62 research outputs found

    Zooplankton variation in relation to hydrology in an enclosed hypoxic bay (Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece)

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    This study investigated the temporal and spatial variation of the zooplankton community of a hypoxic coastal embayment (Amvrakikos Gulf, western Greece) in relation to hydrological characteristics during an annual cycle. The main hydrological feature was the prolonged water stratification, which determined hypoxic conditions in the deeper layers that became anoxic close to the bottom in September, while vertical mixing occurred for a very short period (October-November). The total zooplankton abundance fluctuated between 44.6 and 159.7 ind l-1. Fourteen groups were recorded, among which copepods dominated accounting on average for 86.4 %. Most of the groups presented higher abundance values in winter and spring when increased chlorophyll-α concentrations were found. Oxygen depletion affects the vertical distribution of most zooplankton groups and the vertical habitat partitioning between copepod orders and their ontogenetic stages. Several taxa were recorded even in the deep, anoxic layers, but only the polychaete larvae increased in abundance with depth. Calanoids, appendicularians and bivalve larvae presented eastward decrease of abundance in the deepest layers following the same pattern of oxygen decrease. Notwithstanding hypoxic conditions in its deepest layers, Amvrakikos Gulf was accounted for a mesotrophic ecosystem, with the nutrient concentration being lower than in the past. Several biotic elements indicate that the gulf is in a transitional phase towards a better quality state and these results reinforce the need for consistent monitoring of this ecosystem

    Spatial and temporal distribution of mesozooplankton in the coastal waters of Cyprus (Eastern Mediterranean)

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    This study provides elements on the spatial and temporal mesozooplankton variability during a three-year study, encompassing vertical hauls from 50 m deep to the surface from four coastal locations of Cyprus. The total mesozooplankton abundance fluctuated between 190.4 and 882.5 individuals m-3. A total of 90 holoplanktonic and meroplanktonic taxa were recorded. Copepods dominated in the community and accounted for 71.7% of the total mesozooplankton, followed by appendicularians, molluscs, cladocerans, and siphonophores, which contributed 8.04%, 5.48%, 4.60%, and 3.31%, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences among the four sampling sites for any of the mesozooplanktonic taxa, though seasonal and interannual differences were recorded for several of them. The community composition reinforced the evidence for a higher resemblance of the Cyprus mesozooplankton to the offshore communities of the northern and central Levantine Sea and those around Rhodes Island, instead of the northeastern Mediterranean coastal areas. Comparisons of the seasonal abundance variation of the mesozooplankton taxa with other coastal areas of the Levantine Sea are provided. Considering the seasonality of the mesozooplankton, there was a separation of the taxa into distinct groups representing the summer, the winter-spring, and the autumn periods. Temperature was the most important variable that shaped the formation of the distinct seasonal groups of taxa, while chlorophyll-α, dissolved oxygen, and salinity contributed to a lesser extent. Chlorophyll-α concentrations verified the oligotrophic character of the area and seem to be unaffected by inland inputs. The mesozooplankton community showed a spatial consistency, probably as the result of the open sea influence, and seems to be regulated mainly by the properties of the central Levantine pelagic waters and less by terrestrial inputs of inland waters

    The individual and combined effects of obesity- and ageing-induced systemic inflammation on human skeletal muscle properties.

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, elevated with increased fat mass and ageing, were associated with muscle properties in young and older people with variable adiposity. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Seventy-five young (18-49 yrs) and 67 older (50-80 yrs) healthy, untrained men and women (BMI: 17-49 kg/m(2)) performed isometric and isokinetic plantar flexor maximum voluntary contractions (MVCs). Volume (Vm), fascicle pennation angle (FPA), and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle were measured using ultrasonography. Voluntary muscle activation (VA) was assessed using electrical stimulation. GM specific force was calculated as GM fascicle force/PCSA. Percentage body fat (BF%), body fat mass (BFM), and lean mass (BLM) were assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Serum concentration of 12 cytokines was measured using multiplex luminometry. RESULTS: Despite greater Vm, FPA, and PCSA (P0.05), while IL-8 correlated with VA in older but not young adults (r⩾0.378, P⩽0.027). TNF-alpha correlated with MVC, lean mass, GM FPA and maximum force in older adults (r⩾0.458; P⩽0.048). CONCLUSIONS: The age- and adiposity-dependent relationships found here provide evidence that circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines may play different roles in muscle remodelling according to the age and adiposity of the individual.International Journal of Obesity accepted article preview online, 29 August 2016. doi:10.1038/ijo.2016.151

    Body composition in young female eating-disorder patients with severe weight loss and controls: evidence from the four-component model and evaluation of DXA

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    BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Whether fat-free mass (FFM) and its components are depleted in eating-disorder (ED) patients is uncertain. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is widely used to assess body composition in pediatric ED patients; however, its accuracy in underweight populations remains unknown. We aimed (1) to assess body composition of young females with ED involving substantial weight loss, relative to healthy controls using the four-component (4C) model, and (2) to explore the validity of DXA body composition assessment in ED patients. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Body composition of 13 females with ED and 117 controls, aged 10-18 years, was investigated using the 4C model. Accuracy of DXA for estimation of FFM and fat mass (FM) was tested using the approach of Bland and Altman. RESULTS: Adjusting for age, height and pubertal stage, ED patients had significantly lower whole-body FM, FFM, protein mass (PM) and mineral mass (MM) compared with controls. Trunk and limb FM and limb lean soft tissue were significantly lower in ED patients. However, no significant difference in the hydration of FFM was detected. Compared with the 4C model, DXA overestimated FM by 5 +/- 36% and underestimated FFM by 1 +/- 9% in ED patients. CONCLUSION: Our study confirms that ED patients are depleted not only in FM but also in FFM, PM and MM. DXA has limitations for estimating body composition in individual young female ED patients

    Zooplankton community dynamics and environmental factors in Lake Ozeros (Greece)

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    A one year investigation of the zooplankton community composition and dynamics in Lake Οzeros (western Greece) revealed 25 invertebrate species (16 rotifers, three copepods, five cladocerans and one mollusc larva). The mean zooplankton abundance fluctuated between 59.4 to 818 ind l-1, having maximum values in spring. The species composition and seasonal variation do not differentiate Lake Ozeros from the nearby lakes. The presence of the dominant calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus drieschi and some of the rotifer species recorded are characteristics of either oligo- or eutrophic lakes. According to the trophic state index (TSI) Lake Ozeros is a meso-eutrophic ecosystem, in which the eutrophic character was possibly the result of the high charge with phosphorus (being raised by 28.9 % in comparison to previous decades), which came into the lake via the surrounding agricultural cultivations and mainly the pig-raising activities. In contrast, the concentrations of ΝΟ3, ΝΟ2 and NH4 have considerably decreased possibly due to the termination of the tobacco cultivations around the lake during the last years. The novel information on the abiotic and especially the biotic elements of Lake Ozeros provided by the present study can contribute to the effective management of this aquatic ecosystem in the future