463 research outputs found

    農地再分配政策、公的農業普及活動、社会学習がもたらす技術普及と農業生産性への効果: エチオピア農村の事例

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    政策分析プログラム / Policy Analysis Program政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: 松本 朋哉 (主査), 大塚 啓二郎, 山内 慎子, 園部 哲史, 木島 陽子 (筑波大学 准教授

    Phosphorus Critical Level and Optimum Nitrogen Rate Determination on Teff for Sustainable Soil Fertility Management and Economical Teff Production at Lume Area of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    Nutrient management is fundamental activity of the grower for crop production and productivity increments on different soil types. Accordingly, soil test based teff  response P fertilizer calibration study  was made from 2010-2012 at Lume district on eutric vertisol,  because soil nutrient calibration study is pertinent to increase the use efficiency of inorganic fertilizer like DAP and Urea. The objective of the experiment was to determine economically optimum N, and to determine Phosphorus critical (Pc) and Phosphorus requirement factor for teff at Lume district. The experiment were contained factorial combination of four  levels of N (0, 46, 92 and 138 Kg ha-1) and P (0, 23, 46 and 92 Kg ha-1) chemical fertilizer laid out in randomized complete block design with two replications that had 40m2 plot area for each. After 21 days intensive soil samples were collected from each plot for the determination of available P in ppm.  Plant height, biomass and grain yield data were collected from 9m2. The collected data were subjected to two way factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedures of SAS (SAS, 2001). Comparison of treatment means was performed using Fisher’s Least Significant Difference test at P < 0.05 probability level.  The application of N indicated that significant difference between plant height, biomass and grain yield teff. However the application of P was not significant on plant height, straw yield and grain yield at Lume. The interaction effect of N and P application was not significant to grain yield, plant height and straw yield correlation.  Furthermore, the study was revealed that phosphorus critical (Pc) point for teff was 13, and phosphorus requirement factor was also 3.65. In addition, a partial budget analysis made using the annual average teff grains prices showed 46 kg ha-1 gave a marginal rate of return of 271.95%, which are above acceptable minimum rate of return. Keywords: Calibration, P- critical, P- requirement factor, partial budget, Acceptable minimum rate of return

    Assessment of Utilization of Health Information and Associated Factors at District Level in East Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional State, West Ethiopia

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    Background: Health Information System in low income countries at all level has an important role to support Ministries of Health and other government agencies for informed decision making at all level. However, its utilization is a challenging task currently confronted by countries throughout the developing world in general and Ethiopia in particular. The main objective of this study was to assess the utilization of health information at district level in East Wollega Zone. Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study with quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted in nine randomly selected districts in east Wollega zone from March 1 to April 15, 2015.  Data were collected using semi structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Both bivariate and multivariate methods of data analysis used to determine the predictors. Results: All of the respondents had training on Health Management Information System, only 36 (11.8%) had in service training.  Based on the criteria 140(45.8%) were not utilized Health Information system, 202 (66.0%) of them utilized Health Information system to prepare plan of action. The independent predictors affecting utilization of Health Information were feedback from respective supervisor [AOR=14.5(6.9-30.3)], types of the decision [AOR= 3.9(1.9-7.8)] and, type of the organization [AOR= 3.5(1.5-8.1)]. The proportion quarterly completeness & timeliness of report were 86% and 89% respectively however data accuracy were not 100% maintained as per guideline. Conclusion and Recommendation: The utilization rate of Health Information at district level in east Wollega zone was found to be very low and training on HMIS was not adequate to implement the new system in line with Health Management Information System standard. Efforts should be made by the Zonal health department to strengthen supportive supervision at all levels and ensure availability of standard reporting formats& registers to maximize the utilization of Health Information. Keywords: Utilization, health information syste

    Trainees' application of authentic materials in task-based approach in an EFL context: second year English major in focus at Jimma teachers college

