64 research outputs found

    Building 3D Lithofacies and Depositional Models Using Sequential Indicator Simulation (SISIM) Method: A Case History inWestern Niger Delta

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    Sequential indicator simulation algorithm is one of the popular stochastic simulation algorithms for reservoir geomodelling. It has been used to model delineated lithofacies and depofacies units within the OPO field, western Niger Delta. This simulation algorithm was chosen because of its ability to honour the well logs as local conditioning data using the global histogram, areal and vertical geological trends of the data, as well as the patterns of correlation. Three lithofacies were identified and modelled, namely sand, shaly sand and shale units. Vertical succession of the depositional facies within the field reveals five major facies which are basal shelf shale facies, heterolithic (sand–shale) facies, lower shoreface sand facies, upper shoreface sand facies and shoreface channel systems. The general environment of deposition is interpreted to be shoreline–shelf systems where the shoreface channel units, upper shoreface sand, lower shaly sand and heterolithic units constitute the parallic reservoir sequences, while the shale units within the shoreface and coastal environments act as potential source rocks and caprocks for hydrocarbon accumulation

    Seismic driven reservoir characterization, offshore Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    This paper presents the subsurface characterization by applying integrated three dimensional seismic attributes analysis on a 3D seismic dataset from OPO field, within the western Niger Delta basin. The volume attributes aimed at extracting features associated with hydrocarbon presence detection, net pay evaluation and porosity estimation for optima reservoir characterization. Neural network (NN) derived chimney properties prediction attribute was used to evaluate the integrity of the delineated structural traps. Common contour binning was employed for hydrocarbon prospect evaluation, while the Seismic coloured inversion was also applied for net pay evaluation. Amplitude anomalies were used to delineate bright spots and flat spots; good reservoirs in term of their porosity models, and fluid content and contacts (GOC & OWC) were identified in the area through common contour binning, seismic colour inversion and supervised NN classification

    Prospect Analysis and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Volume Estimation in an Exploration Field, Shallow Offshore Depobelt, Western Niger Delta, Nigeria

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    The daunting challenge in the exploration and production of oil and gas in the face of continual rise in the world’s energy consumption has long been how to economically recover bypassed reserves within existing assets. This research is focused on the analysis of prospects and volumetric estimation of the hydrocarbon reservoirs delineated within an exploratory field using 3D seismic data and suites of wireline logs. The prospectivity of the delineated reservoir was carried out using seismo-structural interpretation and formation evaluation towards the assessment of the prolific hydrocarbon occurrence within the field. The reservoirs have porosity (0.29–0.32) for H1, (0.20–0.31) for H2 and (0.30–0.40) for H3 and the average computed hydrocarbon saturation of (0.31–0.62) for H1, (0.16–0.52) for H2 and (0.64–0.73) for H3, hydrocarbon pore volume (HCPV) of 28,706.95, 33,081.2 and 45,731.49 barrels for H1, H2 and H3, respectively, while the estimated stock tank oil initially-in-place (STOIIP) range (136.8–140.73) MMSTB for H1, (36.77–489.64) MMSTB for H2 and (166.62–308.14) MMSTB for H3. The observed porosity and hydrocarbon saturation for the delineated reservoirs as well as the estimated hydrocarbon pore volume and storage total oil in place indicate that the reservoirs are highly prolific. The study has therefore contributed to the understanding of hydrocarbon resource potential within the study area

    Comparative Assessment between Provisional Sums in Private and Public Client Initiated Project in Nigeria

