarkably uniform. Consumption has generally been about as variable as output, and investment substantially more variable, and both have been strongly procyclical. The trade balance has generally been countercyclical. The exception to this regularity is government purchases, which exhibit no systematic cyclical tendency. With respect to the size of output fluctuations, standard deviations are largest between the two world wars. In some countries (notably Australia and Canada) they are substantially larger prior to World War I than after World War II, but in others (notably Japan and the United Kingdom) there is little difference between these periods. Properties of price levels, in contrast, exhibit striking differences between periods. Inflation rates are more persistent after World War II than before, and price level fluctuations are typically procyclical before World War II, countercyclical afterward. We find no general tendency toward increased persistence in money growth rates, but find that fluctuations in money are less highly correlated with output in the postwar period.Business cycles

    CSF evidence of pericyte damage in Alzheimer's disease is associated with markers of blood-brain barrier dysfunction and disease pathology

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to assess the relationship between levels of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) marker of pericyte damage, soluble platelet-derived growth factor receptor β (sPDGFRβ) and CSF markers of blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity (CSF albumin and CSF/serum albumin ratio) and disease pathology (reduced CSF Aβ42 and elevated CSF total and phosphorylated tau) in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). METHODS: sPDGFRβ and albumin were measured by sandwich ELISA in ante-mortem CSF from 39 AD and 39 age-matched controls that were grouped according to their biomarker profile (i.e. AD cases t-tau > 400 pg/mL, p-tau > 60 pg/mL and Aβ42 < 550 pg/mL). sPDGFRβ was also measured in matched serum and CSF samples (n = 23) in a separate neurologically normal group for which the CSF/serum albumin ratio had been determined. RESULTS: CSF sPDGFRβ level was significantly increased in AD (p = 0.0038) and correlated positively with albumin (r = 0.45, p = 0.007), total tau (r = 0.50, p = 0.0017) and phosphorylated tau (r = 0.41, p = 0.013) in AD but not in controls. CSF sPDGFRβ did not correlate with Aβ42. Serum and CSF sPDGFRβ were positively correlated (r = 0.547, p = 0.0085) in the independent neurologically normal CSF/serum matched samples. CONCLUSIONS: We provide further evidence of an association between pericyte injury and BBB breakdown in AD and novel evidence that a CSF marker of pericyte injury is related to the severity of AD pathology
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