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the trainees' application of authentic materials in task-based approach in an EFL context in Jimma Teachers' College. Descriptive survey design, which involved both quantitative and qualitative techniques of data collection and analysis, was employed in the study to achieve the research goals. All of the population which means (N=39), 19 male and 20 female second year English major trainees, and all six instructors taken as the participant of the study. Questionnaires (for both trainees and instructors) and content analysis data collection instruments were used and analyzed using quantitative descriptive statistics. The overall .finding of this study revealed that, teacher trainees were moderately familiar with the application of authentic materials. However, the sizable proportion value of teacher trainees' and instructors perception on the application of authentic readings, authentic audio, authentic visual, authentic electronic and realia in taskbased approach result showed that, the grand mean value to be (M- 2.13). This value indicated their perception to a lesser extent or never learned in their communicative English (Enla-l02) through these materials. Therefore trainees found to incorporate authentic materials into their task-based approach in an EFL context as a tool to improve their capacity EFL learning. Finally, this study recommended all of EFL trainees and instructors should maximize their capacity on how to incorporate authentic materials in task-based approach in an EFL context. Other researchers also have to investigate their research on the application of authentic materials in the present or an informed approach in task-based approach in an EFL context in a larger scale to get a wider and deeper in the research area.Jimma Universit

    Role of Forest-Farm Interface Landscape Management Practices on Rural Households Livelihood: The Case of Gurafarda and Arsi-Negele District, Southern Ethiopia

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    In the Ethiopian context, forest-farm interface landscapes are areas created through encroachment, officially unclassified as either forest or agricultural lands, found under intensive economic activities (crop farming, grazing, and forest products exploitation) possibly un-sustainably by those without defined legal entitlement. As far as viewed, there are no adequate site specific empirical studies on use and management of forest and trees in an agricultural landscape in relation to local livelihoods and agricultural production in Ethiopia. Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to assess and document existing forest and on farm tree management practices livelihood contribution for rural small holder communities found at the forest-farm interface integrated landscape mosaics in Guraferda and Arsi Negele district.Data was collected using household survey taking a total of 218 randomly selected households from the two districts. The two study sites from each district were selected on the extent of deforestation i.e high deforestation and low deforestation sites. The data were analyzed using appropriate descriptive statistics and chi-square test. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analyzing demographic and different socioeconomic characteristics of sample households. The comparisons of different households’ characteristics between the two contrasting sites were done using inferential statistics with χ2-test and t-test.The results of the study revealed that there is high forest product extraction and minimum forest management in high deforestation sites, while high crop and livestock production is low for low deforestation sites. In all sites of the study districts, the income share of activities in decreasing order  were crop, livestock , forest, and non-farm activity, However, comparatively, there is a significant difference in share of forest income 30%(218) and 13%(218) at p=0.000 in nearest zone to forest  and further zone, respectively. In addition to this, share of crop income 33 %(218) and 58%(218) at p=0.000 in nearest zone to forest  and further zone, respectively. In both districts there should be up dated policy intervention and better land use planning regarding forest resource conservation. Keywords: livelihood assets, rural household income, forest income, dependence on forest income

    Evaluation of the Effect of Salt Affected Soil on Selected Hydraulic Properties of Soils in Meki Ogolcha Area in East Showa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    Saturated hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rate measurement was made on soils irrigated by water from three sources and rain fed cultivated field to determine effect of soil salinity on hydraulic conductivity. Accordingly, surface and sub surface layers of field 1 and surface layers of field 3 and 4 were classified into low infiltration rate where as the surface and sub surface layers of field 2 were classified into medium infiltration rate. On the other hand, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of all layers of P1 were grouped into moderate permeability classes with some variation in value. The layers 1 and 2 of P2 were grouped into moderately rapid class whereas, layers 3 and 4 were grouped in to moderately slow class. Hence, the study result indicated that with similar sand and clay content in respective layers of profile 1 and 2, the permeability relatively reduces as alkalinity increases. Keywords: Salt affected soil, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, infiltration rat

    Morphological, Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Responses of Wheat vs Drought Stresses: A Review