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    A project is an activity moderated and measured within its set cost, time and quality. Funding of projects is as important as the project itself. Most projects are either funded by taxpayer’s money (Public initiated projects) or from individual’s pockets (Private initiated projects). Abuja, the capital of Nigeria is still developing after more than 30 years of creation, as evident with the volume of construction projects on going within the city. Cost overrun in the Nigerian construction industry is fast becoming a very popular occurrence especially in Abuja. This paper aims to conduct a comparative assessment of provisional sums in public and private client initiated projects in Abuja in a view to proffer solutions to the plague of cost and time overrun in construction projects. 50 structured questionnaires were administered to property developers and only 36 were eventually retrieved and employed for data analysis. The data was analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and frequency distribution table. Findings revealed that the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) between the two groups indicates that p<0.03 meaning that significant difference exist between the percentage differences of provisional sum in a private initiated project and public initiated project. It was also discovered that the Federal, State, and Local tiers of government are the biggest funders of public initiated projects while individuals; banks and churches are the biggest funders of private initiated projects. . The paper concluded that bureaucratic bottlenecks, corruption amongst other factors is responsible for fewer developers in public initiated projects. Government must reduce corruption, operational lapses and promote project continuity to reduce the number of abandoned projects and ensure qualitative delivery. Recommendations include that projects should be awarded and executed as soon as they are tendered to reduce the effect of inflation between tender time and project execution. Keywords: Provisional Sum, Private Initiated Project, Public Initiated Project, Cost, Funding

    Influence of knowledge of spousal fertility cycles on male reproductive health participation in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Despite the established roles and influence of men on women‟s uptake and utilization of reproductive health care interventions, the degree of involvement with intimate issues within the household which could help to understand male involvement and support remains an under-researched topic. The aim of this study was to investigate the degree of involvement at the family level of men within sub-urban communities of Ibadan in South-West Nigeria. A cross sectional survey design was conducted among 380 men selected from sub-urban communities in Ibadan, Oyo State using multi-stage sampling. Data was obtained using pre-tested, semi-structured, interviewer administered questionnaires. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis and logistic regression with level of significance set at 5%. Mean age of respondents was 41.1 ± 7.6 years. Men who were knowledgeable of spouse‟s menstrual cycles and ovulation dates were significantly more likely to have supported some form of public health intervention before (p<0.001). Age over 30, above secondary education, and men aware of menstrual dates of spouse were significant predictors of reproductive health interventions. Men who were aware of menstrual cycles of spouse were 96.6% more likely to be supportive or involved in reproductive health matters compared to those who were not (OR =0.034; 95% CI = 0.02 - 0.07; p<0.001). Involvement of men at family level as demonstrated in this study serves to influence and explain the level of involvement with reproductive health. Further research investigating other proximal factors that influence male participation is recommended.Keywords: reproductive health, health disparities, male involvement, menstrual cycle, ovulatory cycles, fertilit

    Cowpea viruses: Effect of single and mixed infections on symptomatology and virus concentration

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    Natural multiple viral infections of cultivated cowpeas have been reported in Nigeria. In this study, three Nigerian commercial cowpea cultivars ("Olo 11", "Oloyin" and "White") and two lines from the IITA (IT86D- 719 and TVU 76) were mechanically inoculated with Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus (CABMV), Bean southern mosaic virus (SBMV) and Cowpea mottle virus (CMeV) singly, as well as in all possible combinations at 10, 20 and 30 days after planting (DAP). Samples of leaves or stems were collected at 10, 20 and 30 days after inoculation (DAI) and analyzed for relative virus concentration by Enzyme-Linked Immunosrbent Assay. All the cultivars and lines {CVS/L} were susceptible to the viruses but the commercial CVS showed more severe symptoms and had relatively higher viral concentration. In single virus infections, CABMV which induced the most severe symptoms had absorbance values (at 405 nm) of 0.11 to 0.46 while SBMV and CMeV which induced moderate symptoms had virus titre of 0.74 to 1.99 and 0.11 to 0.90 respectively. Plants inoculated 10 DAP had significantly higher virus concentration than those inoculated 30 DAP. In mixed infections involving CABMV (10 DAP) apical necrosis and death were observed in commercial cultivars "Olo 11" and "White". Enhancement of CMeV titers were observed in plants infected with CMeV + CABMV. Multiple viral infections of cowpeas may result in complete yield loss, hence, the availability of seeds of cultivars with a high level of multiple virus resistance is recommended as a means of control