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    Drought stress is becoming a serious challenge for international food security. Prevailing climate change, complex nature of genetic response to drought and multifaceted character of drought-associated traits make drought more pronounced. Drought severely impairs plant growth and development, production and performance of crop plants. It causes significant yield reduction and brings shrinkage of farmlands compared to other abiotic factors. Worldwide, wheat is the most important food crop contributing one fifth of total dietary calories and proteins. However, recurrent drought associated with climate change is among the principal constraints to global productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and T. durum L.). Based on genetic variability within and among wheat species, there is morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular attributes against water stress. This review illustrates, change in these attributes in wheat and functional genomics through transgenic wheat as drought tolerance mechanisms in wheat. Potential challenges and associated opportunities in drought tolerance development in wheat are also highlighted. Keywords: Climate change, drought tolerance, genetic variability, transgenic wheat

    Determinants of smallholder farmers’ participation in sesame production: Evidence from Diga, Ethiopia

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    Considering that agriculture remains a key sector in Ethiopia, commercialization of the sector necessitates improving participation of smallholder farmers in markets, hence improving their incomes and livelihoods. Promoting smallholder commercialization through cash crop production is one avenue of such efforts. The main argument for smallholder commercialization through cash crop production is that it can allow households to increase their income directly. Sesame in Ethiopia can be taken as a good example in this regard. Although Diga has a potential land and the area is among the few areas which are agro-ecologically suitable for sesame production and productivity in the country, smallholder farmers are not participating actively in its production (constrained by a number of factors). This study assesses factors determining smallholders’ participation in sesame production in Diga, West Ethiopia. Using structured questionnaires, the data was collected from a random sample of 120 smallholder farmers and analysed by using a double hurdle approach. After all, this study highlighted that access to credit, farm landholding size, family labour, household assets (oxen, donkey), access to family food for the whole year and proximity to extension service centres significantly influence smallholders’ decision probability of participating in sesame production. On the other hand, access to credit, number of oxen owned and number of active family labour significantly determine the level of smallholders’ participation in sesame production. The implication is that production potential due to favourable agro-ecological condition is necessary but not sufficient for smallholder farmers to participation in sesame production. Indicating household specific and institutional factors also influence their decision. Thus, if active participation of smallholder farmer is required in the field, institutional innovations should be developed and strengthened—in a way to involve all smallholder farmers

    Assessing Existing Forest and on Farm Tree Management Practices and Its Livelihood Contribution for Rural Small Holder Communities Found at the Forest-Farm Interface Integrated Landscape Mosaics in Ethiopia

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    In the Ethiopian context, forest-farm interface landscapes are areas created through encroachment, officially unclassified as either forest or agricultural lands, found under intensive economic activities (crop farming, grazing, and forest products exploitation) possibly un-sustainably by those without defined legal entitlement. As far as viewed, there are no adequate site specific empirical studies on use and management of forest and trees in an agricultural landscape in relation to local livelihoods and agricultural production in Ethiopia. Therefore, the overall objective of this study was to assess and document existing forest and on farm tree management practices and its livelihood contribution for rural small holder communities found at the forest-farm interface integrated landscape mosaics in Guraferda and Arsi Negele district. Data was collected using household survey taking a total of 218 randomly selected households from the two districts. The two study sites from each district were selected on the extent of deforestation i.e high deforestation and low deforestation sites. The data were analyzed using appropriate descriptive statistics and chi-square test. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analyzing demographic and different socioeconomic characteristics of sample households. The comparisons of different households’ characteristics between the two contrasting sites were done using inferential statistics with χ2-test and t-test.The results of the study revealed that there is high forest product extraction and minimum forest management in high deforestation sites, while high crop and livestock production in low for low deforestation sites.The result confirms that there is a negative impact of high forest extraction on forest management and cover. this work has identified key drivers of deforestation like settelement programs, agricultural expansion and large scale investments or commercial farming. The study also assesses communities’ forest cover maintenance mechanisms.In both districts there should be up dated policy intervention and better land use planning regarding forest resource conservation. Keywords: forest extraction, forest management, deforestation