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    The COVID - 19 pandemic is currently causing authorities and public health officials more concern. The goal of the project is to convert a deterministic model for COVID-19 transmissions to a stochastic model, and then analyze the results to see how media-driven awareness campaigns have an impact on the disease's spread. The dynamic COVID-19 model was converted to a stochastic model, which was then examined. The model includes the following categories: Susceptible (S), Exposed (E), Infected class (I),  Isolated class ( ), Aware class  and Recovered class (R), as well as the Cumulative density of awareness programs by media denoted by   . With the help of MATLAB, the converted model is then numerically solved using the Eula Maruyama approach, allowing the existence and uniqueness of the model to be examined. The implementation of awareness programs has been found to have a significant positive impact on the spread of COVID-19. As the rate of implementation of these programs rises, the population that is exposed to the virus and those who are infected with it declines, and it has been hypothesized that this will eventually cause COVID-19 to become extinct. According to the report, putting awareness campaigns into place can help stop the COVID-19 epidemic from spreading

    Household Level Factors Responsible for Gender Poverty Among Cassava Farmers in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State

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    Poverty is multidimensional, enduring and is prevailing not only globally, but also particular cultural, political and economic features of a specific country increasing it. The gulf between haves and have-nots has lingered. Gender disparities, inequality, spatial dimensions, political instability, week institutions and lack of spiritual capital causes the poverty. The objective of this study was to examine the determinants of poverty among cassava producing households by gender of household heads in Odeda local government area of Ogun state. A total of 120 cassava farming household comprising of 76 male headed households and 46 female headed households were interviewed using structured questionnaire, in obtaining information from them. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between the household size and poverty status for both the female headed households and male headed households and also the age of the household head has a negative relationship with the poverty status of the female household while farm experience and off farm activities were negatively related to the poverty status among the male household. Also, it was found out that neither of the households dominates one another in the poverty analysis. It was concluded that the household size of both the male and female households is an important determinant of poverty status as it was significant to the poverty status of the respondents.&nbsp

    Antihypertensive properties of aqueous extracts of vegetable leaf-fortified bread after oral administration to spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    This study investigated the potential cardiovascular health benefits of leavened bread produced from wheat flour that contained 1%, 2% and 3% additions of leafy vegetable powders obtained from Amaranthus viridis (AO), Solanum macrocarpon (SM) or Telfairia occidentalis (TO). Vegetable leaves were harvested from the MicroVeg Project (Nigeria). See [http://hdl.handle.net/10625/58583]. Leafy vegetables are very rich sources of phytochemicals, especially polyphenols that can contribute to improved human health. Oral administration of 100 mg dried extract/kg body weight to hypertensive rats led to reductions (up to 42 mmHg) in systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure

    Enhancing the Low Adoption Rate of M‐commerce in Nigeria Through YorĂčbĂĄ Voice Technology

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    There has been claims and reports that 70% of m‐commerce in Nigeria failed due to non‐interactive, non‐responsive and non‐interesting platform. Despite the popularity and growth of m‐commerce globally, developing countries like Nigeria seems to be lagging behind and at the same time, many mcommerce sites have been reported to close down due to unprofitability. The key factors that contribute to this failure are health, literacy e‐literacy language and accessibility barrier. All these key factors are formidable barriers to adoption of m‐commerce in Nigeria and have discouraged most people from fully adopting m‐commerce. Hence, this work explored a YorĂčbĂĄ voice‐based m‐commerce system to enhance smooth m‐commerce operations and at the same time, enhance the low adoption rate of mcommerce users. This work was able to discover a foundation for advancing the current growing trends of m‐commerce making them sustainable which is also applicable to e‐commerce or any e‐platforms
